#ineffable lovers



I indulged myself

Ok first this is goddamn adorable.

Second, I woke up today with the urge to write plotless fluff about the two of these ineffable cuties just cuddling so I assume there must be something in the air.


Look I am firmly in the I don’t care if they kiss or not camp, but can you just fucking imagine if there is an Aziraphale/Crowley kiss and every interviewer asks Michael Sheen how it was to kiss David? Like, that would be such an insanely feral press tour. I can’t even imagine. People would live and die in the looks Michael Sheen would give before answering that question.

Literally the first press tour, but turned up to 11. And Michael fiercely biting his tongue in an attempt not to reveal that that wasn’t the first time he’s kissed David…

(Putting this in a separate post, because I think it deserves its own. Original post is here, for those who are interested.)

Ever since watching OFMD, I’ve been thinking more and more about an Aziraphale/Crowley kiss in season two of GO. Whether it plays out the way I wrote it in my other post or not, it increasingly is something I really do want, and here is why. In the first season of GO, there was a sex scene between Newt and Anathema, and it was completely unnecessary. It added nothing to the plot, and was over the top to the point of being cartoonish. It was another in a long line of straight sex scenes that are in everything, everywhere, and nobody thought twice about it because it was between a man and a woman.

That is what I want for Aziraphale and Crowley. I don’t want it to be something extraordinary or special that two man-shaped beings would kiss. I want it to be remarkable because it is so unremarkable, because of course this angel and this demon love each other, of course they are together, and there is nothing that anyone can question about it.

It’s why having Aziraphale and Crowley say what they feel out loud matters so much. It’s why they don’t even need a sex scene, but just one kiss would mean the whole world. We live in a society that denigrates and dismisses queer affection in so many forms, but making Aziraphale and Crowley’s connection overt and undeniable would be the start of something, and would hopefully open the door to all the different ways there are to show queer love.

I also think more and more that Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship being pushed to the place that it was in season one was because of Michael and David. As much as I love Neil, it’s become clear that he was operating within heteronormative parameters, and a relationship like Aziraphale and Crowley’s was something he doesn’t have a personal reference point for. But it was Michael and David who made that relationship what it was. Michael and David whose chemistry and acting and the connection they developed that made it impossible to deny that there is something between them. So even if Neil wasn’t prepared to take the relationship there, Michael and David brought it there all by themselves.

When I think of GO season 2, I can’t help but think of that chemistry, and how foolish it would be of Neil to see that chemistry between Michael and David and not do anything with it. I think he also very well knows by now that no matter what he writes–or doesn’t–Michael is going to gay it up to the 5000th power, and David will happily join him every step of the way, because that is who they are. Maybe they even got to have a little bit more say in the direction of things this time around, and maybe not…but regardless, I have hope.

Hope that things will be different this time.

Hope that Neil will use the powerful chemistry between Michael and David wisely, and won’t let everything that is  between them go to waste. For the characters’ sake, and theirs.

Hope that the “extraordinary” idea of two men/man-shaped beings kissing  on screen will become completely and utterly ordinary, something no one  thinks twice about because that’s just what two people who love each other do.  

mizgnomer:Celebrating 32 years of Good Omens with these two lovely gentlemen - David Tennant and Mic


Celebrating 32 years of Good Omens with these two lovely gentlemen - David Tennant and Michael Sheen promoting Good Omens at New York Comic Con in 2018

for Tennant Tuesday (or whatever day this post finds you)

Happy Good Omens Day!

The way my brain still sees them as holding hands in this picture three years later says it all. Happy Good Omens Day, boys…

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Aziraphale: Crowley, Dear, imagine a biblical themed restaurant called the ‘Garden of Eatin’

Crowley: One of the menu items should be ‘the forbidden fruit’ so when anyone orders it, they get thrown out

Aziraphale: Crowley, my dear, no-

Inktober day 7- “Enchanted”

because tbh every time Crowley looks at Aziraphale he looks enchanted af

Día 144 de 365

Mi realidad

Últimamente estás tan presente en mis sueños, que despierto e inicio a buscarte, al instante me golpea fuertemente la realidad y recuerdo que tu ya no estás; pero mis necias ganas de encontrarte, me dicen que busque por si dejaste un mensaje y el nudo en la garganta, el agujero en el pecho y la lágrima salada, resbalan por mi mejía, al darme cuenta de la realidad y es que realmente ya no estás.

 Aziraphale slammed him face-first against the wall, one hand fisted into his hair, yanking Crawly’s

Aziraphale slammed him face-first against the wall, one hand fisted into his hair, yanking Crawly’s head back, exposing his elegant long throat, then clamped the other hand over his mouth. Pearl white wings wrapped around from either side, hemming him in.

Just did an art for @scrapheapchallenge fanfic “The garden of Earthly delights” on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/34434928

In fact, that’s not the first one)

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 Almighty has an ineffable sense of humour: Demon and Angel in Dinosaur Park in London. Sun shines o

Almighty has an ineffable sense of humour: Demon and Angel in Dinosaur Park in London. Sun shines over Crowley’s head like a halo.

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I’m surprised there’s not a ‘Gay Subtext’ Netflix category.
