#yuta imagines



“hey,” you utter softly. “i’ve missed you.”yuta’sgaze is tired yet gentle as he breaks into a small smile when he sees you, standing in the doorway of your shared apartment. he takes your hand gently and entangles his finger in yours, his jacket hangs loosely off his shoulders as he pulls you closer to him.

“i’ve missed you too.” he whispers at you, placing a delicate kiss to your cheek. though the kiss feels less warm than it used too. you look up at him, meeting his tender eyes, and smile shyly. yuta’seyes never meet yours and your smile never seems full-hearted. you both notice that but it seems you’re both too scared to tell each other.

his grip around your fingers feels less loving than it usually does, but it has a for a while now and you try to pretend it still does. he notices every time you kiss him on the lips, you never lean in fully like you used to before but yutastill grins back at you as if you had just kissed for the first time though his eyes always give it away.

it hurt to see this happen, you and yutaknew it. but there was a part deep inside both of you that was hoping that this was only temporary and that everything would go back to normal. it was probably a stupid choice that you and yuta choose to believe, normal felt so far from where you were right now. but maybe, it truly would go back to the way it was like once before.

summary:where the blind date goes as planned, except for one thing - the man. based on thispost. 

pairing:yuta x reader

genre:blind date! au, fluff


Of course, this was what would happen. You buried your face in your hands and sighed. Your parents had set you up on a blind date, insisting that you needed a boyfriend in your life to get it together. You just couldn’t find the heart in you to say no to them. You had gotten your makeup nicely done and your hair blow dried, curled as close to perfection as you could.

“Excuse me, but are you ready to order yet?” The waitress sent you a knowing smile, as if she knew the answer already. She had been asking the same question for the past hour. You looked up from your position and shook your head, smiling politely at her.

“Give me a few more minutes, please,” she nodded and turned around.

The date was set in a restaurant at 6:30, and you arrived five minutes before the time. However, your date was nowhere to be seen. At first you thought he would be late, but it was 7:42 and you were worried he stood you up. The people at the surrounding tables were sending you apologetic looks, making you feel worse about yourself. You probably looked pathetic to them.

Fifteen more minutes, you promised yourself, I’ll give him fifteen more minutes.

It was 7:58 and you couldn’t have felt worse for yourself than you were at the moment. You had probably retouched on your makeup eight times at this point and dug a hole at the bottom of your seat from your incessant foot tapping. The waitress approached you again, and you sent a sorry smile to her.

“Excuse me, miss, but if you haven’t ordered yet, we’re going to have to ask you to leave.”

You bit your bottom lip, nodding at her, “Alright, thank you. I’m sorry.”

You shoved your phone to your purse and stood up, fixing the ends of your dress. At that very moment, however, a man who you’ve never seen before pulled down the chair in front of you and sat down.

“Sorry I’m so late, babe, traffic was crazy,” he explained loudly, voice lowering in volume as he leant across the table closer to you, “I’m Yuta. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn’t bother to show up is a dick.”

“I-“ you hesitated. He surely wasn’t your supposed date, but he was being sweet and saved you from further embarrassment. Slowly, you sat back down and looked at the waitress, “I’m really sorry, but can you give us another five minutes to order?”

“Of course,” she handed Yuta the menu, nodding politely and backing away.

“I’m (Y/N),” you quietly stated, observing the way Yuta opened the menu and pondered over the choices. You couldn’t deny the fact that he was one of the most attractive people you had met, “You don’t have to do this, you know.”

“It’s fine. I got stood up too, you know. I should never trust those online dating apps,” he quipped, looking up at you from the menu with a bright smile that made your heart flutter a little. He snapped the menu closed, “Are you ready to order?”

You let out a small snort, “Please. I’ve been spending the last one and half hour deciding whether to get the smoked trout or grilled chicken.”

After ordering and waiting for your food to arrive, you decided to give Yuta an honest chance. Honestly, you came here for a date, and even if it wasn’t with who you expected, a date was a date, right? He was a naturally bright person, and you found it easy to be comfortable around him. Conversation between the two of you flowed naturally, and the both of you tried to get closer to the other by listing off random facts about yourselves and playing 20 questions.

You found out that he was Japanese and from Osaka, and you managed to surprise him for a moment by responding to his next question in Japanese.

“You speak Japanese?” His eyes lit up instantly, and you had to physically force yourself to suppress the smile that threatened to spill out from your lips at his cuteness.

“I’m not that fluent though,” you laughed a little, yet he wasn’t discouraged in the slightest bit.

“You’re doing great, really! You speak like a native,” it was like he turned to a small child. It was understandable, considering the fact that he probably missed his home country, but it still was very amusing to watch.

Your food arrived and you both ate in active conversation. He was obviously more comfortable when he spoke in his native language, and you found it one of the cutest things you had ever seen. Both of you talked about your hobbies and things you were passionate about.

Yuta listened dutifully to what you had to say about your day or a certain coworker of yours that always seemed to piss you off, and he talked to you about his work as a dance instructor in a dance studio he ran with a rowdy group of boys he called his family. You lent an ear as he talked about the boy who was so attractive he turned heads, the boy who was so hardworking he tried to learn all the dances and fit in as many concepts as he could and the gentle boy who excelled at chinese dance.

To be honest, you quite dreaded when the date would end. You were having fun with Nakamoto Yuta and leaving the place would most likely mean you would never see him again. Alas, both of your food was finished and your plates had been taken away from your tables.

“Your bill,” the waitress set down the check in the center of the table. You pulled out your wallet from your purse and was about to set down your card on it before Yuta stopped you.

“Hey, I got this,” he said, putting his own card on the check and giving it to the waitress, “Besides, you got stood up by that douche of a guy. You deserve it.”

“Hey, you got stood up too, you know,” you mentioned with a teasing smile. He shrugged it off.

“Come on, the guy should pay during dates. You know that, right?” He sent you a wink. You had to pinch yourself to control the onslaught of color on your cheeks. It was a cliché move played tons of times in movies and books, yet you couldn’t stop the blush rising on your cheeks.

“You know, I never got the chance to say thank you.”

“This suspiciously sounds like a corny line in those dramatic action movies right before the main character is about to die,” he sent you an impish grin, and you rolled your eyes playfully.

“Really – thanks for tonight. It’s honestly one of the best dates I’ve ever been on,” you said earnestly.

“It’s been one of mine, too,” he suddenly feel silent, a small dusting of pink coming over his cheeks. One of his hands went up to rub against the nape of his neck, and you had to physically stop yourself from squealing from cuteness right then and there, “U-Uh, if you don’t mind, can I – maybe, get your number, you know, for scientific purposes?”

“If it’s for the importance of science, it’s only fair that I get yours too,” you swapped phones with him, handing it back to him after you had punched in your number.  

“Say, are you free next Saturday?” Your head snapped up to look at him in shock, and he immediately retracted the question, “I mean – if you don’t want to, then it’s totally chill-“

“No, no, I was just surprised, that’s all,” you laughed lightly, “After all, who’d expect a totally cute guy to save me from getting stood up and end up with another date at the end of it all?”

“So you think I’m totally cute?” He smiled teasingly at you.

You stuck your tongue out at him, “That wasn’t my point, Yuta -“

“But it was what you were saying!”

“- but I am free next Saturday.”

“Great,” he smiled a million-watt smile at you, and the both of you stood up to leave, walking to the exit together, “We’ll talk more about it over text?”

“We will,” you smiled up at him, suddenly aware of the height difference.

He almost towered over you, but you stood on the tips of your toes to give him a small peck on the cheek before walking off to your car and waving goodbye to a stunned Yuta.

“I’ll see you next week then, Nakamoto Yuta!”

It wasn’t until you were halfway home did a text notification pop up in your screen. You pulled over and opened it, only to see that it was from Yuta.

“For the record, I think you’re totally cute, too.”

cr. gif not mine unless stated!

Yuta and Y/n are driving home after having dinner with Y/n friends. While the evening went perfectly there is one downside to the night. Y/n lost the bet they had going with Yuta. 

Part of the long term couples series. 

           Glancing down at your fingers that are laced with Yuta’s a small smile forms on your face. The two of you were driving back to your place after having dinner with your friends. The evening had gone better than you had expected. You should have known that it would. Yuta was easy to like, and your friends were amazing. It shouldn’t have surprised you that they hit it off right away. They got along so well that a part of you wished that you would have told him sooner that you wanted to take things to the next level. Then the two of you could have been going on group dates like this for weeks now instead of this being the first one.

           “I like your friends. They’re funny,” Yuta voice pulls you out of your thoughts and you look up at his side profile. His hair is grown out and red now. Today he has it tied up in a half ponytail and with the earrings covering his ears he looks like your dream anime character.

           “Good, they loved you. They keep messaging about you and how they want to hang out with you again.” You tell him giving his hand a squeeze before leaning over to kiss his cheek. The side of Yuta’s mouth twitches up letting you know he liked the kiss.

           “At the risk of ruining this very romantic moment I do have to tell you something,” tilting your head to the side you furrow your brows wondering what could possibly ruin this moment.

           “Okay…” you hedge.

           “I just want to point out that I win!” Brags Yuta and for a moment you blink at him in confusion until it dawns on you. Pulling your hand out of Yuta’s you cross your arms over your chest.

           “That shouldn’t count! It’s not my fault my friends ratted me out,” you complain. Yuta body shakes in silent laugher causing you to narrow your eyes at him.

           “If you want to spend the night, I suggest you stop laughing right now.” The threat has no heat behind it. Yuta and you both know that there was no way you would spend the night apart. Not after weeks of not seeing each other.  

           “Whatever you say Y/n!” Chuckles Yuta.

           You grumble for a few more seconds before reaching back out for Yuta’s hand. He laces his fingers back with yours before raising your hand to his mouth to give the back of your hand a kiss before settling your hands in his lap. You look out the window watching the city night pass you by.

           “Since you know what I do for a living now are you going to tell me what you do?” You feel Yuta stiffen, looking over at him you notice that he looks almost worried about answering your question. “You know I don’t care what you do, unless your like in the mafia then we might have to talk about that one.”

           Yuta relaxes a little and shakes his head no at the mafia comment. He still doesn’t answer you and you start to worry about what his job actually is. What if it is something illegal? You have been with him for months now and for all you know he’s selling peoples kidneys on the black market.

           “Is it bad?” You hedge.

           “No, it’s not bad it’s just… I am a little worried about your reaction. I shouldn’t be it’s silly that I am.” Yuta admits.

           “It’s okay to be worried.” You assure him. Nodding his head Yuta takes a deep breath before blurting out his career.

           “I’m an idol.” He says it so fast that at first, you’re not sure if you heard him right. You stare at him processing what he just said. ‘I’m an idol’ that’s what he said, those are the words that came out of his mouth. You just can’t believe it because you are positive that you would know if you were sleeping with an idol or not. Then again, your friends did always tease you about how clueless you were when it came to anything going on in the world.

           “Um not to rush your or anything but it would be nice if you’d say something,” You nod your head before realize that Yuta is busy watching the road and can’t see you nodding your head.

           “Right, sorry, it’s just…an idol? You are an idol and I had no idea. You’re on tv, the radio, in stores and I had no clue,” you ramble.

           “I’m not sure I’m following you?” Yuta admits.

           “I can’t believe how unaware of things I am. I should have been able to figure this out right away and won months ago!” You complain causing Yuta to look at you with questioning eyes. “I deserve to lose this bet with how easy it was for me to figure it out and here I am months later only finding out because you told me.”

           “Are you upset about me being an idol?” Yuta questions.

           “No why would I? I think it’s cool and it explains your moves in bed,” Yuta rolls his eyes at that comment because him being an idol has nothing to do with his moves in bed. “I just can’t believe I didn’t figure it out sooner. You know that I’m going to be listening to everything you have put out once we get home right.”

           “Hang on. Let me get this straight. You don’t care that I’m an idol but are more upset that you didn’t figure it out sooner because it should have been easy for you to figure out?”

           “Yes! Being an idol isn’t easy to hide. I should have gotten it right away. Oh well I’m winning the next bet we make.” You determinedly state causing Yuta to throw his head back and laugh.

           “What?” You smile over at him as he continues to laugh.

           “Nothing, I’m just lucky to have found someone like you.” He tells you.

           “Well, I can’t argue with that.” You agree before leaning over to kiss the side of Yuta’s mouth. “I’m lucky to have found you too.”

Yuta is off traveling for work, Y/n is keeping busy with their job, and both of them are struggling with being apart from one another. When Yuta calls Y/n and Yuta have a conversation about their relationship and what they want from one another. 

Part of the long term couples series

           Walking through the house you have recently purchased you scribble down notes of parts of the home you are going to update, walls that are going to be removed, and any other ideas that filter through your mind as you pass each room. You could hear your partner in the front of the house talking to the rest of your team about when they should be here and if they would be working under you or him. Their voices fade as you enter the master bedroom. You loved this room it was the whole reason that you had wanted to buy the house in the first place. It was at the back of the house and had large French doors that led out to a patio.

           In your head you were picturing the future owner of this home waking up and walking through those doors and out onto the patio where they would sit in comfy chairs and eat their breakfast while sipping coffee. There would be lazy weekend mornings where they would spend their whole time out there enjoying the beauty of their yard and each other’s company. Your plan was to make the rest of the house feel as calmly as this bedroom and patio made you feel. It was going to be a lot of work the previous owner had not taken care of the place and let a lot slip. You could see the potential in this home and your partner could see it as well. That was why after walking through the home one time the two of you had put an offer in.

           This project had come at the perfect time. It was going to require a lot of attention and was the perfect distraction from Yuta. The two of you had agreed on just being friends with benefits. Yet, you found yourself wanting to be around him all the time and wanting to get to know him better and he seemed to be on the same page as you. When he had told you that he was going to be gone for a few weeks you had thought that it would be good for the two of you. It would remind you both that you were supposed to keep things casual. In reality all the separation has done is make you realize how much you want to be with him and miss him.

           “Y/n you done with your walk through?” Turning towards the doorway Alex stands there with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes accessing the room before they land on you. “I sent the team home and told them that we would get started tomorrow on everything.”

           “Thanks, and I think I have everything down that we need. I might do one more walk through just to make sure we haven’t missed anything. Are you heading out or staying?”

           “I got to head out. I promised the boyfriend that we would have date night tonight since I canceled our last one and I can’t miss this one. He might break up with me this time if I cancel.” You laugh at that there was no way that Alex’s boyfriend would break up with him. They loved each other completely and it would take more than a canceled date to break up the two of them.

           “Alright, tell Jun hi for me,” you hug Alex and walk with him back to the front of the house.

           “I will and he told me to tell you that you are not fooling anyone, and he wants to meet whoever you’re seeing soon,” your mouth drops open at that statement. How in the world did he know that you were seeing someone? You hadn’t told anyone about Yuta and had made sure not to give anything away about you seeing someone.

           “Don’t ask how he knows. I’ve learned to stop questioning his skills a long time ago. Just talk to whoever it is and let them know that their time as remaining a mystery is numbered.” Alex bumps his shoulder into yours before heading down the walkway. You watch as he gets into his car and drives off before turning back to the house to do your final walkthrough.

           As your writing down some ideas that you have for the kitchen your phone starts to ring. Looking over at it you smile as you see Yuta’s smiling face on the screen, requesting that you facetime with him. Picking up the phone you answer the call and hold it up to your face. In a few seconds you see Yuta’s smiling face, hair fanned out as he lays on his bed. Just looking at him steals your breath away and you are once again reminded how much you have been missing him these past two weeks.

           “Hi, did you just get back to your hotel?”

           “Hmm,” Yuta nods, “today was busy and I’m going to sleep but I wanted to talk to you and see your face before I did.”

           “Ah have you been missing me?” you coo while leaning onto the counter.

           “I have a lot actually,” Yuta admits, and you smile back at him.

           “I’ve been missing you a lot as well,” the admission comes out easier than you thought it would. You hadn’t planned on telling him that you were missing him but hearing him say it made it easier for you to tell him how you were feeling.

           “So much for keeping things casual,” Yuta laughs, and you join him. The two of you were ridiculous for thinking that this was going to be casual and for only realizing now that you’ve spent weeks apart that you don’t want to be without the other.

           “I think we were doomed from the start. We should have known from the moment that we had breakfast together that we weren’t going to be able to keep things casual,” thinking back to that morning you remember how you had felt when you saw him in your bed and then taken him to breakfast. You didn’t want your time with him to end and that should have been your first clue that the two of you were never going to be able to keep things casual. There was already so much chemistry between the two of you and the more time the two of you spent together the stronger your connection got.

           “It’s your fault if you wouldn’t have shared your breakfast with me, I would have dropped you right then and there,” stresses Yuta, you roll your eyes at that comment.

           “No, you wouldn’t of. You have been falling for me from the moment we met!” A blush starts to appear on Yuta’s cheeks, and he looks off to the side avoiding eye contact with you. When he looks back at you, you raise your eyebrows up challenging him to say otherwise.

           “Where are you by the way?” Yuta leans up closer to the phone like he is trying to get a better look at your surroundings and effectively changing the subject. “That’s not your place.”

           “It’s not I’m at work,” you confirm.

           “Work is someone else’s kitchen? Just what is your job?”

           “Nope nice try but I’m not telling you anything. If anyone is going to win this bet, it’s going to be me.” You stress.

           “Come on you should tell me since I’m the one who admitted first that I miss you and can’t do the casual thing.”

           “You didn’t admit that you don’t want to do casual you just admitted to missing me and sucking at keeping things casual,” you point out not wanting to let him win this argument.

           “Fine,” Yuta sits up and brings the phone close to his face, looking straight into the phone and locking his eyes with yours Yuta says, “Y/n I miss you all the time and I don’t want to keep things casual between the two of us. I want to be with you all the time. I want to tell my friends that I’m with you. I want to go out on dates with you instead of just holing up in your place with you. I want more. How’s that for an admission?”

           Dam you should not have challenged him. How were you supposed to respond to that? You were not expecting him to just lay it all out like that.

           “Um it was pretty good,” you stutter, “but I’m still not telling you what my job is.”

           Throwing his head back Yuta laughs. You could watch him laugh forever you think, and you find yourself bringing the phone closer to you just to enjoy his face and laughter more.

           “Alright I’ll let it go for now. But I’m going to figure it out eventually. Especially since we aren’t keeping things casual anymore you can’t hide it from me forever.”

           “You can’t keep yours hidden forever anymore either! If we are really going to do this, I’m going to find out your job as well. And we can’t have secret between us anymore. Relationships are a completely different thing from hook ups.” You inform him wanting Yuta to know that if you two are really going to move from casual to an actual relationship that things are going to be different.

           “Oh, don’t worry Y/n I know that things will be different. I’m counting on it,” there’s a glint in Yuta’s eyes and you are starting to wonder what you have gotten yourself into.

           “Guess we’ll see who figures it out first,” you tell him not wanting to give in and enjoying the silly game the two of you are playing.

           “I guess we will! I should probably get going. I have another busy day ahead of me,” Yuta frowns and you understand how he feels. You don’t want to end the call either.

           “How much longer are you going to be gone?” You ask.

           “Two more weeks and then when I get back, I’m taking you out on an actual date,” you smile widely at that. An actual date with Yuta you couldn’t wait.

           “Hurry back then,” Yuta nods and right before the two of you end the call you remember what Alex told you and you get a wicked idea, “oh and before I forget you have to meet two of my friends, they already know about us!”

           “What?” Yuta practically shouts, his eyes wide. You laugh as you give him a wave goodbye and end the call. Laying your phone down you smile at it as you think over the conversation that the two of you had.

           When you answered the call, you had figured it would just be the two of you flirting with one another and making plans to get together when he returned. You did not think that it would lead to the two of you admitting that you miss one another and want more. You definitely did not think that it would lead to Yuta telling you that he wants an actual relationship with you and then him telling you that when he returns, he would be taking you out on an actual date. Your phone pings and you see a message from Yuta.

Yuta: If I have to meet your friends you have to meet mine. They were onto me weeks ago

Laughing you reply to Yuta and shake your head at yourself. How the two of you thought you could ever do casual was beyond you. You were both clearly bad at it, from hiding it from others, to keeping your feeling in check it was a failure a wonderful failure.

