#yuuma isogai


Isogai Headcanons

He doesn’t see it but he is the mom friend

He has a bad sleeping schedule because he has to take care of his siblings and make their breakfast and lunch. Lots of things.

There was something else he was passionate about before becoming the man of the house.

It was probably tennis and he would play with his dad before he died.

The reason he got into tennis was because he got a tennis racket as a gift from his parents and just started playing it.

He either has a default or his family as a phone wallpaper.

He also has no other apps on his phone other that the ones that don’t need downloading.

He takes pictures of his family, friends, plants and landscapes he finds nice.

He rides the train then walk to school and he listens to audiobooks to pass the time

He gives small gifts like necklaces, keychains, socks, etc.

He enjoys a lot if picnics because they are a cheap and fun way to spend time with others. He majorly goes with his family to picnics.

He plants some vegetables at home such as tomatoes, lettuce, green onion and others.

His favorite is planting herbs. He has a small herb garden which is most likely placed in the kitchen or outside.

He also brews tea with the herbs he grew and serves it to guests and when they like it, he attacks them with a critical ikemen smile

He stress cleans.

He enjoys sweet coffee because he is such a sweet boy.

He stays after school to do his homework because it is a better workspace than his house.

He can also get help from Koro-sensei or other teachers.

He also does his schoolwork during work breaks in his job

He loves wearing turtleneck and sweaters.

His favorite season is probably Spring

He always brings tissues and hand sanitizer with him.

He enjoys back massages a lot

He waves at little children and babies that passes by when he goes somewhere

He gets so happy when he earns a positive response

He headpats people when he compliments or praises them. Just a habit of younger siblings

When he finds stray animals, he would take care of them with his siblings assisting as well

Then ask other people if they were willing to take them in or take them to an animal shelter

He is terrible at video games but he is really good in cards or board games

3-e gave him a surprise party at the start of the day because he is early.

His gifts were bundles, cash, or other stuff and it was so hard for them to get him to accept it.

POV: You are Okajima trying to persuade everyone why it’s a good idea to jump between tall buildings during the brightest and busiest time of the day.

So I will call this trio the “self-sacrificing big brothers from big families whose character arcs revolve around learning that it’s okay to ask for help and that you don’t have to shoulder everything on your own”
