#zack snyder



Also Look at the timing DAMN, IT WAS Such a smart and Power Move From Zack Snyder , So thank You Zack for that !!!

i love superhero movies

Watch “ZodWriter:Live From The Couch: Zack Snyder’s Justice League Sabotaged!” on YouTube

Zod on a epic ass stream.


Admit it. Y'all just love to hate on Zack Snyder. The bias isn’t even subtle, at this point.

Amen it’s just fucking ridiculous at this point. I swear they all act Zack fucked their momma or something.



No matter how the movie turns out, we FINALLY get to see what it should’ve been! We get to see Zack’s 100% vision of a JL film!

I’m excited! Let’s DO this.

All the times the fans defended Zack and his filmmaking and stood by him and the cast and the original vision…

And now it’s happening

My DC heart needs a minute

P.s I’m new to tumblr and I’ve never known anyone who would be excited about this as I am so it makes my heart extra happy

We Remade Zack Snyder’s Justice League For Only $20

Not everybody has 4 hours to devote to Zack Snyder’s Justice League, so we went ahead and made a Snyder Cut of our own. We’ve got Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Flash, Steppenwolf, Alfred, Lois Lane, Iris West, Darkseid, Martian Manhunter, Martha, Joker, the other Joker, that dumb kid in the bank, and it only cost us $20. Even better, it costs you nothing. Sorry, HBOMax.

#snyder cut    #justice league    #zack snyder    #superman    #batman    #wonder woman    #cyborg    #steppenwolf    #darkseid    #martian manhunter    

all i’m saying is that you should watch Army of the Thieves

Can’t wait to watch Army of Thieves

So early fanart

i love when in BvS Henry Cavill’s Superman kinda charges up before hearing Lois is in trouble, reminds me of August Walker reloading his arms in Fallout.

So i made my new fanart thinking of that moment

Cyborg’s arc

Made this for a fan contest but it’s also Ray Fisher’s birthday so nice timing

It looks like Jared Leto is part of Zack Snyder’s Justice League reshoots! What?!?! Here’s my theory on how he might fit in!

Bruce: “Hey Diana” 
Diana: “No, call me WonderBat” 
Bruce: “Give me back my cowl Diana.”

Bruce: “Hey Diana”

Diana: “No, call me WonderBat”

Bruce: “Give me back my cowl Diana.”

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