


I am trying to start a daily Korean diary but since I’m just a beginner I had no idea what and how to write. After a bit of research these are some expressions I collected:

오늘은 특별한 날이다.

Today is a special day.

오늘은 평범한 날이다.

Today is an ordinary day.

아침 여섯시 반에 일어났다.

I got up at half past six in the morning.

세수를 했다.

I washed my face.

그리고 비가 내린다.

And it was raining.


It was cloudy.


It was clear.

눈이 왔다.

It snowed.

비가 왔다.

It rained./It was rainy.

오후 두시 오십칠분 점심식사를 먹었다.

I had lunch at 2:57 p.m.

그 음식은 맛있었다.

That food was delicious.

나는 한국어를 공부했다.

I studied Korean.

학교에 다녔다.

I went to school.

놀이공원에 갔다.

I went to amusement park.

그 후에 피곤해서 집에서 잠을 잤다.

After that, I slept at home because I was tired.

Please tell me if you spot any mistakes or if you have other useful sentences you come up with.


I have uploaded my small collection of Korean children’s books in PDF form. Since I am just learning Korean I summarized a few of them based on the pictures, so please excuse some of the titles! 

There are 4 types of PDF’s in each folder, full color editions of the book with pictures (title.pdf) or just the text of the book (titletext.pdf). There are also black and white editions for those who want to print them off to write on them for translating. I’ve also included a zip file for those who want all 4 files. 

Categorized based on difficulty** : 




  • Pelé - (It’s a short biography)

Hope that these books will encourage and help those who are starting to learn Korean! 화이팅!!!!!

**…in the realm of children’s books but I could totally be wrong!


Korean learners, I hit the point where I learn Korean with Talk To Me In Korean and I’m halfway through the second level and I keep reviewing the first level, scared of forgetting it and… I find it useless to learn more if I can’t practice grammar so.. Do you have any idea how to practice what I’ve already learnt? Any workbooks? Websites? I think about TTMIK workbooks, they’d be perfect, but I need to save money first. 

I’d be happy for any answers~ 


Since I read a lot of literature and have been reading purely novels in Korean lately to improve my ability in the language and get a better grasp of sentence structure and reading, I decided to put together a few of my Korean book favourites that if you are learning Korean too, I recommend you give a read if you want to begin improving your reading and translation skills. It may take some time to fully understand them, but perseverance always pays off!


I Have The Right To Destroy Myself [나는 나를 파괴할 권리가 있다] by Kim Young-Ha 

This is one of the first fully Korean books I began to read and translate myself and though it is a slow process when you are just a beginner, it’s amazing to see how far you can come. It has a very deep story line and one that will shake you to the core that I really recommend if you want or like a darker plot. This book follows a nameless man who narrates and follows the life of the wounded minds of a dark city. 

The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly [마당을 나온 암탉] by Hwang Sun-Mi

This was an unusual story for me to read but it was a great choice when it came to studying reading. This was a story lead by a Hen’s perspective and talks on things such as bullying, protectiveness and other life issues. I really enjoyed translating this read, even from an animals mind.

The Vegetarian [채식주의자] by Han Kang

I really love odd concept books so this was a great read for me, but I do know it will not be to everyone’s tastes. Han Kang is a top Korean author and this book follows the perspective of how even the most ordinary people can change very fast. I recommend it nonetheless because it was a great translation.

Our Twisted Hero [우리들의 일그러진 영웅] by Yi Mon-Yol

This novel was also not something I would usually read but it was a very distinct book. It’s narrated by a young boy who moves from a big city to the country and finds his life going in an unexpected direction. 



A list of the 625 most important words to know in your target language, translated into Korean. Words pulled from @heyemmateach‘smemrise course.


  • | dog
  • 고양이 | cat

  • 물고기 | fish

  • | bird

  • | cow

  • 돼지 | pig

  • | mouse

  • | horse

  • 날개 | wing

  • 동물 | animal

Keep reading


♡ 시작하다 - to start
(시작해요, 시작했아요, 시작할 거에요…)

♡ 끝나다 - to finish, end
( 끝나요, 끝났어요, 끝날 거에요…)

♡ 살다 - to live
(살아요, 살았어요, 살 거에요…)

♡ 죽다 - to die
(죽어요, 죽었어요, 죽을 거에요…)

♡ 있다 - to have
(있어요, 있었어요, 있을 거에요…)

♡ 없다 - to not have
(없어요, 없었어요, 없을 거에요…)

♡ 먹다 - to eat
(먹어요, 먹었어요, 먹을 거에요…)

♡ 마시다 - to drink
(미셔요, 마셨어요, 마실 거에요…)

♡ 요리하다 - to cook
(요리해요, 요리했어요, 요리할 거에요…)

♡ 만들다 - to make
(만들어요 만들었어요, 만들 거에요…)

♡ 사용하다 - to use
(사용해요, 사용했어요, 사용할 거에요…)

♡ 하다 - to do
(해요, 했어요, 할 거에요…)

♡ 주다 - to give
(줘요, 줬어요, 줄 거에요…)

♡ 가다 - to go
(가요, 갔어요, 갈 거에요…)

♡ 오다 - to come
(와요, 왔어요, 올 거에요…)

♡ 만나다 - to meet
( 만나요, 만났어요, 만날 거에요…)

♡ 배우다 - to learn
(배워요, 배웠어요, 배울 거에요…)

♡ 공부하다 - to study
(공부해요, 공부했어요, 공부할 거에요)

♡ 가르치다 - to teach
(가르쳐요, 가르쳤어요, 가르칠 거에요…)

♡ 읽다 - to read
(읽어요, 읽었어요, 읽을 거에요…)

♡ 보다 - to watch/see
(봐요, 봤어요, 볼 거에요…)

♡ 일하하다 - to work
(일해요, 일했어요, 일할 거에요…)

♡ 운동하다 - to exercise
(운동해요, 운동했어요, 운동할 거에요…)

♡ 쉬다 - to rest
(쉬여요, 쉬였어요, 쉬을 거에요…)

♡ 일어나다 - to get up
(일어나요, 일어났어요, 일어날 거에요…)

♡ 자다 - to sleep
(자요, 잤어요, 잘 거에요…)

♡ 앉다 - to sit
(앉아요, 앉았어요, 앉을 거에요…)

♡ 울다 - to cry
(울어요, 울었어요, 울을 거에요…)

♡ 웃다 - to smile
(웃어요, 웃었어요, 웃을 거에요…)

♡ 노래하다 - to sing
(노래해요, 노래했어요, 노래할 거에요….)

♡ 춤 추다 - to dance
(춤 춰요, 춤 췄어요, 춤 출 거에요…)

♡ 연습하다 - to practice
(연습해요, 연습했어요, 연습할 거에요…)

♡ 놀다 - to play
(놀아요, 놀았어요, 놀을 거에요…)

♡ 사다 - to buy
(사요, 샀어요, 슬 거에요…)

♡ 주문하다 - to order
(주문해요, 주문했어요, 주문할 거에요…)

♡ 팔다 - to sell
(팔아요, 팔았어요, 팔을 거에요…)

♡ 내다 - to pay
(내요, 냈어요, 낼 거에요…)

♡ 기다리다 - to wait
(기다려요, 기다렸어요, 기다릴 거에요…)

♡ 찍다 - to take a picture
(찍어요, 찍었어요, 찍을 거에요…)

♡ 알다: to know
(알아요, 알았어요…)

♡ 모르다: to not know
(몰라요, 몰랐어요…)

♡ 생각하다 - to think
(생각해요, 생각했어요, 생각할 거에요…)

♡ 말하다 - to talk, speak
(말하요, 말핬어요, 말할 거에요…)

♡ 전화하다 - to telephone
(전화해요, 전화했어요, 전화할 거에요…)

♡ 얘기하다 - to talk, chat
(얘가해요, 얘가했어요, 얘기할 거에요…)

♡ 채팅하다 - to chat on the internet
(채팅해요, 채팅했어요, 채팅할 거에요…)

♡ 물어보다 - to ask
(물어봐요, 물어봤어요, 물어볼 거에요…)

♡ 도와주다 - to help
(도와줘요, 도와줬어요, 도와줄 거에요…)

♡ 필요하다 - to need
(필요해요, 필요했어요, 필요할 거에요…)

♡ 타다 - to ride
(타요, 탔어요, 탈 거에요…)

♡ 운정하다 - to drive
(운정해요, 운정했어요, 운정할 거에요…)

♡ 태어나다 - to be born
(태어나요, 태어났어요, 태어날 거에요…)

♡ 사랑하다 - to love
(사랑해요, 사랑했어요, 사랑할 거에요…)

♡ 좋아하다 - to like
(좋아해요, 좋아했어요, 좋아할 거에요…)

♡ 싫어하다 - to hate
(싫어해요, 싫어했어요, 싫어할 거에요…)

♡ 보내다 - to send
(보내요, 보냈어요, 보낼 거에요…)

♡ 받다 - to receive
(받아요, 받았어요, 받을 거에요…)

♡ 공유하다 - to share
(공유해요, 공유했어요, 공유할 거에요…)
