
People who reblog art posts: I love you.

People who reblog art posts with detailed commentary in the tags, speculating or highlighting what they liked: I hope you find random $20 bills in your laundry pockets for the rest of your lives, and that they always have your favorite ice cream flavor in stock, and that strangers are always kind. I hope babies smile at you in checkout lines and fluffy animals befriend you for pats. I hope it always stops pouring right as you need to run outside, and your bank account never overdraws. I hope you die smiling in your sleep at a ripe old age with a hundred people at your funeral singing your praises of a life well lived. 


Being obsessed with a game isnt enough i need to eat it

Damn eating plastic is expensive nowadays

Being obsessed with a game isnt enough i need to eat it


Ur honor theyre squiggly

#self rb    


all these posts about people clutching their pearls about seeing bare titties at pride make me laugh because at last year’s pride i met a cishet guy who had no idea what was going on and had joined because he saw bare titties and thought “those people look like they are having fun, and also i can see tits for free” and he asked me about what was happening and let me explain LGBT struggles for some time before telling me he had a transgender cousin and he was going to make sure to be there for her in the future. bare tits will be the beacon to world peace

#lgbtq2s    #2slgbtq    #pride month    


all these posts about people clutching their pearls about seeing bare titties at pride make me laugh because at last year’s pride i met a cishet guy who had no idea what was going on and had joined because he saw bare titties and thought “those people look like they are having fun, and also i can see tits for free” and he asked me about what was happening and let me explain LGBT struggles for some time before telling me he had a transgender cousin and he was going to make sure to be there for her in the future. bare tits will be the beacon to world peace

#lgbtq2s    #2slgbtq    #pride month    











Don’t come at me about the Bible and homosexuality if you’re using it to justify your homophobia. I will demolishyou.

Also, for some cultures including early Christianity, sodomite could very well have ment someone gravely inhospitable, as the sin of Sodom was inhospitality and not anal sex.

I wanted to talk about that too but I was running out of tweets I could put on a singular thread thank you so much for this addition!


I’m reblogging this partially because it’s frickin awesome, and partially for future reference, cus yeah the evangelical community is really scary to be in as part of the LGBTQA community

People keep asking for the links on the thread, so, here’s a link to the thread.

Whoa this is one of the BEST things I’ve ever seen!! And I learned a lot from it which I can tell my LGBTQ+ friends so that they can also destroy someone with this knowledge! Thank you so much for making a stand!

This was some hella good stuff here. I knew there was corruption with Bible verses and such but wow this was supremely informative!

the website Gay Christian 101 also has some fantastic in-depth discussion of these topics


Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

People helping Anthony Daniels into the C-3P0 suit:


Visual effects supervisor John Dykstra lays out the miniature rebel fleet:


Concept artist Ralph McQuarrie at work:


Model maker Lorne Peterson checks the Jawa sandcrawler:


Fifty “stunt” stormtrooper helmets were created plus “six” hero helmets for close-ups:


The surface of the Death Star was blown up in the parking lot at ILM:


Unknown man working on R2D2’s ‘beep’:


Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back:

Unknown man holding miniature AT-ATs:


‘The Space Slug’ was operated by Jon Berg:


Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi:

Model maker Paul Huston working on ‘The Chicken Walker’:


Model maker Paul Huston works on a massive X-wing fighter:


Phil Tippett works with ‘The Speeder Bike Puppet’:


Art Director Nilo Rodis-Jamero art directs the forest moon of Endor:







Do your part - use literally anything other than Google Chrome

Reminder that switching to Firefox is incredibly easy and takes just a few minutes, you WILL be able to copy over all your cookies, browsing history, logins etc, as well as change the look/layout so it feels like what you’re used to.

chrome does suck ethically and just functionally but I still thrilled at watching internet explorer get demolished in this. Let’s make sure someone can someday make the same video but with Google caving in.


This means so much to me

This webtoon really went above and beyond to bring us accurate depiction of mental health with a hopeful undertone. No, I don’t care about it being too “fanon and ooc”, because this- this mattersand I will never shut up about this.

batbirdies: Must have been a fancy building before it was abandoned, those are like 11 foot ceilings


Must have been a fancy building before it was abandoned, those are like 11 foot ceilings

Post link
#batman    #batfam    #bruce wayne    #batfamily    #the batman    #jason todd    


Jeremy from Phineas and Ferb is like the best fictional boyfriend ever like he never judges Candace for her insecurities. Candace tries to change herself for him? He pretends briefly to act like he loves this new version so she realizes for herself that wait, he loves her just the way she is. She worries that Jeremy doesn’t really care about her because he’s never given her a nickname? He simply tells her that he likes the name Candace, because it’s her name. She asks him why he loves her? Not only does he not tease her or make her feel bad for asking, he goes out of his way to sing a whole song about why he likes her. Before they were officially in a relationship, he flirted with her by getting his uncle to rename the grilled cheese in his sandwich shop to “the Candace special”. Who even does that. Candace loved it


I deserve safety

I deserve respect

I deserve to be treated with patience and compassion

I deserve the ability to make mistakes and be forgiven for them

I deserve to be spoken to and not shouted at

I deserve to be listened to

I deserve the right to experience negative emotions

I deserve the right to disagree and not be treated as if I am evil

I deserve people who care about me

I deserve a support system

I deserve care

#pride month    #lgbtqia    #2slgbtq    


#trans pride    #lesbian pride    #gay pride    #pride month    #queer pride    #2slgbtq    


Full list of DC Pride 2022 stories

More information and details about the stories can be found here!


Full list of DC Pride 2022 stories

More information and details about the stories can be found here!
