#12 steps


“When you’re an addict, if you can imagine life without drugs, it just seems to you like this boring, endless, pleasureless expanse. This desert. But freedom from that grind, freedom from that depression, that despair is like a high every day for me, to be honest. And then it just opens the door to all the ordinary pleasures of life.”

-Michael Clune, author of White Out: The Secret Life of Heroin, in an interview on sobriety

“Who I am has little to do with addiction and recovery. Who I am isn’t the first thing I need to know to get better, it’s maybe the last thing.”

-Michael Clune, from White Out: The Secret Life of Heroin

Every day I end sober is the longest I’ve been sober in five years. Pretty amazing

Every day I end sober is the longest I’ve been sober in five years. Pretty amazing

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