

Card Reading

Answers for @marisk

Hi, welcome back for your second card reading. Sit or lay down, wherever you feel most comfortable, and don’t hesitate to drink lots of water, to make sure you rinse out any old beliefs and connect with the new ones.

I asked my spirit guides and angels to help bring you guidance on whether you have chosen the right path in life? To let any messages that you need to hear come through. To help you stay strong in your own power and to rely on the guidance you receive, and to trust that it is for the highest and the best.

Dear Angels, do you have a message for this loving soul?

First came Silence and then came Sun.

Silence is a source of great strength. It is a reminder to not waste your words on people who deserve your silence. They want you to know that: “Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”

Know that the intention with this message not necessarily is for you to keep your words hidden away, but rather for you to find acceptance and peace in not relying upon the support of others, but finding strength in your own support towards your self and the dreams you have.

Sun is a source of light and warmth, but mostly life. There is a sun within every person. You are invited to cherish every sunset and turn your face to the sun and let the shadows fall behind you.

In this message I see that if you trust the universe and face the sun, you will see that the path you are on is right for you and all the old feelings, the shadows, are behind you.

I am being called to tell you that everything in this world is FOR YOU, and I want you to remember this. If you feel like the universe is against you, sit down, relax and take a deep breath. You can sit for 10 seconds or 10 minutes, time has nothing to say. Imagine this waterfall over your head, but instead of water it is bright white light pouring over you and filling you up all the way down to your feet, and just keep chanting the words: “I have trust, I have faith, it is for me.”

I asked the Spirit Animal Oracles for any advice they would have for you. Again the Wombat Spirit was here for you.

The Wombat Spirit reminds you that to truly be at home in the world, you need to find comfort in your own skin. Home sweet home is always available if you recognize that wellbeing is the truth of life. Right now you are in a beautiful place where you can hang up the coat of your identity and settle in to a true sense of home and wellbeing, understanding that all is well. Everything you do from this place rings true in harmony with the Spirit.

Could it be that you are not feeling comfortable in your own skin, thinking that the only way you can be with others is to hide under the protection of a mask or identity you created to protect yourself from getting hurt?

The Wombat Spirit arrives to nudge you to drop the false masks because it is not others who will hurt you now. It is you who are hurting yourself when you aren’t being authentic.

I really feel like this will resonate very well with you, please correct me if I’m wrong. But you have been hurting yourself more by doing something that was not meant for you. It did not come from a place of love and passion, but you have begun to feel the freedom to be yourself by changing your profession. Now you can begin to truly feel at home in your life, with your family and tribe. Acceptance is the key that will unlock your true home inside of you. With deep honesty and love of life, you can accept all your experience with judgement and be free from the stress of old habits and beliefs.

At last I asked the Starseed Oracles if they had any message for you to help you fully become free and trust the universe?

Star Family appears to tell you that you are part of a team of souls, and to call in support. At some stage, we were each a part of a soul cluster - a gathering of souls who broke away from one other to experience themselves individually. Those who are part of your soul cluster are part of your star family. You haven’t just experienced lifetimes together, but your souls were once actually one.

The Star Family appears because it is likely that you have met someone who is part of your star family, or you are about to. You know that someone is part of your star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet. Instantly, they will feel familiar and comfortable. When you are with them you feel more yourself than with anyone else and time both passes quickly and stretches when being with them. The Star Family invites you to think about the people in your life.

You are being called to ask yourself: “Who do you think is from the same star family as you? Who do you feel is part of your star family? How can you call upon them for support?”

I hope this gave you some guidance on the path you’re currently on in your life. It seems to me that you have been on a crossroad, standing with one leg on each side. Either you could choose the easy way, the one you are kinda scared of, but it feels safe and sound at the same time, or you could choose the hard way, the one you are comfortable with, but the one where you will constantly stumble and struggle to stay on. “Why wouldn’t you choose the easy way? Why keep fighting a battle you are destined to lose, or loosing yourself in the win?”

I want you to rinse out all the beliefs that you have of always having to work harder, to never choose easy over difficult, and to keep climbing higher up the ladder. Instead I will install new codes and beliefs in you that says: “It is more than okay to work just enough to get by, to choose the easy way, and to stay where you are on the ladder or even jump off the ladder and create your own path in life.”

Love, Astrologyatlas

thank the universe for your blessings today

Release all stagnant energy . If it does not serve you, you do not need it. The host does not rely on its parasite.

I linked the post where I talk about his invention of adding a ‘k’ to magick here: Magick vs. Magic

Alister Crowley believed that magick was what brought up closer to our “True Will.” To understand the concept more easily, the term “True Will” and Destiny will be used interchangeably. 

Our ‘will’ is different to our ‘wants’. You may want a bigger house, or more money, but these things are related to the now, and they pass in time. As society and products of it might tell you what they want you to do, or what you should do. However, according to Crowley’s philosophy, you should not pursue the wills and wants of others either.

According to the law of Thelema, True Will is your ultimate destiny and any magick that is performed should be in line with that.

Magick doesn’t have to be supernatural. Anything you do that leads toward your True Will, no matter how mundane, is magick.

Why is your car always breaking down? Rather than casting spells to stop it from happening, try looking deeper into the reason why. Is the journey you’re on taking you down the road of your true potential? Are you travelling to a job you hate? Are you meeting up with friends rather than focussing on your studies? Perhaps rather than creating a safe travel charm, magick would be better spent helping you discover where you really should be going. 

I’d recommend reading a book by Christopher PenczakcalledThe Casting of Spells: Creating a Magickal Life Through the Words of True Will to learn more about casting spells for True Will.

Destiny and fate

Destiny and fate are often confused. Fate is what happens when you don’t put any effort in. It’s the direction your life will take if you just ‘go with it’.

Destiny, or True Will, is your purpose, your true potential. It is the ultimate possibility of what could happen if your dreams came true and you strive for the extraordinary, rather than living life ordinarily. It usually involves taking risks and stepping miles outside of your comfort zone. 

I personally don’t associate myself with True Will, and that’s because I believe every witches journey is thier own and they should have the upmost freedom. Magick is personal. However if you do choose to follow free will there is a book recommendation above to get you started. 




tiny meow


∆Healing and embracing your path Ritual∆

What you will need:

  • Black candle (that can stand alone)
  • Bowl of moon charged water
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Parchment/papertowel
  • Sage
  • Dragons blood incense
  • Lotus incense
  • Ginger oil
  • Angelica
  • Cinnamon
  • Mugwort
  • Myrrh
  • Frankincense

Start by bathing in the sage as you ground yourself. Snuff the sage and burn just enough of the dragons blood in order to inhale the smoke for protection then snuff it as well. Now hold your black candle in both hands and meditate with it, enchant it with the intent of it not only protecting you throughout your ritual but banishing and absorbing any and all negativity in order to make room for the healing. Now light it and set it down infront of you. Grab the mortar and pestle and one by one add the healing herbs in. As you do so say these words “Angelica, to heal the head.” And place a bit in. “Mugwort to heal the heart.” And place it in. “Cinnamon to heal the body.” And place that in. Lastly “And Myrhh to heal the Spirit.”

Grind this mixture up and repeat these words two more times each as you do. Then take a pinch and sprinkle it on top of your head, and another pinch and sprinkle it in the black candles flame. Now mediate on these healing intentions and energies for a few minutes.

Now burn the lotus incense just enough to breathe in it’s smoke, focusing on it opening your mind, body and spirit to the energies you have gathered and to the intent of what will come next. Empty the contents of the mortar onto your chosen papertowel or parchment and add the frankincense to it. Grind it up and add it to the bowl of moon water. “Frankincense to strengthen my spiritual abilities.” And three drops of ginger oil into the bowl. “Ginger to bring power and confidence along my path.” Stir the bowl, meditating on these properties and visualize yourself confidently walking your personal path, happy and strong, as you wash your hands in it.

Close by thanking the universe, yourself, your guides and deities that help you everyday, then blow out the candle.

(This is just a ritual that I wrote up for personal reasons, but I’m posting it here in hopes that it’ll help someone!! Stay safe and many blessings!!Note: doing this on the full moon will be helpful as well!!!)

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A quick and easy healing spell I did for a friend today!


[] Jar

[] Incense

[] Lighter

[] Green Candle


[] Chamomile

[] Allspice

[] Bay Leaf

[] Mugwort

[] Pine

[] Amethyst

[] Tigers eye

[] Fluorite

[] Green Adventurine

[] Pink Salt

[] Sea Salt


Cast a circle with all materials needed first. Cleanse a jar with incense (cleanse the lid as well!!). Slowly add your herbs, stating which each one’s one’s property you are using for the spell, next add crystals while stating their properties, then add your salts. Charge your spell with the intent of healing by talking to the spell itself and focusing your energy into the jar. Put on lid and seal with green candle wax. Once again pour your energy into the spell and intent.
