
 “The way begins with finding an effective coping mechanism, an alternative to the easy but destruct

“The way begins with finding an effective coping mechanism, an alternative to the easy but destructive path offered by our inner demons.”

Horrors/Cope calendar is a project focused on coping mechanisms of each zodiac sign. How we behave when our inner demons take over us, how do we react to struggles and stress.
It was my big project on which I worked during 2021 and comes to life in a form of a calendar. I’m so happy to be finally able to make something like this in a physical form - it means a lot to me! I think it helped me not only cope for the whole year but also progress as an artist.

If you fancy 13 zodiac signs as demons or need a nudge at self-reflection and want to support me, consider ordering yourself one in my store!

Thank you and enjoy the showcase! ♥

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“The way begins with finding an effective coping mechanism, an alternative to the easy but destructive path offered by our inner demons.”

FollowTHIS LINK to pre-order the calendar for yourself!

  • How this works?
  • ⭐ You fill out an order form and receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • ⭐ You will receive an invoice to your email within next 7-10 days.
  • ⭐ After the payment is recieved I will start processing your order.
  • ⭐ You will receive an email when your order is shipped.
  • PATRONS receive special gift with their order! ❤️Join my Patreon to get one too! ✨

The number of the calendars is LIMITED, so don’t miss your chance to get one if you enjoyed my series of Horrors/Copes or just want to support me and get something in return! ️

Thank you guys who already ordered the calendar from me. I hope you’ll enjoy the little pocket demons guiding you throught next year! 

Horrors/Cope - Sagittarius“The Flaming Arrow” Laughing in the face of danger and shaking away the pa

Horrors/Cope - Sagittarius

“The Flaming Arrow”

Laughing in the face of danger and shaking away the pain! They’ll keep prancing even if they are bleeding themselves out, keeping the inner fire go as they run.

More lore, info and WIPs of this project&calendar on my P/atreon!

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“The way begins with finding an effective coping mechanism, an alternative to the easy but destructive path offered by our inner demons.”

FollowTHIS LINK to order the calendar for yourself!

  • How this works?
  • ⭐ You fill out an order form and receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • ⭐ You will receive an invoice to your email within next 7-10 days.
  • ⭐ After the payment is recieved I will start processing your order.
  • ⭐ You will receive an email when your order is shipped.
  • PATRONS receive special gift with their order! ❤️Join my Patreon to get one too! ✨

The number of the calendars is LIMITED, so don’t miss your chance to get one if you enjoyed my series of Horrors/Copes or just want to support me and get something in return! ️

Thank you guys who already ordered the calendar from me. I hope you’ll enjoy the little pocket demons guiding you throught next year! 

Horrors/Cope - Scorpio “The Chain Shatterer”Scorpio’s temper must be controlled

Horrors/Cope - Scorpio

“The Chain Shatterer”

Scorpio’s temper must be controlled otherwise they go on a selfdestructive rampage. The chain which keeps them in balance is part of their body. 

More lore, info and WIPs of this project&calendar on my P/atreon!

Post link


FollowTHIS LINK to pre-order the calendar for yourself!

  •  How this works?
  • ⭐ You fill out the pre-order form and receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • ⭐ You will receive an invoice to your email within next 7-10 days.
  • ⭐ The production of the calendar will start once the pre-orders have closed (Nov 1st). The shipping will start right after the calendars are in stock.
  • ⭐ You will receive an email when your order is shipped.
  • PATRONS receive special gift with their order! ❤️Join my Patreon to get one too! ✨

The number of the calendars will be LIMITED, so don’t miss your chance to get one if you enjoyed my series of Horrors/Copes or just want to support me and get something in return! ️

Pre-orders close on Nov 1st!


In case you are reading this after pre-orders close, don’t hesitate asking me if there are any calendars in the stock left!

Zodiac men when they like you (not love you, let’s make that fact clear)

Aries: when an Aries man likes you he will be pretty obvious about it. He will mostly reveal his crush by being quite touchy with you, teasing you or even annoying you, hence they have a fiery personality and sign. They might be shy but not like Pisces shy yk

Taurus: Taurus men normally have a flirtatious nature to them, since their planet is literally Venus, however when one of them likes you they will go the extra mile to show you that they are down to being devoted to you and building a relationship with you. They will stand strong and not mind chasing after you (they kinda like the chasing part since their symbol is the bull). They will mostly make first moves and discuss hobbies and deep topics with you, because they want to connect with you deeply. They also nurture and protect so they might constantly hold your hand or your waist or push you closer to them in order to protect you.

Gemini: It is indeed difficult to know for sure if a Gemini likes you but it is definitely not impossible. Usually, if a Gemini is into you they will want to spend time with you, discuss ideas and debate intellectual topics and, tbh, that’s going to make them know for sure it they are or aren’t truly into you. If they are they will be pretty obvious about it as they will spend a lot of time talking to you and laughing at pretty much everything you say. They will also be a lot more tolerant and calm towards you than anyone else. If they sometimes seem to be radical or blunt to other people, then they will be the exact opposite with those who they actually like.

Cancer: Cancer men are pretty flirty and, in my opinion they don’t have the best reputation when it comes relationships, which I would say it’s because they do not face enough challenges along the way. You should know that a Cancer man likes you when they will start looking deeply into your eyes or hold your waist, protect you and always ask if you are all right. They show that they care through being nurturing and protective of you, be the shoulder you can cry on but also the place for you to gain strength and energy back from. However, a small tip for you, if you want him badly and you want it to transform into something truly strong, you need to push him out of his way. Cancer men are really comfortable with their routine and might not be responsive to challenges but if you make them understand that they can’t have you unless they fight for you, you might just motivate them. Just make sure you reward them each time with some attention and softness.

Leo: Leo men are, at first sight a little arrogant perhaps, even though they make themselves easily liked. I think the best way to know if one likes you is to think about your status in their life. If they like you, you two probably already have a relationship of friendship, or at least have spent some quality time together. They will talk about you to their friends, ask you out on dates and give you sweet little gifts to let you know that you mean something to them. They usually love giving stuff, as they are pretty humanitarian people and love making and packing gifts for people they care for (trust me this comes from someone who has a leo mom and a leo brother). They may not fully spoil you but they will, for sure give you calculated attention, perhaps something that you have been talking about because if they like you they will be paying extra attention to you and you only. You will also probably be the only person they ask for an opinion, and maybe ask you if you think that they look nice today, as they want to hear you compliment them, it’s basically just like an orgasm to their ears.

Virgo: Ahhhh Virgo men!!! A true joy for our society. To be fair, if a Virgo man is into you, you might not even hear it from his own mouth but from other people,most likely their friends, as they are pretty secretive. They enjoy artistic people who have a message to deliver to our world and will love to talk to you, show you that they are curious about what your opinions are. They are the type of guys who awkwardly stalk your social media accounts and accidentally like your pictures from 2017. They will treat you with kindness and will be extremely soft around you, as they really want you to feel the same way towards them as they feel towards you.

Libra: Libra men are flirty by nature which may end up making you believe that they are into multiple people at once. Honestly, these lil muffins get more people jealous than anyone on the f*cking planet, and that’s because they love feeling wanted. But if they want YOU, you’ll pretty much know. They will ask you out on dates and give you the chance to get to know them better. They will be gentle and compliment you constantly, as well as pay great attention to everything you say, all of your gestures and they will pretty much devour your entire presence. They are pretty quick to take action when they have a romantic interest because they want to make sure that the person that they want will be theirs and only theirs. They won’t have time for mind games, unless you want to go down that road and you, yourself will start the games. Libras have the ability to become exactly what you serve, so be really cautious ‘cause they are the chameleons of the Zodiac

Scorpio: Scorpio men are driven by physicality. I would definitely associate them with Eros, the God of sex, as this is pretty much how they show interest. If they are particularly into you, they will look beyond that and try to get you hooked in their fishnet through connecting with you on a deeper level, mentally, emotionally or physically. If they like you, they will stare at you constantly and seem to be everywhere you are and everywhere you look. They will be physically touchy with you and no matter how many people they might stare down a day, they will always come back to you, they will worship and make you their number one.

Sagittarius: They are bold men and if they feel interested in you, they will not hesitate. So maybe, the reason you are asking yourself if they like you is because they probably don’t. A Sagittarius man is many things but afraid, especially of a little confession like this. They are confident in themselves and are not afraid of relationships, though if we’re talking about love, we’re starting a completely different story. They do not fall in love easily but they do develop likings fairly quickly as they are very socially active.

Capricorn: Capricorn men are masters of compliments. They will go out of their way in order to compliment someone that they like, which is usually not like them at all. They are judging and very critical so if they like someone they will try to make them feel good about themselves. Perhaps this habit comes from a place inside of them, as they are self critical most of the times and do not want their loved ones to fall into the same habit as them. They will also send you cute emojis, ask you out in dates and like it if you tease them. They won’t be rude towards you and admire every bit of work that you are doing. Their love is shown in the support that they give you.

Aquarius: These men are a headache let’s all face it. One moment sweet and cuddly and the next, boom you’re strangers again. But when they truly like you, they will try to fix their chaotic behaviour and be a lot more grounded around you. Usually, when an Aquarius man likes you he will listen to you, will be interested in anything that you do and will want to support you constantly. He will not confess, which is pretty annoying which is why you should probably make the first step. A big sign he likes you is that he will let you see some sides of him that not everyone knows about. He will share his thoughts and secrets with you, which to him means that he is giving up a part of his freedom for you, to get to know him better.

Pisces: These men are shy and may raise some question marks when it comes to this topic. Though if they like you they will probably try to flirt with you, in a more awkward kind of way. They are quirky and interesting so they will be something else than you’ve ever experienced. But, just like Cancer men, it is worth provoking them to chase you and work for your attention, as they can get caught up in their fantasies and dreams and forget to do anything to keep you next to him. He may also discuss these dreams with you, about the two of you which is super romantic. If they like you they will be nervous around you and often look for validation from any point of view. Your opinion is the only one that matters.


It’s been a million years since I have last posted and this account became a ghost one, however I have some new interesting ideas for it and I hope you guys will hop on to the ride as we rise back again with this account. Comment down below if you agree or not with this and maybe tell me more about your experiences with certain signs, as it really does help me to broaden my vision regarding astrology. Everything si purely based on personal experiences and it is written by me, not copied from anywhere else so pleade fo reference my name in case you are looking forward to passing the information further. Thank you and love you!!!













Aries:Gardnerian witch
Taurus:kitchen witch
hedge witch
Cancer: sea witch
Leo:Alexandrian witch
Virgo:Dianic witch
Libra:ceremonial witch
Scorpio:elemental witch
Sagittarius:augary witch
Capricorn:green witch
Aquarius:eclectic witch













Aries - Trump’s star

Taurus - Jeff Goldblum

Gemini:Betsy DeVos’s yacht

Cancer:the patriarchy

Leo - gender norms

Virgo - Tom Riddle’s diary

Libra - the glass ceiling

Scorpio - dat ass

Sagittarius:that like button

Capricorn:work laptop



Aries - Home ownership

Taurus -  Banks

Gemini - Department Stores

Cancer - Applebee’s

Leo - Bar soap

Virgo - Fabric softener

Libra -Credit


Sagittarius - J. Crew


Aquarius - the 9-5 work day

Pisces - The American Dream

Aries - Barbarella

Taurus-Fight Club

Gemini-Donnie Darko

Cancer-Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Leo -  The Princess Bride

Virgo - Heathers

Libra-The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Scorpio-Pulp Fiction

Sagittarius- Clerks

Capricorn -The Big Lebowski

Aquarius-A Clockwork Orange

Pisces-The Room




































novusmortalis:Here’s To The Night - Eve 6


Here’s To The Night - Eve 6

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