#supernatural finale


Dean Winchester x Reader

Summary: Y/N prepares for the perfect Valentine’s day with Dean Winchester…


The alarm clock blared and Y/N sat up in bed bleary eyed and fatigued.

She frowned at the ringing and reminded herself that she didn’t need to set the timer anymore. The Bunker had been empty for a while now and she didn’t have much to do without the boys around, anyway.

Y/N looked to her right and saw Dean’s side of the bed was vacant. “You’d think I would be used to that by now…” She stretched with a soft groan and stepped out from under her covers. It wasn’t until she checked her phone that she was finally spurred to action.  

The screen read February fourteenth.

She gave a small smile at the date. “Well Dean, looks like you’re in luck!” With a renewed sense of purpose, Y/N set out to get her Valentine’s plans ready. 

Every February fourteenth, Dean and Y/N would celebrate the holiday with all its clichés. Chocolate, romcoms, and a couple of beers was all it took to make the day a good one. Though their celebrations were modest, the way they saw it, having each other was enough.

Y/N walked over to her closet and put together an outfit. It was an important day and she had to dress accordingly. Once clothed, she gave a weary smile at her reflection and stepped away. 

Y/N ambled down the Bunker’s empty hallways until she reached the main room. She fetched her keys, two bottles of beer she had laid out the night before, and a DVD copy of Say Anything before rushing out the door to meet Dean. 

A crisp February wind met her outside and she squinted at the clear sky above. Y/N smiled at the perfect weather and stepped into her car. She turned on the ignition and let out a deep breath “Here I go,” she whispered.

Valentine’s Day, One Year Ago

“Though I respect your affections, couldn’t you perhaps ease your passions?”

Sam entered the room and rolled his eyes. “Guys, come on. Cas is right. Take it easy, we ALL live here.”

Dean and Y/N grinned from their spots on the couch. “It’s just a kiss Sammy. Get over yourself,” Dean chastised. 

“You guys are making out in our movie room. It’s not just a kiss,” Sam retorted. He and Castiel weren’t really offended, but liked to nag whenever they could. 

Y/N shifted in her seat and kissed Dean’s cheek. “Sorry guys. We can’t help it if we’re hopelessly in love with each other,” she teased. 

Dean turned around and kissed her back. “That’s right,” he started. “Hopelesslyanddevastatingly in love…”

Sam and Castiel shared a look as the pair carried on from where they had left off. In each others arms and against each others lips. “Maybe we should-” Cas stammered. Sam nodded. “Right ahead of you.” The angel and the hunter spared a last smile at their friends before leaving the room and locking the door behind them.   

“I think they’re gone…” Y/N mumbled mid kiss 

Dean pulled back and winked. “I figured that would do the trick.” 

Y/N laughed at his callousness and moved away from him. She lay down and settled her head on his lap. 

“How’s the view from down there?” he asked. 


Dean frowned. “Honestly? You usually hit me with a testy one-liner.”

Y/N shrugged. “I’m serious. I’m getting a great look at the ceiling from this angle…”

“Yup. There it is.”

Y/N giggled. “I set myself up for that one didn’t I?” he laughed, leaning his head back on the couch. 

Y/N grabbed hold of his hand and squeezed gently. “You totally did,” she admitted.

They stayed quiet for a moment, comfortable in their easy connection. Dean started humming and Y/N listened as the faint tune carried on. She closed her eyes and smiled. “What are you humming?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

He hesitated and Y/N opened her eyes, taking in the glint in his eye. “Mr. Roboto,” he said carefully. “Styx.”

Y/N quirked a brow. “Is that so?” 

“Is that a problem?” Dean asked, glancing down at her. 

“You mean, is it a problem that you only ever hum the same ten songs from eons ago?”

Dean raised a brow and hummed louder. 

Y/N raised a hand and reached out to touch Dean’s cheek. “I love you,” she whispered. He sighed and leaned into her touch. “I know,” he said softly. “And you have no idea what that means to me.”

Y/N moved to sit up. She looked into his eyes and saw him staring back. “Happy Valentine’s day,” she said. “I can’t wait to see what this year will hold for us.” 

Dean leaned forwards and kissed her lightly. “As long as you’re still by my side, I couldn’t give a damn.”

With their favourite movie playing in the background, and plenty of sweets and beer waiting on the table, the two hunters nestled against each other and took comfort in the small moment they shared together.


Y/N drove past vast green pastures and earthy plains before finally reaching a sparse forested area. She knew exactly where to find Dean and felt her heart race as she drew nearer to her destination. She parked her car and stepped out, taking her Valentine’s treats with her. 

I wonder if Sam has passed by lately… Y/N thought as she walked down a woody path. She could hear the buzzing of insects as she hiked, the unlucky few that hadn’t left for the winter. Their humming sounded suspiciously like Dean’s beloved rock hits… Y/N hiked for the better part of an hour before entering a familiar clearing. It was there that she saw Dean waiting just up ahead, the grin she knew so well tugging at his lips. 

“How’s the view from down there?”

Y/N felt her eyes sting as she stepped forwards, a shaky smile on her face. “Dean,” she said softly, “you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

“And you have no idea what that means to me.”

Y/N walked towards the clearing’s centre. Her heart ached as she caught a flash of Dean’s laugh. She stopped when she reached a patch of blackened ground. 

She knelt down before a heap of scorched wood. It had been months since she’d last been here and the ground was still stained with ash. She laid out the DVD and bottles of beer she had been holding. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she whispered.  

Above Y/N, standing cold and out of place was a pyre. It had been months since she had lost Dean to the vampires and he had been laid to rest. She still remembered the night Sam had driven the Impala home, passenger seat, empty. He had left the Bunker shortly after and she hadn’t heard from him much since then. She winced and cast away the memory, thinking instead of her last Valentine’s with Dean. They had been hopeful then, trusting in their future. He had told her that day that he would be content so long as she stayed by his side. 

Y/N looked up to the sky and closed her eyes, reveling in the sun’s soft touch upon her skin. She took a breath and spoke. 

“I’m still here.”


Hey guys! Try reading Whiskey & Cola!

I have no idea why I did this. It sounded like a good idea at first but then by the end it was just too late to turn back. Don’t worry, I’m writing another Dean Winchester V-Day fic as we speak to atone for this one. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY YOU GUYS!!!!

If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit mytaglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)



tagging the sweet:  @the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70 @eliwinchester99

I haven’t posted in ages but I’m back to be salty about the SPN ending

The things I send to my husband while we’re both at work, and I’m in the midst of an existential crisis.

Bringing something “full circle” is a great device for thematic elements over the course of a story.  Bookending can be great.

However, years of rigorous, detailed, painful character development and movement of stories should not, under any circumstances, be destroyed for the sake of bringing something “full circle.”  

That’s not a satisfying ending.  That’s saying to your viewers; your readers; your fans, “Remember all that time you invested?  Eh, didn’t matter.  Train’s right back in the station.  Hop on off.  Sorry for bumpy ride around the block.” 

The cause and effect is negated.  If you start a story, throw in a bunch of emotional, situational, and personal development in the middle, you should end up further down the road than where you began.  But if you start a story and are able to take away all of the middle and you still end up right where you began with no betterment or differences save for the age of your characters… that’s not a good ending.

It’s like you make a sandwich just to remove all the filling and eat the bread.  Why make the sandwich if you just wanted bread?  

Why create meaningful relationships and focus large portions of entire seasons on them, only for them to be completely erased in the end?  Why focus so much on free will and finding who you are and being happy despite everything, only for him to die unfulfilled, alone, and co-dependent… right where he started?  

I saw a post somewhere and if I find it, I’ll tag the OP, but it went something like this:

Sam, if the last 15 years never happened:  White picket fence, wife, dog, kids, etc.

Dean, if the last 15 years never happened:  Dies alone on a hunt gone wrong.

Sam, after 15 years of character development:  White picket fence, wife, dog, kids, etc.

Dean, after 15 years of character development:  Dies alone on a hunt gone wrong.

No matter what the issue was and how or why that was the ending we got… it was deeply unsatisfying to someone who has been on this journey since day 1.  Since the absolute beginning.  I’m not discussing this through the goggles of a ship.  I’m speaking as someone who appreciates well-written stories.  As someone who invested twelve years (eighty percent of the entirety of the show) in a character and the development of a deep, meaningful relationship (whether or not you view it as romantic).

There was a lot missing from that finale.  A lot.  I can make jokes about it all day, but overall, I’m deeply disappointed and hurt by whatever went down behind the scenes for that to be the final product (something, I’m certain, we’ll never know).  

I’m done beating the dead horse.  I’ll carry on (heh) with my fic writing.  Because no matter what happened with that finale, I will never not love these characters.  They’re in my heart and under my skin (literally, I have Cas’s tattoo on my arm) forever. 

@ Supernatural fandom

Can we just skip to fanfics???

I’m mentally preparing for the Supernatural finale..

Me, after watching the Supernatural series finale, realising there won’t be any new episodes ever ag

Me, after watching the Supernatural series finale, realising there won’t be any new episodes ever again.

Post link

Pain, so much pain

[spn finale spoilers]

i’m in pain. in so much pain, it’s crazy. i did not expect that ending at all. it’s so hard to accept that this era has come to an end, and like this. this was the most unexpected thing to happen, to see sam carrying on without dean for the rest of his life. his “apple pie life” which wasn’t half as beautiful as before because unlike the hard, monster filled life of pain, this one was without his brother. sam and dean lived only for each other. dean died giving sam what dean wanted the most, for him to live a life that was normal. sam gave dean what dean wanted the most too. the pain is excruciating. i can’t believe the people i held onto in my darkest moments bid me a goodbye like this. i can’t bring myself to accept this and am just somehow hoping for a miracle to happen and a finale be shot again. but unfortunately, it won’t.

my life, personally, has been anything but normal. of course not as crazy as the winchesters but yeah haha. i’ve got a fucked up mental health and even more fucked up family. i haven’t really got friends, and the people i met online who want to be there for me, i can’t bring myself to talk to them about what i go through. so sam and dean have been the people i held onto, for a long long time. past few months were especially hard, and the past few days took a few hard turns for me. and it now feels harder to know that the people who were “there for me” aren’t there anymore. and not only because the show has ended. it’s funny how someone who doesn’t even exist can have such a deep impact on your life. dean has been so special for me, it’s hard to bring into words. he was my comfort person. a person i related to a lot. maybe the only character i actually did relate to. to see him going without even having the chance to live, after struggling all through his life took away a little hope from me, but again like he would say carry on.

Dean deserved better and Sam deserved better. They deserved all the happiness the world has to offer. They still do. What made me happy is that they actually are together, maybe not in this world but the other. But the possibility of what all they could have, what all they deserved just makes a little space in my heart which is hard to fill. They are always going to be permanent parts of my heart.

I know it’s been so hard for everyone, but I guess this family we made here is together and will always be. Dean and Sam are alive for us and will be. Dean did not die an untimely death here, in this fandom he’s living happily with Sam. Dean married (Y/N is you’re a dean girl) and Sam married (Y/N if you’re a sam girl). Every day starts with Sam forcing Dean to exercise while Miracle play around happily and it ends with Dean eating a big slice of pie while Sam shakes his head, sometimes annoyed and sometimes happily. They spoil their girls everyday. Sometimes they all sit together as the boys tell you about the hunts they’ve been on. Dean bragging about his heroism and Sam doing the same sometimes. It isn’t until midnight when they’re alone with their wives that they opened up about the struggles they faced. A few tears and a lot of kisses, you make love until his pain is replaced with pleasure. And just like that, a new day starts and their lives carry on.

I’m still not sure when I’ll be active again, like I said it’s been really hard lately. My career, my family and even myself. Nothing seems to go right. I’m surrounded by a lot of toxic and abusive people and now of course, now that my favorite people have gone, it’s gonna be even harder. I guess I’ll have to read a few fics to finally feel Dean alive again. So do suggest me if there are some fix-it fics. And please talk about your experiences too, I know it’s hard on all of us. I love you, always keep fighting.

So get this…
The whole last episode is just a vision of Patience, and nothing has happened yet. When the show picks up, it starts with a close-up of Patience touching her forehead and saying “Dean’s in danger!”, and all the women come out to save him. Then Dean pulls Cas out of the void and the show continues as if s15e20 never existed.

Can we just treat the Supernatural finale like the ATLA live action movie and collectively pretend that it doesn’t exist

Idea for an alternate Supernatural ending (that’s doable with quarantine)

If we must keep the nail then ok Dean is dying but then Jack hears their prayers. He could heal him but he brings back Cas to do it instead. He stands in the barn and smiles as Cas goes over, Sam steps back with those big eyes and Cas heals Dean, who wakes up and does that ‘Cas’ in the voice break and everyone is emotional but it’s good.

Jack goes back with them to the bunker for beer and they talk about stuff for a while and while going to the kitchen to get a refill Cas goes to Dean to talk about what he said before the empty took him and we finally get our heart to heart closure while Jack and Sam are being an adorable father son combo.

Jack explains that although he brought Dean and Cas back, he really shouldn’t keep resurrecting them because he wants to respect the balance of the universe and make sure things don’t get out of control again. They agree to take it easier and not be so reckless.

We can have a bit of a time jump here, Sam is with Eileen because of course and Dean is with Cas because with all the buildup and action codes and semiotics over the past season there’s not really any other way to go. If you really don’t want to show anything, at least have them wearing each others’ jackets and maybe even Cas wearing Dean’s amulet (yes we can get it back Jack is God ok)

They’re training new hunters using their bunker as a base, Sam in charge because he was a great leader with the hunters from apocalypse world and Dean giving advice and being the guy hunters go to when they’re freaking out or having nightmares or whatever. The new gen hunters can include the wayward sisters and the leftovers from apocalypse world who had settled elsewhere, plus maybe some of Jack’s friends. In short, Sam and Dean are basically the new Bobbys. Cas doesn’t let Dean go out on jobs so much, especially not without him because boi is too reckless and is supposed to be retired

If actors can’t get there because of covid, have them phoning in a la Bobby’s setup and the boys running point from computers- maybe Sam running a mission while Dean gives a young hunter a pep talk (encouraging like he wished his dad had been) and Cas sees from a doorway and smiles like yep that my boi

Cas of course also patches up the injuries but Sam teaches first aid too

If we must do a big timeskip to them being old (and 'farting sawdust’), the couples are still together and things are running smoothly without the boys in charge. They raised their own Sams and Deans and Jos and Eileens and they grew up great…they grew up heroes

If Eileen can’t be there because of covid, Sam can video call her, or you can show their child using sign language

If Cas can’t be there because covid he can be on the phone to Dean, and we can have some callbacks to their previous awkward calls when Cas was still learning to use a phone

The dog is still there because this ain’t his fault

If you insist on then also having them die, when they get to heaven they meet Bobby- their real dad. He hugs them and says that everyone is waiting for them. They ask “who?” (at the same time of course) and Bobby opens a door and gestures for them to go in. There’s a warm light, music, and you can hear the voices of people laughing and talking- totally doable from remotely just record the voices. The voices include: Kevin, Adam, Mary, Ash, Ellen, Jo, Gabriel, Jessica, Charlie and pretty much anyone who’s ever meant anything to them. Not only is it great closure for the fans but it’s a lovely sendoff and a thank you to all the many wonderful cast members from over the years who made this show special.

*People makes terrible mistakes in the fear of being fired. It’s better to be fired than to compromise in something that is going to destroy what you had in the first place… “

Supernatural writers should only learn from this queen!

comparing the intended series ender (5x22 “Swan Song”) with what we got (15x20 “Carry On”) is just 10,000 levels of sad

there was so much attention and care and heart poured into Swan Song, so much character growth and overcoming evil and the brotherly bond and the tenderness cas showed a broken dean

would it be okay if i just pretended that Swan Song was how the actual series finale played out except in this version, after Cas heals Dean, Dean confesses his reciprocated feelings of love and they get a house with a yard and this time Cas is raking leaves with Dean instead of watching from a distance

just like the tulpa, anything can be canon in supernatural’s universe if you just bait a group of people into watching your show long enough to believe it

you know what i’m gladthey killed Dean off because the onlyway i would have accepted a heterosexual ending for him is if by some twist of spn-magic he ran into Cassie at that pie fest and they ended up getting back together

the supernatural cast and writers every time they promise the series finale will leave us “satisfied”

Supernatural season 5 was the culmination of Sam & Dean’s original story arcs. Through the whole episode we keep having brother dialogues like:

S5 Dean: “Family is great, I want a family, I wish we’d had a different childhood, kids & a dog & a white picket fence please”

S5 Sam: “family sucks glad I got out of that one I just want to hunt forever”

And those sentiments are reflected in Sam’s supernatural sacrifice (throwing himself into the pit) and Dean’s immediate retreat to normal life (returning to Lisa, retiring from hunting).

Watching 15x20 with this in mind, really nails home the point that the writers did NOT understand the complexity of the characters they were dealing with. Dean was not a hunter who only liked pie and cars and wanted to die in action, and Sam was not a Boy Scout who would ever be able to move on from Dean’s death to start a family (not with his soul in tact anyway) and just abandon the world when monsters still exist.
