#canon destiel


I’m here to admit

That you were my medicine…

#spnedit    #destieledit    #spn spoilers    #destiel    #deancas    #canon destiel    #dencasedit    #supernaturaledit    #supernatural    #despair    #castiel    #dean winchester    #dean x castiel    #cas x dean    #castieledit    #deanedit    #spndestiel    #spndeanwinchester    #usersila    #userpris    #spoilres    #my edit    #my video    #soledad    #jensen ackles    #misha collins    #mishacollinsedit    #jensenacklesedit    

Why is Tumblr still working?

I have a funny feeling that something supernatural/destiel related is going to happen at the time of the COP26 meeting….But seriously the one year ‘destiel going canon’ anniversary is plonked right in the middle of the bloody thing!! I guess we will have to wait and see…..

just like the tulpa, anything can be canon in supernatural’s universe if you just bait a group of people into watching your show long enough to believe it


Okay I’m gonna make this it’s own post cause it’s important.

Good Omens, WWDITS, and OFMD are all queer rep. But I really do think the main reason why ofmd feels the most ‘real’ for some people is it scratches a particular itch a lot of people on Tumblr have been trying to get for years.

Good Omens has two characters who appear to be men. Both characters spend thousands of years pining after each other and falling in love, but it’s not 'explicitly states’ not is there a kiss. There is rep for nonbinary folks, AroAce folks, but it’s not 'gay.’ The rep is purely 'queer.’

What We Do in the Shadows has a romance between two men. Both, while confirmed to be gay/bi, have not kissed or hugged or been 'romantic’ on screen. They’ve been intimate and have had arcs to show care, jealously, and whatnot but nothing very romantic. At least, not from a classic standpoint. The creators are pushing a 'will they/won’t they’ arc. This is normal in many TV shows, but for many queers who are used to queerbaiting, the expectation is to be let down. Even if all the signs point to 'they will’ it still hits that traumatic 'queerbaiting’ tone for many.

Our Flag Means Death has a romance between not only two men, but a side romance between two men that has a kiss scene. The two main leads are romantic towards each other. But not only that, the creator has made it explicitly clear this is a romance. He has pushed again and again that this will happen, it’s just a slow burn. There is explicit 'gay’ rep on screen and promised future 'gay’ rep.

The reason ofmd resonates is because of what other posts have pointed out. Supernatural, Merlin, Sherlock; over and over two men have been shipped together with such fervor, it feels like a betrayal when it’s ignored. Or teased and then ignored. We don’t want to be traumatized again.

But also, they all represent one type of rep. Romantic, gay rep of two cishet men finding love. Even though in the case of Destiel, Cas is rarely viewed as anything but a cis man (even though that’s very not true). The expectation that those previous failures are being redeemed by this one show can make the queer rep in other shows seem less desirable.

Good Omens, WWDITS, and OFMD are three different types of queer rep, but ofmd has a specific trauma reaction being healed tied to it. And it’s okay to recognize that, but also, it needs to be recognized that does not take the queerness away from other shows.

None of these shows are queerbaiting. Acknowledge your trauma and enjoy them all for what they are, not what you want them to be.
