#autistic memes

The worst is probably when old people are like “well, I’m probably going to die soon.”  How do you e

The worst is probably when old people are like “well, I’m probably going to die soon.”  How do you even respond to that lol.  

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Image of a rectangular comic panel with an angry, tired red haired woman off to one side looking down at the viewer, saying: "PLEASE. stop. writing. about. Mars." She's labeled as 'highschool english teacher'
Next comic panel is looking down on the blank face of a darker skinned young teen with bushy black hair and a loose red shirt. They are looking up at the teacher off panel. They are labeled 'highschool me'
A third and last comic panel, similar to the one before except the teens pupils are huge and shining as they simply answer "no".

[image descriptions in alt text]

I took it as a challenge. Its my special interest and I say when we’re done, mam.

(yes she really said this)

Animals that I think are autistic icon...

#autgust : Autistic Animal Mascots…

Which animal symbols do yall relate to?

[Image transcriptions below]

Cats: “mew” • Like to make little noises to communicate • come off as aloof but actually just show affection differently • sometimes like touch…sometimes NO • ZOOM

Bats: often sensitive to light • unheard communication • known for flapping (literally called “Bats”) • so misunderstood - and feared??? • Needs dark and quiet

Birds (especially corvids and parrots): Sounds Galore! Some even mimic sounds they hear • More flapping • puzzle solvers • some are prone to anxiety when favorite person is gone • unique senses of style

Whales (Dolphins, “whales”, porpoises, belugas, narwhals): “EEEEE” • Some are very social, othrs are shy and roam the world humming ethereal tunes in the darkness we cannot comprehend • they do flips and spins just for fun • Sound sensitive. Noise pollution is harmful • Trickster Gods. But also have shown great empathy

Fireflies: Light it Up Gold! • Nonverbal Communication • Just love dark nights and cozy leaf litter • sensitive environmental changes • Somehow… we always find each other in the darkness ♡


(Autistics only)

Welcome to the 2nd annual Autgust! - Autistic Rebellion Month & Autistic Pride Month.

Tired of having an allistic chosen month be all about how allistics should be aware of or accept you?…Tired of allistic feelings being centered and spending a month defending yourself?… Welcome to Autgust! Grab your denim jacket and chew toy and lets ROCK OUT.

The prompts above are just fun suggestions. Celebrate any way you want. This month is for YOU.There are no rules - just rebellion.

Allies can reblog and share, but should not participate.<3

image transcription below:

1. Selfie! (or portrait, etc)

2. Special Interests

3. Autistic Memes

4. Intersectional Disabilities

5. Pets & Service Animals

6. Favorite Autistic Animal Mascot

7. Self Diagnosed

8. Sign Language & Alternative Communication

9. Autigender ⚧

10. Autistic Adults

11. ACTUAL Autism Parents (Autistic Parents)

12. Autistic Kids (4 Autistic Youth to SELF Advocate)

13. Queer Pride️‍

14. Favorite Autistic Characters (& Headcanons)


15. Light

16. Sound

17. Texture

18. Smells

19. Favorite Foods

20. Your Stims! 

21. Flapping Pride


22. Autistics of Color

23. Nonverbal 2 Hyperverbal

24. Introverts 2 Extroverts

25. Autistic Love

26. Neuropunk Looks

27. VENT(Ableists get lost.) 

28. Trans Autistics️‍⚧️

29. Autistic Artists

30. Autistic Writers and Stories

31. Autistic Rebellion

(You know what? Maybe steal september and make it “allistic awareness month”)


Hey! Tired of having to share a month -that was chosen by allistics- with allistics? Tired of spending “your” month having to raise your voice over “autism moms”, promoting “awareness”, and fighting puzzle peices and hate groups? ~ WELL NO MORE!

August is officially Âûtistic Rebellion Month. Its ÂûtisticPRIDEMonth. We’re not out here for allistics - we’re out here for ourselves and this is OUR month. ❤

To celebrate, I’ll be making a cheeky Autistic Rebellion fact of the day for each day. Today’s fact is obviously: It’s Autistic Rebellion Month babeyyyy!

Spread the word. (Especially you, allies.)


#autisticrebellionmonth #autgust #autisticpride #actuallyautistic #autisticsonly -> #autisticsspeak #allisticslisten


Check out the #autgust #autisticrebellionmonth #autisticpridemonth on social media! LOTS of cool things….

This year I won’t be drawing an autistic rebellion fact for each day but I will have several little goodies!

Get out and celebrate however you want! This Month is for


Autism in media: I got bored so I read three science textbooks and completed all these equations and now I’m working on the coding for this app-

Autism in real life: I’m so bored that every bone in my body feels like it’s being turned into one but don’t even talkto me about doing something about it

Me:Maybe I don’t have ADHD… Maybe I’ve been faking it for attention after all.

Also me when I watch anything: Speeding up the playback because I don’t have an attention span, adding subtitles because auditory processing issues, turning the volume up to god Themselves to prevent a Thought from coming, and ending up scrolling through memes the whole time

Does this resonate with you?

I find it pretty accurate.

Big thanks to myautisticsoul for making this.

I am exhausted, stressed, and burned out. Half of my hair fell out and I look grey. Not fun 2020.

My mind wants sleep, but my body says BUZZZZZ.


Fun Autism Fact #2

Anyone who supports Autism $peaks is legally required to only eat puzzle pieces for all meals. *who’s a puzzle now*?

Fun Autism Fact #2

Anyone who supports Autism $peaks is legally required to only eat puzzle pieces for all meals. *who’s a puzzle now*?


Fun Autism Fact #1

If you see an autistic person anytime during April, you are required to give a sacrificial gift. Although the practice of killing an animal for this purpose has become rarer, stim toys and money are generally acceptable.

Autistics are exempt from giving other autistics offerings, although you may if you like

Fun Autism Fact #1

If you see an autistic person anytime during April, you are required to give a sacrificial gift. Although the practice of killing an animal for this purpose has become rarer, stim toys and money are generally acceptable.

Good news: I have a new special interest and I really really love it (it’s The Magnus Archives podcast)

Bad news: it’s kinda scary and I’m generally a coward so I’ve been jumping at lots of little things while listening

Is the feelings I feel for this person who I care about romantic, platonic, or sexual? A memoir

My reaction when neurotypicals try to explain what autism is like to me, an autistic.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m really autistic or if I’m just “faking it”

Then I remember that I one time I told a friend that “if anyone wants me to make eye contact, their eyes can come in contact with my fist”

Sorry I’ve been gone lately

But while I was gone, I developed several unhealthy coping mechanisms, had multiple burnouts, and developed the new stim of grinding my teeth which will probably fuck me over in long run, but all of this is fiiiiiiine.



If you’re tired of neurotypical bullshit and you know it clap your hands

And flap them, too!

This was a wonderful addition


Anti autistic things to stop doing

  • Rhee Rhee memes. It’s meant to make fun of autistics w/higher support needs
  • Using Autistic as an insult. (Wow you’re so autistic or what an autistic meme.)
  • Calling each other R*tard.
  • Making fun of autistic people’s tics or special interest.
  • Making fun of physical differences.
  • Getting things autistics need banned (it’s ok to have stim toys like fidget spinners etc.) as long as you don’t get them taken away from those who need them.
  • Having fake therapy animals STOP THAT
  • Supporting Autism speaks The are a hate group. Need proof watch the I am autism add
  • Asking an autistic what thier thing is.
  • Tokenizing you’re autistic friends by going oh my stepsisters cousins best friend is autistic. Umm ok I know folks with brown hair I don’t point it out when I meet folks with brown hair.
  • Saying stuff like accommodations are unfair/cheating and just ways disabled folks get ahead.
  • Not listening to autistic friends and peers when they tell you the truth of our existence buck vs bell (forced sterilization.) still legal. Disabled folks can’t marry w/out one person loosing healthcare etc.) both true facts.
  • Telling an autistic or nuerodiverse kid in you’re school that they are most likely to be as school shooter. (It’s untrue and offensive. Especially when we hate that people get hurt seeking an education.)
  • Saying autistics don’t have a culture or cultural values
  • Telling autistics it’s thier perspective when they report bullying to you when 33% more than ¼th of all bullying victims according to Pacer.com are autistics
  • Making videos of you doing something nice for the autistic kid so you can get attention… it can be embarrassing for us
  • Making us you’re “autistic friend.” So you can impress other people with out charitable or kind you are and then drop us when you’re done that hurts.
  • Using us for our accommodations
  • Not realizing those “special classrooms” and “special bathrooms” are apart of disabled segregation. When they all should be accessible
  • Telling autistics not to headcanon characters as autistics (Even after we show you proof.)
  • Forcing person first language on us without asking how we identify.
  • Laughing at socially awkward tendencies because you don’t know who could have an invisible disabilitie
  • Dressing up like asylum victims for Halloween when thier graves have numbers instead of names.
  • Also no Sexy mental patient costumes if the first wasn’t offensive enough rape and sexual assault is 8 to 9 times more likely to happen to folks with invisible disabilities. 3% of all rape cases are disabled folks (to put that in perspective 1% of the world population has green eyes and you’ve seen folks with green eyes.)
  • Also stop making mental patients the villains in you’re horror movies or ghosts. Simply ,because they have an invisible disability that’s A.) Lazy writing B.) stereotyping an at risk community.
  • Also autism is HIGHLY genetic so ^ making fun of above things makes fun of us,our parents,our siblings,our nieces ,and in some cases our ansestors.
  • Autism has been around since prehistoric times not just 1940s








Those of you who aren’t on autistic twitter are missing out on Puppetgate.

Hold onto your pants because this is going to get UNREAL.

1. A London playhouse reveals that it will be doing a play about a family whose non-verbal autistic child is being sent to an institution.

The autistic child will be represented by a puppet.

2. Autistic Twitter: “A puppet? What the fuck? Like we already feel like we are treated as inhuman things with no voice.”

3. Play supporters: “but Julia from Sesame Street is okay right?”

4. Autistic twitter: “…true but why a puppet?”

5. Playhouse: “because of child labour laws. You can’t ask a non verbal autistic child to perform in a play day after day.”

6. Autistic Twitter: “but why couldn’t a small adult actor just…”

7. Playhouse: “okay and here is the puppet!”

8. Autistic Twitter: “Oh dear god what is that unholy abomination?”

9. Playhouse: “it’s great right? This puppet is going to be SO MUCH more like an autistic child than a human could ever be!”



10. Autistic Twitter: “how could that creepy goblin represent an autistic child better than an actor could?”

11. Playhouse: “Well you see because he’s a non verbal autistic and aggressive so things get pretty physical and also it would be stereotypical and insulting to make a human play an autistic person but if we use an inanimate object it’s fine.”

12. Autistic Twitter: “We are NOT okay with this.”

13. Playhouse: “You haven’t even seen the play. We consulted with so many autistic people.”

14. National Autism Society: “Yeah you consulted us and we told you that this play was problematic and that you should make some major changes including dumping the puppet.”

15. Playhouse: “And we took those notes under advisement.”

16. NAS: “But you didn’t make the changes.”

17. Playhouse: “No. Because you just a read a script and we know you’ll all feel differently when you see it.

18. Autistic Twitter: “So… can autistic theatre critics get free tickets so we can see if?”

19. Playhouse: “No we can’t afford to give out free tickets to critics.”

20. Non-Autistic Critic: “Actually you offered ME free tickets and I turned them down saying you should give them to an autistic critic.”

21. Playhouse: “…Hey look, opening night!”

22. Non-Autistic Critic: “So I went to see it and… it’s really weird. The parents are terrible people and I cannot for the life of me understand why they thought an adult man with a grey faced goblin sprouting from his groin making autistic noises was more realistic than an autistic actor playing the child themself.”

23. Non-Autistic Autism Advocate: “I went to see it and it was SO GOOD. I totally forgot that Laurence was a puppet he seemed so much like a real autistic child in that he was not human and he didn’t even feature that much in the play.

The heartbreak of the family dealing with the tragedy of autism was so real and honest and I have NO idea why people are offended by this wonderful play that portrays autism as a family-destroying evil.

24. #ActuallyAutistic Critic: “GUYS I WENT TO SEE IT AND OMG. Theatre isn’t sensory friendly, non sensory friendly performances, no trigger warnings on anything even though it’s full of ableism and screaming people.

Plot of the play is that the kid is being taken by social services to go to an institution.

Big plot twist is that the mom called them herself because she couldn’t handle the autism anymore.

Puppet just flaps around and occasionally attacks people. I actually really love puppetry but this was messed up and not well done AT ALL.

These people are all terrible. Dad has been taking shits on the Mom’s pillow and blaming it on his non-verbal son.

Puppet gets pinned to the ground in that move that can kill people.

The puppet’s care worker says that autistic people are animals who have reincarnated as people, and he’s still the best human being in this play.

This is play is an ableist shitfest written by allistics for allistics about the tragedy of autism and how it destroys families.”

25. Autistic Twitter: “Sorry, did you say the Dad SHITS ON HIS WIFE’S PILLOW AND BLAMES HIS SON??”

26. Allistic Twitter: “This play was SO brave to be so honest about how awful autistic children are! So refreshing to see a play showing the PARENTS’ viewpoint for once!


So that’s where we are right about now. If you want to go be angry the hashtag on twitter is #puppetgate

Here is a link to Shaun May’s amazing and horrifying review of this tire fire of a play.



What the fuck did I just read?

What the fuck? Why? Sometimes I really hate nuerotypical people.

autism-artism: I know I post a lot of positivity and I stand by that but life with autism isn’t alwa


I know I post a lot of positivity and I stand by that but life with autism isn’t always super easy and its totally okay to struggle with it. Its okay not to always feel thrilled about it; feeling like that doesn’t make you a bad person. Just remember that you are fantastic for who you are. Accepting yourself or your diagnosis might be a process and that’s absolutely fine. Autism acceptance month isn’t just about others accepting us, for a lot of people its about working toward self acceptance too!

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So how ‘bout “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck?

Gotta love hefty doses of ableism and non disabled people defending it because “it was for his own good” and “it was a different time”. Not to mention the racism and sexism! I hate this book and will fight people over it.


Why autism moms think autism is a tragedy: “my poor child will never talk the way I think they should”

What autistic people think sucks about autism: executive dysfunction, autism moms being like That
