

October is not October

In 1492 nothing altered the daily life of Wallmapu. We greeted Antü as every day, continued with the tasks in our lands, the wampo led us through rivers and lakes, drank our pulku and kissed our pichikeche.

October is not October in the WALLMAPU because it took 40 years for the invaders to come to the Pikunmapu. And even there, they didn’t dare to enter. Only in 1541 the wezache Valdivia raised Penco, in the north margin of the Bío Bío and our futrakecheyem immediatly went to confront them. Here, with no gods or expected prophecies…

October is not October because the war was merciless and meant extermination for our people, but here, the Spanish couldn’t against us. They couldn’t defeat us and after three decades of incredible mortality, unspeakable suffering, tears and blood, our elders balanced the account and in 1598, threw the Winka north of the sacred river. They lost. They where expelled.

Here, the king, his governors, knights and soldiers could not defeat us. And in 1641 pita winka, Spain had to admit the Mapuche independence and sovereignty of the Bío Bío to the south. In Ngulumapu and Puelmapu. Of sea to sea.

And we greeted Antü as every day, we returned to our lands to feed us, returned the wampo and on horseback the Mapuche freedom extended throught all the territory. And we drank our pulku and kissed our pichikeche. And we grew and we lived.

One decade, two decades, three… Many that transformed into centuries. More than 300 years of freedom, of culture, of wind in the face, of kütral in our homes, of wangelen shining in the nights, of well-being… Of az mongen, küme mongen.

On October 12, 1492 nothing happened at the WALLMAPU. October is not October for the Mapuche of Puelmapu. That colonial nightmare was not dreamt by us, until May 25, 1879, when the wezache Roca formed his troops in Choele Choel and sounded his bugles, his cannons.

October is not October for the Mapuche.

October is May.

~Kalffu Nawel

Todos íbamos descalzos,

Danzando bajo el cielo azul.

En la trutruca se oía

La voz de los espíritus.

Las pifilkas

Con cantos de golondrina,

Nos conducían al baile ceremonial.

Todos purrukabamos, todos….

Kallfü Nawel
