
strangesigils: I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m justrangesigils: I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m justrangesigils: I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m justrangesigils: I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m justrangesigils: I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m justrangesigils: I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m ju


I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m just calling it “Letter Shaping” because you’re using the basic shapes from certain letters.
This is the most common form of sigil making, and it allows the most creative influence. As you see above the sigils are for nearly the same thing, yet the sigils came out completely different. Not because the purpose was different, but because I approached them both a different creative way, and that’s what I like so much about this method. There’s a lot of freedom and personalization involved.

(UPDATE:Here’s a link to a guide on how to deconstruct letters down to basic shapes)

Oeh, moar sigil magick.

Post link

Witching hour…

When needle and thread, that mends the cloth between my fingers, mends the soul.
A patch is meant to hold, fixed by heat, fixed with needle.
A decoration covers the damage, not to be hidden but to become a part of the whole.
The work goes swift, with quiet chant just under my breath, feels like an old path walked upon.
A knot to hold, to hold the good, to stop the fray. 

And a safety pin, for accident which can’t be seen until it’s too late.

I’d love to hear your opinions on this. I plan to simply put it, banish someone from my life and I want to include the social media action in the ritual. Has any of you experience with this? 
Plan is that during the ritual, while saying the spell, I will remove/unfriend the person in question and block them too. 

I’ll gladly hear your opinions about this, by reblogging, answering or sending me a message :) 

May stars shine bright upon your paths! 

~ Kotka ~ 

-This is when you will find me,
in my witching hour…-

the-darkest-of-lights:​via crones book of Magical WordsBy Valerie WorthMirror, mirror on the wthe-darkest-of-lights:​via crones book of Magical WordsBy Valerie WorthMirror, mirror on the wthe-darkest-of-lights:​via crones book of Magical WordsBy Valerie WorthMirror, mirror on the w


​via crones book of Magical Words
By Valerie Worth

Mirror, mirror on the wall, 
tell me no lies… 

Mirror, mirror on the wall, 
show me the sights from behind… 

Mirror, mirror on the wall, 
Shatter in protection of what is mine. 

-This is when you will find me,
in my witching hour… -

Post link


Hey guys! :D I answered a bunch of questions regarding Hellenic deities, so I thought I would make a post linking to them all ^_^ 

Offerings/Worship in General

playlist offerings

How can I thank a deity for guidance and help?

What’s hair wrapping, and why is it something some Hellenic Polytheists do?

How can I worship deities if I am a secret polytheist? (includes advice specifically for Athena and Artemis as well)

I want to maintain an altar, but I don’t have a lot of space. Do you have any ideas?

Can I approach a specific deity without them calling to me first?

How do I introduce myself to a deity? Is there a good way to do it?

Can I throw away offerings that aren’t nature-friendly? If so, how can I do that respectfully?

How did you personally begin worshiping your deities? Do you have any tips regarding some of them?

Do deities get jealous of each other? How can I avoid making them mad due to time spent with them?

How can I connect to a god/goddess that I am beginning to worship?

How do you maintain an altar in secret?

How do I know if a deity is trying to get my attention, and how do I find out which one it is? 

How can I use my body as an altar?

Is it okay to worship multiple deities but feel closer to particular ones? 

Do you know of any offerings that would work for almost any deity?

What do I do with the offerings when my deities are done with them? Can I throw them away, and how long should hey be left out?

When meditating, how do I know if a deity is sending me a sign, or my brain is making it up?

How do I know when a god is trying to show an interest in me?

How can I learn to write poetry that I can give to the gods as offerings?

How can I give offerings without burning them?

How long does it take to begin bonding with a deity?

How do I become a devotee, and can I be a devotee to more than one deity?

I’m having a hard time getting my words out to introduce myself to the deity I want to worship. Have any tips?

How do the god give signs? Should I make a shrine even though I don’t feel anyone calling me yet?

Are there certain stones for certain deities?

What Are Some Steps I Should Take to Communicate With a Deity?

Picking a Deity/Knowing when they are calling to you

Types of Books to Read to the Gods

Do I have to Read Aloud When Reading to my Deities?

How can I communicate with Deities?

Specific Deities

Short List of Hellenic Deities

Nyx Resources

How can I approach Demeter?

Hecate Resources

Is there a difference between Selene and Artemis?

Can you tell me about Persephone? How should I introduce myself to her? 

Offerings for Apollo and Selene, altar ideas, and resources

Offerings for Ares and Morpheus and resources

Altar ideas and resources for Artemis

I’m depressed. Can I still work with Aphrodite? & How can I know what god/goddess is trying to get my attention if I am bad at picking up on signs?

I have self-harm scars. Will Aphrodite be displeased by me? Can I still use my body as an altar?

What should I put on my altar to Persephone? 

I want to begin working with Zeus. How should I get started, and what are some tips or pointers you have? 

How should I make an altar to Aphrodite/make an altar for any deity?

How should I worship Eos?

What are some arcane-ish symbols/things Hermes is related to? 

To Anyone Interested in Artemis, read this tip from an Anon :)

Offering Ideas, Shrine Ideas, and Resources for Athena and Aphrodite

Artemis Links

Secret shrine to Persephone and Hades

Hera Resources and Shrine Ideas

Cheap and Discreet Shrine Ideas for Zeus

Shrine Ideas for Nyx

How did you know your deity asked you to do Hairbinding/wrapping?

Hecate Shrine ideas and Resources

More Hecate Resources

Hestia Offerings, Resources, and Shrine Ideas

Poseidon resources, acts of devotion, shrine ideas, etc.

Hades Tea Offering Ideas

How can I introduce myself to Hades and Persephone?

How can I use my body as an altar to Hades & Persephone?

Nyx Worship Ideas

Pan Offerings and Resources

Hades/Persephone Masterpost

Do I Have to Introduce Myself to Hades Before Becoming a Devotee?

Devotional Acts for Zeus

I Want to Connect With Zeus. Any Advice or Tips?

Cheap and Discreet Shrine Ideas for Hades/Persephone and Dionysus

How Can I Worship Persephone in Everyday Life?

Some Zeus Resources and Worship Ideas

Zeus Masterpost

Do you Have Any Ideas on How to Honour Ananke or the Moirai?

Apollo Masterpost

Body Altar Ideas for Athena

How Can I Worship Hecate?


How Can Men Veil/How Was it Done in Ancient Greece?

Good Website to Learn About the Gods

Studying the Greek Gods; Basic Resources for Beginners

Sacred Animals of the Gods

What Even is Hellenic Polytheism? What are Some Good Links to Read When First Getting Started?

How to Make a Libation

Do the Gods Always Respond? What Does it Mean When A Bond I have Already Formed Doesn’t Seem to Be Active Suddenly?

More About Getting Started


Perth or Perthro - “Per-th” or “Per-throw” – Literally: unknown – Esoteric: The Norns, Fate, Lot-Cup; Urd, Werdandi and Skuld. 

This rune belongs to Moon, it’s a rune of fate, manifestation. Rune of probability and the role of luck in the evolutionary process of the all things. Universe at play.

Psi: co-incidence, living with the unknown, the art and magic of guessing, pattern recognition, prophecy

Energy: evolutionary force, luck, nothingness, the unborn, the unmanifest

Mundane: gambling, random occurrences, guessing, intuition, feelings, premonition. 

Divinations: When unexpected things happen you realize later that you already knew, long in advance or sensed, that something was going on. In the background, the atmosphere was preparing already. It is the rune that indicates that there are hidden things going on and that changes are coming. 
In reverse: Hidden things will come to light. A secret will be solved. Relief.

Good omen, knowledge, fellowship and joy, evolutionary change, psychological or emotional addictions, stagnation, loneliness, delusion, fantasy, lack of knowledge.

Perception of the layers of örlög and wyrd
Manipulation of cause and effect
Placing runic forces in the stream of Nornic law
Alteration of probability and dependence on luck
The creation of favourable circumstances
Chance, gambling, divination and the art of guessing

(FromRunesecrets and personal notes)

This is when you will find me,
in my witching hour…


  • Day Three:Write a spell based off of a mythical beast.

A Spell For Those Not Faint of Heart

Black Dog Phantoms are seen throughout alot of mythology. Often they are harbingers of death and some are said to even cause it. But most importantly…they are a warning. Do you have a hard time determining if a situation is ok or not? Not so great with you instincts… Well If you arent afraid of the big bad wolf, then this could be for you.

You WIll Need:

  • Jar
  • Black Candle
  • humanely clipped toe nails of a dog or a good amount of dog hair.  (basically take a dog to be groomed and keep the excess. yep..you will look alittle strange. Unless you clip dog nails on your own. Then you risk looking less creepy. Basically..dont hurt any dogs to get what you need or the spell wont work and can backfire)
  • Graveyard Dirt
  • Protection incense of your choice.
  • White Vinegar.

Take the ingredients and put them in the jar. Seal the jar and like the candle. Drip the black wax all over the top of the jar to seal it while saying.

I call to the black dog of lore

to aid me by warning of terrible things

I call him from across the moor

To protect me from all sorts of fiends.

The black dog shall not give harm to me

All it should do is be heard and seen

when my instinct is stronger and i can be

I will release it back to haunt the green. 

Once this spell is cast If at any time you see the black dog with glowing eyes…or you hear a nerve shattering bark..Its best to be gone from that place immediately. Especially be gone before you hear the third bark. After the third bark….well..no one can really say what happens.

When you are ready to release the spell. Break open the bottle in a forest or nice green field away from your home. Even a graveyard if that feels more comfortable. Destroy the bottle and make sure to say it is released once you leave this place. 

But do no be surprised if it doesnt leave you alone. It is a phantom dog. They get attached.



Beware, for the power behind this beast of magick is one that we should treat with respect and uttermost careful approach. I am familiar with them, with the feline version (yes, it exists…) as well. Yet even for someone with 20+ years of experience and knowledge, this is NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY! 

From what I know, if you see or hear this kind of dog, if you don’t leave the area, after third bark the Dog will do what it’s duty is: to bear away the soul of a person to the afterlife
So be wary, be careful. Treat it with utmost respect, for this spirit is as old as the Isles themselves…

spells-and-sorcery:Simple book binding tutorial, very useful for making your own personalize Book ofspells-and-sorcery:Simple book binding tutorial, very useful for making your own personalize Book ofspells-and-sorcery:Simple book binding tutorial, very useful for making your own personalize Book ofspells-and-sorcery:Simple book binding tutorial, very useful for making your own personalize Book ofspells-and-sorcery:Simple book binding tutorial, very useful for making your own personalize Book ofspells-and-sorcery:Simple book binding tutorial, very useful for making your own personalize Book of


Simple book binding tutorial, very useful for making your own personalize Book of Shadows

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brandedroseshop: Totem: Enchanted Bear Wooden Pendant, Pyrography I’m still happiest with this piece


Totem: Enchanted Bear Wooden Pendant, Pyrography

I’m still happiest with this piece so far. It has been inspired by a druid character a friend of mine plays on LARP :) 

~Branded Rose: Fire Needle Embroidery~

Post link

Ihwaz(also:Eihwaz) – “Yew-was” – Literally: “Yew”

Meaning: The Yggdrasil or Kundalini, “The axis or process of spiritual becoming.” Upper and lower worlds meeting in Midgard (earth). Rune of the mysteries of life and death. Devoted to god Ullrand to Moon.

Key Concepts: Retroactively, the resilience, stamina, defense, flexibility, withdrawal, strategy

Psi: death mysteries, the timeless, kundalini, travel between the worlds, shamanic powers,

Energy: axis of heaven-earth-hel, secrecy, encoding, immortality, the chakra system (hvel)

Mundane: longevity, initiations, trees

Divinations: In the nature, yew is not exactly the prettiest tree, but the this tree is one with most spring and vitality. No matter what life will put in front of you, you will keep on going, bouncing back. When attacked or in danger, you will withdraw, but only to take a new position and thereby strengthen your power.


  • Initiation into the wisdom of the World Tree (Yggdrasil) and hvel (chakras)
  • Liberation from the fear of death.
  • Development of spiritual endurance and hard will to gain initiative
  • Spiritual vision
  • Communication between levels of reality – the Worlds or Yggdrasil
  • Flexibility in life

(FromRunesecrets and personal notes)

This is when you will find me,
in my witching hour…

brandedroseshop: A custom order, personal piece… Vegvisir, a magical stave compass from Iceland. I r


A custom order, personal piece… Vegvisir, a magical stave compass from Iceland. I really love it, and it was so easy to create it for me, even tho the material didn’t always worked with me… 

I take custom orders on my etsy, so if you want a Vegvisir or your own, unique design, contact me: Branded Rose on Etsy

Oh yes, I love it. I guess my fascination with runes is taking it to new level, personal jewellery ^_^ 

Post link
brandedroseshop:Totem: Enchanted Fox Pendant —-I have to say, this stays my favourite item so far &l


Totem: Enchanted Fox Pendant


I have to say, this stays my favourite item so far <3 

Such a pretty totem pendant… *-*

Post link

Todos íbamos descalzos,

Danzando bajo el cielo azul.

En la trutruca se oía

La voz de los espíritus.

Las pifilkas

Con cantos de golondrina,

Nos conducían al baile ceremonial.

Todos purrukabamos, todos….

Kallfü Nawel
