

i think we all need to collectively realize that “angels like you” by miley cyrus is the nessian anthem we all needed. think about it. 

“i brought you down to your knees, ‘cause they say that misery loves company. its not your fault i ruin everything, its not your fault i cant be what you need”

“baby angels like you can’t fly down hell with me”

“im everything they said i would be” :(

brb gonna cry




  • Cassian said tightly, “He says he’d rather stay up here than at the river house.”
  • “Because of the shit with Elain?” Azriel stilled. “What happened to Elain?” Cassian waved a hand. “A fight with Nesta. Don’t bring it up,” he warned when Azriel’s eyes darkened.
  • Cassian surveyed the shadows gathered around Az. “You all right?” His brother nodded. “Fine.” But shadows still swarmed him.
  • Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain’s face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike.
  • “Elain was the only one who guessed. She caught me vomiting two mornings in a row.” She nodded toward Azriel. “I think she’s got you beat for secret-keeping.”
  • Azrielstiffened. “I know. I helped rescue Elain, after all.” Az hadn’t so much as hesitated before going into the heart of Hybern’s war-camp.
  • Mor no longer sat beside Cassian, draped herself over him, and Azriel … those longing glances toward her had become few and far between. As if he’d given up. After five hundred years, he’d somehow given up. Cassian couldn’t think why.
  • Cassian let it drop, knowing Az would have told him already if he’d wanted to share what had been hounding him enough to exercise at night, rather than in the morning with them.
  • Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.”
  • Shethrew a nod toward Azriel. “Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don’t underestimate her.”
  • “We won’t allow any harm to come to Elain. Rhys warded her this morning, and we have eyes on her at all times.” “Eyes can be blinded,” Nesta said. “Not the ones under my command,” Azriel said with soft menace.
  • Nesta met his stare, knowing he was the only one aside from Feyre who could truly understand her hesitation. He’d gone with Feyre into the heart of Hybern’s camp to save Elain—he knew the risk.
  • “She made ballrooms into battlefields and plotted like any general. Like you two,” she said, nodding to Cassian, and then, a bit more shyly, to Azriel. Azriel offered her a small smilethatElain quickly looked away from. Cassian tucked away his puzzlement.
  • “You came,” Elain said behind her, and Nesta started, not having heard her sister approach. She scanned Elain from head to toe, wondering if she’d been taking lessons in stealth either from Azriel or the two half-wraiths she called friends.
  • Elain just linked her arm through Nesta’s and led her toward the family room, where Azriel stood in the doorway, monitoring them. As if he’d heard Elain’s sharp laugh and wondered what had caused it.
  • Then his gaze shifted to Elain, and though it was utterly neutral, something charged went through it. Between them. Elain’s breath caught slightly, and she gave him a shallow nod of greeting before brushing past, leading Nesta into the room.
  • “My shadows don’t like the flames so much.” A pretty lie. She’d seen Azriel before the fire plenty. But she looked at who sat close to it and knew the answer.
  • Shadows darkened his eyes, full of enough pain that she couldn’t stop herself from touching his shoulder. Letting him see that she understood why he stood in the doorway, why he wouldn’t go near the fire. His secret to tell, never hers.
  • He’d been replaced in training by a stone-faced Azriel, who was more aloof than usual and wouldn’t even give her a smile.

Pouty Rhysand and Feyre

//Reposting my Rhys one bc I ended up drawing one for Feyre

I drew these two at very separate times so Rhys is a lot more messy and Feyre is more soft.

Feyre and Rhysand from ACOTAR! Trying out different things~ And as you can see, this is purely a ske

Feyre and Rhysand from ACOTAR!
Trying out different things~ And as you can see, this is purely a sketch lol //don’t look at the hands pls//

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(Banner by the lovely @sncinder​ )

Elriel’s story after ACOSF

I can’t believe this is the end Thanks to everyone who’s read this story every week and left me incredible feedback. Here’s to the next adventure!❤️

Word Count: 1018


Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8|Chapter 9|Chapter 10|Chapter 11|Chapter 12|Chapter 13|Chapter 14|Chapter 15|Chapter 16|Chapter 17|Chapter 18|Chapter 19|Chapter 20|Chapter 21|Chapter 22|Chapter 23|Chapter 24|Chapter 25|Chapter 26|Chapter 27|Chapter 28|Chapter 29|Chapter 30 |Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Elain cooed, pulling her hands away from her face as the chubby-cheeked baby in Azriel’s arms giggled wildly.

“Stop that. He doesn’t know what’s happening,” Azriel chastised as Nyx silenced once she hid her face once more.

“It’s a game, love. People play this with babies all the time. See? He loves it.” Riotous laughter echoed around the meadow.

It was the end of summer, and the family was all gathered at the cabin for hunting and fishing, and really an excuse to drink raucously—as if they didn’t do that enough already at home.

In the month since Elain and Azriel had mated, they’d both moved into the townhouse—a gift from Rhys and Feyre, though he’d promised that if they ever wanted anything bigger, he would spare no expense. It seemed the High Lord still felt insanely guilty for his role in separating them.

But right now it was the perfect size for them. They could still stay at the riverfront estate when they wanted family time, but it afforded them some semblance of privacy without being too far away from the others and downtown Velaris.

Elain still visited the estate gardens a few days a week, but she had revived the neglected garden at the townhouse, small though it was. Somehow having it be solely hersmade it seem so much more important.

Azriel had even helped her build a pergola right in the middle, and it became one of their favorite spots to sit and sip tea in the mornings, snuggled in each other’s arms.

He had even recovered enough to be joining his brothers in their morning drills, and she had seen the change in him as he was able to return to that physical outlet. Between that and time spent with her, he seemed happyfor once since she’d known him.

Every night she fell asleep in his arms after making love. That’s what she called it, no matter whether it was in Azriel’s style or her own. Both were enjoyable and full of emotion—and copious pleasure—for her.

And he slept through the nights with her. Gone were the bags haunting the undersides of his eyes. They each still had their own pains and nightmares, but together they didn’t seem so overwhelming and all-consuming.

Though she wasn’t ready for children yet, the image of Azriel holding their nephew still threatened to undo her. Regardless of his childhood trauma, he would make a good father—if only to spite his own. But beneath the coldness of his many masks, she knew the softer side—the one which was permanently on display when they were alone together.

It only made her love him more.

She laid down on their blanket on the grass, closing her eyes and letting the sunshine wash over her. While there was a chill already forming in the air, the warmth brought on by the sunshine still permeated down to her bones.

A vision washed over her, and she invited it in.


It must have been Solstice. All the evergreen decorations were strewn around the riverfront estate, and Elain could smell rich mulled wine heavily floating on the air. Piles of presents were littering the room, including a new pile for Nyx which was overflowing with toys.

It made her smile to see how spoiled her nephew would be—not that there had ever been any doubt in her mind.

She felt heady, a lump of longing and nostalgia forming in her throat as she thought of Solstices past. They had never quite gone smoothly, but she found her future self at peace.

The least of that probably had to do with the male strolling out of the sitting room towards her, sweeping her into a lingering kiss which promised just what he would do to her as soon as they climbed up the stairs to their bedroom.

But he was loitering around, not making the first move, and though Elain had already received a piece of artwork commissioned by her mate as a present, she somehow felt like he wasn’t finished, so she pulled back, looking him in the eyes in silent question.

A creeping flush threatened to break out over his golden brown skin as he met her gaze, and she saw him take a deep breath and realized … Azriel was nervous.

His hands fell into his pockets, and she had the distinct impression he was fiddling with something to help with whatever had him so anxious before he began speaking.

“My time with you has meant everything to me, Elain. I wouldn’t take back a second of what it took us to get here, no matter the price.” She felt the same way. Their lives were tinged with regrets, but every single decision had brought them here. Together.

“I am beyond honored to be your mate. I am beyond honored that even though you could have ignored the bond between us, you chose me. Even for all my faults. I am beyond honored that you opened your heart to our Fae traditions to give me—give us—this piece of joy and beauty.”

Elain’s heart was fluttering in her chest. Azriel showed her every day how much she meant to him, and it seemed like that hadn’t let up in the months leading to Solstice.

“So I wanted to bring back one of your human traditions. I know it’s not custom for mates to further seal the bond, and I know you were engaged to be married once, but …

Tears welled unbidden in Elain’s eyes, and she was reminded of how she had so much hope in this very spot a year ago only to have it crushed, but now … Now, she was getting everything she’d ever dreamed of, and …

She had to leave. 


As she saw him pulling something out of his pocket, Elain thrust herself from the vision. Some things weren’t meant to be completely spoiled by her visions. Some things were meant to be lived.

And Elain couldn’t imagine living those things with anyone other than the male at her side who tucked her into his chest.


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(Banner by the lovely @sncinder​ )

Elriel’s story after ACOSF

Happy Elriel Month, lovelies! ❤️

Word Count: 2477


Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8|Chapter 9|Chapter 10|Chapter 11|Chapter 12|Chapter 13|Chapter 14|Chapter 15|Chapter 16|Chapter 17|Chapter 18|Chapter 19|Chapter 20|Chapter 21|Chapter 22|Chapter 23|Chapter 24|Chapter 25|Chapter 26|Chapter 27|Chapter 28|Chapter 29 |Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Elain raised the biscuit to his mouth, and Azriel took a bite, the buttery cookie crumbling in his mouth, the chocolate melting beneath his tongue. He chewed slowly, cautiously, unsure how exactly this would manifest but savoring the experience nonetheless.

As he swallowed, he felt it. The warm tug in his abdomen tightening, a shower of gold annihilating his senses as he began to feel her. He took another bite, and another—each bit passing his lips strengthening the pull of her until he had consumed the entire thing.

It was then that he felt the burning hunger.

Azriel had thought that he needed Elain before, but it had never been this primal, this urgent. And through the bond, he could feel his own feelings mirrored in her. It was heady to feel such desire in return for him.

One could always tell from scents and other physical symptoms, but this was on another level entirely. The gravity between them was palpable, two large moons about to collide in the sweetest embrace.

“You’re my mate.” It was the first time he’d allowed himself to voice it aloud, the first time he’d dared.

“And you’re mine,” she murmured, her heady voice eating away at the core of him as his already erect cock stiffened even further. He was going to need to learn how to control that. Because, Cauldron, if this was his physical reaction to merely being in her presence now, they weren’t going to get a lot done. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing.

She cocked her head at him, eyes darting to the evidence in his pants, and it was his undoing. He pounced, nearly knocking the remaining cookies off the counter as he pressed her against it.

“Azriel,” she groaned as he ground against her, lips already frantically pecking at her neck. He was unhinged, completely and thoroughly unraveled with need for her. His mate. His gift from the Cauldron. It was unbearable to be so close and yet so far.

“Bed,” she insisted, and he realized he had never taken her there. They’d fucked all over this house, but he’d never given either of them that bit of normalcy. And even though he preferred to be in control, he obliged her, winnowing upstairs to the room she had resided in back when she’d lived in the townhouse.

But he wouldn’t give her the bed. Not yet. Azriel led Elain to the chair. They would still be doing this his way, and it would be the most beautiful torture for both of them. This was going to be an exercise in restraint for him as well—just in a different way. Shadows wrapped around her wrists and ankles, binding them to the armrests and chair leg.


“I said bed,” Elain protested, causing Azriel to grip her chin and force her to look at him. It wasn’t enough to hurt, but it was enough to get his point across. He still wanted to play with her before he took her. She was starting to get an impression of how her mate worked—how he craved control in the bedroom.

“You’ll have to earn it, love,” he crooned, causing Elain to fake a pout. She would play his games as long as … 

“Then I get to take you how I want to,” she demanded, with more bravado than she felt. He was still completely in control of the situation, but she trusted him.

And Azriel trusted her too. “Deal.”

Darkness fell across her face, and she felt the familiar barrier of his shadow blindfold. Shadows tickled up the insides of her thighs, wriggling their way up her dress until they were caressing her in the most sensual of ways. The cool sensations were a direct foil to how she heated for him, her sex desperate for him but only given to wiggling against the bottom of the chair.

“The safe word’s porpoise,” he breathed in her ear, causing Elain to realize that he had moved behind her. She didn’t have time to wonder why he chose to use the name of the squealing aquatic mammals living off the coast before he had swept the loose hair off the back of her neck, his hot breath causing gooseflesh to rise around it as he kissed the length of her collar bone.

“You’re exquisite,” he murmured against her skin. “I promise you that everything I’m about to do is perfectly safe, but if you want me to stop for any reason, you know what to do, right?”

She nodded her ascent at the same time she let out an involuntary moan. He had just bitten the tender skin of her throat before kissing over it and moving away from her.

No—not away. But now he was kneeling before her, and she could feel his hands sliding up her thighs, the skin already primed from his shadows, and Elain squirmed in her seat but knew better than to demand that he take her right then. He would only delay them even further out of obstinance.

Instead of hooking on her undergarments like she wanted though, his hand paused at the sheath strapped to her thigh, where she wielded Truth-Teller.

Elain heard the soft whisper of the blade being pulled free before the icy-cold metal plane of the blade struck her thigh, causing her to curse in surprise.

Azriel paused, and once she had regained her bearings, Truth-Teller slithered down her leg, a viper coil to strike. But strike where, she did not know.

“Where should I start?” Azriel purred.

“Your exquisite thighs?” A flourish before his hand pulled out of her skirts.

“Your supple breasts?” The edge traced the underside of her bosom, slicing neatly through the fabric but nothing else.

“Your perfect neck?” The flat of the blade found her collar bone, and Elain shuddered beneath him, wriggling to break free of her bonds. She suddenly didn’t care about their agreement. The inferno in her sex needed kindling, and he was all that would do.

“None of that,” Azriel tutted. “We are dancing on a knife’s edge, love. You need to yield to me completely.”

Elain melted. She was loath to admit it, but he was right. He was a master with the blade, and though she trusted him to wield it, she might accidentally hurt herself by moving about.

Cauldron, he was going to be the death of her though. “I need you,” she pleaded, letting him in on the magnitude of her desire.

“I know,” Azriel whispered in her ear. “But you have to earn it. You know the rules.” She did, but that didn’t make it any easier. Not with cold blade and hot breath mingling in exquisite torture across her skin. Not when she hadn’t gotten to feel him inside her for weeks. Not when their mating bond was ringing loud and clear between them, amplifying every ache for him.

If only she had use of her hands, she could—

Azriel chuckled wickedly. “You’re not allowed to get yourself off either. That will be mypleasure.”

Truth-Teller snaked down her front, cold air assaulting her skin and peaking her nipples as the front of her dress was sliced clean in two, revealing her fully to him.

Elain’s breathing hitched as Azriel straddled her on the chair, his mouth lavishing on her nipple while the tip of the blade scraped along the side of her breast. The pain was tantalizing—not quite enough pressure being applied to break skin, but enough for her to feel the sting and to know with certainty that if she moved a millimeter, that might change.

It kept her still and compliant, only allowing the faintest of moans to escape her lips as he worked—a master through and through.

He mirrored his actions on the other side, the most exquisite, beautiful pain unleashing something within her as she clenched around nothing, desperate for relief.

“You like that?” he growled. “You like the feel of my blade against your skin? You like riding that edge?” He pulled away enough that Elain felt comfortable letting out a panting breath, the scrapes left behind by the knife already having healed over thanks to her Fae blood.

“Yes,” she admitted between pants. And she found it to be true. She knew he would never hurt her, but the small tinge of fear at having the blade so near combined with the trickle of pain and his pleasuring of her might have become her new favorite combination.

“Shall I continue?” Azriel slid down her front until he was kneeling between her legs. He kissed Elain right at the apex between her thighs, and she leaned into it, silently begging for his tongue to annihilate her.

“Answer, love.”

“Please,” she begged.

“There we are,” Azriel murmured, immediately rewarding her by kissing up her thighs, a sweeping heat flushing through her abdomen as he approached … And then retreated, repeating the motion on the other side. And when he was done, she felt the sting of the blade, languidly tracing his kisses. It scraped its way toward her sex, leaving her riding in anticipation of how far he would take it.

Elain let out a soft groan as it hit the edge of her lips, pausing there for a moment before he replaced it with a kiss. It set her ablaze.

“Azriel,” she croaked, barely able to form a comprehensible word as her world burned and burned.

“Yes, love?” She still shivered every time he called her that, but she didn’t get a chance to respond before ever-thoroughly he had Truth-Teller lazily climbing her other thigh. Every conscious thought fled her head as she focused on the knife.

It inched ever closer to her, a wicked promise.

And when it reached its destination, this time she felt the cold flat of the blade press directly against the core of her. It was an effort not to lean into the touch, knowing that any slip might slice her thighs, but it held there.

“I knew you loved my blade,” Azriel growled as he pulled it away, sheathing Truth-Teller in the holster on her thigh. “Look how wet you are for it. For me.” A finger plunged inside her, and Elain swore, clenching around it for dear life.

His other arm grabbed her backside, scooting her until she was perched on the edge of the chair. His finger continued its plundering, and his lips took her clit, suckling as Elain saw stars behind her eyelids.

He grazed it with his teeth as he added another finger, hooking them in just the right place that had her exploding uncontrollably for him, the moans completely unrestrained as she let him know just what he was doing to her—how much she loved how he worshiped her body.

He didn’t let up, guiding her through her orgasm but only slowing enough for her to recover before increasing his pace again. 

Elain, already riding the knife’s edge, felt an even deeper burning ember in her core. It sparked almost immediately, as she rode the wave to completion once again, the sweet heat filling her from the inside out.

“My turn,” she gasped out when Azriel showed no signs of letting up. He had to be about to explode in his own pants, and she wanted to be the one to make that happen for him.

His tongue and fingers slowed, only grazing with languid, taunting strokes. “I mean it, Azriel. Bed. Now.”

Her restraints disappeared, and she caught a cocky grin on her mate’s face before she stood on shaky legs and pushed him down onto the sheets.


It had been an exercise in willpower to hold onto his own release at the noises Elain had made—at the taste of her sweet pussy coating his tongue. But he had held out, even though he could feel how the danger of playing with Truth-Teller—even dulled by his magic as it had been—ignited something within her.

He had carved up enemies with this blade, but never caressed a lover. She was the only one who had touched this blade and lived to tell the tale. She always would be. The thought had his balls aching even harder as she straddled him on top of the bed.

No one had ever taken him like this before. He always maintained control. Always. But there was something freeing about letting his mate take control from him. For allowing them to be equals—as fate had deemed them.

Her flushed face gazed down at him lovingly, a curtain of hair spilling over one shoulder as she mounted him, slipping over him as easily as breathing.

It took all of Azriel’s strength of self to hold on, the tight silk of her pressing in on all sides felt glorious around his cock.

Placing her hands on his chest, she began to move on him, slowly pulling out until the tip was only hanging on by a thread before lowering herself once more. Each thrust was more of an undoing as Azriel grabbed her ass, helping to guide her as she rode him. 

“I love you, Azriel,” she breathed between pumps, and he swore he could practically see the bond between them, growing and glowing as she closed her eyes and thrust her head back, those unraveling little moans sending him over the edge. It was everything he’d ever needed and more.

And maybe this kind of sex was something he could actually stomach now, with her holding him through it.

After he came inside her, they laid there for minutes. “Did you ever expect anything like this?” she asked him.

“Never,” he dared to admit. “But I’m so glad I have this. That it’s with you.” He would love her until he was no more than a shadow himself, a wisp floating on the night air. She was his everything.

“Me neither. I don’t think I ever allowed myself to dream of loving a mate. It all seemed so primal and controlling, but with you, it’s easy.”


Nothing had ever been easy for him before now. But it fit. She fit perfectly, the missing puzzle piece he’d searched centuries for.

“It can still be primal,” he growled in a way that had her giggling as he nipped at her throat. Just the sight of her naked form next to him had him becoming erect again. He’d heard a fresh bond made males into sex-addled dimwits, but he hadn’t quite imagined how lost he would be for her now.

And as his kisses deepened, he could scent her readying herself for him again.

“Come here,” he growled, flipping her so she was facedown, bent over the edge of the mattress. Oh, he was going to have fun playing out his fantasies with her for as long as they could remain sequestered here. So much fun.


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Give me Nesta, Bryce, Cassian and Hunt teaming up or give me death.

nesta and bryce are literally binary stars. i beg i beg


wtf was that ending??? the most anticlimactic shit i have ever read… we asked for a nesta book but we GOT FEYSAND PROPAGANDA INSTEAD?

sjm couldn’t even entertain the POSSIBILITY of a nesta supremacy 2021??? she’s just complacent to the IC now.. barely any powers yet feysand get to keep theirs and then some??????? there was so much potential for her magic and this is how it ends? her apologizing on her KNEES?? the bitch who had rhys shaking in his boots to then go hug him

i’m so sleep deprived, i’m so annoyed. i got this book for FREE but i still feel like my time and money was wasted. again i’m calling all my fanfic writers to do my girl nesta some justice.

cause again WTF WAS THAT

it’s been almost a year now and yeah nothing has changed. i have yet to re read that ending

long time no talk…… i just saw a crescent city spoiler and i am so annoyed that i’m going to have to deal with —


that insufferable purple bat again! i almost forgot he existed but i completely forgot that SJM loves him so much. nesta and bryce are literally twins she deserves that plot line so muchhhhhh
