



Hi just letting y’all know that Sia, the artist, is making what is essentially a big “F you” to autistic people. She is collaborating with Autism Speaks which is an organization that believes autism is something to be cured and treats autistic people like burdens. It is another run of the mill inspiration p**n movie for non autistic people and able bodied people to feel like they have compassion and understanding for us. For any of you who are not autistic and are able bodied, please do not support this film as it perpetuates bad stereotypes about autism and disabled individuals.

The fact that she used a neurotypical actress to represent a neurodivergent character definitely isn’t great, but on its own it really isn’t the end of the world.

But her rude responses to people being upset? Her shitty treatment to her autistic fans? Her shitty treatment to Maddie, the actress who was uncomfortable with her role? Her partnering with fucking Autism Speaks? Absolutely disgusting. Straight ableism.

Try harder.

I queued this a little while ago so I feel that I should add that Autism Speaks themselves put out a disclaimer saying they had no part in what Sia did and disagree with her actions.

The god awful ableist hate group is doing better than her. That’s low.


Hi just letting y’all know that Sia, the artist, is making what is essentially a big “F you” to autistic people. She is collaborating with Autism Speaks which is an organization that believes autism is something to be cured and treats autistic people like burdens. It is another run of the mill inspiration p**n movie for non autistic people and able bodied people to feel like they have compassion and understanding for us. For any of you who are not autistic and are able bodied, please do not support this film as it perpetuates bad stereotypes about autism and disabled individuals.

The fact that she used a neurotypical actress to represent a neurodivergent character definitely isn’t great, but on its own it really isn’t the end of the world.

But her rude responses to people being upset? Her shitty treatment to her autistic fans? Her shitty treatment to Maddie, the actress who was uncomfortable with her role? Her partnering with fucking Autism Speaks? Absolutely disgusting. Straight ableism.

Try harder.

goddamn non-neurotypicals polluting the neurotypical tag.

I FOUND THE SECRET TO BECOMING NEUROTYPICAL! i got my swivel chair, my youtube music videos, and then i just spin around watching music videos until my ass hurts and i do it every day. i also try to go to the store everyday whilst not buying stuff. it really works.

i just came to the realization that i am not the totally empathetic person that i thought i was. i just snooped around some tags where quote, unquote, “neurodivergent” people vent about their problems, and just kind of have this big community. i was really pissed at the people talking about their problems and expecting others to care, but then i realized: the reason why i’m annoyed is because i can’t relate. i only have my mind, so the “slap you in the face with reality” advice that i give may not work for everyone. i haven’t faced what i would call depression in a year when i ripped out my hair and cut myself (smooth move, me. smooth move). so, yep. i’m emotionally enlightened. i’m an angel. call me your neurotypical senpai. i will save you from your dark pits of hair pulling and cutting. or something. am i being offensive? hehe, i wanna brag about this. i am now a self-diagnosed neurotypical.

and a self-diagnosed dick.


A lot of reducing your stress and your kid’s stress when parenting just involves asking yourself why you want them to do a thing. Neurotypical or not, but especially neurodivergent kids. Is there actually a point to it or do you just want it done because ‘that’s the way it is’ or you’re worried other parents will look at you weird?

Socks drive her crazy when they’re not inside out? Why do they need to be right side out? Why is that worth making a kid uncomfortable all day and starting a recurring argument over?

Your kid needs to eat at the table standing because otherwise he’ll fall out of the chair constantly wiggling and hanging out of it? Ok. Move the chair and let him stand and don’t let your mom give him a hard time about it. He’s eating food and at the table. You’re already winning .

Kid has sensory meltdown in public? Yelling and rushing them because you’re embarrassed will only make things so much worse and add you as part of the problem. Leave the store, sit down in the pasta aisle and hug them, pull up cooking videos on your phone, just do what you need to do like taking care of another panicking distressed human is more important than a few old ladies giving you stink eye.

The more we loosen unnecessary rules our parents gave us the less stress we put on ourselves and our kids. The more room we make for people to be open about their emotions. The more we set a better example to people around us and show them that allowances don’t have to be hard and kids and adults alike deserve some breathing room.


Neurotypicals be like: “don’t put yourself into a box!!”

Then demand that you fit into theirs.

hi if you headcanon dick grayson as neurodivergent and you’re neurotypical pls be mindful of what you put out there and try your best to stay informed and respectful. also if someone critiques it saying it’s harmful or not proper representations pls listen to what they say thanks

FYI, being neurotypical / able-bodied and knowing a disabled person doesn’t give you free range to joke about disability, especially if you don’t know the person that well.

This morning, I have a colleague that I barely talk to here and there who came up to me and asked me unprompted (don’t do that either, by the way):

 “Tell me if I’m wrong, but you’re like slightly autistic, right?”

I’m pretty open about my disability at my workplace, so I told him that I was “autistic”, ditching the functioning label, and he then added, I kid you not:

“Well, I think I’m going to see my doctor this afternoon, and get diagnosed with Stupidity Syndrome, so that I won’t have to deal with our customers anymore.”

I was stunned.I didn’t even know what to say or how to react, but my anxiety took over and I let out a nervous laugh, and I think he took it as a sign that his joke was funny? Somehow? 

He then started to understand that it wasn’t the case, and he rambled about how he was the stupid one, and he just wanted a way to not deal with customers again. 

Just so you know, I’m very open to making fun of myself and my disability, especially around people who I feel safe with. I laugh about my executive dysfunction, my social mistakes, and even my sensory issues. 

But this joke felt like a slap to my face, given that I have an accommodation to not work with customers specifically because of my disability (and he knows that). 

I fought to get that accommodation, and it was almost taken away from me a few times, because my previous boss hated me and used every leverage he could have against me. I’m working my ass off so that people won’t think that I’m “slacking off”, because I’m accommodated that way. It’s not something I just got from visiting a doctor once and that was it. It’s a constant struggle.

It wasn’t just a slap to my face, but to every autistic person I ever came across, whether they’re intellectually disabled or not. 

I’m so angry at myself that I wasn’t eloquent enough at the moment to let him know how ableist his joke was, how ableist the idea of “stupidity syndrome” is, and how much he was disrespecting disabled people who are struggling every day just to get the tiniest amount of respect from other people and society.

I’m all for “let’s stop framing disability as a full-on tragedy all the time”, but it doesn’t mean that we have to go to the opposite and mock it / belittle it like that! 

This colleague legitimately thought that, because he knew I’m disabled and I’m open about it, it gave him a free pass to just joke about it, without giving it a second thought. It doesn’t. Especially if you don’t know how to joke without belittling others.

You’re NT/able-bodied and you know disabled people in your entourage? 

Well, instead of just going straight for “Oh, I can joke about that, I have a disabled friend/colleague/cousin/whatnot”, keep yourself informed. If the person is open to talk about it, then ask them about their disability (and learn to accept when “no” is “no”). 

Try to show at the very least the minimal amount of understanding, I’m begging you. It’s not that hard, trust me.

Also, stop being so ableist towards intellectual disability in general. You’re not better than others because your IQ (which is a bullshit concept too) is average or above average. 

Edit: it’s okay to reblog this post if you want to.




calling people neurotypical is so cringe. like every single person ive ever met in my life is completely unhinged. nobody is normal brained because normal doesnt exist

Much like “cis” and “white feminism” it’s a term that might have been useful in certain, specific contexts but is now so overused that it’s become nothing but a cheap way to shut down conversations.

As someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder (previously know as Asbergers) I’d like to refute this thinking. Before the word “neurotypical” we had to say “normal” which feels very dehumanising to those of us who are neurodiverse. I’m not not “normal,” I just don’t have the same thinking processes that the majority of society processes. I am capable of doing things like everyone else, just differently. My disorder is not a societal construct like “cis” or a misnomer like “white feminism” so they are not comparable. It is simply an accurate description. Saying the word “neurotypical” is not in any way bad, it’s just used to describe those that have the thinking process that society approves of and understands. It’s unfortunate it has been used to shut down conversations, but it is not “cringe” it is a useful descriptor for many people.

I agree. The term gives you a way to articulate to others that they shouldn’t presume you will behave/react as others do and you can stop beating yourself up over your differences.

Like, the neural structure of my brain isn’t like most people’s so it makes sense that I would need to do things differently. I’m not abnormal because there lots of other people who have similar structures to mine, and there are many ways for the brain to structure it’s pathways, mine just isn’t the most typical. So i can adjust expectations about myself and I can let others know what they might expect from me if it comes up.

Basically, “cis” is made up nonsense because you can’t assume how much I “identify” with gender expectations, as if just because I haven’t started calling myself a dude I must be onboard with everything society says women are. No. Don’t assume that about me.

You’re neurotypical so I would assume you don’t need to take the same extensive precautions that I do to compensate for my spacial awareness issues caused by ADHD.

Neurotypicals: Everybody has a bit of ADHD :)

Actual ADHDers: bitch stfu; does your brain also play random music pieces ON REPEAT literally from the moment you wake up till the moment you go to bed?? cause I’d like NOT to have that

all the neurotypical people i know seem to just need one breakthrough to figure their problems out and get out of a bad thought cycle. i feel like i’d need a major breakthrough everyday just to be on the same level as they are
