

Happy DID Awareness Day

I hope you all had a good day and that if any of you worked on efforts to raise awareness or combat the stigma regarding our disorder, that those efforts went successfully. In honor of DID Awareness Day this year, my system decided that we wanted to do something a little different - raise awareness within the DID/OSDD-1 community itself. We have seen lots of fun or amusing (and sometimes genuinely interesting, on an interpersonal level) posts of “System Asks” or writing prompts such as the “30 Days of DID” go around…. but it struck us that over the past few years, we have never really seen one that touched upon any of the questions that could truly help us all to learn from each other. So this year, our contribution to DID Awareness Day was the creation of a set of prompts of exactly that kind… to serve as a NEW 30 Days of DID (And OSDD-1). That will be posted shortly, and we encourage anybody who wants to take a shot at answering them to please tag it with “#new 30 Days of DID challenge”, to differentiate it from the previously existing set of prompts. Thank you, and enjoy!

-James (30), co-John

Spending a month away from tumblr has taught me one thing, more clearly than anything else, and that this is the Number One place to cause people with already terrible mental health, to get much, much worse.

You’re supposed to want to feel better.

No. It’s not your fault. No, it’s not your fault.

No, you don’t deserve this. No, you didn’t deserve it.

No. The reason you keep wading in the trauma, is because the part of your brain that reminds you that sometimes bad things happen, is not communicating with the part of your brain that reminds you something bad happens to you. You’re not healing by constantly reblogging self-deprecating posts. You’re not venting. You’re ruminating. It feels good because it validates the parts of your brain that have turned the experience against you. We feel good when we’re validated. Ruminating in what happened validates what is hurting you. Nothing else.

No. Avoidance isn’t the answer either. Other options exist.

You were a person before that trauma. You are not made up of what happened to you. You can be you.

No, positivity isn’t always achievable.

Not everything is all-or-nothing. Your brain just thinks of those polar opposites first. You have to consciously think to realize the other options.

Yes. You really do matter. If someone else made a mistake, you’d tell them everyone makes mistakes, right? That includes you. You’re an everyone. You’re an everyone like everyone else. You are equal.

The reason you hate yourself is because your brain doesn’t remember that it’s a human like other humans. It’s supposed to. You have to do that yourself.

You look down on your self worth because nobody taught you how to lift it back up. Your brain is wired to self-sabotage. You’re not what your brain tells you.

No, relapse isn’t an excuse to give up.

Yes. Giving up before trying is a symptom of avoiding anxiety triggers.

Yes, it IS possible to get better without professional help. You do not need a therapist or medication to start recovery.

The reason you have digestive problems is because the serotonin your body isn’t processing is stored mostly in your gut. The serotonin isn’t working in your brain, and it isn’t working in your gut either.

Yes. You can have a panic attack without rapid heart rate.

Staying in that fandom drama can become self harm. Learn to turn away from things that are negative. Yes, even if you poke the discourse for entertainment. It’s still negatively affecting you. Find a healthier outlet with things you love.

Yes. Acting dramatic for attention IS a sign of mental distress. It’s a call for help. If you feel like you’re being dramatic, odds are your brain feels bad that it’s reaching for help.

And yes. You’re allowed to ask for help. From the right people. (Not tumblr blogs.)

Saying “no” and hurting someone’s feelings is less grave than saying “yes” to a thousand things that trap you in a lifetime of faking.

Rejection isn’t the end. Failure is not the end.

Yes, you really will make it to 18. And then 20. And then 24. Start dreaming again.

You are not your trauma. Stop telling people like it’s the same as your eye color.

Yes, oversharing is a sign of PTSD. Just like secrecy.

Yes, putting yourself in the same stressful situations is self harm.

Yes, sending yourself hate or spreading rumors or lies about yourself is self harm.

No. Society does not think depression is romantic. They think it’s fake still.

No. Which characters or stories you like most ISN’T a giveaway about the kind of person you are. No. It really, really isn’t. The kind of real life people you like is.

No, it doesn’t help the community to “filter out the fakes.” It makes you and your peers constantly scan yourselves for fakeness to the point you make your health worse, and encourages stigmas on outsiders. Trust me. They’re not a plague. And they’re not your concern. YOU should be your ONLY concern. Not them and what’s going on in their head.

These are hard pills to swallow because that’s what this site has taught you.

Get off tumblr for a week. I beg you. Cleanse yourself of this place’s mantras as best you can.

You have no idea the damage this place can do to you.

Have you ever wanted to talk to other traumagenic systems specifically in a space based off of hello kitty and her friends? (I, personally, have)


Welcome to Sanrio Systems, 
a discord server made for systems to hang out and talk while also under a cute pastel theme. This server was made to be discourse and hate free and overall chill (yet we do have a channel for discourse, roles required for entry)!

Server Info:

  • No blacklist or trigger list for specific triggers (yet general trauma/triggering topics are forbidden unless in tw channel) this causes some ppl more anxiety than not.
  • Self assigning roles/emoji roles
  • Color roles
  • Section for littles/middles
  • Pluralkit

Server Rules:

  1. NO endogenic, kin systems, or natual systems. Only traumagenic, non Dx systems are 100% allowed tho!
  2. No age limit but we prefer nobody super super young or super super old. If you’re unsure, try joining and well tell you :)!
  3. Don’t be rude or gross and use common sense.
  4. You must provide an active social media, this is for verification. 

Thank you for reading :)! Hope to meet y'all soon ~<3

