

Person: what is your gender?

Me, a plural group with wildly varying gender identities and expressions: *unrolls paper* see the thing is

Question for Followers

by Octavian (18) co-John

So I don’t know why this didn’t occur to us before, but I feel like it might be very productive to ask if there is anything you guys would be especially interested to see covered in upcoming posts— any topics of information you’re curious about but have not had much luck finding discussion of in the wider community. This can be just academic information that appears in some of those really costly books you’d love to have but can’t afford at the moment (for example Coping With Trauma Related Dissociation, a really extensive combination textbook/workbook for people coming to terms with a diagnosis of DID or OSDD-1 by Suzette Boone, Kathy Steele, and Onno Van der Hart). Or it could be experience-based insight on topics related to recovery and healing from trauma and fragmentation that we, as someone at the end stage of treatment for DID, can provide in a verified way that is not usually on offer in the online community.

We have so much we feel like we’ve got a duty to share the wealth of information for, but it’s really difficult to narrow it down because it’s been collected over, at this point, nearly two DECADES of research, study, and introspection. So whenever we sit down to write something up to share with you all, we have the tendency to almost start planning a whole damn text book. Which will be super useful when we have the time and opportunity to literally author one, but in the meantime causes a sort of indecision overload when it comes to making educational posts. Basically we end up only writing one if it’s come up a lot lately among our circle of friends, or if we’ve been contemplating the way our thoughts or awareness of it have evolved over the years for our own sake.

While that strategy is fine for us, in terms of our own intellectual expression, we’d like to really be serving the needs of the community as much as we can— that’s what we really made this blog for after all. So if there is anything that you guys are curious about or are in need of insight on from somebody who’s a step ahead of you in the recovery process - or HECK, even just a secondary perspective from somebody you’re at a similar point in recovery to….- we’d like to invite you to either reblog this with your questions/topic requests, or send us asks listing them, whichever one is more comfortable for you. We’re aware some people can’t be open about having DID/OSDD-1 on their blogs, so the reblog option may not be available to you. But we still want to give everyone who might read this blog regularly the same opportunity to contribute to the requests for content. (If you reblog, feel free to repeat topics others have already mentioned, so that we can get a sense of whether it’s something there’s a really wide interest in.)

These requests can apply to DID/OSDD-1, PTSD/C-PTSD, or dissociation and recovery generally. There’s no time frame on the offer to take content requests, because it isn’t for our own sake that we’re making this offer - so whether you come up with something in a day or a week or a month, or whenever feel free to use either of the methods above to send yours in. We can’t promise that we will always write and post an article the next day after receiving a request, but we definitely would use them as a way to inform our choices on the content we do create as well as to inspire us to produce more content, and we absolutely want to contribute to meeting the needs of the community as much as we can.

Treasure Box

When you lose your past you don’t just lose the scary bits. You lose it all. Because that’s how the physics of the brain work. So just because you can’t remember something - I mean not some specific thing but a period of time that is just blacked out months or years- that doesn’t mean whatever is behind that blackness is gone because it’s pure terror. It’s gone because you felt you couldn’t afford to remember it anymore. But sometimes, the things you feel you can least afford to remember are the ones you hold most dear, and therefore most want to protect.

And you send them away to keep them hidden- glowing and untarnished like they always were, so that none of what you are being put through currently can touch them, can taint them. Like so many other things you loved over your life have been. So that they can’t be used against you or twisted by abusers or ridiculed or used to stab you into submission.

Somewhere in there are all your Other Days. Not the ones that were terrifying, in which your life consisted of living for your tormentors, and only ever as they willed you to. Not those days- they were never yours at all. But the Other Days.

The days where you got to exist for your own sake, and have Thoughts- and feelings and hopes and dreams, without reprimand. Even if you had to steal yourself from everything and everyone, and run away in order to have them. Even if those days were really all comprised of separate moments, strewn far apart across the landscape of your memory. Even if they had to be sewn together like a patchwork quilt, lovingly and meticulously by hand, to make them into Days. To be moulded into a Story. To be forged into a truth. Even if it took all that…. you had them. You had them, and they were Yours, and they are always yours, by right. And they ARE still in there.

Of course those memories are all still in there, somewhere- They can’t just be deleted…… They can be lost, misplaced, even purposely hidden. But never gone.

And if you are brave and are willing to look at what makes up the dark curtain that separates you from your past, and see what It’s made of. And face whatever that is….. They will be given back to you.


Growing up in a household that traumatized me taught me I don’t deserve nice things, and I am so incredibly grateful to the beloved friends who helped me unlearn that and teach myself that I do deserve nice things. Sometimes I look around my room now with my wonderful mattress that doesn’t exacerbate my chronic back/neck pain, my furniture that has all matching wood and aesthetics, my lamps and curtain rods that match each other, and just everything that the room is decorated with…… and just am almost stunned that something so beautiful is mine. It’s not even expensive, any of it- most of it’s from target or amazon (or in the case of some treasures, from an antiques/used items shop) but it’s all beautiful. And it’s all mine. It all suits me. I picked it. I worked for the money that purchased it. I bought it. Nobody can take it away from me. It’s my property. No one can damage it without facing legal consequences. Nobody can use it to threaten me. Nobody can blackmail me by threatening to take it away or destroy it. My things are mine and they are safe, and I have known what it means to feel that I am safe. And no matter what anybody does to me now, nobody can ever take that knowledge away from me.

-River (23)

Have you ever wanted to talk to other traumagenic systems specifically in a space based off of hello kitty and her friends? (I, personally, have)


Welcome to Sanrio Systems, 
a discord server made for systems to hang out and talk while also under a cute pastel theme. This server was made to be discourse and hate free and overall chill (yet we do have a channel for discourse, roles required for entry)!

Server Info:

  • No blacklist or trigger list for specific triggers (yet general trauma/triggering topics are forbidden unless in tw channel) this causes some ppl more anxiety than not.
  • Self assigning roles/emoji roles
  • Color roles
  • Section for littles/middles
  • Pluralkit

Server Rules:

  1. NO endogenic, kin systems, or natual systems. Only traumagenic, non Dx systems are 100% allowed tho!
  2. No age limit but we prefer nobody super super young or super super old. If you’re unsure, try joining and well tell you :)!
  3. Don’t be rude or gross and use common sense.
  4. You must provide an active social media, this is for verification. 

Thank you for reading :)! Hope to meet y'all soon ~<3


me and my gf! (I’m left she’s right)

(Pls click for better quality)

[ID: Pixel art of two girls holding hands and resting their heads on each other, with sunflowers and daises above them, and bubbles next to them, with a baby blue background. The one on the left has blonde hair in pigtails and bangs, and is wearing white overalls with a yellow shirt. The one on the right has brown curly hair and pink overalls and a white shirt. The one on the left has a lesbian flag to her left, and the one on the right has a bi flag to her right. They heckin love eachother. End ID.]


my favorite thing about being a weightlifting lesbian who is also 5 feet tall and looks pretty normal is being at the gym and making eye contact with huge men and casually squatting 250

Once this straight bot kept INSISTING to help me carry 4 twelve packs of cokes and I kept being like it’s ok!! while carrying 2 in each hand and not breaking a sweat and I think he died a little

Can we please fucking start getting mad about ableism like we have about sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. any other oppressed group?

We are easy to forget bc we literally live in a world that hides us away.

This needs to be a fucking group effort that includes abled people fighting.

Biker from Hotline Miami, with a focus on rabbits and neon colors! Hope this works :-)

- Sherlock, Mod Tea

Felix from RVB moodboard with orange and black, imagery of knives and gardens with a recovery/getting better theme!

- Sherlock, Mod Tea

Emile Picani (Cartoon Therapy) with fae aesthetic, light pink themes & lots of cartoony things! I tried, hope this is good

- sherlock, mod Tea

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu with a bi & mlm aes! Hope this works

- sherlock, mod Tea


Riz Gukgak with amber and brown “home-y” themes!

- Sherlock, mod Tea

Moodboard of Chihiro Fujisaki with greens and hacker themes for anon!! 

Moodboard of Chihiro Fujisaki with greens and hacker themes for anon!! 

Post link

Hailie Jade Mathers aesthetic for a Hailie fogtive!

Amanda Young (Saw) aesthetic board for an Amanda who misses her John, with themes of love and pigs!
