

Like especially for sources that aren’t that common or well known. Sometimes even well known ones can be hard to find at times. I’ve been thinking of finding a sourcemates blog or making one for myself to find others from the same source but idk.

Edd wants to find a sourcemate from his source, like Matt, Tom, Tord from Eddsworld etc.

Even our factive Edward wants to see his friends again. Like Tom (tomska), Matt, or Tord, even if it’s not from his world even another version of the counterparts would still be pretty cool.

Edward: Ok since we have another Edd in the system just call me Eddie
Me: Ok
Edd: and I stay Edd?
Me: Ye

-a few days later-

Me: Edd you’re so cute eddie uWU
Edd: I want to be Eddie now
Edward: then what’s my name?
Me: how about I finally call you Edd again and our cute little snowball over here can be Eddie cause he’s adorable!

Edward: Ok

-a few days later-

Edward: This is too confusing let’s go back to how it was before

Me: Wow ok

So, of course me and Edward have our own blog we work on together, but for more personal and discoursey stuff (sometimes discourse) we’ll do all that in this blog. So, is there anything you guys wanna know about me or want me to blog about? 
For example, info on all my headmates, my system name, anything you want me to add to the blog like submission and such? Or if you wanna ask me any asks you can also do that because the ask box is open. Anyway yeah. All that will help me get this blog thing thriving as well. I’m planning to change my background to like a background of all of us together that’d be pretty cool oml but I’m just not in the drawing mood at all which really sucks.

hey so can anyone recommend me like a good, factual website to learn about systems? we’re doing a genius hour project and I know most of the stuff already, but I can’t exactly cite headspace as a source lol.

every time I think I find a good one it’s like “and endos exist” but won’t elaborate or anything. and if yall think endos exist bc of religion or something then I can’t say anything about that in school, but scientifically, they can’t exist.

anyway if a website says that, then it’s not a scientific, factual, website. so I need some to cite.

Have you ever wanted to talk to other traumagenic systems specifically in a space based off of hello kitty and her friends? (I, personally, have)


Welcome to Sanrio Systems, 
a discord server made for systems to hang out and talk while also under a cute pastel theme. This server was made to be discourse and hate free and overall chill (yet we do have a channel for discourse, roles required for entry)!

Server Info:

  • No blacklist or trigger list for specific triggers (yet general trauma/triggering topics are forbidden unless in tw channel) this causes some ppl more anxiety than not.
  • Self assigning roles/emoji roles
  • Color roles
  • Section for littles/middles
  • Pluralkit

Server Rules:

  1. NO endogenic, kin systems, or natual systems. Only traumagenic, non Dx systems are 100% allowed tho!
  2. No age limit but we prefer nobody super super young or super super old. If you’re unsure, try joining and well tell you :)!
  3. Don’t be rude or gross and use common sense.
  4. You must provide an active social media, this is for verification. 

Thank you for reading :)! Hope to meet y'all soon ~<3



Alter Diversity

When I joined the DID community I thought that people would judge me because my system’s not “diverse enough” or call us fake cause we’re all somewhat alike. And I’m not talking about just “alters of color” and that whole discourse. I’m talking about how most of us have brown or blonde hair and brown eyes with nerdy looking glasses. I’m talking about most of us vaguely have the same fashion sense and hair style and pattern of speech. I’m talking about how most of us listen to the same music, like the same characters, have the same favorite colors.

I thought we weren’t different enough.

The first time I showed someone a picture of all of us they made a comment of lots of brown eyes, blonde hair and glasses. It made me feel weird then. Because I was already self conscious that we were faking because I we were so similar.

But I realized something. The body has dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and nerdy black thick framed glasses.

It makes sense that most of us take form of that with slight variations. Because all together we make up this boy, I’m going to call him Arrow for convenience sake. Together we make up Arrow.

The differences that we do have in appearance all come from different aspects of our life (this is of course excluding introjects who got their appearance from source). We all need glasses to see so why wouldn’t we have glasses in the innerworld? Those of us with red hair split off more recently because the host died his hair red (with the exception of one alter who has red hair because the host used to be fascinated by red hair). We have blue haired alters because once Arrow died his hair blue. Our alters appearances are a relfection of our reality.

We don’t need to be diverse. We are one boy. Together we are Arrow. We don’t need alters who are diverse. We need alters that reflect our reality, because they are the ones who are best equip for it. After all that’s what alters are. Alters are a reflection of your reality that work together to cope with stress and trauma.

Your system doesn’t have to be diverse. Your system just has to be you.

PS. I’m not saying that having alters that look very different from the body isn’t valid. What your system had to split is what your system had to split to survive. It’s different for every system. This is about our system and why our system is the way it is.

- The Arrow Team

so we split izzy hands. fun. the last doodle isnt of him necessarily

Hi, hosts and frequent fronters! This one is for you.

You know, not every thought is solely your own. In systems, we’re all connected usually, with various amounts of awareness of what’s going on in front.

Because of this, you’d be surprised how many thoughts- even some that feel like your own- come from the back.

I personally decided to look at these kinds of situations as suggestions. They’re suggestions on how I should respond, what I should say, or how I should feel about a situation. It’s not always how I actually feel or think. Or, even if I agree, it’s not always right.

But because they’re suggestions, I don’t have to act on any of them.

What I do is just, pause, when I’m feeling or thinking something that’s important.

Did this thought come from me?

Can I feel out who it came from?

Am I really the one upset?

Does it make sense for me specifically to be upset at this? (Small aside: If someone is upset and overlayed with you, please try to send reassurances in their direction if possible.)

When I get my answers to this, I find I have better control of what I express in that moment. Sometimes others in the system even help me better articulate what’s really me in that moment. If it’s jumbled they help me word it better.

And of course, if it’s not my own thought but a good damn idea, I might as well express it. And often then I thank the person it came from, whoever it was.

All in all, We effectively, when in front, are the buffer between our system’s thoughts and feelings (our own included!) and reality.

Make sure what gets put out there is good.

It’s a big responsibility, but you can do it.

P.S.: It’s actually really, really helpful to look at what thoughts and “suggestions” come from where. I find it even helps me gain awareness of who my passives are in the moment and what I’m like as a person with my various passives. It can even be fun. I recommend it.

very interesting that @sysmedsshoulddie, who happily uses a transphobic term and blames random systems for their partner dying, has their asks off because theyre too scared to face consequences for their actions

happy alters can have hard times also - “manufactured emotions”

i feel like this should be obvious but i never see it being talked about n only see like posts about how positive parts have it “easy” even tho thats not always the case

DID n OSDD are trauma disorders, not all positive parts still feel like their emotions are real. by this i mean some alters emotions feel manufactured/brain maid just the be the one bringing positivity even for the hardest times.

social alters, mood boosters, happiness holders, soothers & comforts etc. can feel negative emotions but some might feel like when theyre having a bad mood the brain made happiness always is next to them making any actual emotions feel very numb. positive parts might sometimes feel like they cannot experience actual emotions other than manufactured positivity

also to be there always comforting, bringing positivity and helping in social situations when alters who struggle with it can get stressful n not be always easy. severe childhood trauma is never that easy to cope with no matter what ur role as a system member is ,n being the one having to bring the joy n calmness after bad flashbacks isnt a fun job

all alters have it hard no matter what their role is, respect even when a alter who is stereotypically seen as always a joyful part has also a hard time as an alter <3

small inspo from this post to write my thoughts as an comfort social alter n my experience with manufactured emotions

