#adcu fanfiction


Let The Devil In - Chapter (Four/?)

Pairing:mafia!Kylo Ren X fem!Reader

Series Summary: You had never thought that you would ever find someone you wanted to love for the rest of your life, then you practically fell into his arms.

Chapter Summary: Your date with Kylo doesn’t go too well and he feels really bad about that.

Warnings: Mentions of the reader being cheated on and abused in a past relationship and Kylo accidentally makes the reader cry

Once arriving at the fancy restaurant Kylo had picked out, the two of you were led to your table. You kept your shaking hands hidden behind your back the whole walk there, not wanting your nervousness to be too visible.

You were seated in a very secluded area of the restaurant that took walking down a long hallway to get to. This room was dimly lit and there was only one other couple in there.

The second you arrived at your table and the hostess had set down your menu’s, Kylo quickly pulled out your chair for you, making you smile at him while he then pushed the chair back in.

You smile again when Kylo sits down and his eyes meet your own, he smiled back and sent you a quick wink as he could see your waiter coming down the hallway that lead to the room you two were in.

“I’m Fin, I’ll be your waiter tonight. What can I get started for you two?” the waiter said as he started to stand in front of the table and set down the two glasses of water he brought with him down, quickly taking out his notepad and pen just moments later.

You ordered your favorite drink and Kylo ordered the most expensive whisky the restaurant had in stock like he didn’t care about expensive it could end up being.

And once the waiter left to retrieve your drinks, Kylo decided that this would be a good time to ask you some questions about yourself to get to know you better.

“So, what do you do for a living?” he asked you after he took a slow sip of his water, his dark gaze never leaving your face.

You smiled at his interest in you, “I’m a journalist and you?” you answered, still kindly smiling at him.

Kylo hesitated for a moment before he finally answered your question, “I own a few businesses.” he told you, hoping that you wouldn’t pry for more answers about what he did for a living.

You simply nodded in response prior to you taking a sip of your own water, causing you to notice that your hands had finally stopped shaking for the second time tonight.

Some air quietly exited your lungs and you let your back rest against your chair when your waiter had come back to your table, now holding the drinks you two had ordered less than ten minutes ago.

And once he was gone again to deliver to your orders to one of the chefs, Kylo asked you some more questions about yourself. You were truly fascinating to him and you thought the same of Kylo.

“Where did you grow up?” he asked, slowly reaching out to hold your hand over the table, you accepted his soft touch.

You began to rub your thumb along the back of his large hand as you started to speak again, your actions comforting you both greatly. Kylo now felt himself starting to feel more comfortable around you.

“Connecticut, I lived there my whole life until I started college. How about you? Where did you grow up?” you answered, still holding Kylo’s hand in yours in a comforting manner.

He hesitated again before he spoke and you noticed this, making you feel a bit concerned but you assured yourself that he was probably feeling nervous during this date as well.

“I’m from New York, although I have considered moving away from this city several times.” he told you with an awkward laugh.

“How old are you?” he promptly asked.

“25, and you?” you answered.

“30.” he simply said in response.

Not wanting to make him feel worse, you began to silently comfort Kylo once again and then brought up another topic you two could use to get to know more about each other.


The two of you continued to get to know each other and talk even as the waiter came back with the meals you had ordered. Talking came so easily when you were around Kylo. He never made you feel ashamed or nervous to tell him anything.

A little while after the waiter had disappeared once more after delivering your meals, Kylo started to ask you about your dating past. You were currently on a date with him after all.

“Have you ever been in a long-term relationship before?” he kindly asked you, his eyes still locked on yours even as he ate.

This question caused you to grow quiet and your smile to leave your face as you set down the fork you were using. Tears had quickly started to pool in your eyes as you then removed the napkin from your lap and set it on the table next to your almost empty plate.

You then looked at him once as tears started to fall down your face then speedily walked out of the restaurant with your head down. You wanted to avoid the possibility of anyone seeing you cry.

Kylo’s question had reminded of you your last long-term relationship, which was somewhat towards the end of college. Kylo had accidentally reminded you of your ex who ended up cheating on you then later verbally abused you.

Kylo felt horrible for making you cry, he didn’t mean to make you upset and he wanted you to know this. So, he put a random high amount of cash on the table to pay for the meal then left the restaurant as well.

Once exiting the restaurant, he found you leaning against a nearby wall as you attempted to discreetly cry without anyone seeing or hearing you.

He then slowly approached you and lightly rested his hand on your shoulder that was now covered by a jacket you had brought with you, causing your sad eyes to look up into his as he began to frown.

“I’m so sorry, dove. It was not my intention to make you cry, I promise.” he told you, his hand slowly shifting to one of your cheeks to make sure that your eyes stayed on his.

“Just take me home, please. I’ll explain everything in the car.” you quietly told him as you wrapped your arms around yourself, letting him wipe your tears away even though the makeup you were wearing transferred onto his hand.

Kylo then softly took your hand in his again and you let him lead the way back to his car, tears still falling down your face as you walked, the moonlight making them more obvious.

Once reaching the car for the second time that evening, Kylo gave you a gentle kiss on the back of your hand before he closed the passenger side door and walked over to the drivers side of the car.

You were quiet for the first few minutes of the drive, but eventually you got the confidence to tell Kylo the truth about tonight, about why such a simple question made you cry.

“When I was in my junior year of college, my boyfriend at the time began to be verbally abusive after a girl from a nearby sorority told me that my boyfriend had cheated on me several times with some of the girls in that sorority.” you paused for a moment to let out a shaky breath and as way to silently tell you to keep going, Kylo took your hand in his again and started to comfort you like you had comforted him earlier.

You took a deep breath before continuing on with your story, “And when I confronted him about it, he had thrown all sorts of insults my way and made me like it was my fault he had cheated on me. And though I knew that I should’ve left him then, I didn’t because he was all I had at that point in time. For the next year after that, he continued to abuse me and cheat on me and I didn’t actually leave him until graduation because I knew he’d be going back to his hometown.” you made known, letting out another shaky breath once you had finished your story.

Kylo felt tears well up in his own eyes as he listened to what you had to say. The fact that someone you loved and trusted had treated you like this made him feel incredibly angry and sad. You didn’t deserve that kind of pain whatsoever.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that, (y/n). You deserve so much better than what that man gave you and again, I’m sorry for reminding you of him.” he said as he looked over into your eyes, those pesky tears never actually leaving his eyes.

You pressed the back of his hand against your cheek and you met his gaze and responded to him, “It’s alright, Kylo, it’s not your fault. I forgive you.” you told him as your tears dried up, a smile on your face instead of a frown.

Kylo then pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and put his brown eyes back on the dark narrow roads ahead of him.


After Kylo parked his car in front of your apartment building, he kept you close to his side as he walked you home. And as you walked, he couldn’t help but pay attention to how red your cheeks and eyes still were.

He continued to feel absolutely horrible for making you cry tonight, even if it was on accident.

You slowly let go of Kylo’s hand as you got closer to your front door so that you could grab your keys from your purse and unlock it.

“Goodnight.” you quietly tell Kylo, still not facing him as you feared you would start crying again if you did.

And just as you were about to walk into the safety of your cozy home, Kylo quickly grabbed your wrist in his hand and spun you around so that you had no choice but to look at him.

He started to hold your pretty face in both of his hands and pointed your face up slightly. He placed a very light kiss to the tip of your nose then spoke again.

“Let me make it up to you. How about the two of us have a picnic in a park I own tomorrow afternoon?” he anxiously proposed to you, reminding you of how the weekend would be starting the following day.

“Okay.” you whispered in response with the nod of your head, just wanting to be truly alone in your home in this moment.

Kylo pressed another quick kiss to your forehead and disappeared just as quickly as he had the day you bumped into him.

Series Masterlist

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Let The Devil In - Chapter (Three/?)

Pairing: mafia!Kylo Ren X fem!Reader

Series Summary: You had never thought that you would ever find someone you wanted to love for the rest of your life, then you practically fell into his arms.

Chapter Summary: You and Kylo prepare for your first date.

Warnings: One curse word but that’s it lol

Kylo stared at his reflection in the tall full length mirror in front of him as he put a pitch black blazer on over the dark grey dress shirt he had picked out. He chose these colors because he wanted you to smile and remember the day you two first met when you saw the similar looking shirt and blazer he was wearing.

He then buttoned the sleeves on his blazer and headed to his expensive looking bathroom, dark granite surrounding him, making him look like some sort of god as the light bounced off of his jaw and cheekbones.

Kylo stared at himself again as he brushed out his hair, making sure to run a moisturizing hair serum through the ends of his hair, which added a subtle shine to his hair. And once his hair looked perfect in his eyes, he brushed his teeth and applied a specific cologne that he thought you would like.

He thought you would like the cologne he had put on because it wasn’t too overwhelming but instead enchanting and comforting, like you.

And as Kylo continued to get ready, all he could think about was how it would be to see you in person again instead of just talking to you through text or over a phone call. He wanted to see how your face reacted to the things he would say to you.

He didn’t know how the rest of the night would play out. But there were two things that he was absolutely confident about, one, he would make sure that tonight would go perfect as his abilities would allow and two, he was going to hide his involvement in the mafia from you for as long as possible.

All he wanted besides you was to keep you safe and he knew that he had to hide his involvement because he couldn’t risk his enemies getting their hands on you. He couldn’t risk you getting hurt if they found out about you and him.

But if ever came down to that, he would protect you with his life.


The second Kylo finished getting ready, he hopped in his sleek all black car and basically sped over to your apartment building, not wanting to risk being late just because he got caught up in his thoughts.

And just to his luck, your apartment was only twenty minutes away from his house. But as a result of his speeding, he made it there in only ten minutes.

In this moment he was glad that he had frightened the police enough to the point where they would no longer go after an intimidating looking car with the name ‘Ren’ on the license plates.

Once he exited his car, he quickly fixed his hair using the reflection on the hood of his car then began to jog up the stairs that led to your small apartment.


As for you, you were still quickly getting ready, your heart pounding in your chest as you watched the clock get closer and closer to the time Kylo promised to show up by.

You were excited to see him again and actually talk to him in person but that still didn’t dissolve how nervous you felt at the same time. You just wanted him to like you.

But little did you know, you’d never have to worry about that because he was already head over heals in love with you. The only thing he felt for you was love and he hoped that this feeling would never fade.

You were wearing a long black dress that had a somewhat long slit over your right leg. You were wearing black eyeliner paired with a bright red lipstick.

And as you stared at yourself in your own mirror, you slowly took deep breaths in a desperate attempt to stop your hands from shaking so that you could put your earrings in.

Luckily for you, for times sake, they finally stopped shaking a couple minutes later and you were able to successfully put them in without accidentally poking yourself.

You then ran into your closet and slipped on your favorite pair of heals. They were your favorite as they made you nearly five inches taller than you normally were and always added a bit more confidence to your walk.


Your heart almost stopped in your chest when you heard Kylo knock upon your front door. So, you quickly grabbed your purse, made sure you hadn’t accidentally messed up your makeup and then headed over to the door.

You went as fast as your tall heals would allow you, not wanting to make Kylo wait too long for you.

And as you opened the front door, your purse resting against your side, Kylo’s breath hitched in his throat and his eyes widened at the sight of you. You looked so gorgeous, angelic even and you quite literally took Kylo’s breath away.

He didn’t know what to say, so he just spoke from the heart the best he could in this moment.

“You look so beautiful, dove.” he told you as he softly took one of your hands into his, his eyes never leaving you.

He lets go of your hand a second later whilst he watches how his words made you smile and blush as red as the lipstick you were wearing, “Thank you, Kylo.” you paused for a moment then met his eyes, “You look very handsome.” you told him, another smile on your face.

He accepted your compliment as his own cheeks blushed and he offered you his hand again, you took it in yours immediately. 

You then pulled away from him slightly to close and lock your front door before letting Kylo lead you back to his expensive car. And as you two walked back to his car, you smiled up at him again and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, leaving another reminder of you on his body.

And as he watched you do that, he eyes seemed to sparkle while he stared at you, simultaneously smiling at you as he felt himself fall more in love with you. You were everything he had and would ever want and he wasn’t going to let you go.


During the whole drive to the restaurant Kylo was taking you to tonight for your date, Kylo kept letting his brown eyes drift over to you. You were his dove and he never wanted to look away from you, even while he was driving.

“You should put your eyes back on the road, dove.” you jokingly said with a laugh, teasing him by using the sweet nickname he had for you.

And to your surprise, he laughed at your shitty joke. His smile was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen, apart from him. It seemed to light up the whole car and now you were the one who couldn’t stop staring once Kylo had put his eyes back on the road.

Kylo felt similarly about your own laugh and smile. Your laugh was like a pretty symphony to his deprived ears, he wanted to hear your laugh and see you smile for the rest of time.

Series Masterlist

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Let The Devil In - Chapter (Two/?)

Pairing: mafia!Kylo Ren X fem!Reader

Series Summary: You had never thought that you would ever find someone you wanted to love for the rest of your life, then you practically fell into his arms.

Chapter Summary: You and Kylo become a bit more familiar with each other.

Warnings:Like one curse word but that’s it

As you began to run to work once more this morning, you finally realized what happened to you when you and Kylo’s eyes first met. You had fallen in love with this man at first sight.

Prior to this morning, you thought that love at first sight moments were bullshit and fake. But now that you had bumped into Kylo and fallen into his strong arms, your perspective had been changed completely.

You now believed in the idea of ‘love at first sight’ because you had experienced it first hand and it was nothing like anything you had ever experienced before.

You never wanted to let Kylo go now that you had him, loosely in your comforting grasp.

And as you continued to run to work, you wondered if you over thinking all of this. You wondered if you were already too attached this man as you hadn’t even had a proper conversation yet.

But you quickly shook these thoughts away as the building your worked in came into view. You worked at The Mustafar Times and was just starting the second half of your first year with the successful company. You were still surprised that they had even hired you in the first place.

Everything that happened to you today felt like a dream and you didn’t know what to think or feel whatsoever. You were already beginning to grow lost into the pit of quicksand that was Kylo Ren. But you weren’t complaining at all.

You wanted to love this man, not caring how weird all of this may seem from an outsiders perspective.


Once arriving on the floor you worked in within the tall building, you nervously walked over to your bosses dark and gloomy office.

“Mr. Hux?” you softly said as you knocked onto the door to his office that was open just a few inches.

“Come in.” he coldly replied, not looking up from whatever he was working on, not even for a second.

You started to speak again once he had invited you into his office, “I apologize for being so late this morning, sir. I accidentally woke up la-.”

Your boss interrupted you as he held up his index finger to silence you, “Just get to work, Mrs. (y/l/n).” he said, still not looking up at you.

You then nodded in response though you knew he wouldn’t see your response and put the door back in the position you found it in prior to going in there to talk to Mr. Hux.

From your point of view, he was just a small man hungry for money and power. But you were still grateful for the fact that he had hired you at the most successful newspaper in all of New York.

So as a compromise with yourself, you kept your mouth shut and pretended to like him so that you wouldn’t have to worry about ever loosing your job, knowing you wouldn’t be able to afford to rent your apartment anymore if you were unemployed.

You sat down in your cubicle minutes later and then pulled out your phone as well as the business card Kylo had given you so that you could introduce yourself to him. And before you even turned your phone on, you peered over your shoulder to make sure that Mr. Hux was still distracted by his work, which he was.

You then typed Kylo’s number into your contacts and sent him a friendly sounding text.


Hi! I’m (y/n), the woman who accidentally bumped into you earlier this morning. :) Sorry I got lipstick on your shirt by the way.

He responded almost right away, his heart pounding in his chest as he speedily re-read the text you had sent a few times before he responded.

Kylo Ren:

It’s alright, (y/n), don’t worry about it. It’s nice to formally meet you.

What he had said caused butterflies to appear in your stomach once again even though they were simply just words on a phone screen.


Hopefully the lipstick will come off easily in the wash. And it’s nice to meet you too, I hope that I’ll bump into you again sometime soon. ;)

God, you were horrible at flirting and you hoped that Kylo understood the message you were trying to get across. Which he did, he thought that your attempt at flirting with him was cute and only made him start to like you even more then he already did.

Kylo Ren:

Again, don’t worry about it, dove. It’s okay, I promise.

His nickname for you made heat sprint your to cheeks, the areas of skin now a light pink while you smiled to yourself.

He sent another text just seconds later, making you feel more excited because of how quickly he was responding to you. You craved this kind of attention from a man like him.

Kylo Ren:

Let me take you out to one of my favorite  restaurants in the city tomorrow night, I’ll pick you up at 6:30pm. Dress formally.

You had to admit, you liked how straight forward he was with you. You liked that you didn’t have to beat around the bush when speaking to the handsome man.


That works, I’ll see you then, Kylo. ;)

You then sent him the address to your apartment and shut your phone off, carefully slipping his business card back into your bag. And as much as you’d like to continue to talk to Kylo, you knew that your boss would catch you in the act eventually.

And as your fingers got settled on your somewhat old keyboard and you turned your computer on, your close work friend, Rey, startles you a bit by popping up and leaning on the barrier that separated your cubicle from hers.

You let out a noise of surprise as she began to pester you about the person you were texting as well as your tardiness this morning.

“Soo, who were you talking to?” she asked you, poking your arm as she talked to you, a grin on her face.

“No one.” you quickly said as you looked up at her with a nervous look in your eyes, her mind waiting for any possible gossip.

Rey then gave you a knowing look and settled back down into her seat, leaving you alone to process every single thing that had happened to you this particular morning on your own.

Series Masterlist

Follow my library account to keep up to date with everything I write


Let The Devil In - Chapter (One/?)

Pairing: mafia!Kylo Ren X fem!Reader

Series Summary: You had never thought that you would ever find someone you wanted to love for the rest of your life, then you practically fell into his arms.

Chapter Summary: You and Kylo accidentally meet for the first time on your way to work one morning.

Warnings:None :)

Thanks to your somewhat weird sleep schedule, you ended up waking up an hour later than you normally did every morning. You decided to skip breakfast today as you quickly packed yourself lunch and anything else you would need to have with you at work today.

You then speedily got dressed, not really looking at yourself but still hoping that your boss, Mr. Hux wouldn’t be upset about your tardiness and that you would look at least somewhat decent.

And once you were completely ready for the day ahead, you quickly locked the door to your apartment and ran down the old concrete stairs outside of your tall apartment building.

Your heart was racing as you began to run down the sidewalk, tightly holding your tote bag at your side. You absolutely hated being late to anything and you hoped that this wouldn’t reflect badly on you. Especially because your still in the beginning of your hopefully long career as a journalist.

And as you continued to run to work, you began to loose touch with your surroundings, causing locals in the city to yell at you as you accidentally brushed past them at a very quick pace.

While you became closer to the end of this part of the sidewalk, you were looking over your shoulder and apologizing to the business man you had slightly bumped in to, causing him to drop his fancy looking brief case.

Your body then collided with a very tall man’s wide chest, accidentally leaving a light print of the lipstick you had on right next to the pocket on his dark grey button up shirt.

To anyone else that might interact with this man, the lipstick wouldn’t be noticeable at all, but to you it was extremely obvious. This made you feel really guilty as a result, you didn’t want to ruin a strangers clothes.

You both apologize to each other right away as you looked up to meet each other’s gaze.

As you start to back away from this man, the thin heal of your shoe gets caught into a small gap on sidewalk, causing you to drop your bag as you tried to get your shoe free. You then tripped a bit and before you even had the chance to fall onto the ground, this man slid one of his muscular arms under your back and helped you get back up on your feet.

And once you were back on your feet, he bent down briefly to free your heal from the sidewalk, making you smile and blush at this man while he retrieved your bag for you as well.

If you were being honest, he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your whole life and you kind of felt like you fallen in love with him the second his eyes had met yours just minutes ago.

He could feel your deep gaze on him as he did those two things for you, but he didn’t mind it and used this chance to slip his business card into your bag while you were still distracted by his pretty brown eyes.

“Here.” the man says as he kindly hands you your bag, happily smiling back at you.

You thanked him as you started to walk away, but before you could get too far away, this handsome man placed one of his large hands on your clothed shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.

“Call me.” he simply said, a smirk on his face in place of that adorable smile of his.

“Huh?” you quickly responded with furrowed eyebrows, raising one of them for just a second.

He then lifted his hand from your shoulder and pointed to your bag prior to him basically vanishing into thin air after you had looked down.

You looked inside of your bag to see his business card sitting on top of all the things you had quickly packed today. According to the card, his name was Kylo Ren and you weren’t sure why but something about that name made butterflies appear in your stomach.

Whilst Kylo walked away, he couldn’t help but brightly smile to himself at the thought of you. You were soft, kind and beautiful. And up until today he had believed that there was no such thing as ‘love at first sight’. But you easily proved him wrong.

And just as his smile began to fade from his face, he looked down at the mark your lipstick had left on his shirt and just like that he was smiling again, earning confused looks from his Knights while he approached his car.

Initially, Kylo had come to this part of the city to take a walk. He wanted the sounds of the city to fill his head instead of the stressful and burdening thoughts his line of work caused.

If he was being honest with himself, he felt as though he had fallen in love with you the moment your eyes met for the first time. The way your face looked was now engraved in his mind and he liked that, he never wanted to forget you, even if you never ended up calling him.

But Kylo still hoped that you would call him sometime soon as he desperately wanted you to be in his life. Even though he didn’t even know your name yet, he didn’t care about that because you still had him falling for you either way.

He knew you would change his life for the better, that is if you let him into your life and gave him the chance to get to know and love you.

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