#adhd art


This is a very personal comic, even though it’s not very long and doesn’t have many details. There were many opportunities in my life where my ADHD should have been caught, but I felt like I had been failed several times by the same professionals I had sought help from. It all boiled down to the fact they thought they knew me better than I knew me and therefore what I had to say was not deemed important enough to listen to.

It wasn’t until I started seeing my current therapist that I was actually allowed to speak for myself. At first it seemed to only confirm my Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but the more I talked, the more she began to realize that there was something else going on. One day she politely asked me to stop for a moment and point blank asked me “Bri, have you ever heard of Inattentive ADHD?” I had not.

And it was then I began my true journey.

October is ADHD Awareness Month.

There are a lot of misconceptions about ADHD, from “it only affects children” to “it’s not real”. ADHD affects between 4-5% of adults and is very real. It is also very serious; sleep problems, financial struggles, lower life expectancy, difficulty maintaining relationships, comorbidity with anxiety + depression, and social stigma are just a few of the realities people with ADHD have to live with.

Fortunately, with support and medication it is very manageable, but that doesn’t make it easy to live with. ADHD is challenging enough on its own, but you can make it easier by learning a bit about it.

October is ADHD Awareness Month, and Orange is our color.
