#afro hair


I took this today because I just wanted to see how large my hair looks. I’ve been growing it. Lol

Patiently waiting

Take a deep breath and exhale

Breathe out all the sadness, disappointment and failure

Breathe in peace, joy, happiness and prosperity

Stand up for your beliefs

Stand firm in your values



Stand up for your rights

Stand in your truth



Stand up for her

So she can stand up for you



Release all your tears, pain and sorrow

Reach your arms out towards your goals



Affirm all the good things you need

Aspire to become the greatest version of yourself

Be inspired and patient

The best is still to come

Author - @iameriwa

Photography - @garren.pryce

Model - @kiara_ailene


Write the tale that scares you, that makes you feel uncertain, that isn’t comfortable,

I dare you

In a world that entices us to browse through the lives of others

To help us better determine how we feel about ourselves, and to in turn feel the need to be

Constantly visible, for visibility these days seems to somehow equate to success…

Do not be afraid to disappear from it,

From us for a while,

And see what comes to you in the silence.

I dedicate this story to every single survivor of sexual assault

Speech by Michaela Coel

Photography by Vittorio Zunino

Skin Blessed by God

I don’t know who needs to hear this but

Sis, your kinky curly afro hair is beautiful

Your richly melanated skin is beautiful

Your thick juicy lips are beautiful

Your spectacular broad nose is beautiful

Everything about you, from your head to your toes is beautiful

Because BabaGod created you

And The Lord makes no mistakes

So please rise up each and every morning

Basking in the fact that you are BeYOUtiful

In the words of Nas “My African skin gave me the passion to win”

Always remember that Queen

Author - @iameriwa

Model - Mary Sekeye

Photography - Belva Chan

Cherish Her

When a man reaches a state of maturity

He begins to understand the importance of having a good woman by his side.

He doesn’t lie to her,

Cheat on her,

Play games with her heart.

He doesn’t intentionally disrespect her

or diminish her feelings.

Instead he shows through his words and actions how much he appreciates, loves and honours her.

He remains committed through the ups and downs

Giving her the loyalty she deserves.

Author @iameriwa

