






Yes, #PrayfortheAmazon and all, but let’s remember two things if you live in the USA:

-Brazil is a sovereign nation and your suggestions of a coup d'état aren’t helpful. Quit being globalists and let the people of Brazil speak for themselves.

-Boycotting beef etc in the USA does literally nothing for the cattle ranching industry in Brazil. We don’t import meat from Brazil, we export to them, if anything.

But if you live in the USA you could try and ask for international pressure to be put on Brazil, for christ’s sake. 
It’s not a Brazilian issue, it’s a global issue.

brazilian person here just to remind you that a lot of those guys who are burning the forest to get more land are also soy farmers, so it’s not just a meat issue, it’s about brazilian food industry as a whole.

The majority of soy is used as feed for livestock, so although yes it’s not just a meat issue, it is largely one

The majority of soy by weight is used as animal feed. This primarily (pretty much only) consists of human-inedible stalks and husks. Meanwhile 88% of soy oil is used in human food (the rest is used instead of petroleum oil). Considering soy is an oilseed, it’s unlikely that the production of soy would be lowered if we stopped feeding the by-products to animals and that they would instead find another buyer for said by-products (or just dump them/burn them).

Sources/further reading on Feedipedia:

Source on 100% of soybean oil being produced for human consumption.

AMAZON BASIN: No longer a carbon sink, now a  carbon sourceAccording to a new study in Nature, parts

AMAZON BASIN: No longer a carbon sink, now a  carbon source

According to a new study in Nature, parts of the Amazon, home to the world’s largest tropical rainforest, are now emitting more CO2 than they absorb. Historically, the Amazon has played a crucial role in absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon but the combination of deforestation and climate change have dramatically altered the rainforest’s ability to absorb carbon. 

The new study estimates the Amazon is emitting a billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually, accelerating climate change, causing dramatic environmental impacts on the planet, and indicating emissions cuts are increasingly critical. This map depicts spatial distributions of aboveground biomass (AGB) and (FAF) from a study in Nature of the Amazon’s CO2 emissions.

Further Reading:The Guardian,BBC,Mongabay,NPR, American Geographical Society (AGS)

Graphic Source:Nature

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 En un taller de comunicación comunitaria de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amaz En un taller de comunicación comunitaria de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amaz En un taller de comunicación comunitaria de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amaz

En un taller de comunicación comunitaria de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonía (CONFENIAE), una joven practica su dicción con un bolígrafo entre los dientes. El objetivo: grabar podcasts con historias de los pueblos záparo, shuar, shiwar, waorani y kichwa de la región.

Unión base, Ecuador. Mayo, 2018.


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My anaconda don’t. • • • • • #amazon #peru #iquitos #iquitosperu #nanay #nanayriver #amazonrainfores

My anaconda don’t.

#amazon #peru #iquitos #iquitosperu #nanay #nanayriver #amazonrainforest #amazonriver #perú #travel #backpacker #backpacking #explore #discover #nomad #livetotravel #adventure #outdoors #travelphotography #southamerica #southamericatrip #anaconda #anacondasnake #amazonia #adventuretime (at Iquitos, Peru)

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For four decades Sebastiao Salgado has been documenting the human and natural world, from gold mines in South America to migrants in Africa his images have shown parts of the world rarely seen by most humans. His latest gigantic work is Amazonia, which takes us on a journey through an Amazon basin threatened by climate change.

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