#analogical fanfic




… because i was one of them. (part 1)

I recently asked for prompts for sanders sides fanfics to write,

Favorite ship + Trope

“Analogical and soft date night, Logan goes to Virgil’s room to check up on him after he revealed himself (as a dark side) to Thomas. Thinking that everyone hates him and having to deal with the fallout between him and Patton. Logan just going there to reassure him that he’ll never leave him.”


Analogical, (Background Royality ish…?)

WC: 1546

Triggers: Yelling, Self hate, Anger, Cursing, Panic Attack… i think thats it let me know If i need to add more

ANGST to the max please prepare

“Virgil…? You okay buddy?” Thomas asks concerned, he was personally exhausted with everything that happened with Remus that day… but the way Virgil looked completely zoned out concerned him. Virgil perks up seemingly snapping out of his thoughts with an uneasy expression.

“Huh- oh uh… yeah. I- I am just a little disappointed in myself… I thought that I would be able to- protect you from them.” Virgil says somberly, glancing up at Thomas.

“The dark sides?” Thomas asks in confusion.

“The others.” Virgil corrects quickly, “I- I just- I thought, I thought I knew how to handle them!” He says frustratedly, his hands shaking slightly with his nervousness.

Keep reading

So I realized it was a bit of a dick move on my part to only post the angst chapter, finished up the second chapter so you could have the beginning of some fluff, third chapter is all fluff but here have this to mend your soul

… because i was one of them (Part 2)

Virgil’s been in his room for days ever since… that. Logan winced in remembrance of the argument a few days prior…If it could even be referred to as such. It was a very one sided emotional conversation that Logan did not want to intervene in. Though he wished he had. If he had intervened it was possible that things could have gone smoother.

Honestly though he couldn’t intervene. He was too shocked at that moment. He hadn’t expected it, Logan knows everything. He looks at every detail of everything. He always knows what’s going on but… he had no Idea that Virgil was a dark side. The signs were there, yet… he ignored them. Seeing the better in Virgil. The need for him. The usefulness he provided. No matter how jarring his presence and input may have been, he was still- he was important. Needed.

By Thomas of course.

Logan knew that unless he could calm the others they would jump to drastic measures, Patton was likely going to send him to the dark side once more… For some reason that soured Logan’s stomach. The house without Virgil again. He swallows thickly. He can’t go back to that. No, the house, life… withVirgil was too- stellar. For lack of a better word. The two could be dramatic, excitable… Loud– but Virgil. Virgil was like him. Quiet, pensive, intelligent… he didn’t let emotions rationalize all his decisions, some of them sure… but in most cases he thought things through. Helped Thomas.

That’s why Logan liked him so much.



That’s the only reason.

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… because i was one of them (Part 3/Final)

Logan is pleased to find Virgil sitting cross legged on his bed midway through his second sandwich when he returns. He smiles softly as he walks in with another water and his laptop as promised. Virgil glances up from his phone, he seems to have put his dark eye shadow back on… Virgil looks over at Logan, a small smile parting his lips when he sees Logan walk in. He glances Virgil over quickly, finding some color has returned to his cheeks as well as the dull sparkle in his eye. 

“I was unsure if you would actually eat them or not, I attempted to make the sandwiches to your liking.” He says, shutting the door behind him before crossing the room to sit on the bed beside Virgil. Virgil smiles at him as he chews his food, putting his phone down to grab the new water, having already finished the old one. 

“Well I mean you made them with my jam plus I’m hungry so…” he takes another bite as Logan opens his laptop and sips his coffee. “So… not to be rude but, what are you doing back here?” Virgil asks, watching Logan sift through his streaming services, seemingly looking for something. Logans hand stops and Virgil curls in on himself slightly, god he was stupid of course when someone was nice and actually taking time to even help him he fucks it up… and of course it was Logan of all people the one person he wasn’t interested in. In the slightest. 

“Well I don’t agree with Patton or Roman, especially with their recent ways of treating you… I don’t quite care whether you’re a dark side or not. We’re technically all the same, figments of Thomas’ consciousness that aid him through life in our own ways. Your usefulness does not change with which side you’re on.” He says, resuming his effort to find Criminal Minds. It might be on Netflix, not Hulu… “Also I quite enjoy spending time with you. Their opposition is not going to change my personal opinion on you Virgil, you matter just as much as the rest of us, and treating you in this manner will consequently make things worse for Thomas. If you’re in a bad headspace, so is he. So shutting you out and making you feel anxious and ignored is only going to make the house worse along with Thomas.” 

“Oh, makes sense.” Virgil’s smile is more like a wince… so this was for Thomas, makes sense… Logan keeps everything in the mind palace in balance basically. Helps keep everything running smoothly, so this was just a special case. Help the upset side so that they could be sane again. Then Logan would leave him to his own devices once more and things would go back to how they were. Virgil wraps his arms around himself, curling into his jacket some. He had finished his sandwich a few moments ago, was it always this cold in his room? He shivers slightly and pulls the covers over himself curling up, his legs coming to his chest as he wraps his arms around his legs. 

“Aha!” Logan exclaims, startling the hell out of Virgil who practically jumps out of his skin at the sudden exclamation. Logan glances sheepishly to Virgil seeing the receding tension in his shoulders from his startle. “Apologies… I couldn’t remember where we could stream Criminal Minds.” He amends with that small apologetic smile. Virgil can feel his heart in his throat for a different reason this time. He blushes slightly and looks away, Logan looking at him like that took him off guard. He was typically unemotional and closed off but for that moment he looked… adorable. No- not adorable ha- never. 

“Oh- yeah I could have helped, I’ve watched it a handful of times on Netflix…” he says with a small smirk, earning an embarrassed huff from Logan. 

“Yes, well, contrary to popular belief, I do not know everything.” Logan counters, clicking through episodes to find one he feels like watching. Virgil chuckles at his defensiveness and annoyance. 

“Uh huh, right, you’re trying to convince me the great Logan doesn’t know what streaming service Criminal Minds is on.” Virgil teases, some of his personality returning to him as he messes with Logan. 

“Well, it seems your confidence in me is misplaced, seeing as ‘the great Logan’ is unable to recall media streaming services because there are too many of them.” He mumbles back, fighting a smile at Virgil’s playfully snarky personality returning. 

“Yeah yeah, whatever specs, so you’re not good with entertainment services, that checks out seeing as your laptop is only ever used for work anyway.” He chuckles as Logan shoots him a glare, there’s no malice in it, in fact he seems a bit amused. 

“I just don’t see why one would use their laptop for television when there are TV’s specifically made to do the job. If I’m not mistaken, Virge, we are using my laptop right now to watch one of your favorite shows, you’d best not insult my laptop in my company.” He responds, playful sparkle in his eye as he glances at Virgil once more before clicking play. Virgil is blushing slightly at both the nickname used and the look he received from Logan. He trains his eyes on the laptop in hopes that the poor lighting of his room will hide the faint blush of his cheeks. 

They are sitting side by side, shoulders barely brushing, Logan has the laptop situated so that it is on either of their thighs balanced in between. Logan glances over at Virgil seeing the subtle blush on his cheeks, perhaps he is uncomfortable with Logan being so close. 

“Are you comfortable? I can move to best-” Logan tries to say, getting interrupted by Virgil a little too fast. 

“No!” he says quickly, the thought of Logan moving stressing him some, he blushes slightly as Logan looks at him with surprised confusion. He hurries to amend his statement, “I- I meant no, you’re fine I’m comfortable… I just um, are you comfortable?” he asks, peeking at Logan through his hair. 

Logan is taken aback by a strange feeling surging through him. He assumes it was brought on by the look he just received from Virgil. His stormy grey eyes peeking through the sweeping shrewd of purple bangs, a slightly vulnerable nervous look in his gaze. Logan’s eyes flicker for a moment, noticing Virgil’s eyeshadow… it almost looks a bit- purple? Hasn’t it always been black…? Did it change colors with his mood…? Logan thought idly as his eyes fluttered unhelpfully to Virgil’s lips before back up to his eyes. Suddenly the room felt rather hot and Logan shifted subconsciously closer to Virgil, his hands absently moving to adjust his tie. 

“Well seeing as you’re comfortable I don’t see any reason why you would still be tense.” He says, habitually adjusting his glasses as he glances back at the laptop. Virgil is floundering, he could have sworn he saw Logan blushing too but there’s no way. Logan doesn’t blush. Ever. So- yeah. God he’s seeing things. Lovely. 

“Ha- Just um, nervous-” Virgil shuts up immediatly, blushing more, oh fuck why did he say that now logan is going to ask-

“Why? There is no current reason to be on edge-“ Logan responds in confusion only for his response to get clipped by Virgil. 

“Just emotions and stuff, it’s been a rough week alright L?” he says, attempting to cover up his blush as it goes down slowly. Logan watches him for a moment seemingly lost in thought, Virgil squirms some under his gaze in confusion. “Lo? Why are you looking at me like-” Virgil stops talking as the warmth of Logan’s hand interlaces with his own. He looks down to see Logan’s hand in his, his eyes flickering back to logans in confusion. 

“Comforting physical stimulation is proven to relieve or mitigate stress.” Logan says, dust of pink on his face as he continues. “Clearly the logical action to take when one is stressed is to relieve said stress. Therefore…” Logans free hand gestures to their hands together between them. 

Virgil has no clue what to say to that so he just nods, blushing a bit more but relaxing some, “Makes sense I guess…” He concedes, squeezing Logan’s hand. Logan smiles some and leans against the back of the bed, bringing his focus back to the laptop. 

It’s an easy silence as the two watch the show, Virgil slowly becomes more comfortable with Logan beside him and Logan can feel Virgil start to relax for the first time in days. The thought that he was able to bring that about causes Logan’s lips to quirk into a soft smile. Somewhere around the third episode the two are significantly closer. They had switched hands at some point to get more comfortable, Virgil’s right with Logan’s right. Virgil’s left hand rests around Logan’s shoulders and Logan is curled flush against Virgil’s side. 

Virgil hesitantly runs his thumb over the back of Logan’s hand before pausing to gauge his response. Logan’s soft smile grows slightly so Virgil takes that as a que to continue. Logan can’t deny the fact that he has never felt this at ease or relaxed in his life. He can feel his typical tense and strict composure slip at Virgil’s cautious touch, his gentle warmth… 

“Thanks.” Virgil says suddenly, Logan’s focus turns to Virgil, turning his head to look at him, Virgil looks calm… happy even. His eye shadow is still a soft purple, a sparkle to the shimmering makeup under his eyes, his gaze trails down to Logan, who finds himself suddenly nervous. It’s random- illogical, he is happy and calm with Virgil and yet… the way those breathtaking grey eyes trained on him… Logan blushes some and his free hand finds his tie again, fidgeting some as he breaks eye contact. 

“For what am I receiving your thanks V-Virgil?” Logan asks, there is a slight stutter in his words and Virgil raises an eyebrow curiously at Logan. He seems nervous and- there that blush is again… Virgil’s eyebrows draw together in concern. Is Logan okay? Logan is never nervous so why…

“Just, you know- checking on me and stuff…” Virgil responds, he keeps his gaze trained on Logan, searching his face he tries to figure out where his sudden nervousness had come from. 

“Oh, you are very welcome, I was merely trying to- ” Logan raises his head to make eye contact with Virgil again, only to stop as he finds Virgil’s face mere inches from his own. “-Help.” His sentence finishes in a strained squeak, blush breaks through his carefully restrained emotions, red running quickly down to his collar as he swallows with difficulty. He can see Virgil’s face flush with color as well, his eyes growing wider as he looks into Logan’s blue ones. Neither of them move, watching eachother with bated breath. Waiting for the other to move away. 

“Logan…?” Virgil whispers, hesitantly breaking the agonizing silence between them. Logan’s gaze flickers to Virgil’s lips as he words his name before finding his eyes again. Logan licks his lips to answer, he doesn’t miss how Virgil’s stare moves at the action before their gazes lock once more. 

“Virgil.” He murmurs in an exhale of breath, his eyes still caught on Virgils. Virgil takes a moment to speak again, his hand trembling anxiously at Logan’s shoulder as he chooses his words. 

“C-can I kiss you?” He asks, the sincerity and hesitancy in the question sends an indescribable warm feeling through Logan’s veins as he leans toward Virgil. 

Logan leans forward, his lips meeting Virgils with a vibrancy similar to how he’s feeling inside at the moment. Virgil kisses back instinctively, pressing emotions into Logan through the catalyst of a kiss. The kiss speaks volumes, a thousand words unsaid, building feelings finally receiving release as he presses to Logan. Logan moves closer as he feels Virgil’s hand shift to cradle the back of his head, his hand slipping up to tangle delicately in Logan’s hair. He hums as Virgil’s other hand relinquishes his, only so it can pull Logan from where he is seated and instead shift him to face Virgil in his lap. The new arrangement is favorable as Logan’s hands wrap around the back of Virgil’s neck, relishing every second until they need to part for air. 

Logan is smiling, his face flushed as his heart beats fervently in his chest, his hair is a bit mussed from Virgil’s hand but he can’t find it in him to care. Virgil is looking at him, dumbstruck and seemingly a bit dazed as he smiles at Logan. 

“Does that adequately answer your question?” Logan asks with a playful smirk as Virgil slowly gets his wits about him. Virgil blushes his eyeshadow flashing fluorescent as he nods, a beautifully happy smile parting his lips. One that Logan hasn’t seen on Virgil in quite some time, Virgil leans forward, kissing Logan softly this time before breaking it again to meet Logan’s eyes. Logan can see nervous hesitancy flicker in those grey eyes and his face softens in concern. 

“Stay…?” Virgil asks softly. A question. A plea. Everyone he has ever cared about at this point has gone and his insecurity screams that Logan will be no different. Logan’s heart breaks as he senses the uncertainty in Virgil. Logan’s hands move to cup Virgil’s face, a soft caring smile gracing his lips as he looks down at Virgil with complete sincerity. 

“Always.” Logan whispers, he watches as Virgil’s worry seems to fall away, Logan leans down, pulling Virgil into another kiss, finalizing his promise. Virgil pulls Logan closer. He doesn’t have to worry about his old friends. Or about how hated he is. Or about dark and light sides. All he can feel is Logan, pressed to his lips, a hand in his hair, seated in his lap. Close and never leaving. Virgil wouldn’t have it any other way…


here we are, a bit late for day one but nonetheless here is our entry, not well edited yet so dont @

here we are, a bit late for day one but nonetheless here is our entry, not well edited yet so dont @ me its late at night lol 

Day one: Fear/Warmth: McDonalds
TW: Anxiety attack, poor eating habits… uh think thats it let me know if theres more I need to add

Logan was studying in the dorm, as usual. Honestly the day has been quite boring. He had no class today and was rather bored, after all he had already studied this material weeks ago and the test wasn’t for another week. He was altogether feeling burnt out. Logan sighs and closes the textbook, his roommate should be arriving home soon, perhaps they could spend time together. Logan could use a change of scenery. …Wait, had he eaten today? He has been doing school work all day but doesn’t remember doing anything beyond that. 

It was then that the dorm room door opens, causing Logan to jump slightly. A student in a black and purple patched jacket rushes in quickly, shutting the door a bit too abruptly behind him. 

“Ah Virgil, I was hoping you would return soon. Would you like to go-“ Logan stops talking as Virgil moves straight past him, instead ducking under the desk on his side of the room. Logan blinks in confusion, staring at Virgil’s work desk, why would he dive under the desk. Logan approaches slowly and carefully, when he reaches the desk he can hear it. Panicked breathing. Logan can hear Virgil’s quick choked breath stutter as he desperately tries to inhale and exhale properly. He doesn’t want to invade Virgil’s space, that may make the attack worse. Instead he taps on the wood above Virgil’s head, the top of the desk. He taps five times, then seven, then eight. It takes a moment for Virgil to realize that Logan is tapping out a breathing exercise. He struggles, trying to follow the pace, choking multiple times as he tries to follow. 

After a handful of moments he manages to loosely copy the exercise, the rushing in his ears dulls some as his vision clears a bit. This allows him to see Logan who is now crouching beside him, still tapping on the wood for him. Virgil meekly meets Logan’s eyes and Logan’s heart breaks. Virgil’s eyes are red from crying, tears have etched trails of black makeup down his face in tear trails that make him look even more upset. Logan’s eyes soften considerably and he can barely fight the inexplicable urge to pull him in his arms and cuddle him until he feels better. But friends don’t do that so he won’t. Plus he doesn’t want to overwhelm him. 

“Virgil? May I touch you?” Logan asks softly, offering a hand to Virgil slowly. Virgil eyes the hand, he’s shaking quite a bit and though his breathing is better it is still nowhere near even or okay. Not to mention he still has tears trailing down his cheeks and dripping onto his jacket. Before Logan can ask again, Virgil moves. “AH-” Logan exclaims, shocked to his core as Virgil is no longer under the desk, but now curled around him, shivering like a leaf and clinging to Logan like a lifeline. “Oh… okay.”  Logan slowly lowers his arms around Virgil, securely encompassing him in an embrace. Logan runs a hand up and down Virgil’s back comfortingly, Logan’s other hand finding its way into Virgil’s hair and running through it gently. His purple curls are soft to the touch, far softer than Logan had imagined- not that he imagines such things. Virgil is still shaking but Logan could feel him relax slightly at the hand in his hair and on his back.

Virgil’s breathing finally maintains a normal pace again, his head pressed to Logan’s chest, he can hear Logan’s heartbeat. It’s soothing, he counts his breathing with the beats. Not to mention Logan’s scent, something earthy, grounding… like pine, maybe with a hint of coffee. An interesting combination but one that Virgil has never been able to get enough of. And never been able to get this close too, not unless he was on Logans bed doing homework or drawing like he does sometimes while Logans studying. Neither of them were really ones for physical- well anything. They were as close as friends could be. Friends. Right. 

Virgil shakily tries to shift away from Logan, pulling back from him, “S-sorry I- d-didn’t mean-n to i-invade yo-ur spac-” Virgil can’t finish his shaky sentence because Logan gently presses him back down against his chest again. “Oh- Lo- what um- what are you-” Virgil tries to ask, only for Logan’s hands to brush through his hair again, silencing him as he relaxes into the touch. 

“We can remain like this if you would like. It seems to be helping you currently and physical stimulation can be comforting to ground one during panic attacks.” Logan says evenly, basically creating an easy excuse for why he didn’t want to move. “Would you like to tell me about your day? Or particularly what is bothering you about it?” Logan asks gently.

“Not really… just a bad day I guess. Showed up late to my first class because it was raining and I walked to class. My professor called me out on it and embarrassed me in front of the whole class. Forgot I had a test in my next class and was panicinging to much to even try to focus on the test… I can’t figure out what I want to do for my art project and it’s due soon. I have an english essay due too and a report in science and when I went to walk back here I had my headphones in but ran into two loud guys on accident and I don’t think they were mad but then they started hitting on me and calling me “emo nightmare” and freaking “JDelightful’’ which I think was a heathers reference but then they were blocking the sidewalk and you know how I hate walking on grass and the green one started saying something about kinks and the red one was yelling something about that being inappropriate before getting closer and saying something about my hair and I just- I don’t know it was way too much so then I lost it when I got back here and- and yeah… then you did the whole tapping thing and I invaded your personal space and you told me to stay and now… now were here I guess…” Virgil mumbles, finishing his story but staying curled against Logan, counting his heartbeats until Logan speaks. 

“Mmm, I’m sorry. That does sound like quite the day.” He responds.

Virgil sighs, “Yeah… it’s pretty alright now though…”

Logan is quiet for a bit, clearly contemplating something. Virgil doesn’t interrupt, besides sitting like this with Logan is rather warm, he wouldn’t do anything to disrupt that. 

“Let’s get McDonalds.” Logan says suddenly, sounding more like a definite and less like a suggestion. Which made zero sense, especially considering- 

“Don’t you hate McDonalds because you don’t trust the ‘sanitation or health of the food’?” Virgil asks, repeating a bit of the conversation the two had weeks ago when discussing the food Virgil had brought home to the dorm after a stressful test-filled day. 

“Yes, well, your impeccable memory aside, I have noticed that when you have a bad day you tend to get greasy food because you have a high metabolism and rarely eat lunch anyway. Thus you know that eating poorly wont cause negative weight gain. I also noticed that you have stopped eating McDonalds here in the doom after our friendly debate over it a few weeks ago. Though I have noticed salt on your hands a handful of times you return home, particularly after a bad day. This leads me to believe you just eat it somewhere else before you get back so that you don’t worry me. Seeing as you currently have no salt on your hands now I can easily say that you have not yet had mcdonalds and synonymously have not had lunch either. And it’s two in the afternoon. Lunchtime.” Virgil blinks for a moment, genuinely shocked and touched by the amount of care and attention Logan had put into Virgil. Virgil slowly shifted from where he was laying against Logan’s chest to look at Logan. Logan saw Virgil’s awe and couldn’t suppress the blush that perked up into his cheeks at how adorable the expression looked on his purple haired roommate. “McDonalds?” He repeats, it’s a question this time but Virgil doesn’t need to hear it.

His awe fades and there is a brief moment of something that flashes through Virgil’s gray eyes. Logan tries to place it, almost like mischief- before Logan can finish the thought there is a strong pull to his tie, yanking his hight advantage down to the man in his arms. Virgil’s lips are on his… soft, sweet, and eternally surprising to Logan, who believed he hadn’t done anything to warrant abnormal– dare he say romantic gestures from his closest companion. 

To Virgil he had done everything. He cared. He noticed. Not to mention he was goddamn intelligent and hot. Virgil is blushing as he separates, he drops the tie and rubs the back of his neck avoiding the nerd’s eyes in fear of rejection. “I- ha sorry I’m not really sure what happened there I um- got nervous I guess ha we can- we can pretend this never happened because well because it probably didn’t I was stressed or whatever and you dont like me ha so- um yeah- yeah- I…”  Virgil’s eyes flicker hesitantly back up to see why Logan is being so quiet all of a sudden. Virgil can’t stifle the laugh that escapes him, nor can he hide the blush on his cheeks. Logan seems to be frozen, staring with the dopiest, dorkiest smile imaginable and the brightest blush on his cheeks. Virgil waves a hand in front of his face, snapping him from his stupor to focus on Virgil again. “I- uh hi.”

“Greetings and Salutations.” Logan responds, smiling and blushing still on his face, though this time they were directed at Virgil, causing the other to stay blushing.

“You um. You okay?” Virgil asks, shifting awkwardly in Logan’s lap as the other looks down at him in pure, uncut adoration. 

“Yes, Virgil, I have emotions for you that are in no way platonic.” Logan says, his smile is still there, as is the blush, making Virgil’s insecurities think he is joking at first. 

“Ha, wow L, really telling it to me straight.” Virigl attempts to play it off, only to get the most adorable look of serious confusion from logan. 

“No, you are misunderstanding. I am very much a homosexual Virgil, I am telling you I am gay. And currently, I am very gay for you specifically.” Logan says, clarifying for Virgil. Virgil tries to make sense of this. Yes Logan was always very to the point, yes he always spoke his mind and was adorably clueless on most pop culture references. Of course there was also no doubt in the fact that he always managed to simultaneously send Virgil’s stomach into a torrent of butterflies and ground him with the warmth of his voice. 

“No that’s not what I- I didn’t mean you were straight I um- wait… ‘for me specifically’ what does that-“ Virgil tries and fails to voice his thoughts, Logan interrupts with a crystal clear question. 

“Would you like to form a romantic relationship with me?” Logan asks simply, not wanting to cause Virgil any more mental strain around the subject or Logan’s words. “If that kiss was driven by stress and panic then I have no issue with you saying no. But typically actions like that are thought about in the mind before being acted upon or triggered by a stressful situation. In which case it is important to note that I have had inexplicable feelings in relation to you that Patton referred to last week as a ‘head over heels crush’ which I am still unaware what that means but-” Logan tables, it’s possible Virigl will say yes, there is nothing gainst that of course, him misunderstanding things is a likely circumstances, especially considering this is Logan. He frequently makes these mistakes… Virgil stops his words and his thoughts with a single quiet word.

“Yes.” Virgil says, causing Logan to pause. The two stare at each other for a moment before Logan smiles again, leaning down this time to meet Virgil’s lips. This kiss is deeper, more emotion flows between the two, breaths sealed in promise. When they part, they are both smiling, Virgil’s anxiety and Logan’s burnout forgotten. 

“McDonalds?” Logan asks with a smirk. 

“McDonalds.” Virgil replies with a grin.

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