#and also



Don’t care + didn’t ask + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you

go to the doctor

even if you don’t want to

even if your medical trauma is screaming at you to ignore it


if there is something wrong and you can, please, go to the doctor

even if the doctor doesn’t listen, it is documentation

it will help the good doctors who willlisten

please, please go to the doctor

did something really stupid and googled a traumatic event from my childhood because i couldn’t stop thinking about it yesterday and now i’m very Not Okay lmao

The one scene I loved the most in Crooked Kingdom! I doodled it in a haste 2 months ago just after I had finished reading the books, and I never rly managed to clean it up properly or give it the background it deserved, so I’m just posting it now as it is :’)) anyway I love these two so much, and the books I love too, a whole lot!



friendly reminder that you need to purposely sexualize your digusting problematic fave

I legit did not realize this was from shit post generator for a good 45 seconds.

Legit, the one time I post something genuine about myself, and fifty bigots come for me because being who I am attacks their fragile sense of reality. So fucking done.



this man unlocked the beast’s cage and walked into it himself after bathing in raw meat juice. i have no sympathy for what happens to him as a result


I’m curious about all my gaming followers: first Pokémon game, first Zelda game, and first Mario game in the tags?

my design, divorced duck dad and watcher gremlin bird ^^


Mei Min & Shuangshuang (part 2)
