#anime ships


Owari no Seraph| Girls/Girls/Boys

pumpkinpaix:OKAY new ship bingo card!! i’m gonna be really angry in like 2 minutes when i realize I’


OKAY new ship bingo card!! i’m gonna be really angry in like 2 minutes when i realize I’ve forgotten a dynamic i wish i’d included but whatever. let’s go :D

Send me ships!!!

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okay so I’ve shipped shinkami for a while and ofc there is the whole young erasermic aspect to it but guyssss! I know the traitor theory is old news but I’m a traitor!kaminari enthusiast (bc I lowkey want my baby to have a powerful arc) and I cant stop thinking about the power dynamic that arc would create-

like can someone write a shinkami fic where they start being a thing or whatever and then shinsou finds out kami is like working for villains and doesn’t know what to do? bc shinsou has really strong beliefs on heroes and has been called a villain all his life. like what would he do, what would he choose, would he protect kami and become the very thing he swore to never be or would he sell him out on his journey to be a proper hero?

pls tell me I’m not a clown and that there are others on this ship pls

Me: [Rubs magical genie lamp]

Genie: Ah, you have freed me! In return I shall grant you one wish!

Genie: Choose wisely, you can only wish for one thing. You could end world hunger, ask for world peace-

Me: I wish for all of my otps to become canon

Genie: What. But what about-

Me:I wish for all of myotps to become canon. Please.
