
the first skip beat au comic i drew, its just a bunch of sketches because i was too lazy to clean itthe first skip beat au comic i drew, its just a bunch of sketches because i was too lazy to clean itthe first skip beat au comic i drew, its just a bunch of sketches because i was too lazy to clean itthe first skip beat au comic i drew, its just a bunch of sketches because i was too lazy to clean it

the first skip beat au comic i drew, its just a bunch of sketches because i was too lazy to clean it all up 

Karma’s having trouble portraying a role because he’s never been in love before and a disguised Nagisa tries to explain to him what love is  

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This has been sitting in my drafts for a while because it’s such a specific au that will probably apThis has been sitting in my drafts for a while because it’s such a specific au that will probably apThis has been sitting in my drafts for a while because it’s such a specific au that will probably apThis has been sitting in my drafts for a while because it’s such a specific au that will probably apThis has been sitting in my drafts for a while because it’s such a specific au that will probably ap

This has been sitting in my drafts for a while because it’s such a specific au that will probably appeal to no one but me but I drew so much of it lmaooo

so anyway Karmagisa Skip Beat AU. For two very different pieces of media they work surprisingly well together 

Nagisa runs away from home at 17 after getting fed up with his abusive controlling mother. He basically just wants to get a job he knows his mother would never approve of so he decides to get into show business. So he heads to the biggest agency in Tokyo to try and get a job. There he randomly encounters Akabane Karma, Japan’s number 1 actor. Karma instantly dislikes him because he doesn’t like why Nagisa’s trying to get into show business, he doesn’t care about talent or acting he just wants to get back at mommy, and yet he somehow has this innate acting talent.

Nagisa attends an audition judged by a couple heads of the departments and the infamously eccentric president (Koro-sensei) which he fails, because koro-sensei feels he lacks something important to succeed, a passion for life, a drive to do things for himself, a desire to be loved. So Koro-sensei creates a new section for him called the Love Me section where he can learn grow emotionally while also starting his acting career. 

 While spending more time together due to their shared agency, Karma starts to grow more fond of Nagisa (particularly after the discovery that he and Nagisa briefly knew each other as children, though Nagisa’s not aware of it).

Lots of wacky hijinks and sweet moments occur

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¿No es irónico?

Ignoramos a los que nos adoran. Adoramos a los que nos ignoran. Amamos a los que nos hacen daño y hacemos daño a los que nos aman.

smh I’ve got no ideas only messy drawings

I’ve got a karmagisa drawing I’ll post tomorrow then I’ll draw sum of the other characters as well cause they deserve some love

Me, rereading a fic where I know what the endgame is : noO biTCH BE NICE TO YOUR FUTURE BOYFRIEND-oh nO, YOU WILL REGRET THAT.



what if we kissed and we were both aspiring assassins haha just kidding unless???

Nagisa, praying: I just need someone to be my friend. Maybe send me an angel. The nicest angel you have.

*cue to Karma*

Me: [Rubs magical genie lamp]

Genie: Ah, you have freed me! In return I shall grant you one wish!

Genie: Choose wisely, you can only wish for one thing. You could end world hunger, ask for world peace-

Me: I wish for all of my otps to become canon

Genie: What. But what about-

Me:I wish for all of myotps to become canon. Please.


Valentines day short fic! With karma, nagisa, hazama and terasaka! Oh boy!

Have this non-beta read piece that I mostly wrote while in the train this week. Credit to @handy-dandy-headcanons for the gay comment in the middle of this work.

Terasaka isn’t a homophobe, he just doesn’t like Karma.

I’m so sorry for the shitty formatting I can’t work with Tumblr and just wanted to post this.


It had been an incredibly stupid idea, Nagisa knew that now. Sure he loved his boyfriend to death and was glad they were spending the entirety of valentine’s day together but he also wanted to use the day to help his friend Hazama with her first official date with Terasaka. She was nervous for it, he’d noticed, which is why he suggested the solution in the first place. He should have realised, however, that Karma and Terasaka were not a good combination. A double date was destined to fail miserably.

Dinner. It was just a dinner. He and Hazama agreed neither of their boyfriends would behave properly in a fancy restaurant so some midway compromise between a fast food place and a fancy restaurant was found. A decent place, really. 3 courses, proper seating and a relatively big menu. A big enough menu for Karma to find absolutely nothing he could NOT criticize.

“I’m just saying, i can probably make it better- actually, no. I KNOW i can make it better than this place can.” He was pointing at some stew he saw on he menu, basically shoving it in Nagisa’s face who just smiled at him in reaction.

Hazama rolled her eyes, wondering how Nagisa loved the cocky idiot so much. She did have to admit her hypocrisy, seeing as her boyfriend was another type of idiot. Not that she minded being the smart one in their relationship.

Terasaka sighed and slumped down even further than anyone at the table thought was possible to do in the restaurant’s mildly comfortable booths. “Can you do better in shutting the hell up?” He grumbled.

Karma was about to bring some sarcastic comeback, Nagisa just knew it. Preventing the moment from escalating into something ridiculous he took ahold of Karma’s arm and looked him in the eye.

“I’m not that big of an eater, can we share the first course?” He asked his boyfriend. Said boyfriend completely forgot about Terasaka’s existence for a moment, completely taken away by Nagisa’s gaze. Nagisa was very familiar with Karma’s thoughts about him. The red head was a firm believer of freedom of speech when that meant he’d get to call Nagisa pretty. Nagisa really did not need another session of Karma advocating for his beauty, as if he was giving a speech and Nagisa was the subject.

Everyone ordered their food and the date continued. Karma and Terasaka couldn’t help but bicker through most of it, however. Karma clearly didn’t have a filter and Terasaka had no impulse control to prevent him from immediately arguing with the red head. 

“As a future government worker, I believe it should be legal for me to commit tax fraud” Karma argued as he and Nagisa had the most random discussion on teaching high schoolers how to pay their taxes. 

Terasaka held a tight grip on his fork. It wasn’t hard for Nagisa to imagine that that grip could actually kill a human being. He tried to throw thoughts off murder out of his head as he figured the fork would probably be fine. “That ks the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, you’re not above the law, Akabane.” Terasaka said. 

“Is it still tax fraud if you legally don’t have to pay?” Nagisa couldn’t help but wonder out loud. Hazama shrugged in reaction and Karma smirked a little. Terasaka ignored the thought and remained on edge. 

“Look, Terasaka, don’t meddle with what the smart people are handling.” Karma held the same cocky look on his face. “Your brain is too incompetent to comprehend what we’re doing anyways" 

Rage emitted from Terasaka, Nagisa noted. It was also obvious enough for anyone without Nagisa’s skill to notice. He knew Hazama noticed because she carefully took Terasaka’s knife and put it beside her plate where her boyfriend couldn’t easily grab it. 

"Oh I’m sorry, was that rude? I didn’t think your brain could figure out what i was say-OOF” Karma was interrupted by Nagisa elbowing him in the side. “That wasn’t necessary.” He complained. 

“Yes it was.” Nagisa sighed, giving a pleading look at Hazama. 

She got the hint and put her arm around Terasaka. “Hey big boy, perhaps pay more attention to your girlfriend at your date.” She told him. 

Luckily Terasaka took a note of her and turned to her, letting out an annoyed sigh. Within minutes he was completely cooled down and he and Hazama were having a lovely conversation about…Occult stuff. Whatever pleases them. Nagisa was more than happy to discuss Karma’s favourite movie with him. 

Just when Nagisa thought things were going well again the two started bickering again. Nagisa barely had the energy to figure out what their discussion was this time but it didn’t matter. The argument turned more into both guys listing what they disliked about the other and defending their own honour. Nagisa thought what they were doing had quite the opposite effect, he really didn’t think highly of either of them at that point. 

He and Hazama were exchanging knowing look with each other. A second double date would not be scheduled. Both only properly returned their attention to the conversation when Terasaka used a new completely done tone in Karma’s direction. 

Now, Karma and Nagisa’s relationship was relatively new. Most people were surprised to find out the boys had started dating, mostly because neither of them ever discussed their sexuality. Neither Karma or Nagisa really cared what others thought about homosexuality but it was still considered rude to say something about it. 

“Didn’t even know you were gay, Akabane” Terasaka said. 

For a few seconds Karma didn’t say anything. His expression was empty and didn’t say a lot. Then he turned to Hazama. 

“Didn’t know you dated ignorant idiots, Hazama" 

For some reason THAT was all that was needed for the date to escalate into hell. Both guys were furious and ignoring their dates trying to calm them down. 

"I will punch you so hard you’ll feel the thing you call a brain bounce all throughout your head.” Karma stood up fast and incidentally knocked his plate off the table and made the flower vase topple. 

“Not if I break your arm first” Terasaka screamed as he also got up. 

Everyone was looking at their table. Nagisa noted Hazama trying her best to pick up all the food the guys had spilled. All Nagisa could do was try and hide in shame. 

Just when they thought things couldn’t get worse, they reached over the table and grabbed each other. Nagisa knew in advance that the date wouldn’t go great but he wasn’t prepared for his boyfriend getting physical. 

“U-uhm, excuse me” Their table went silent as they noticed the waitress that carefully approached their table. “I’m going to- going to have to ask you to leave, p-please”

It wasn’t long before Karma broke the uncomfortable silence. “Look what you’ve done now!” He complained as he looked at Terasaka. 

The two started bickering again and Hazama dragged her boyfriend along with her. The only reason it went successful is because he respected her enough to deny her force. Nagisa tried doing the same with Karma but he was his usual self. 

“Sir, someone will have to pay…"The waitress said, tapping Nagisa’s shoulder. She probably noticed very easily he was the most sensible person to talk to, what with the two fightinf guys and the girl who was threatening to curse both of them at this point. All he could do was sigh and do so, noticing his unusual forceful manner of putting in his pin code. It was almost as if he treated the card machine as his enemy. ‘Better to treat the machine like this than your boyfriend’ was all he could think.

Standing outside of the restaurant no one in their company was happy. The most positive thing of it all was the now calm Terasaka with Hazama’s arm around him. 

"Well I think we’re just going to spend the rest of the day with us two.” Hazama said, mostly talking to Nagisa. “Thanks for trying though" 

Nagisa waved her off with a light smile. The moment she was out of view he swiftly turned around to scowl at his boyfriend. "Really?” He didn’t need to say more. 

Judging by the look on his face, Karma did in fact feel a bit of guilt. “We’ll probably have more fun when it’s just the two of us anyways” He defended himself. 

At first Nagisa didn’t react. His face didn’t change and he didn’t say anything. Sure, he was calming himself down, that was part of the reason. In all honesty, however, he also just wanted to say something that kept the evening going in perhaps a more romantic direction while also making clear to Karma that what he’d done was not okay. Eventually he realised how futile his effort would be. He could help Karma but never in his life could he hope to change him. Not like Nagisa wanted him to change at all. 

He took a hold of Karma’s hands, face still unchanged, catching Karma off guard. He took advantage of this and pulled Karma down lightly so his boyfriend was at eye level with him. He wasn’t ignorant to the surprised look on Karma’s face that perhaps also showed a little fear. 

“You better pay me back for this dinner" 

And with that Nagisa pecked a kiss on Karma’s lip before releasing his hold on him. He portrayed a small smile on his face. As bad as the dinner was he knew Hazama would force an apology out of Terasaka the next time they saw each other. Nagisa would make sure he did the same. 

Karma came back to his senses as he mumbled a soft apology. Nagisa figured he could see how he ruined his boyfriends night, which was even worse considering it was their first Valentine’s together. 

"I think I can make it up to you.” He said as he put his arm around Nagisa’s shoulders. “Let’s go to my place, we’re more of a movie night couple anyways" 

With that Nagisa couldn’t disagree. He leaned in on Karma’s embrace with a smile. "I think I’d like that”


Karmagisa Wallpapers x6 (640*1136px) 【Please indicate the source if authorized  @ashleyyunqi】 Karmagisa Wallpapers x6 (640*1136px) 【Please indicate the source if authorized  @ashleyyunqi】 Karmagisa Wallpapers x6 (640*1136px) 【Please indicate the source if authorized  @ashleyyunqi】 Karmagisa Wallpapers x6 (640*1136px) 【Please indicate the source if authorized  @ashleyyunqi】 Karmagisa Wallpapers x6 (640*1136px) 【Please indicate the source if authorized  @ashleyyunqi】 Karmagisa Wallpapers x6 (640*1136px) 【Please indicate the source if authorized  @ashleyyunqi】

Karmagisa Wallpapers x6 (640*1136px)

【Please indicate the source if authorized  @ashleyyunqi

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Working on new music today! And since we are so close to 500 follows, I thought we could do a n Ask Miss Mindy Day!!!! So go ahead and submit a question! It can be about anything from songs to ships to whatever!!!!

“It’s a win and you run away, Koro-sensei.”“It’s a win and you run away, Koro-sensei.”“It’s a win and you run away, Koro-sensei.”

It’s a win and you run away, Koro-sensei.

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Chapter 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XLhYuHFotK3Kr-jU8KmBDnXAyGrYBIpjj03i1IOYA70/edit?usp=sharing

Chapter 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XGrPDk5g24RsO7qinY1mOJyMnuqjFCHWCEqXw40tvZE/edit?usp=sharing

Fallen from Grace
Series: Assassination Classroom. 
Ship: Karma x Nagisa. 
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
AU: Royalty/Slave.
Warnings: Warnings: Abuse, Assault, Discrimination, +18 scenes, etc. If any of these topics make you uncomfortable or offend you in any way, I suggest you do not read this.

Hmm, one thing… I’m considering letting people edit, like if they have additional stuff they wanna add or correct me, stuff like that, they are free to edit as long as I’m asked first. 
Although I’m not sure how to activate that. R.I.P.
