#antman and the wasp


I used to really like Evangeline Lilly before her coronavirus comment :(

What I think when fan fictions say something along the lines of “His warm breathe ghosted along her neck as he pressed a gentle yet passionate kiss to her throat”

Like bitch I’m sensitive! Fuck you think getting close to my neck like that. I’m ticklish af

I like to think that Shuri and Peter have a meme challenge and at any given time ( no matter how inconvenient) they force the other to reply with/ re-enact a meme

Mj: Just say those three words and I’m yours

Shuri through a small microphone: Peter do the thing

Peter begrudgingly and with a sigh: Welcome to chili’s

No sleep

When you’re trying to get your shit together but you find yourself awake at 4am reading fan fiction under your blankets with the fan blaring and the window open while your hand is balls deep into a bag of Cheetos
