#steven strange



Tony: No man or woman has ever made me beg in bed


And we all thought Steven was going to be mad because of the multiverse disaster but no, he was like “ehh it’s all fucked up anyway, let me join too”. Honestly, Loki is more considered about multiverses than Sorcerer Supreme’s himself at this point

Wong be like: bruh


Stephen Strange Stephen strange

with America Chavez with Peter Parker

Slow Dance

Pairing: Stephen Strange x female/Reader

Summary: Stephen and his girlfriend dance through the night.

Word Count: 1.3k      

a/n:Requests are open!!!

The sky was full of stars. The light of the chandelier shone down on the dancing couples who moved to the beat of the delicate tones, mirroring a sunset by the sea, where the sun kissed the end of the world and wrapped the world in a reddish veil.

The hall was lavishly decorated, resembling a castle from ancient, almost forgotten times of king and queens, of high-born ladies and princes. Peals of laughter echoed and merged with the sounds played by the musicians standing on the tribune in dark suits and dresses. Important looking men wandered in the rows of people filling the hall with the wide windows wrapped in white material as soft as clouds.

In the sea of suits, Stephen stood out, was a rock piercing through raging oceans. The suit suited him well and at first glance, Y/N did not recognise her boyfriend standing in the chandelier’s light. Piercing eyes rested on Y/N, escaping the shadows. Her heart was beating fast, nearly racing, and her palms resembled a wet surface as a murmur of voices rose and fell. The flowing material of the dress enveloped her body. The fabric, wide and flat, was adorned with glittering stones, little stars, stolen from the firmament. It shone like silver, like spider webs reflecting the rays of the rising sun in the early hours of the day. Her hair framed her soft features, adorned with a loving smile. The smile on her lips grew widened and her teeth emerged. The necklace Stephen had given his girlfriend for their first anniversary rested on her skin high above the neckline of the long dress flowing in waves down her body. Stephen’s lips were no longer touching, gaped open. Y/N thought he was whispering her name, not entirely sure, but when their eyes met, she was convinced he was calling her by name, calling her to him, to his heart, inviting her to lean her ear against his chest and dance in his arms.

Incessantly, her heart was beating faster, ignoring the stares settling on her. She could hear the people asking questions, but she didn’t answer. Y/N brought the staircase behind her, covered by a red carpet and illuminated by the rays of the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Her eyes shone in vibrant hues.

Y/N didn’t want to come, had hundreds of excuses, from that she had to study, that books demanded her full attention, to that her best friend was suffering from heartbreak, that her pet couldn’t stay home alone, but still she had come, unable to forget the invitation of her boyfriend to be his plus one to the party.

Joy filled her, grateful she had changed her mind and accepted the invitation. Y/N took one step after another, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks, but then a wave arose from deep slumber and the last traces of fear disappeared from her heart and mind.

Stephen could not believe his eyes, was convinced Y/N would not come, and was sure he was seeing an illusion slowly approaching him. The illusion was perfect: the tone of the hair, the sparkling eyes, and the curves of her well-shaped body.

            “Surprise.” a voice breathed and Stephen knew it was not an illusion, but his girlfriend.

The voice, almost shy, was music to his ears and Stephen moved closer to the woman who had come to a halt a few steps away from him.

            “I was sure.”, “That I wouldn’t come?” Y/N completed the sentence Strange had started.

Weakly, the man laughed and lost himself in her eyes.

            “Exactly.”, “And I’ll be honest, I wasn’t going to come, these parties aren’t my cup of tea but then I imagined spending this night with you, but I saw you talking to important-looking people, you’re welcome to join them, I don’t want to intrude.” Y/N breathed.

Again, Stephen laughed, having forgotten the men in almost identical looking suits he had left the moment he witnessed his girlfriend coming down the stairs.

            “No, I can take care of those things another day. I’ve seen a few futures but you’ve only arrived in one.”, “Stop it, you’re just saying that.” Y/N joked, feeling the last spark of fear being carried away from her body.

            “I’m glad you came and I’m even happier that you’re wearing the necklace.”, “The necklace is beautiful.” Y/N answered.

“You’ve already thanked me too often. You mustn’t thank me again, my beloved. You’re my girlfriend and you deserve the most beautiful gifts.” he answered.

Stephen finished the sentence, knowing exactly what Y/N wanted to say, feeling it in every fibre of his body, yearning for her closeness.

The music resounded again, and more people found the strength to rise. Laughing and chatting, couples danced. Other men, seated in the far corner by the bar, found themselves in the depths of the glass, trying to forget the darkest days for a moment, even if only a brief one.

            “Still, I am not used to receiving such gifts and you make me feel guilty. I could not give you such a gift.” Y/N spoke and let her hand, the tips of her fingers, rest on the necklace Stephen had given her.

            “I don’t want to get any gifts, you’ve already given me the gift of being my girlfriend, spending your precious time with me.”, “Did you know I was going to be your girlfriend?” Y/N breathed, unsure if she wanted to know the answer.

His gaze was speaking volumes, and no darkness wandered across his face.

            “No, I saw you and fell in love with you at first sight. I don’t have to search for answers. I know them, all of them. One day you are going to be my wife and together we will live in a house and the rest is written in the stars.” Stephen replied and Y/N nodded.

Tears veiled her gaze, but none fell, danced down her cheeks. The words struck her heart and summoned tears of joy. The surrounding people did not notice her, did not hear the heart-warming words escaping, seeing only the love in the eyes of the lovers, seeing the love was long-lasting.

            “May I have this dance?”, “Just this one? I know I’m not the best dancer and the last time I danced was probably years ago, but if you lead me right, I’m sure I won’t step on your shoes so often.” Y/N breathed jokingly.

Mischievously, Stephen grinned, clad in the dark suit, his eyes speaking volumes, but Y/N expected an answer.

            “Not just this dance, I reserve all future dances,” Stephen clarified.

He reached for her hand, clasping her fingers tenderly, almost as if he feared he would crush her hand. Bringing his hand to his face, directly to his lips, he felt Y/N’s eyes widen and breathed a loving kiss on the back of her hand.

            “And I can buy new shoes. I really don’t mind. You can step on my shoes as much as you want for all I care.” added Stephen after kissing each of her fingers.

From her hand, Stephen let go. Lovingly, Stephen let his hand rest on her shoulder, bringing Y/N closer to his body, feeling his heart collide with his chest, longing for closeness. Fingers entwined like tendrils of flowers. The world faded away. Voices merged and drowned in the delicate tones of flutes and the piano, telling people to rise from the chair and dance.

Very much MARVELous! Big action world twisting, reminiscent of Inception but on next level. Good pacing, develops new world of magic in MCU, building on pre-existing universe. Such understand explanation of new items and abilities in Doctor Strange comics with ties to other MCU movies (Thor?) Cool fight scenes, especially with mirror universe. Must have gigantic effects budget because DAMN! Such non-apologetic and sassy performance from Beautiful Cumquat (yes, he’s hotter than Beck Bennet). Now able to predict ties to future MCU movies, especially Thor-Ragonorak and Hulk tie in. Of course some suffer from origin story, but not enough to bring movie down. Maybe best origin story in MCU yet. 3 ½ paws up!

For Sebastian life is…complicated. You can’t have the Scarlet Witch and the Doctor Strange as parents and that not be the case. But it doesn’t make it better knowing that, in the Multiverse, Sebastian is considered the fluke.

His mother is supposed to end up with the equivalent of a toaster. His dad? With the redheaded woman. You don’t hear your clone-dad say, “I love you in every universe” to a woman that isn’t your mom and walk away…happy.

But maybe it’s okay? Because, despite that, Sebastian has met some interesting people along the way. After all…the multiverse is fucking huge.

He meets -

“I met this Jensen guy. He - You can tell he’s scared to be a leader. I think he thinks that makes him noble, but…it doesn’t. It doesn’t make him better than anyone.”

“There’s this Black Cat chick too. She tries really hard to be cool. And…I mean, I guess she sort of is. Just wish she’d stop stealing my shit.”

“Seeing Loki’s daughters?? I liked them. There’s something there…Something dark that they try to hide. I think - I hope I can help them some day.”

“But there’s one of his kids that I just can’t wrap my head around. The dude goes out of his way to drive people crazy. And I don’t think he’d argue that at all.”

“But there’s that Unnem guy. He’s a gentle giant sort of fellow. I think he could do a lot of good if he wanted. He just has to want to do it for more than Wakanda.”

“Then there’s this…girl. N'Daré. She - She has this intensity like no one else. But she doesn’t let it stop her compassion.”

“I kinda hope we cross paths again…”

“Not that I’d tell any of them that!”

Not nearly enough people are talking about Dr. Strange meeting America for the first time and immediately going “okay you’re my kid now” and that was that. He became a father and no one questioned it or felt the need to bring it up. He is a father and that is his child and he will protect her with his life, end of story. I love that for him. 

America Chavez is here to stay Do you like doctor strange mom?? Its a wild movie Prints, shirts and

America Chavez is here to stay

Do you like doctor strange mom?? Its a wild movie

Prints, shirts and more here in my shop<3

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Sam was right! The Big Three are the cause of the Multiverse problems!



And “Wizards”

most people only say “you mean the world to me.” they don’t have to fucking prove it doctor strange
