#baby wiccan


“But in that one short meeting I’d learned that meditation, within a mindful context, was not about stopping thoughts or controlling the mind. It was a process of giving up control, of stepping back, learning how to focus attention in a passive way, while simply resting the mind in its own natural awareness.”

~ Andy Puddicombe in A Headspace Guide to Mindfulness and Meditation

She has some great videos on astrology!! Especially for beginners ⬇️⬇️⬇️

The 5 Elements/ Elementals

Fire: The Element of Clarity

* Inspiration, enthusiasm, vitality, daring, passion, kinship, transformation, creativity, action, banish fear, protection

* Fire energy moves rapidly; it’s volatile and unpredictable

* Sun Energy

* South

* Zodiac- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

* Tarot- Wands/Rods

* Tools- Wand/ Candles

* Colors- Red, Orange

* Stones- fire opals, red jasper, bloodstone

Earth: The Solid Element

* Stability, permanence, groundedness, security, endurance, patience

* Earth energy moves slowly and steadily.

* North

* Zodiac- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

* Tarot- Pentacles/Coins

* Tools- Pentagram, Salt, Stones

* Colors- Brown, green, gray

* Stones- hematite, onyx, agate

Water: The Element of Movement

* Cleansing, Clearing, Healing, nourishment, intuition, emotion, compassionate,

* Water energy is changeable and unpredictable

* West

* Moon Energy

* Zodiac- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

* Tarot- Cups/Chalices

* Tools-Chalice, cauldron

* Colors- Blue, aqua, indigo, purple

* Stones- moonstone, rose quartz, opals

Air: The Elusive Element

* Flexibility, instability, intellect, detachment, idealistic

* Air energy moves quickly

* East

* Zodiac- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

* Tarot- Swords/Daggers

* Tools- Athame, Incense

* Colors- Yellow, Pale Blue, White

* Stones- aquamarine, diamond, clear quartz

Spirit: The Fifth Element

* aka Ether

* Spirit links the 4 quarters of creation, source of magick.

* Spirit is elusive

* Spirits usually comes into play if a witch chooses to call upon a divine figure to bless her magick.

Power Element: Each Witch has one element to which she most strongly responds to.

Elementals: guardians and ambassadors of the elements.

* Gnome is Earth Elemental

* Sylphs are Air Spirits

* Salamanders abide in Fire

* Undines are found in Water

The Seven Directions


* Air

* Yellow

* Energy of dawn, birth, and beginnings

* Yellow candlle, feathers, incense, wind chimes


* Fire

* Red

* Energy of fullness and maturity

* Red candle, red colored stones, dragon representation


* Water

* Blue

* Energy of winding down and letting go

* Blue candle, Shells, Bowl of Water


* Earth

* Green

* Energy of turning inward, silence, and endings

* Green candle, grounding crystals, potted plants, Mother Earth representation

Above refers to the heavenly realm and all otherworldly beings

Below refers to Mother Earth, the foundation of physical existence

Within means your own inner self

Magick Days

* Monday- Moon

* fertility, creativity, home and family matters, intuition

* Tuesday- Mars

* Contests/competition, courage, strength/ vitality, men

* Wednesday- Mercury

* Communication, commerce, intellectual concerns

* Thursday- Jupiter

* Growth, expansion, prosperity, long-distance travel

* Friday- Venus

* Love, partnerships, the arts, women

* Saturday- Saturn

* Limitations, authority, endurance, stability, protection

* Sunday- Sun

* Public image, confidence, career, health

Some Cool Witch Tips/Facts I’ve Found

Moping your floors (or cleaning with) pine needle infused water will cleanse a space of negative energy.

After working with crystals for dream work it’s good to take a break and let your dreams breath.

When trying to meditate, you are not actually doing anything wrong by being unable to “clear your mind.” The goal is not actually to have a blank mind, but an open and receptive one. If a thought pops in suddenly, acknowledge it, dismiss it, and move on. It doesn’t mean you’re not focused or doing it wrong.

Hydrangeas are moderately toxic if eaten.

Electronic library. Download books free. Finding books This website has a lot of witchy books you can download for free!!

Holey Stones, any stone with a hole in it, are thought to gaurd against malicious fae and protection in general.

Palo Santo and White Sage because they are being grown on stolen land. For cleansing, you can use: cedar, juniper, lavender, rosemary, lemongrass, cinnamon, or eucalyptus.

If you don’t have a bath tube for ritual baths, do a foot bath instead.

Prosperity Affirmations

  1. My life is rich with abundance of all kinds.
  2. I have everything I need and desire.
  3. All my bills are paid and I have plenty of money ro spare and share.
  4. I am happy, healthy, wealthy, and fullfilled in everyway.
  5. I always have more than enough money to pay all my expenses.
  6. My prosperity increases every day in every way. Riches come to me from all directions.
  7. The money I spend and the money I lend comes back to me in multiples of three.

For my abundance spell awhile back I used 1,2 &3!!!

Cleansing Mantras

Instead of using ✨white sage✨ try using these

* Cleanse this space of negative energies, thoughts, and intentions.

* If there is energies here not of love and light: you’re not welcome here.

* I clear this space of bad intentions and anything not of love and light.

* I wash away any energy that is not mine to carry. I release myself from the burdens of the past.

* I cleanse from me any energies not of my making and all energies being thought about me contrary to what I am trying to create.

* May only goodness and light remain here and may this area be dedicated for the greatest good and highest purpose.

Hey creepy pedos that keep hitting me up I’m literally 17.

✨Go Die✨

I did an abundance spell about 2 weeks ago.

This is what has happened since…

  1. I got a job
  2. I completed Highschool
  3. I got a checkings and savings account
  4. $500 to put in each account
  5. I got a cat
  6. I moved out of my toxic Mom’s place
  7. I stopped vaping 7 days ago (September 29th, 2020)

Thanks Universe 10/10 needed this

Basil Tea

(I promise it tastes better than it sounds)


  • 4 fresh basil leaves
  • Water
  • 1 lemon (3-5 drops of juice to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • A teaspoon of raw sugar


Pick the freshest basil leaves and wash them gently to avoid blemishing the leaves.

Place the leaves in the strainer

Boil water in a kettle.

Put the hot boiling water into your cup or mug. Then, put the fresh basil leaves into it with the other ingredients.

Let it set for around 3-4 minutes until the water turns into a bit of a golden colour.

Using the strainer, remove the leaves.

My basil bush is thriving.

The best time to harvest is on a warm, sunny day, just after the dew has dried and just before the flowers form. But you can harvest basil as you need it.

Harvest by pinching off leaves as needed once the plant is strong enough to handle it. If taking a large harvest, leave at least two shoots intact. It will grow back in a few weeks.

Hang upside in bunches or lay flat on a drying rack to dry. Ensure proper ventilation to reduce the chance of mold. Store in an airtight container away from heat or light for up to one year. The flavor of dried basil is not as good as fresh basil.

Basil helps steady the mind, brings happiness, love, peace, and money and protects against insanity.

Use basil in spells to attract love and in preparation for astral projection or to bring luck in physical journeys.

Carrying a leaf in your pocket or wallet will attract money.

Keep a bit of basil in each room to protect the home and family. To protect you when leaving the house, rub some basil on your forehead.

Also used in peacemaking spells and to make up after a fight.

Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.


Decided to do a “ jar spell” a protection spell lately I’ve been feeling a little off like the outside world Is working against me but I decided it’s not going to succeed!! PSA( I’m not a Christian witch I just felt the need to do this spell and)

FRIDAY THE 13 (odd feeling)

Good afternoon to all my fellow witches … I have a question for you, today is Friday the 13 and as soon as the clock striked 12 (nyc time) I got this really odd feeling I can’t describe it but something feels different. Has anyone else experienced this today or is it just me? If you have any input I would live to hear about to.
