

Space is the gym for every technology where everything can be tested at the most extreme level, disabled astronauts will completely redefine not only how we consider disability but also space exploration itself


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I wasn’t originally going to post this because I had planned to digitally color it later (and I still will!), but I also have a pile of art I did that I’m not happy with, so this guy it is! This week has been a week of cool ideas that got lost in translation somewhere between my brain and my hand, but the struggle is part of the process, as frustrating as that is

60 years ago today, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth: “I got in on this project because it was probably the nearest to heaven I’ll ever get, and I wanted to make the most of it.”

Frank R. Paul ‘The 35th Millennium’ 1931.(via rosevalleyart)

Frank R. Paul ‘The 35th Millennium’1931.

(via rosevalleyart)

Post link


Some fun lunchboxes I ran into today. Anyone remember that metallic smell these would give everything that was packed in there?

Maydora day 8 : Mars Needs Racer

This Maydora season I kept drawing Panny bored or fed up about everything going on. So I wanted to change by making her snap with tears of frustration. This day was supposed to be VACATIONS. And they have to struggle for their lives AGAIN !? She DON’T give a fuck she will go take pictures of Mars like a tourist ignoring anything going around herself and to the otger Racers and pretends things are fine BECAUSE SHE SAID SO

Houston, We have a Possum.


(O)possums are wonderful creatures and you should 100% let them do their thing if you reside where they reside



They don’t get LYME DISEASE

They are cute as HELL

