#space station


Excited to share that I made this art for Connor O'Brien’s incredible new album. Check it out. It’s amazing.

It’s been a bit quiet lately. Some of you may already know, for the last 2 years and a couple of monIt’s been a bit quiet lately. Some of you may already know, for the last 2 years and a couple of monIt’s been a bit quiet lately. Some of you may already know, for the last 2 years and a couple of monIt’s been a bit quiet lately. Some of you may already know, for the last 2 years and a couple of monIt’s been a bit quiet lately. Some of you may already know, for the last 2 years and a couple of mon

It’s been a bit quiet lately. Some of you may already know, for the last 2 years and a couple of months I’ve been working with the amazing CD Projekt Red team on Cyberpunk 2077. This month the game is finally out and despite pretty rough start, it’s a great feeling to be able to finally show some of the stuff I’ve worked on. Most of my work for it isn’t really space related, but there are some exceptions. Minor or major spoilers ahead, sorry for that.

So here it is, a concept design for the Crystal Palace space station. It was one of the very first things I’ve deigned for CP2077, had a great fun to come up with a “fancy” space station, something almost straight from Cowboy Bebop, which is more of a mix between a casino, a hotel for rich people, and a transfer station, than pure scientific research facility.

I will definitely have some more “space” stuff to share in here soon, but if you want to see my other, more “grounded” work, please visit my artstation/twitter/instagram accounts, all the links below. And hank you all for neverending support, really appreciate it!




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Goodyear unveils an inflatable space station(Francis Miller. 1962)

Goodyear unveils an inflatable space station

(Francis Miller. 1962)

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The International Space Station backdropped against colourful Earth, taken by Shuttle Discovery during STS-121. ✨

Shuttle Endeavour docked at the ISS during STS-134. Photo taken from Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft, 23 May 2011. ‍ ✨

Follow@spacefidelity for more space posts!

Concept of the SpaceX Dragon XL Cargo Soacecraft.

To be used to deliver supplies to the Gateway Space Station in Lunar Orbit.


It is that time of year again…Tournament Earth is back! This year, NASA Earth Observatory has chosen a new theme for the tournament: astronaut photography.Chooseyour favorite image here.


For more than 20 years, astronauts have been shooting photos of Earth from the International Space Station that highlight the planet’s beauty, complexity, and vulnerabilities. So which are the most unforgettable ones? Over the next five weeks (March 8-April 13), you can help decide.

How can you get involved? It’s easy as 1…2…3!

1. Read and Vote.

Not sure which image to vote for because they are ALL so captivating? Read the intriguing stories behind the images to help you decide! You can access the stories by clicking on the image headlines on the voting page: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/tournament-earth

For instance, the Stars in Motionimage is actually a compilation of 72 photographs. And some of the night lights around Bangkok, Thailand, actually show fishing boats as well as city lights.

2.Fill out your bracket.

Think you know which photo will win it all? Fill out a #TournamentEarth bracket with your predictions and challenge friends! Then share your predictions with NASAEarth on our blog,Twitter,Facebook,Instagram, or right here on Tumblr!

We can’t offer a trip to the Moon, but bragging rights are forever if you can pick the champion. Download a more print-friendly version of the bracket here.


3.View the results…and vote again!

Tournament Earth will have five rounds, and round one is currently underway. Voting for the following rounds begins on Tuesdays and will be open for six days. We will update our social media channels (including right here on Tumblr!) with the newest matchups. Check this space to see how your favorite images did. Then vote until we crown a champion on April 13, 2021.


See all of the images and vote HERE. Follow @NASAEarth on social media for updates.

Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com

“Megaships in Space Opera” – Frank Brunner cover for The Space Gamer 51, May 1982

“Megaships in Space Opera” – Frank Brunner cover for The Space Gamer 51, May 1982

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Hello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m iHello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m i

Hello there! I’ve been off social media for almost a year due to mental health reasons but now I’m in a real pickle, folks. As of now I cannot afford water or toilet paper not even speaking about rent and food. 

If you can’t afford a commission but would like to help me out, first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ANGEL here’s my Paypal I will make you a little sketch <3

If you have any questions or want to make an order please DM me!

If you can’t help me monetarily, please please please reblog and boost this post so I can get out of this situation!

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 The Icebreaker Borealis for this same project! It’s pretty much space Las Vegas, except that

The Icebreaker Borealis for this same project! It’s pretty much space Las Vegas, except that one of the premiere attractions are the ubiquitous mech pit fighting arenas, which already puts it miles ahead of regular Las Vegas

For the “In Golden Flame” Lancer mission, which you can find below!

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Flying in Skylab 3. Alan Bean moves about America’s first space station via a maneuvering unit. The July 1973 mission was the 2nd crewed flight to the space station. Bean, Owen Garriott & Jack Lousma were launched within the Apollo Command & Service Module situated atop a Saturn 1B rocket. It was the rookie spaceflight for Garriott & Lousma & the 2nd & final flight for Bean. The mission lasted a total of 59 days. The dome within which Bean moves is 19 feet in height & 22 feet in diameter.

Explore, Fight, Win.Explore, Fight, Win.Explore, Fight, Win.

Explore, Fight, Win.

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Rick Sternbach

Rick Sternbach

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“You want to intall a chimey, on our airtight space station, so that Santa Clause can visit?”

Despite her tone, he didn’t seem to pick up that there would be an issue.

peashooter85:History’s only armed spacecraft (so far as we know) In 1971 the Soviet military initipeashooter85:History’s only armed spacecraft (so far as we know) In 1971 the Soviet military initi


History’s only armed spacecraft (so far as we know)

In 1971 the Soviet military initiated the Almaz project, a highly secretive project to place orbital space stations around the Earth whose mission was to spy on the Soviet Union’s Cold War enemies. The project consisted of Salyut space stations, technically civilian stations but modified for a military purpose as each station was equipped with powerful cameras, some of which could photograph objects on Earth at a resolution of 1 meter. Three Salyut stations were launched as part of the Almaz program between 1973 and 1976; Salyut 2, Salyut 3, and Salyut 5. Interestingly, Salyut 3 was special in that it was the only known spacecraft to be armed with a gun. On the belly of the station was mounted a 23mm Rikhter R-23 anti aircraft cannon. Typically mounted on the Soviet TU-22 bomber, the gun was a gas operated revolving cannon that could fire at a rate 1,800 - 2,000 rounds per minute. It was intended to fend off a possible attack by the Americans or capitalist space aliens. Placed on a fixed mount, in order to aim the weapon the entire station had to be manuevered toward its target. The cannon was only fired once towards the end of Salyut 3’s mission while the station was unmanned. After blasting a target satellite during the test fire, it was found that in the zero gravity environment of space the recoil of the gun rocked the station causing it to tumble.

Due to a malfunctioning docking system, it became impossible to resupply the station. Thus, it was decided to end Solyut 3’s mission and the station was abanondoned. It reentered the atmosphere and burned up on the 24th of January, 1975. The Almaz project was canceled in 1976 due to costs, and the effectiveness of new spy sattelite technology.

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