

It’s me, ya boy. I have been less active as of late and for that I apologize. Mental health break! On amino, I used to post a lot of crafts as well and I randomly remembered someone saying they wish they also had a craft for a cheap athame. At the time, I sort of put it on my list for things to attempt but did forget about it. However, I randomly got it in my head again and now here we are.

For this I used:

  1. a kitchen knife and a pocket knife (both from Dollar Tree)
  2. air dry clay (from Walmart)
  3. some glossy mod podge (from Dollar Tree)
  4. acrylic paint, paint brushes, and a sharpie marker

Experiment with design ideas, I just went in blind but you can choose to make things more intricate and planned out. I actually advise that you do that, honestly.

I just took some of my clay and wrapped it around the handle of both knives until I was happy, smoothing out any crevices and prints. Then I worked on adding anything else to make the athame a little more special and decorative. After having the clay dry, I went in with my acrylic paint. Feel free to paint moon phases, pentacles, runes, sigils, wards, or etc. I thought about painting a quote on one of the blades but changed my mind.

For one athame, I had a few cracks from a fatal accident involving my cat (he’s a bully). I used sharpie marker to fill in the cracks and did some spiral designs for the handle. Lastly, after all is dry and well, I coated them with mod podge and let them dry again. Then bam, they were complete.

The most expensive item for these beauties would be the air dry clay. I actually made a chalice along with these and still have more clay left so you get bang for your buck. I chose the Crayola air dry clay, 2.5 lbs in the container. If I remember right, it was around five dollars. You could buy many colors to paint with, glitter, press crystals into the clay, or anything else you can think of. I just used white, black, and gold paint in small bottles.
