#budget witchcraft

recreationalwitchcraft: Top 10 Herbs for the Lazy WitchMaybe you’re maybe you’re a new witch unsure


Top 10 Herbs for the Lazy Witch

Maybe you’re maybe you’re a new witch unsure of what herbs are worth your time as a beginner, maybe money is tight, or maybe you’re just lazy (like us). If we could only choose 10 herbs to use in our craft, these would be our top picks. 

1. Basil – its the witch’s herb, need we say more? Not only do its magical uses span from protection to love to wealth to exorcism, but it is also delicious in mundane recipes as well. If you can only have one herb, basil is the way to go.

2. Rosemary – this herb is also blessed with a wide variety of uses. Excellent for purification, lust and love, good health, preventing nightmares, and all kinds of sea witchery. Bonus: its fragrance is to die for.

3. Lavender – so you might not be able to find this at the grocery store, but its magical uses outweigh the small inconvenience of tracking it down. Most often used for healing, love, protection, peace, purification, and sleep, lavender is a go-to for any mental health needs. 

4. Chamomile – lavender’s luckier, jovial cousin. Primarily used in love, healing, and stress reducing spells, but can also be used for luck and gambling. It is associated with the sun, and makes a great tea infusion for stress relief. 

5. Thyme – the best herb for social situations. It attracts loyalty, affection, and a good reputation, but we most often bathe in an infusion of thyme for constant flow of money. Also good for increasing courage. 

6. Cinnamon – while technically a spice, cinnamon has many magical uses and is also delicious in cooking. Ideal for prosperity and success, protection, love, and all spells related to the spiritual self. 

7.  Peppermint – a favorite in herbalism for treatment of digestive issues, this herb ideal for cleansing and protecting. Peppermint is also widely available, makes for lovely tea, and is a great addition to any luck spell.

8. Rose – is any love spell complete without rose petals? This flower is the symbol for beauty, marriage, sexuality, divine love, and all kinds of relationships. A larger list of uses for roses can be found here

9. Cayenne Pepper – every witch needs something with a bit of a bite. This spice does wonders as cursing or banishing agent, or even just as an addition to any spell to speed up results. 

10. Mugwort – if we recommend any specialty herb, this is the one. Mugwort is used in spells for divination, astral travel, working within the spiritual realm, and receiving prophetic dreams. (Note: this herb should not be ingested by people who are pregnant)  

Post link


So you live in a place that limits your uses of things typically associated with spell casting. Maybe you’re in a dorm, an apartment with indoor sprinklers or are simply not in a place where you can practice openly. Don’t worry, we got your back.

Cleansing Alternatives to Smoke & Open Flames:

Heatless Ritual Fragrance Alternatives:

Alternative Representations of Fire:

Cheap & Easy Herbal Magic:

Discreet Altar Options:

Discreet Practices:

No-Cost Divination Methods:

Free Apps:

Material Substitution Lists:

Budgeted Witchcraft:



If you live near a Joann’s Fabric/Craft store, be sure to visit if you’re looking for materials for a pouch or sachel spell; They provide *free* 3 inch squares of sample fabrics from the fabric roll sections, which can be found in nearly any color or pattern ~ Perfect for sewing together little bags for crystals or herbs!

As a witch who works at a Joann’s, let me tell you they are a treasure trove of witchy supplies!

  • Sign up for coupons. I know their stuff can be expensive, but you can get coupons via text, email, and snail mail and there’s almost always a coupon good for 40% or 50% off a regular priced item, or 20% off your whole purchase. New text sign-ups get a 20% off coupon that’s good for your entire purchase that same day.
  • Joann’s sells mason jars, and they sell mason jars in a variety of colors. Some are colored glass, some are actually painted and are opaque. If you need a particular color jar for a spell and don’t feel like trying to paint it yourself, it might be easier to just buy one that’s already the color you need. They’re usually $5-6 when they’re not on sale (which is pretty often, actually).
  • They also have chalkboard labels for jars, or plain ol’ chalkboard paint so you can make your own labels.
  • Other useful things Joann’s sells: small mirror pieces, small packages of organza bags (if they have a wedding section), wooden boxes and chests, ribbon and yarn in any color you could want, paint, woodburning kits, glass and stone beads- the list is actually endless. If there’s a craft supply you need for a spell, there’s a pretty good chance that Joann’s has it.
  • If you need actual fabric but don’t need a lot, the smallest amount you can usually buy is 1/8th of a yard (that may vary depending on the store though, so just ask at the cutting counter!). Or you can buy fabric bundles, fat quarters, etc. which are pre-packaged smaller cuts of fabric. Or check out the remnant section- all pieces are less than 1 yard and are half off the price on the label.
  • And yes, we have free samples of the home dec rolls. We really don’t care how many you take either, as long as you don’t take *all* of them. We have a lot of people who come in, take samples, and leave without buying anything so it doesn’t even matter if you pick up something else or not.
  • If you’re fine using fake plants/flowers in your crafts, the floral section has a pretty big variety of fake flowers to choose from. The seasonal floral also makes really nice altar decorations.
  • Also those tumblr posts about Halloween starting now aren’t wrong, Joann’s is starting to get fall/Halloween stock in NOW and because it’s so early it’s usually on sale. You can’t wait until October to pick up this stuff, by then it’s all sold and we’re usually stocking for Christmas.

Like I said, I know Joann’s can be expensive. But if you can’t find what you need in thrift stores or need something asap and can’t wait to order it online, you can usually find it in a Joann’s. Go in armed with coupons and you can easily avoid spending a fortune.



Loose Crystals and Stones:

Other Supplies:

I’m sure I’ve reblogged before, but just in case, here it is again.



fellow witches: i found this godsend today and i’m so happy 

this is the website for the monterery bay spice company, where you can buy all of this cheap and in bulk: 

  • sea salt
  • essential oils 
  • herbs
  • teas
  • glassware/bottles in all kinds of sizes 
  • carrier oils 
  • diy tea bags 

the most impressive selection is the herbs, it’s in alphabetical order and there’s literally anything you could ever want on there. when you click on a herb it even gives you some botanical information & how to cultivate/harvest it on your own 

i haven’t personally ordered from them yet but from all the reviews and additional info i’ve seen, it looks legit. please share for other broke witches & witches on a budget!




See these? They’re coin storage tubes. They’re made of plastic, not glass. And they’re relatively cheap. The set above is available in 100 ct. for $29.99 USD. I’m hoping I’ll get a set for Christmas to store my herbs, but they’re an inexpensive alternative to pricey glass jars. Air-tight, too!

recreationalwitchcraft:Top 10 Herbs for the Lazy Witch Maybe you’re maybe you’re a new witch unsur


Top 10 Herbs for the Lazy Witch

Maybe you’re maybe you’re a new witch unsure of what herbs are worth your time as a beginner, maybe money is tight, or maybe you’re just lazy (like us). If we could only choose 10 herbs to use in our craft, these would be our top picks. 

1. Basil – its the witch’s herb, need we say more? Not only do its magical uses span from protection to love to wealth to exorcism, but it is also delicious in mundane recipes as well. If you can only have one herb, basil is the way to go.

2. Rosemary – this herb is also blessed with a wide variety of uses. Excellent for purification, lust and love, good health, preventing nightmares, and all kinds of sea witchery. Bonus: its fragrance is to die for.

3. Lavender – so you might not be able to find this at the grocery store, but its magical uses outweigh the small inconvenience of tracking it down. Most often used for healing, love, protection, peace, purification, and sleep, lavender is a go-to for any mental health needs. 

4. Chamomile – lavender’s luckier, jovial cousin. Primarily used in love, healing, and stress reducing spells, but can also be used for luck and gambling. It is associated with the sun, and makes a great tea infusion for stress relief. 

5. Thyme – the best herb for social situations. It attracts loyalty, affection, and a good reputation, but we most often bathe in an infusion of thyme for constant flow of money. Also good for increasing courage. 

6. Cinnamon – while technically a spice, cinnamon has many magical uses and is also delicious in cooking. Ideal for prosperity and success, protection, love, and all spells related to the spiritual self. 

7.  Peppermint – a favorite in herbalism for treatment of digestive issues, this herb ideal for cleansing and protecting. Peppermint is also widely available, makes for lovely tea, and is a great addition to any luck spell.

8. Rose – is any love spell complete without rose petals? This flower is the symbol for beauty, marriage, sexuality, divine love, and all kinds of relationships. A larger list of uses for roses can be found here

9. Cayenne Pepper – every witch needs something with a bit of a bite. This spice does wonders as cursing or banishing agent, or even just as an addition to any spell to speed up results. 

10. Mugwort – if we recommend any specialty herb, this is the one. Mugwort is used in spells for divination, astral travel, working within the spiritual realm, and receiving prophetic dreams. (Note: this herb should not be ingested by people who are pregnant)  

Post link
low-budget-witches:$9.99 at michaels; use a 40% off coupon and you’re paying $6 for 12 jars of gem


$9.99 at michaels; use a 40% off coupon and you’re paying $6 for 12 jars of gemstones

Post link



If you are a witch, and think you cannot afford herbs, crystals, or essential oils  PLEASE visit these sites!! 

Spirit Apothecary

It is BY FAR the best out of any place I’ve seen! Don’t go on Amazon, don’t go on Etsy.  Those sites are grossly over priced.  I see a lot of people trying to sell stuff for WAY MORE than it’s worth and it really makes me mad.  

I mean, $2.50 for an ounce of Lavender flowers from France! 

OR go to Mountain Rose Herbs. You can save $1.00 by buying lavender there.  (They sell it for $9.00 for 4oz.)  They’re prices for herbs are great, too! 

Spirit Apothecary has better prices for essential oils though- for example: Bergamot Essential Oil is $8.00 @ S.A. for 1/3 oz.  it costs $16.50 @ M.R.H. for ½ oz.  That’s over twice the price, but you don’t get twice as much, so I get all essential Oils at S.A.

MRH doesn’t sell, crystals, but SA does.  They are good quality and by far the most inexpensive.  Also they both have a facebook page.

If you really want to buy herbs, oils, and crystals, but think you can’t afford them, PLEASE, PLEASE check these sites out!!

Reblogging to add the Monterey Bay Spice Co.

cleansing spell

this one’s great to help realign yourself when you’re just feeling a bit off, or if you feel like you’ve picked up other people’s energy, etc

what you’ll need;

white candle (birthday, tea light, whatever!)





glass of drinking water

☁️ in front of a fire safe bowl/whatever place your glass of drinking water. now lay a hefty pile of sugar into your bowl, you need enough to hold your candle upright, make sure to place it in the center of your sugar. going clockwise, add your honey in three circles around your candle. then take your rosemary (if it’s whole crumble it in your palm, if it’s powdered dw) now sprinkle it clockwise on top of and slightly around the outside edge of your honey circle, making three more circles. take your lemon and cut it in half, put one half in front of your candle next to the glass and begin to charge it with your intentions as you complete the spell. gently squeeze the lemon juice around the candle clockwise again like everything else until it’s given up most of its juice, make sure you’re working your intentions into everything as you do this, now light your candle. with the second half of the lemon slowly and gently squeeze most or all of its juice into your cup of water that’s been charging in front of the candle. work your intentions in as you do and drink up while you let your candle go out <3



You need herbs in bulk and you don’t have a lot of money? This place has your back.

Here is the first order I received, ¼ pound bag each of sage, bay leaf, rosemary, basil, sea salt, and cinnamon sticks. How much did all this together run me? $22

That’s WITH shipping. I am so ecstatic about this place and I figured that everyone needed to know about it. You can find their website HERE. They also sell teas, essential oils, glassware, spice blends, and all sorts of supplies. I love this place and it is now a valuable resource in my life

I saw someone asking where to buy herbs online??? I can’t remember who but maybe they’ll see this!!

When you are travelling you cant always carry exactly what you need for spells or charms. Here are a few commonly found items that can be used to create an on the spot charm.

SOAP- Soap found in hotel rooms can be charged as an amulet to protect against negativity (can also be charged, blessed and used to wash away negative attachments)

MINTS-Mints are commonly found in hotel rooms, aeroplanes and cheap at shops, they can be used and charged as a charm for sweet communication

MATCHES- If you can find some matches bless them and carry them with you to banish darkness in your life

NAPKIN-If your stuck on an aeroplane flying across the ocean a napkin can be used to create a written charm for pleasant travel

SNACKS CONTAINING GARLIC- Garlic is a great protection herb, snacks containing garlic can be consumed for protection (this can work with most herbs with magickal properties)

 OLD VINES/ STICKS- Old vines and sticks (found on the floor not pulled from a plant) can be used to weave a pentacle or other symbol/ sigil 


  1. Go to Kroger
  2. Purchase a $2 pack of fresh sage, it’s usually near the lettuce.
  3. You now have like 6 sprigs of sage. 
  4. Snip the ends a teeny bit and put them in a cup of water.
  5. Leave them in a windowsill for a week or two
  6. They will grow lil roots
  7. Now you have many sage plants. 
  8. Put them in pots with soil and be kind to them.
  9. (I tried this with rosemary and so far it’s not doing so well but this might also work with other herbs? Let me know if you try it.)

Hey, lovelies. So here’s the thing: I feel wasteful when it comes to empty prayer candles. Of course, a good way to reuse them would be making more candles from their containers. However, that can be a little expensive and I wanted some alternative uses. I thought about it for a while, even googling if anyone had any ideas. Nothing stuck out to me and for weeks I had this empty cylinder on my dresser staring me in the eye. Yesterday, it randomly hit me and I started my crafting. Honestly, this one is really simple like most of my crafts I’ve shown you guys and inexpensive.

I decided to turn it into a wand holder or a incense stick holder, it could be used for both. I even thought about putting it in the kitchen for spoons and things if you’re a kitchen witch. I decided to made the cylinder a tree trunk with roots at the bottom. Another idea I thought of was making a squid which might be neat for a sea witch but more difficult.

What I used:

  • an empty and clean prayer candle
  • air dry clay
  • clear quartz and amethyst
  • glitter
  • glossy mod podge
  • a mechanical pencil
  • acrylic paint and paint brushes

I didn’t really want to do a brown tree trunk, I decided on purple even though I didn’t have enough purple paint. I mixed together Apple Barrel’s Cool Blue and Flag Red in case the color is something you specifically want. In the pictures, it looks kind of brown though. The crystals are optional and you can replace them with anything you want. My glitter, prayer candle, and mod podge were all from Dollar Tree. My air dry clay is by Crayola and was about 5 dollars and from Walmart. My paint was also from Walmart.

First things first, I covered the entire container in clay, smoothing it out a little. I took a mechanical pencil to create the texture of the trunk by just drawing and making lines randomly (later I’d gently do the same for the roots). At the bottom, I started the roots which were my biggest hurdle. I made some of my roots more intricate and tiny and as a result they did come off and I had to fix them. I let the clay dry before mixing my paint and painting it all the dark purple. After some time drying again, I mixed together pink glitter, silver glitter, and mod podge. I painted on the mod podge and let it dry again. Lastly, I took my crystals and wrapped more clay around them and on the very back to place them against the trunk. After letting that dry, I repeated the painting process and added the mod podge. Some more time drying (whew) and I was done! Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

It’s me, ya boy. I have been less active as of late and for that I apologize. Mental health break! On amino, I used to post a lot of crafts as well and I randomly remembered someone saying they wish they also had a craft for a cheap athame. At the time, I sort of put it on my list for things to attempt but did forget about it. However, I randomly got it in my head again and now here we are.

For this I used:

  1. a kitchen knife and a pocket knife (both from Dollar Tree)
  2. air dry clay (from Walmart)
  3. some glossy mod podge (from Dollar Tree)
  4. acrylic paint, paint brushes, and a sharpie marker

Experiment with design ideas, I just went in blind but you can choose to make things more intricate and planned out. I actually advise that you do that, honestly.

I just took some of my clay and wrapped it around the handle of both knives until I was happy, smoothing out any crevices and prints. Then I worked on adding anything else to make the athame a little more special and decorative. After having the clay dry, I went in with my acrylic paint. Feel free to paint moon phases, pentacles, runes, sigils, wards, or etc. I thought about painting a quote on one of the blades but changed my mind.

For one athame, I had a few cracks from a fatal accident involving my cat (he’s a bully). I used sharpie marker to fill in the cracks and did some spiral designs for the handle. Lastly, after all is dry and well, I coated them with mod podge and let them dry again. Then bam, they were complete.

The most expensive item for these beauties would be the air dry clay. I actually made a chalice along with these and still have more clay left so you get bang for your buck. I chose the Crayola air dry clay, 2.5 lbs in the container. If I remember right, it was around five dollars. You could buy many colors to paint with, glitter, press crystals into the clay, or anything else you can think of. I just used white, black, and gold paint in small bottles.

Spell Jar to help with Studying

With finals upon everyone, my kids included, I created a spell jar to improve motivation for study.

This is a page from my personal BOS, feel free to adapt and make it personal for your needs.

Blessed be. Good luck with your studies.

New Moon Bath Blend

I decided to make up a special blend of Bath salts and Herbs for the new moon coming up. I wanted to focus on cleansing, healing, and self-love. Like most people, I put on some weight these last couple of years through the pandemic. I decided it was time to start taking better care of myself, and get healthy again.

This new moon in the start of a new journey for me, so I want to begin with a clean mental, emotional, and physical slate. I will be doing a cleansing bath. I have some candle magic planned as well, I reworking an older spell for willpower that I made a couple years ago. I also created some sigils that I plan on putting on my treadmill and skip-it that will recharge as I use them. I also plan on placing some sigils on my mirror and scale. The first sets intention in based on getting healthy and losing weight. The second sets intention is based on I am caring for and loving my body.

I thought I’d share with you all in case you need some inspiration for the next new moon or are just looking for some recipes to add to the BOS.

Tarot cards, oracle cards, and rune stones travel case.

While thrift shopping yesterday I came across a small wicker picnic basket. The closures were broken, but it had good bones.

I took it home, gave it a good cleanse and decorated it. I added the ribbon for tie closures, I was able to use part of the original clasps to run the ribbon through as a guide.

I added some flowers from my crafty collection. I may add a fabric liner, but not sure at the moment.

I think my cards are going to be happy in their new home.

(Project was under $5. Basket was $2. I had everything else in my stash. It was nice to get a little crafty again. )


Tomorrow I’m going to stay with my boyfriend for a week. It would be really easy to fall out of all the new good habits I’ve just started cultivating as a beginner witch, and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen!

So I’ve made these tea spell bags to take with me, so I can keep practicing even just a little.

Yellow - Health Booster Tea

Green - Attracting Money Tea

Blue - Peaceful Sleep Tea

Orange - Mental Focus Tea

Pink - Glamour Tea

Each time I use one for the first time, I’ll take a photo and post the full details!

(I didn’t buy all these ingredients when I decided to become a witch. I’ve been something of a homemade tea enthusiast for many years! I transferred them from tatty plastic packets into these much prettier glass jars last summer to keep me occupied during Lockdown 1.0)

I love the idea of prepping tea spell bags.

Pink Moon Milk is a dreamy sleep tonic, made with creamy almond milk, honey, and tart cherry juice. Tart cherries are a natural source of melatonin, which is responsible for the regulation of the body’s internal clock and sleep-wake cycle. It’s the perfect bedtime drink, and you’ll love the flavors of cherry and almond together.


6 ounces almond milk preferably homemade, storebought tends to separate when heated

4 ounces unsweetened Montmorency tart cherry juice

1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup

½ teaspoon ashwagandha powder(optional)

dried culinary rose petals for garnish


Heat almond milk and tart cherry juice over low heat in a small pot.

Remove from heat, and whisk in honey and ashwagandha. (If you want to make it really frothy, you can add it to a blender). Top with rose petals and drink warm.

***I found this on FB with the disclaimer it was shared on Tumblr, I cannot find the original poster. If you know please share with me so I can give proper credit and reblog. Thanks*****
