#barbara gordon



Thanksgiving at the Manor

Duke: So, time to go around and say why we’re thankful for?

Bruce, Dick, & Jason:NO!

Everyone else:

Dick: I mean, no, it’s fine.

Jason: We’re thankful for a lot of things.

Duke: Right… Is this some weird rich person thing?

Tim: Wait, does this mean there’s an actual reason we don’t do that?

Dick: No. One. Say. A. Thing.

Jason: I mean, it’s funny now…

Bruce, sighing: You two ended up in the hospital and I hate to donate two million to the fire department.

Jason: Like I said, hilarious now.

Dick: Would you two just shut up already?

Cass: So we’re not grateful out of cowardice. Got it.

Tim: I honestly thought it was because expressions of gratitude were too close to expressions of emotion.

Steph: I assumed it was some sort of rich white male privilege thing.

Damian: I was under the impression that the tradition was juvenile and doomed to be unnecessarily competitive.

Tim: You know, that’s actually really funny coming from you…

Steph: Can we circle back to the whole thanksgiving leading to possible arson or something because I, for one, am very interested in that story.

Bruce: Look, we all said what we were thankful for, it got mildly competitive, certain claims were made about which rogue liked who best, some minor explosions, a trip to the hospital, and it was decided that the situation did not need repeating. Ever.

Steph: Wow, don’t quit your day job, B.

Jason: Okay I admit his storytelling abilities are abysmal, but to be fair it was probably the only time that something was unanimously agreed upon immediately.

Dick: Can we move on now?

Duke: Okay I’m actually really interested to hear why you’re so worked up about this.

Damian: Your insistence is suspicious, Grayson.



Jason: *slow grin*

Dick: Okay, fine. ibrokeintoarkhamandconvincedivytosayiwasherfavorite

Cass: What was that? I don’t think we quite caught all of that.

Dick, glaring: I said it once. That’s enough.

Duke: Okay so, fires?

Jason: Ivy had a crush on Harley.

Bruce, head in hands: Ivy thought arson would win Harley over.

Jason: Dick helped.

Dick: Hey, you helped too!

Jason: Yeah but I’m not the one who broke someone out of Arkham.

Dick: Technically I didn’t…

Bruce: Following you out when you broke in first still counts.

Jason: Yeah, but the hospital wasn’t quite worth it so no repeat experience needed.

Damian: Dare I ask why you two ended up in the hospital?

Jason: Dickie here heard a siren and dove for cover like a truly amateur delinquent.

Dick, grumbling: Broke my clavicle.


Dick: I swear Commissioner Gordon was right there!


Bruce: *dies a bit more on the inside*

Dick: Oh like you have room to talk. You laughed so hard you fell off and broke your arm!

Damian: Father, where were you during all of this?

Everyone: *turns towards Bruce*

Bruce: We hadn’t had pie yet.


Bruce: In my defense I thought they’d be fine.


Duke: Okay. Well I, for one, am thankful to have been adopted into this family.

Tim: And not born in?

Duke: *stays silent*

Steph: I remain legally unrelated and I’m thankful for Babs for catching Bruce’s attempts at sneaking adoption papers through.

Damian: Father, you have a problem.

Bruce: Let’s eat.

Jason: Yeah, before anyone else starts to feel thankful.




HC that Talia formally adopted Jason because I’m here for Good Mom!Talia. And also because I find the following scenario absolutely hilarious:

Ra’s: YOU are an absolute DISGRACE! You will NEVER…

Damian: *rolls his eyes and walks away*



Ra’s: My greatest triumph. My greatest failure.

Bruce: You really don’t give up, do you.

Ra’s: I will have my heir, Detective. I…

Bruce: *resumes fight*


Ra’s: Join me, Detective.




Ra’s: Fine, you know what? I am not above begging. My protege left, my grandson abandoned me, and you are the last possibility standing between order and the inevitable chaos that will come if you…




Ra’s: I feel like I lost you somewhere.

Tim: You think?

Ra’s: Consider this me begging then.

Tim: What could possibly be so bad? Aren’t you functionally immortal anyway?





Ra’s: WHO LET THE MENACE BACK IN HERE? If you think for ONE SECOND that I will let this go without heads ROLLING, you…

Jason: Ah, I missed you too.

Jason: Oh, and Mom says hi.



Ra’s: *controlled noises of unfathomable rage*


Babs: Why is Ra’s al Ghul sending you pictures of Jason?

Babs: And why does the message say ‘take it back?’

Damian: Grandfather is opposed to the idea of Todd as his heir.







Tim: I see why he was begging now.

Steph: Since when is Jason even in the running?

Damian: Since Mother adopted him.

Bruce: She did WHAT?

Damian: Grandfather did not approve.

Damian: I have never been prouder of Todd.

Ra’s: do not misunderstand. It is not that I have any fondness for you or your brethren, detective, i just find you convenient.

Ra’s: After making a career out of inmortality, the chances of finding an archenemy whose only moral line fit so well with my long term goals were slim to none so imagine my joy when the foreign cur i was bored enough to train showed himself as one

Ra’s: i called you and yours my heirs solely for the cadence of the words. Between one that does not die and one that does not kill, my legacy, my inmortality, is asured.

Ra’s: Jason Todd is a slight against everything you stand for and I refuse to let him be my heir. You either take him back or i will make you.


How could you hide this gold in the tags @beartes22?

I wish I could be half as creative as these!

shcomix:Cosplay: Batgirl Model/Cosplayer: Kamiko-Zero




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Cass is too funny

“ You were Batgirl. You suck.”

( Batgirl secret files and origins)

There’s actually something very important here. Cass is clearly the better fighter, even when hampered by the loss of her body reading ability. When she is questioning Babs about it, and saying Babs sucks, that’s relative. Cass would absolutely have whupped Babs’s ass in combat.

But then we see why Babs was able to teach Cass a lesson at the end. It wasn’t martial arts. It was brains. She outsmarted a cocky opponent. She literally used Cass’s expectations against her and trapped her. This is Oracle and Barbara’s true strength. She is a capable fighter, but it’s that big beautiful brain that let her survive.

And if I’m not mistaken, Cass learns this from Babs and uses it to her advantage later. It just goes to show how critical Babs is as the mentor for Cass.

This is why Babs being Oracle as Cass and Steph’s mentor is superior to her being Batgirl. They don’t need someone on the field with them helping them beat up bad guys. The intelligence, the strategy, and the experience of beating ppl that are on paper better than you is more crucial and interesting and only seems to be viable with OracleBabs as a mentor. Love this page so much.

Totally ADORE Cameron Stewart’s and Babs Tarr’s Batgirl redesign <3333 !! I couldn&rs

TotallyADORE Cameron Stewart’s and Babs Tarr’s Batgirl redesign <3333 !! I couldn’t help but make a fan-art of this lovely lady!! 

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Batgirl and Nightwing sample cover

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Batgirl (2009) #11

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Nightwing #45 (2018)

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Nightwing #38

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“Oracle out!”

Nightwing #42

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“I hope you find her.”

Grayson: Future’s End #1 

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Azrael: Agent of the Bat (1995-2003) #60

Why didn’t Dick and Babs adopt Cass after No Man’s Land again?

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KARA ZOR EL and BARBARA GORDONAdventure Comics (1938) #381 || Detective Comics (1937) #509art by WinKARA ZOR EL and BARBARA GORDONAdventure Comics (1938) #381 || Detective Comics (1937) #509art by Win

Adventure Comics (1938) #381 || Detective Comics (1937) #509
art by Win Mortimer || Jose Delbo

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