#beginner korean


Ordering at a Cafe in Korean

I’m going to go through the average conversation I have at a cafe here in Korea. Refer to Cafe Drink Vocabulary to say more specific drinks~

BARISTA: 어서오세요/안녕하세요 | Welcome/Hello

CUSTOMER: 네 안녕하세요 | Hello

BARISTA: 주문하시겠어요? | Are you ready to order?

CUSTOMER: ___ 한잔 주세요 | I’ll have a ___.

  • 커피 | coffee
  • 아메리카노 | americano
  • 카페라떼 | cafe latte
  • 두잔 | 2 cups/glasses
  • 세잔 | 3 cups
  • 네잔 | 4 cups (keep going like that with Native Korean numbers. After 4, you do not shorten the number)

BARISTA: 어떤 사이즈로 드릴까요? | What size?

CUSTOMER: ___ 주세요. | A ___, please.

  • 스몰 | small
  • 미디엄 | medium
  • 레귤러 | regular
  • 라지 | large

BARISTA: 더 필요하신거 있어요? | Do you need anything else?


  • 아니요. 그거면 되요. | No that’s all.
  • 네. 초코케이크도 하나 주세요. | Yes. Please give me a slice of cake as well.
  • 네. 아이스바닐라라떼 한잔 하고 딸기 마카롱 두개 주세요 | Yes. Please give me an iced vanilla latte and 2 strawberry macarons.

BARISTA: 여기서 드실거예요? | Are you eating here?


  • 네 여기서 마실거예요. | Yes, I’ll drink it here.
  • 아니요. 가져갈거예요. | No I’m taking it out.
  • 아니요. 포장해주세요. | No, please wrap it up (to-go, usually for food or food/drink).
  • 아니요. 테이크아웃이에요. | No, it’s take-out.

BARISTA: 오천 사백원입니다. | It’s 5,400 won. (Use Sino Korean numbers with money)

CUSTOMER: 카드 받으세요? | Do you take card?


  • 네 받습니다 | yes
  • 죄송합니다 현금만 받습니다 | Sorry we only take cash

BARISTA: 영수증 드릴까요? | Would you like the receipt?


  • 네 영수증 주세요 | yes please give me the receipt
  • 아니요 괜찮아요 | no I’m okay

BARISTA: 감사합니다. 잠시만 기다려주세요. | Thank you. Please wait a moment.

CUSTOMER: 감사합니다 | thank you.


  • Try to place an order for one of the pictures below
  • 1) Sangria Ade, 2) Iced americano and a scone, 3) Tiramisu cake (I think) and a latte, or 4) Affogato

Signs in Korean

Trans: The toilet is clogged! Please put tissue in the bin!


변기 | toilet

막히다 | to be clogged/stopped up

휴지 | tissue/toilet paper

(휴지) | trash can/bin/container (garbage can/bin is 쓰레기통)

넣다 | to put

In this series, I’ll be going over the basics of Hangul (한글): all the letters + their pronunciation + the alphabetical order. In this video, I go over the next 4 consonants: ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ. They are  4 of the 5 aspirated consonants. The 5th one is ㅊ and was discussed in the previous video.

In this series, I’ll be going over the basics of Hangul (한글): all the letters + their pronunciation + the alphabetical order. This is the final post in this series. In this video, I just go over some English loan words used in Korean so you can see how their pronunciation is different than the English pronunciation. This can also help you practice reading hangul since you should know the meanings of all these words already! Take a guess at what the English equivalent is :)

In this series, I’ll be going over the basics of Hangul (한글): all the letters + their pronunciation + the alphabetical order. In this video, I go over the alphabetical order of the consonants and vowels.

In this series, I’ll be going over the basics of Hangul (한글): all the letters + their pronunciation + the alphabetical order. In this video, I go over the last 3 vowels: ㅡ, ㅢ, ㅣ.

In this series, I’ll be going over the basics of Hangul (한글): all the letters + their pronunciation + the alphabetical order. In this video, I go over the next 5 vowels: ㅜ, ㅝ, ㅞ, ㅟ, ㅠ

In this series, I’ll be going over the basics of Hangul (한글): all the letters + their pronunciation + the alphabetical order. In this video, I go over the next 6 vowels: ㅗ, ㅘ, ㅙ, ㅚ, ㅛ.

In this series, I’ll be going over the basics of Hangul (한글): all the letters + their pronunciation + the alphabetical order. In this video, I go over the next first 8 vowels: ㅏ, ㅐ, ㅑ, ㅒ, ㅓ, ㅔ, ㅕ, ㅖ.
