

I might have ruined a friendship by saying something a little… scandalous. I tried to patch it up with wholesome memes. Hopefully we’re still friends tomorrow.

Afternoon on The Hill with the best friend. #thehill #amighettis #jumbopepsis #missouribakery #allth

Afternoon on The Hill with the best friend. #thehill #amighettis #jumbopepsis #missouribakery #allthecookies #girlsday #bestfriend (at Amighetti’s)

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Capturing our edc moment.

Capturing our edc moment.

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Friends let friends post hot pictures of their boobs on Tumblr. Thanks my sexy bestie

Friends let friends post hot pictures of their boobs on Tumblr. Thanks my sexy bestie

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Hello everyone,

you haven’t heard anything from me for a while. As always, I’ve been terribly busy, not only teaching at the University, but also taking care of my mom and spending time with my boyfriend who was diagnosed with cancer last November - again. He’s feeling good now, we’re waiting for the results to see whether chemotheraphy and radiotherapy was successful or if they need to treat him further. Anyways, sometimes I need to take some time for myself and I decided to write a very short oneshot about friendship for my best friend @musashikojironyarth <3 she’s such an adorable young lady and we hit it off right away. I love that we can chat on a daily basis and talk about everything that is on our hearts. Thank you so much for being my friend, dear <3

Enjoy this short story about Jessie and James…

It was a late summer evening in Kanto. James and his gang members were gathered on the playground of the local elementary school, going about their usual activities of drinking, making fun of other people, especially of their troubled colleague James, and turning their Pokémon on each other in competitions. You could tell from a distance that this group of people had no good intentions. They were a notorious gang that scared off many with their behaviour. Among themselves they were extremely disrespectful. They scrounged money, mobbed passers-by and acted in a morally reprehensible manner. James kept feeling out of place. People regularly took advantage of his good nature and took him apart financially. If he ever made a little money on the street, it was, quotation marks, fairly distributed among the gang members. They left him out of it and had fun teasing him all the time. James would have liked to run away and go his own way. He had long dreamed of a career as a professional PokéRinger, but the unfortunate financial situation did not allow him to venture a dream. He was trapped in this world of disrespect and objectionable views, but he knew no one in the whole wide world except his gang members, Butch and Cassidy. Tonight, the group wanted to celebrate the weekend in style, with a case of beer and lazy sayings for the people passing by. Sometimes Butch and Cassidy allowed themselves to have fun with the little kids who just want to let off steam on the playground. They would sic their Pokémon on them and laugh out loud when the little ones took off crying from fright. James didn’t think much of his so-called friends. James would have preferred to follow his dreams independently, but the current situation did not allow him to go it alone, he was forced to stay under the spell of these ruffians, as if his fate had been sealed for years. How he would have liked to break out of this prison, he didn’t fit into this picture at all. His passion were Pokémon, getting to know them, training them and participating in legal competitions with them. But all this was denied to him. and he preferred to roam the streets with two evil villains than to stand there completely alone.

“James has his head in the clouds – again”, Cassidy gave him a light shove in the side. She had a great time bullying him in all kinds of ways. He was her biggest victim, but even worse was the fact that James put up with it all.

He was absent with his thoughts because he had just caught sight of a young woman. She was standing a bit off the side of the swing, and her facial expressions spoke volumes of mourning. She had a splendid magenta mane, a wonderful figure, but she looked completely worn out and intimidated. Cassidy followed James’ gaze as it rested on the foreign beauty. A sardonic grin spread across her face.

“I’ve seen that girl over here a few times. She’s always out on her own, never brings anyone with her. Must be an obnoxious thing no one wants anything to do with. I’m sure she’s a cocky dumb talker who can make your life pretty miserable. I’d best not bother with her, James.” James had to pull himself together to keep from completely freaking out. How could Cassidy have such an opinion about someone she doesn’t know personally, with whom she had never exchanged a word? He loathed that about his oh-so-great gang. They were shallow, brash, and mean to others. They didn’t give anyone a real chance, but drove everyone away from their self-established territory. James was different, he always wanted to please everyone. Butch and Cassidy, his Pokémon, preferably the whole world. He was a very attentive young Pokémon trainer who used his powers to take care of his little friends and not to judge people by their appearance and mock them.

This beautiful woman seemed quite lonely and it was his duty to get to know her, to find out something about her and to be able to help her if necessary. His Pokémon would certainly assist him in this. Regardless of Butch and Cassidy’s reaction, James joined the stranger. He approached her very shily and timidly and put on a smile that, in view of the suffering in this gang, was quite difficult for him. The young woman did not notice him at first. She was engrossed in a flyer and didn’t pay much attention to her surroundings. James cleared his throat.

“Would you like to see my Pokémon?” he asked cautiously. She looked up and gave him a withering look.

“If that’s an immoral offer, I’ll pass, thanks! Have a nice evening and kindly leave me alone!”

James had not expected this reaction. But with this, the young woman already revealed a lot about herself. Fur sure, she had fallen victim to lousy and clumsy pick-up lines. Perhaps men hurt her deeply and that’s why she reacted so dismissively. He tried his luck again.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you. My name is James and I really wanted to show you my Pokémon, my loyal companions who have never disappointed me”, he took out his Pokéballs and out jumped Victreebel and Mime Jr. The funny little Pokémon immediately clung to James’ neck and Victreebel showed his affection by draping himself over his trainer’s head. The young lady had to stifle a laugh.

“You really have your Pokémon under control. They hug you so tightly that you can’t breathe and smack your head with pleasure. I guess you are an excellent trainer. But it’s really sweet how your companions stick by you. My name is Jessie” she held out her hand to him, hesitantly at first, then firmly. James smiled gently, at least the ice was broken. But then her gaze hardened. She did not move a muscle.

“Listen, James! I can take care of myself quite well and don’t need anyone to stand in my way. Why don’t you go back to your friends? I’ve learned a lot from people. They befriend you, take advantage of you, and then drop you. I’m tired of being the rebound guy, so just leave me alone.” This statement hit James right in the heart. How could she get the insane idea that Butch and Cassidy were his real friends, they were nasty bullies who mocked everyone, certainly not the kind of friends Jessie imagined. But what was a real friend?

Perhaps his new acquaintance could teach him. She looked at him pityingly.

“A true friend, James, is someone who never leaves you in the stick, who always stands by your side and supports you in everything you plan. It’s someone who would cheer me on in my competitions, who would motivate me with words and actions to chase my dreams and never lose hope. A true friend accepts you in the bright as well in the dark moments of life when you are sky high or devastated. A friend is your faithful companion, who cares for you when you’re down, who rejoices with you when you’ve achieved a feat on stage. But what am I talking about? Believe me, James, there is no such person,” she packed her bag and prepared to leave.

But James held her back. Her words touched him deeply. Everything she had said was in line with his philosophy of life, but until now the right time had never come to do everything for a person to be happy with you. Staying in the gang was no option. Jessie had just opened up to him about what future might lie ahead. A future of bonding and mutual respect. And he would give anything for a teeny tiny chance.

“Jessie, let me prove you that I can be a friend. Give me a chance to put into practice everything you just said. I don’t know you, I don’t know who you are, but I want to find out, because you just made it clear to me that there is more out there than bad moods and bullying. Let me be your friend and I won’t let you down, I promise,” he smiled tentatively at her.

Jessie eyed him urgently. James seemed sincere, and the way he treated his Pokémon, she was sure he would treat people the same way. She could use a friend who would stand by her. She had had enough disappointments, men who only wanted to take advantage of her. James seemed different, down-to-earth and decent. She wanted to give him a chance, also for her own benefit of course. A smile flitted across her lips.

“All right, James. Let’s try the experiment. I have to warn you though, I’m aiming for a career as a Pokémon showcase performer, I practice every day to become the best in the country. I like excessive shopping, jewelry, makeup and most of all attention. I want to be pampered and wood. I want a friend who will stick by me, even though I can be a little moody sometimes. Do you think you can keep up?”

James had to grin. He looked into her sapphire blue eyes and recognized his future in them. Everything would be better with Jessie. They were both striving towards a goal, they both knew so far only the downside of a friendship based neither on trust nor affection. He could hardly wait to help this beauty. He would cheer her on every second, make her feel appreciated and maybe he would succeed in falling in love again – after so many years. To fall in love with a charming woman and a hopeful prospect. A brief nod anointed their promise. He put an arm around her shoulder and together they set off into an unknown, yet exciting future.
