#bi guy problems


If any of you ‘not-straight’ darlings ever cringe about how hard you pretended to be #straight, just remember that my friends and I (none of whom are straight) brainstormed the straightest thing we could do, and came up with the brilliant idea making a science fair project looking into why certain men are thought of as hot. Because this would make us seem super straight. 

It basically consisted of us showing pictures of dudes to other girls asking who they thought was hotter and being all like ‘hmm, good choice’, then making graphs and writing up psychological reasons for these men being picked.

Naturally, we came first place - and proved that no amount of science can make you straight! 

Some Bi puns/jokes I came up with. Also some thoughts too. Enjoy!

  • Being Bi means double the opportunities…but also double the rejection.
  • Having a preference over your many crushes is called a Bias.
  • Swiping left on dating apps on both guys and gals is called a BiPass. ALSO ByePass.
  • Getting the hots for everyone at a party you got DoubleVision. Or Bi Focals.
  • Singin NSYNC’s song as Baby BI BI BI
  • Wanting to be BIG and lil spoon at the same time. Thats just mood sometimes.
  • Getting Male and Female strippers for your coming out is a MUST.
  • When looking for ya new beau, you are literally Buridan’s Donkey.

Edit: After talking with some of my own friends and discussing the matter, it is only the right thing to do away with the original trans comment.

Originally it was meant to be in support of them with the idea that indeed Trans Men are Men and Trans Women are women and that they are important to me.

But I have been informed that that isn’t the case as perceived by many previous commentors who saw it as tphobia on the grounds that it sounded like I was differentiating them from their identity. Which in my defense was not the original reason for this post.

I also responded snarkily because I was getting defensive and from my experiences with the trans community it did not seem right to be accused of being such a horrible term after supporting the Trans community as I have.

However, that brings me to my next point that some commentors were downright pissed off with good reason, looking back on it now as I would have done the same. And one responded with understanding and reasonable explanations as to why it was wrong. So good on them for that bit of education and kindness.

A thousand apologies.

Mil Disculpas.
