#blank verse



What if there existed no other language on earth except something deeply symbolic: a handshake, a hug, a kiss. The sheer capacity of the human body to express by itself, be it through the eyes or by the hands is simply amazing. A touch could be more healing than any other medicine discovered till date. And don’t ask me what wonders those lips could do if they were to just widen a bit with a hearty smile, enough to bring all the heavenly bliss. Get your body involved, tongue is not the crown of expression, it’s merely a medium resorted in the last phase. Otherwise, your entire being is more than enough to express beautifully by itself - this body, in which you reside, is the perfect symbolic epitome of what your soul is truly made of…

Random Xpressions





my name is elephant
I don’t fit the rhyme scheme
I drink the soup
It’s not like you’re going to stop me

my name is ‘Phant

i do not fit

the poem scheme

i will omit

but i don’t care

and nor should you


i drink the soup

I’m ollyfant

with legs like trees

and any time

I dam well plees

Thro window smalle

as jeweler’s loupe

I reach insyde

I drink the soupe


thump your sound shifts space
you’re not there in waves


atmospheric perspective
averted gaze is naturalised

cover of daydream

deep eyes as alluring as distant
skies i forsake omniscience

the dangers of

expectation and habit

to ideas

to the process of creation
you have nothing to do with me

nape as apple tree
allow yourself no feeling


They say a soul weighs merely grams at death;

However, this cannot be true for me,

For every time a person loses life

While breathing, souls do seem to sink in waves:


The composition of this silent sea

Is suffocating foam and reaching ropes

Of seaweed tearing at my lungs and feet.

A tide of pain and memory so dark

Do follow not too far behind my eyes

And pull me down from deep within my past.


They say a soul weighs merely grams at death;

However, this cannot be true for me,

For drowning of my mind and being comes

From waves of loss that sink within the soul.


~Reigh Lynne
