#bleach liveblog


Kon had so much potential as a character but all of it is obliterated once he becomes the token perv. That “I won’t kill anything, no matter how small, since my life was also once deemed worthless,” motive is SO GOOD but he’s such a creep that I can’t enjoy any of it.

Those kids on the playground deleting their crappy video game characters sayin “Those who don’t listen to their masters DIE!!” and cackling as the data is deleted

What kid talks like that?? Who views video games like that?? WHO LAUGHS AS THEY DELETE THEIR LAME SAVE DATA?? Screw Kon but he had a point. breaking their video games was for the best.

Fellas… I know from some Google search spoilers that Ichigo ends up with Orihime but as of the first season he really comes off as… not straight.

Orihime, who‘s implied to be the prettiest girl in school, has a really obvious crush on him and he just does not care. He’s deeply disturbed when he learns Kon kissed a girl with his body. He HATES that people think he and Rukia are dating. He has yet to view girls in a romantic light (which is weird for a shounen protag). Maybe I’m just to eager to claim him as ase or mlm but idk bro :/

14 gd chapters in and there’s already lesbophobia. I knew that well-passed bechdel test was too good to be true.

When Ichigo gets his body back after Kon is jumping around on buildings n stuff he must be mad sore

Urahara is infinitely better in the manga than in the anime because he ends all his sentences with little hearts like this ♡

The leg the leg is my leg

Bleach is really going the extra mile to pass it’s bechdel test

So far it seems like Rukia’s main problem-solving tactic is “stab it with your massive sword.”

I like her.

What’s up! I’m going to fully watch/read Bleach for the first time.

I got to about volume 12 a few years ago, and recently I started rewatching/rereading it. But I want to talk about it, so I figure I’d start over and liveblog it.

I’ve gotten to about episode 20 so far, so I’m going to re-skim through the manga & anime til I get to my current point.

No spoilers please!

Rukia: You fool (affectionate)

“My only saving grace is that I’m strong” NO CHAD!! YOU’RE A SPECIAL BOY!!

Rukias just in her pajamas as orihime‘s brother‘s soul is purified and laid to eternal rest

What’s happening with the genetics in the Kurosaki family? Karin and the dad have black hair. Yuzu and the mom have pale brown hair. Ichigo has orange hair??

Orihime is the ultimate lolrandom girl. She’s like “tee hee *zones out* *gets hit by a car* Oopsie my bad ^^”

Kubo-sensei’s silly low-quality hands are top tier

It must be so funny (terrifying) to all of Ichigo’s classmates to just see him occasionally dead on the pavement.

If his soul is completely out of his body, does he even have a pulse? He certainly wouldn’t react to any salt sticks or anything either. Do they think he’s just dead?
