

Review: Nightwing #92

Review: Nightwing #92

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Bruno Redondo
Colors: Adriano Lucas
Letters: Wes Abbot
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan

“Take off the cowl and leave your disapproval at the door OR do not enter” – Alfred to Batman
Nightwing #92
Blüdhaven mayor Melinda Zucco is in trouble-pretending to work for Blockbuster while secretly trying to…

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I’ve spent a lot of time laughing at this. [Nightwing #72, 2002]

Awww, he looks so proud of himself. He forgets that he’s Nightwing too… [Nightwing #60, 2001]

LMAO… Richard! [Nightwing #72, 2002]

Stop being so cute, Richard. [Nightwing #74, 2002]

Okay, but I love how casually Dick is just standing there while the others fight each other. [Nightwing #62, 2001]

He’s just trying to help you out, Bruce! Stop being so dramatic! [Nightwing #64, 2002]

[Nightwing #74, 2002]
