#bnha text post


Pen Pal Part 8

Bakugou x reader, text au

Where Mitsuki’s last attempt at changing her son, Katsuki’s attitude is by signing him up for a pen pal.

Part 8 - overreacting 

Warnings : swearing, mentions of bullying & stalking


A/N : Oop, did I make Y/N a bit too unreasonable? Idek pahahah


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Pen Pal Part 7

Bakugou x reader, text au

Where Mitsuki’s last attempt at changing her son, Katsuki’s attitude is by signing him up for a pen pal.

Part 7 - Ily

Warnings : swearing, really shitty image quality pahaha


A/N : Guess what’s back!!! Ignore the ‘Conversation Not Real’ at the top, it is real for the sake of the story pahah. Also wandering*** not wondering oops.

Any clues why she’s panicking?


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Aizawa & Mic prepare for an undercover mission:

Mic: *enters the room in a belly dancer’s outfit*

Mic:* jingle jingle jingle *

Aizawa: Ohhhhh noooo. NO NO NO!

Mic: W H A T ???

Aizawa: So now even your CLOTHES are loud???

Mic: SHUDDUP I’m SEXY! *jingle jingle jingle*

Aizawa: I hear the bells of a fool!!!

That’s it that’s their relationship.

Mic: Hey, Shouta!!! I heard you and 1-A got into some trouble on another class trip! How are you holdin’ up? Are the kids okay?! I hope no one got hurt!! Which villains were there?-

Aizawa: Not to be vague but…



Aizawa: kaminari, why are you cradling your cheek?

Kaminari: … You’d be disappointed if I told you…

Aizawa: Don’t feel ashamed for being injured. It is more important to focus on recovery. So tell me what the problem is.

Kaminari: I have a cavity.



Aizawa: Why the fuck do you think I ask you if you brushed your teeth every single fucking morning before class.

Kaminari, sobbing: I’M SORRY!

Todoroki: *visibly holding endeavor’s credit card*

Aizawa: Todoroki, wait. I know you and your dad have struggled with your relationship in the past and I understand that you’re not ready to accept this new side that he’s showing yet, but please take a minute to rethink before spending all of his money.

Todoroki: If I can’t use my old man’s card, then why can Shinsou do it?

Aizawa: … What do you mean?

Todoroki: *points at Shinsou, who’s walking off with Aizawa’s credit card*

