#bnha x reader


Chapter 9

Thank you @HackerBooTrafalgar(wattpad) for reminding me that I actually have a story that I totally didn’t forget

You were WRECKED.

Ace gave you a hell of a warm-up, in a nice game of “evade the basketball that has 1 kg weight inside it”, then Luffy “played” catch with you, in which you had 5 min to not get catch, and couldn’t use your quirk, while he could use his, he laughed his ass of while you had a hard time breathing, and Ace filmed everything.

After the physical part was done, Thatch made a tasty lunch for everyone, you were so hungry after all that exercising, you even stole some of Ace’s food, which he thought it was Luffy, so they started to fight like crazy, and were kicked out of the kitchen by Thatch.

While eating some fruits as dessert you noticed the look he gave you, causing you to tilt your head “Is there something on my face?”

He smiles and shakes his head “You look like your mom, but your personality doesn’t match either of your parents, you are really cute, if you want I can cook you anything, I’m quite a good chef if I do say so myself!”

“I thought that Sanji-san was the best cook around here” you said while taking another bite of a strawberry.

“He’s the best at diversity, he knows a lot of different types of food, he knows from the basic of sushi, to something more dangerous like puffer fish, he knows French cuisine, Italian, German, any type of Asian cuisine too, he’s a master at everything, and I’m professional in sweets and French cuisine to be more specific, also, I already opened my own restaurant, it’s one of the best in the whole city!”

“That’s enough of bragging to a teenager don’t you think yoi?” You look at the door to see Marco and Robin there “ready for your classes?”

“I wasn’t bragging you pineapple head!!!

You finish the bowl of strawberries and turn to Thatch "Thank you for the food! It was exactly what I needed after the training”

“And now you need to take a shower, and THEN we can start the classes” Robin said while petting your hair.

“But I don’t have any other clothes…” she just smiles at your comment

“I’m sure that Izo will love to let you borrow something”

“He loves to dress up, so to be able to dress a cute teenager girl will be a dream come true, believe me”

You get up and wave at Thatch and Marco that were still bickering “Bye chef-san, see you later Marco-sensei”

They both stop arguing and wave back at you “Drink some water after taking a shower!”

“See you in a few yoi” then they go back to bickering, which makes you giggle at them.

“Let’s go, Izo’s room is on the the next floor” you hold her hand without thinking, but she doesn’t comment on it, just holds your hand back and takes you to the next floor to Izo’s room.

Robin knocks on the Japanese style door “Izo it’s me”

“Come in!” said a masculine voice on the other side of the door.

Inside was a Japanese styled room, with a… men? woman? in front of a mirror applying make up.

“What is it Robin? Do you need to borrow one of my kimonos again?” they ask and then turn to the door.

You were hiding yourself behind her, but she put her hand behind your head and pulled you to inside the room “actually, my newest student need some clothes and a bath before me and Marco start the class”

“Hello, excuse me” you say trying to stay strong and not shy away under that beautiful person’s gaze.


“Hello sweetheart, Ace commented with me about someone that he would be training with Luffy’s help and had asked me a few things, I though that this would happen, so I got a few things for you in advance, I hope that you don’t mind”

“Not at all miss- mister- u-uhm… I’m sorry but…”

He chuckles at your confusion “I’m a mister sweetie, but you can just call me Izo”

“Oh! Okay! Thank you for thinking about me Izo-san!”

“Izo is a cross dresser, he just prefers dressing like that” Robin explains to which you nod “I will leave you two to it, you have one hour with her” after petting your head one more time she exists the room and closes the door.

He got up and went to his wardrobe “Since I didn’t knew your size I hope you don’t mind large clothing”

“Oh! Sorry for the trouble mister” he just looks at you and smiles.

“You cause no trouble Hun, I love to shop for new clothes, and in the middle of so many brute men! HUGH!! I’m so relived that I have you around here, don’t get me wrong, I love a muscular and strong man around me, like All Might and Endevour, thou the comments about the number two hero aren’t the nicest around the underworld, but that doesn’t make him any less of a spectacular man to have around, and that ass!? Damn I wish I could see him out of that spandex of his!”

You tilt your head “So you want to fuck him? Or would you rather be fucked by him?”

Izo almost choke in his own spit “what!? how do you-”

You quirk a brow “Did you forget who I’m child of?”

“Oh! Right! You are daughter of that bitch! I’m sorry, but I really hate your mother, that walking trash can told me to wear a suit, which wasn’t a problem at all, I love how they accentuate my ass, but the problem was what she said! That fowl human should be in the Guinness book, for the most racist, sexist and homophobic human that ever existed!!!”

You tilt your head “what did she tell you?”

He huffs and shake his head “I won’t say those nasty words she told me and my family, I really should just shoot her next time”

He then turns to you with baggie t-shirt and baggie shorts, with some undergarments “Here, the bath is broken, so you can only shower”

“It’s okay, thank you again for this” you bow at him, and he bows back.

“Now hurry, you will have a lot to learn after the shower”

You nod and go take a shower.

When you come back with the dirty clothes in hand he picks them from you “don’t worry hun, I will wash them for you, you can go now, Robin and Marco must be downstairs waiting for you”

“Thank you Izo-san” you bow again and give him a big smile “See you later”

He chuckles at your cuteness and waves back.

You go down the stairs and go to the kitchen, finding Marco that was drinking tea and reading newspaper with glasses on.

“I didn’t know that you needed glasses” you comment standing by the door.

He looks up at you and smiles “I use contacts outside, you never know when someone is going to try and attack you, so I prefer to let only my family know about it, yoi”

“Oh… Soooo… you’re a villain?”

He shakes his head and puts down the newspaper “I’m just a licensed doctor, but I do have a hero license, just like everyone in this family yoi, even if we don’t work in the pro-heroing business, we work with cops, buglers, and all kinds of dangerous people, so we prefer to have it in case of necessity”

“Wow! Even Luffy?” you ask excitedly.

“I think only a few straw hats don’t have one, like Chopper or Franky, the others all have some kind of licensing for their agency yoi, well-” he gets up and looks down at you.

‘He’s really tall’ you nod to yourself.

“Let’s go, I’m going to teach you the basic of first aid yoi, then you will have your class with Robin-san”

You nod and smile following him to another side of the mansion, there he led you to a classroom, you look around surprised in seeing a literal classroom.

You hear him chuckling at your reaction “Luffy and Ace always needed some help after class, even Sabo had a difficult time with high school yoi, so Pops made this classroom out of an old closet”

“Oh… did it help them?”

“Not only the trio, but their friends too, the "Salvation Army” V.S. the “Straw Cats”, I never saw Luffy learn so much in so little time, it was very impressing yoi"

“Wait… Straw Cats?” you question receiving a nod from him.

“Luffy wrote 'Hats’ wrong, and they just went with it”

You giggle looking at the scribbles on the walls and drawings on the tables “Where do I sit?”

“The closer to the blackboard the better, but let’s do something easy today” he says going to a locker and pulling a first aid kit “like learning how to wrap a proper bandage yoi”

Nodding eagerly you sit straight on the chair and wait as he sets everything in front of you.

“Let’s begin”

You arrive home after eating dinner with your new grandpa, and as the new member of this family.

Sabo was kind enough to drive you home.

“I’m so happy that, I’ll be teaching you! I hope you like me as a teacher too” he says smiling

“Thank you for helping me become a hero!” you smile just as big and look outside the car window, where the sun is setting “but… aren’t you a lawyer? How can you help me?” you tilt your head and look back at him.

Sabo looks at you and back at the road “I know a lot of stuff, and most important, I know about the politics of the pro hero world, that includes the commission, I don’t agree with their way of thinking” his hands have a death like grip on the steering wheel, turning his knuckles white.

“Is that why you choose to become a lawyer?” patting his hand lightly seems to help him calm down.

“No… I became a lawyer because of an accident that a friend of mine went tho when I was a teenager… no one wanted to represent him in court because of his fish like appearance” his frowns deepens “He has a transmutation quirk, and just for it no one wanted to help him… so I decided to help him, ended up loving it,from then on I was focused on learning more about the injustice that a lot of people go tho, I represent exclusively mutant quirked people”

Sabo smiles at that, and you smile back at him “I want to help everyone too!”

He chuckles and stop the car in front of your house “send a hug to Roci for me, ok?”

“ 'Kay! Bye Sabo-sensei!” he waves at you as you go inside the house and then drive off.

Entering the house you see your father relaxing on the couch, watching the news, he looks at you in the entryway and opens his arms.

You smile quickly taking your shoes off and laying down on top of him as he hugs you tightly “Hi”

“Hi…” he responds and closes his eyes “How was your day?”

“Full of learning and oh my god, they were so nice!” your father smiles at that “How was your day? Grandpa told me that you would be arriving later”

“It was good, and there was no need for me to go job searching, since I got the job at U.A.”

You give him a big smile “You did it!? YAY!” you hug him super tight and Law just hugs you back “You will be a teacher?”

He shakes his head “Hell no, I already have my hands full of my little devil” he says and tickles your side making you giggle “I will be Recovery Girl’s assistant, for emergencies, and for when she’s too busy with the hospitals and can’t help U.A. that much”

“It sounds important”

Law nods agreeing “It is, they need someone to be a call away”

Frowning you headbutt his chin “But U.A. is in another district dad!” you gasp and glare at him “Did you lie to them??”

Law rolls his eyes and shake his head “Even if I did they would discover, they all are very smart, mostly the director”

You get up and sit on the couch, and he follows your action “So… we will move?”

“Yes, they don’t have dorms, so they will be paying for our living expenses, since the rent on the houses that are close to the school are very expensive” Law looks at your eyes, and you look back “We will be moving next month”

You frown at that

“What? I thought you would like going back to having your own space”

“It’s just that-…” you look at the floor and your leg start to shake anxiously.

Your father put his hand on your knee and squishes it lightly, making you stop.


“Everything is happening too fast… I like living with grandpa Roci… sorry… I know it’s hard for you too because of mom and… because of me…” you frown at your own words.

There’s silence, and then Law gets up and turn off the TV, he picks you up, which surprises you and takes you to your room.

He lays you on your bed and make sign for you to stay, then he goes to the kitchen to do… something.

You sit up and wait for him to come back.

Law enters your room with a small yellow submarine inside a glass bottle, and sits at the foot of your bed.

First Time Forgetting - Kirishima

  • 2470 words
  • Pro Hero AU
  • Warnings: A Pouty Kirishima, suggestive comments

+ Things were very busy as of late and the two of you hadn’t had much time together. They plan to have lunch together on his first day off in a long while. When he didn’t show up, Y/N is hurt and upset enough that when they called him to see where he was that Y/N snaps at him. He is upset and doesn’t know what to do to make it up to them.

Being a Pro-Hero has its ups and downs. Being the partner of a Pro-Hero can be just as fluctuating. Not sure when he will be free to do anything, the constant being called away from everything, and most of all, being worried if he will be safe and come back alive. So when he gets time off, You and Kiri try to make the most of it.

“So Thursday right?” I asked, phone balanced between my ear and shoulder.

“Yep! Definitely!” I could almost see his toothy smile now. “I have the whole day off.”

“Yay. You need a break.”

“You’re telling me.” He laughed. I heard crunching, letting me know he was eating.

“So how’s the day been so far? I haven’t heard anything huge on the news yet today.”

“Not really much today. Just a few thieves here and there and some other things.” He went through his day with me. All of a sudden he cut off when screaming and yelling came through the phone.

“Come on Shitty Hair!” Bakugo yelled in the background.

“I gotta go babe. Somethings come up.”

“Okay! Be safe!”

“Of course. Talk to you later.” He hung up. I sighed, looking at the phone. It always makes me nervous when I know or hear about him in a fight. I know he’s beyond capable but still. Thursday was in two days and I figured I wouldn’t see him before then.

The days passed quickly, especially when I haven’t got to see him in forever for more than a few moments. He let me know he was going to sleep in for a bit before doing his normal work out. After he showered, he was going to meet me for lunch. Around 11:30 am, I got ready and left.

“Table for two, please.” The waiter nodded and led me to a table. I ordered us drinks before waiting. I wasn’t worried when it passed noon, knowing my boyfriend. If he got caught by a for or someone, he was too nice to rush off on then.

“Still going to wait?” The waiter asked. I nodded and he walked off. When it got to be over a half hour, I grew a bit worried but not too much. He probably got caught by an old friend. I had texted him a couple of times since I left and he hasn’t responded. When an hour passed with no word, I was worried and on the edge of irritability.

“Pick up, Ei.” I whispered into the phone. Just before it went to voicemail, he picked up.

“Oh hey babe! What’s up?” He asked cheery. I stayed silent at the calm greeting. “Babe? You there?” Confusion laced into his voice. “Did I lose you?”

“No, I’m here.”

“Oh good. So what’s up?” He asked, nonchalantly.

“Where are you?”

“I’m at Denks. We’re playing some video games.” He said with Denki yelling at the game in the background. I laughed in disbelief.

“Seriously?” I nearly snapped. I heard him pause and heard him shift the phone.

“Um, yeah. Is something wrong babe?” He asked tentatively.

“I can’t believe…” I set my forehead in my hand, fighting back tears.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked. I could hear Denki talking concerned in the back.

“Did you ever remember today?” I asked softly.

“What do you mean? It’s my day off but nothing else was planned for today…”

“So you don’t remember lunch today?”

“Lunch? I mean it is lunch time but… Oh Shit!” He yelled. I heard crashes. “Lunch with you today! Crap!”

“Yeah.” I whispered, wiping away a stray tear.

“Crap, crap, crap. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be…”

“Don’t bother.” I interrupted. I took a big breath. “It’s already been an hour so I’m going home.”

“Wait babe, please.” He begged. “I’ll be there. Just give me a few minutes.”

“No. It’s fine.” I pulled out some money from my wallet and put it on the table. “I’ll talk to you later, Eijiro.”

“Wait Y/N!” I hung up on him and left the restaurant. I pulled my sleeves down as the cold breeze hit me. I crossed my arms over my chest and walked to the station to go home, tears falling freely.

3rd POV

Kiri stood shocked, staring at his phone in horror and pain, gripping his hair tight enough that he pulled strands out of his ponytail. Denki sat on the couch behind him stunned and a little confused. Kiri sank down on the couch, dropping his phone to the ground. He buried his face in his hands.

“I am an idiot.” He muttered. “I forgot I promised to have lunch and spend time with Y/N today.”

“Shit, dude. I’m sorry.” Denki apologized.

“It’s not your fault man. I…” The ding of his phone caught his attention. He picked it up quickly and saw the multiple texts from Y/N. They were old though and his heart sank more. The one that just came from Bakugo. (How was your date lover boy?) “Ever Kat remembered my date and I didn’t!” He slouched back heavily. “Dammit.”

“Hey. Calm down, Ei.” Denki rubbed his shoulder. “You’ll figure out something. She didn’t sound too mad.”

“She wasn’t mad. She was upset.” Kiri sat up and looked at his friend in desperation. “I could hear the tears in their voice.” They sat in silence for a few minutes. “I’m sorry Denks but I have to go.”

“No, no. You’re fine. Go.” He followed him to the door. Kiri was muttering as he threw on his hoodie. He put on his shoes and turned towards the other.

“I knew I forgot something this morning but I didn’t think it was that important.” His eyes were growing watery.

“ Hey, Sharky. It’s okay. Everyone makes mistakes. You’ll figure something out, bro.” Kiri nodded.

“See ya later.” He ran out the door and down stairs before bolting down the street.


The evening was quiet as I did some small housework. I was trying to keep my mind occupied but that was proving impossible. I signed heavily, letting my arms drop from their position for dusting.

“You overreacted babe.” I told myself. I sat down in a chair and looked out the window. I knew I over reacted with Eijiro and the date. He had never done that before so it wasn’t a reoccurring thing. I was just hurt, surprised, and a little embarrassed.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a set of knocks on the door. I looked behind me in confusion before looking at the clock.

“Who could that be at this time?” I walked over and opened the door just a crack. When Ei was here I am more confident and less worried about answering the door this late. When he isn’t I get more shy and more timid. “Yes?”

“Food delivery.” The man held up a bag from my favorite take out place.

“Umm… I didn’t order anything.” He smiled, nodding.

“This was ordered by E. Kirishima and was ordered to this address.” My eyes widened.

“Oh, okay.” I opened the door wider. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He handed me the bag and stepped back. “Have a good evening.”

“You too.” I closed my door and walked to the kitchen. I opened the bag and saw my favorite food, dessert, and sides. There was also a note.

Hey, babe. I know this is a surprise

and I know you’re upset. I know how you get

when you’re upset. You forget to eat

so please enjoy. I am so so

freaking sorry for today.

I knew I was forgetting something

this morning. I should have

remembered. Funny enough, Bakubro

did. I’ll do anything to make it

up to you. Have a goodnight baby.

I Love You. ♡


I smiled and leant against the counter. That man was the sweetest person. The note was in Ei’s handwriting. I set the note on my forehead before pinning it to the cork board just outside the kitchen. It was a memory board thing Ei had started. It was full of pictures, notes, and cutesy things that were reminders or items of good times.

“Ei, you sappy romantic.” I whispered. Guilt crept into my stomach. I looked at the food before at the time. It was late and I knew he would be going to bed. I ate the food before heading to bed myself.

*Next day ~ 3rd POV*

Kirishima sat off to the edge of the crime scene rubbing his sore neck. Him and Bakugo had just had a rough run in with a criminal with a super strength quirk who decided to use the cars as projectiles.

“Heard from them yet?” Bakugo asked, walking up and pulling his mask down around his neck. Kiri shook his head.

“No and it’s almost 1 o'clock. Either they’re really mad at me or it’s one of their ‘sleep all day’ days. Both are very possible.” He said, chuckling to himself. Bakugo sat down next to his friend.

“You’re right there.”

“I plan to call them after work. I need to at least try something and…” Kiri’s phone started ringing. They both looked down at the pocket it was in. He pulled it out to see Y/N’s contact. “Hello?”

“Hey.” Y/N softly answered.

“Hey.” Kiri smiled at the sound of their voice. Bakugo got up shaking his head with a smile. “Glad you called. Did you get the food?”

“Yeah. I did. It was good. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” They both were silent for a minute.

“Hey, I know you work this weekend but do you think you could come over tonight? After work?” Y/N asked, chewing on their lip nervously. Kiri sat silent in surprise for a second. “Eijiro?”

“Oh! Um, Yeah! Yeah, of course!” He quickly answered, stumbling over his words. Damn, he felt like a love struck teenager again.

“Oh! Great!” YN said relieved, relaxing their shoulders. “Then I’ll see you this afternoon.”

“Yeah, see ya in a bit.” He smiled. They hung up and Kiri silently cheered. He went through the rest of his shift with a smile on his face. He showered at the agency before quickly running towards Y/N’s place. He grew nervous when he walked down the hall towards her door. He knocked.

“Coming!” He heard them yell. He waited, heart racing. He felt like he was a teenager going on his first date again. He straightened up when the door opened. “Hey, Ei.”

“Hey babe.” He said while looking them over. “You look nice tonight.”

“Thank you. Come in.” They stepped aside and he quickly stepped in. He shed his jacket and kicked off his shoes before following Y/N. Kiri walked behind Y/N but stopped when he noticed something.

“You put my note on the memory board.” He said in disbelief.

“Oh, yeah.” YIN said leaning on their front against the kitchen door frame. “It was sweet and I wanted to keep it. No better place to put it.” Kiri just looked at Y/N in awe. He dropped his bag and walked over, taking Y/N’s face in his hands. “Eiji…” He cut them off by kissing them passionately.


I gasped in shock as he kissed me. I grabbed onto his wrists while kissing him back earnestly. He pulled away and looked into my eyes before moving one hand down to my waist and pulled me into another kiss. This one was slow and sweet with a gentle tug, Eijiro pulled me forward. He backed up until we came to the table.

“Just a second baby.” He said against my lips. He pulled away to sit down in a chair before grabbing the back of my knees. “Sit.” I sat on his lap and he placed his hands on my thighs.

“Ei.” I wrapped my arms around his neck before kissing him again. Our out of the blue make out session only lasted a short bit before we both pulled away. I nuzzled my face into his neck while he rubbed my back gently.

“I’m sorry.” He said softly after a few minutes of silent hugging and cuddling. “I should have kept better track of my plans. What day it was.”

“It’s alright and I could have reacted a lot better. I mean it was only one date this happened. I should have been calmer, more understanding.” I sat up straight. I ran my fingers through his long hair, scratching his scalp slightly. He nearly moaned, closing his eyes and pressing into my hand. I laughed and he glared at me through slitted eyes.

“Shut up. Feels good.” He said before burying his face in my chest. I just shook my head and laid my head on top of his. “We hadn’t got to spend any time together recently, so you were justified in being upset with me for flaking. It wasn’t manly of me.”

“ Yeah, but it wasn’t 'manly’ of me to jump up like that. If you hadn’t been able to spend some time with me, then you wouldn’t have had time for your friends either.” I leant back and he looked at me. “ You have a right to see them too.”

“You are the perfect lover, you know that right.” He reached up and pushed hair behind my ear.

“So are you.” I gave him an Eskimo kiss before getting up. He gave me a puppy dog pout, eyes wide and pursing his lips. I booped his nose. “You hungry?”

“Yeah. For more than just food.” I turned back to see his eyes trailing down my body with a look in his eyes.

“Down boy.” I smirked. “There’s time for that later.”

“Okay, okay.” He put his hands up in surrender. He stood up and followed me towards the kitchen. “So what are we making?”

“You want to help?” I asked, amused. He nodded enthusiastically. “Okay then. What sounds good?”

“How about chicken Alfredo? That’s been sounding good.” He pushed up the sleeves of his hoodies. I smiled, grabbing the collar of his hoodie. I pulled him down into a kiss. I pulled away slowly.

“Sounds good to me. Get the stuff for the sauce and we’ll get started.” He whined as I pulled out of his arms.

“You’re a tease.” He said.

“I know.” I smirked. “I may have forgiven you but I still have a right to be upset. So, I choose to be a tease.” He groaned. “Come on, Red Riot. You said you would help, now get the stuff for the alfredo sauce.”

“Diabolical.” He laughed before pulling the stuff out. He walked by me, I smacked his ass.

“Of course.” He gave me a side eye. Tonight was going to be interesting.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

Funny Way of Showing It - Shinsou x Sister! Reader Pt. 2

My class got off a couple of days off after the attack. I spent it either in my room or with Dad. He was doing pretty good for being nearly beaten to a pulp. The class was going to be surprised when he walks in tomorrow. During this time off, Hitoshi had been trying to talk to me a lot. Everytime he comes home from school, he comes to check on me. It was my turn to be silent towards him.

“Hey, do you want to walk to school with me?” He asked while we did dishes after dinner. I shrugged.

“Don’t we normally?” I asked. He stalled for a moment, trying to find something to say. I turned towards dad and papa at the table. “Do you want some tea?”

“No thank you, honey. Shota?” Papa looked towards the bandage covered man. Dad shook his head.

“Okay then.” I wiped my hands off. “Well, I’m going to take a bath and goto bed.” I started taking my hair down from my braid.

“Okay, honey.” Papa smiled. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Papa” I kissed his head before doing the same to dad carefully. “Goodnight, dad.”

“Goodnight baby.” He said softly. He reached up and hugged me tight as he could. 

When I went to see him in the hospital after the attack, he was beside himself. Apologizing multiple times about not being able to protect everyone and letting the villains ever get close. It took all three of us to calm him down. I hugged back before letting go. I glanced up at Hitoshi who was watching us.

“Night, Hitoshi.” I said as I walked out of the room.

“Night.” I heard him reply. As I walked through the hall to the bathroom, I could hear the three males talking. Hitoshi sounded distraught and heard a mention of my name.

“I don’t know what to do to make it up to Y/N. She won’t ever talk to me. I know I deserve it since that’s what I did to her but I was doing it so I wouldn’t take out my frustration on her. I’m still upset about my placement and didn’t want to take it out on her.”

“But ignoring her didn’t help either Hitoshi.” Dad chided.

“I know.” I heard Hitoshi huff and groan. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Give her time Tosh. She’s upset and needs time to work through it. Just like you did.” Papa comforted him.

“I just want to tell her how sorry I am.” He paused. “She thinks I don’t believe in her. That I’m not proud of her and what she’s accomplished. But I do and I am!”

“I know you are Toshi.” I Whispered before going to take my bath.

I had formulated a plan in my head while I was in the bath. A way that could make it easier on Toshi to speak his mind with me. I made it back into my room after making sure Toshi was still up. Like he would be asleep.

“Hey Hitoshi! Can you come here?” I called from my doorway. I went and sat on my bed as I heard his door open. He tentatively stuck his head in.

“What’s up, sis?” He asked. I was messing with my hair while I looked at him.

“Can you help me with my hair? I got a terrible knot and I can’t get it out.” I asked. He stepped into the doorway slowly.

“Are you sure you want my help? Why not ask Papa or Dad?” He scratched the back of his head.

“No. You know Papa is too rough since he has a head and roots of steel.” We both chuckled. “And I don’t want to ask Dad since he needs to rest for tomorrow and you know still bandaged up. Plus you’re the best at it, even though you have the shortest hair. I don’t know how that works. So please Hitoshi?” He sighed before nodding.

“Alright, Alright.” He cracked the door and walked over. “Let me see.”

“Right here.” I turned around on the bed and pointed to the spot.

“Dang. How did you do this?” He gently prodded at the knot.

“Mm. I don’t know.” I said while thinking back to the twisting, rubbing, and whatever else to purposely make a knot. We were quiet as he slowly and softly pulling the knot out. He left one time to get some detangler and a comb. When he came back he hit my back.

“Scooch over.” I moved forward on the bed so he could sit comfortably. After another few minutes of silence, he finally spoke up. “Hey sis.”

“Hmm?” I hummed in response.

“I just want to…” He sighed. “I want to apologize. I shouldn’t have shut you out. I shouldn’t have been cross with you and I should have been better about how proud I am of you. I just, I just was so mad about how unfair it was and the disappointment that there’s no chance for me to be in the hero course.”


“Wait, please Y/N. I need to say this.” He said while setting down the comb, finally done with the knot. He then grabbed the towel from around my neck and started to dry my hair. “I can’t express just how damn proud I am of you. You didn’t even think you would get a chance yet here you are a part of a hero class that’s already making history.”

“Oh I don’t know about that.” I whispered.

“I do.” He said as he let the towel drop. “I’ve been a terrible brother but I want to make up for it.” We sat in silence as he fiddled with my hair.

“You want to know how you can do that?” I felt him come to attention behind me.

“Yes.” I hopped around. I held up two fingers.

“Two things. Okay, three things.” I put up one more finger.

“Okay, what are they?” He raised an eyebrow.

“1. Don’t ignore me, please. I know you were… are upset but I want to help, be there for you. Just like I know you do for me. Okay?” He nodded. “Okay, 2. Don’t give up.”

“What?” He looked up at me confused. I smiled softly.

“Don’t give up on the hero course. You can get in.” He sighed looking down.

“But how? My quirk was basically useless in the entrance exam.” He looked up at me through his eyelashes.

“Yeeesss. You’re right."I said getting up. I skipped over to my desk and started digging around.

"Wow thanks, be more honest, why don’t you.” He deadpanned.

“Oh shush and let me finish.” I finally found the papers I was looking for. I skipped back and flopped down. “But the entrance exam isn’t the only way to get into the hero course.”

“It isn’t?” He asked, peeking at the papers.

“Unh uh.” I scooched up close and showed him the papers. “I’ve been doing some research. There are other chances to get into the hero course. Like the sports festival.”

“The sports festival?” He was even more curious now.

“Mmhm. You can prove yourself and your quirk at the sports festival. All the teachers are there and will be watching and so will a lot of Pros. The homeroom teachers have the power to pull a student from the other class if they think they’re worthy just like Dad has the power to expel an entire class.” His eyes got wider and wider with every word.

“ You’re joking!” He snatched the papers from my hands.

“Nope. Dad and Vlad King-sensei can transfer you out of General Studies. Though they have to transfer someone out to compensate. You could either be in Class 1-A or 1-B! But you have to know Dad is not going to be easy on you just because you’re his son.” I let the information hang in the air. I saw his eyes scan the paper furiously.

“There really is a way.” He looked up at me with a renewed sparkle in his eye. “Yes, yes, yes!” He got up and paced the room excited but stopped suddenly. “But there are so many people with better quirks than me that could get in and from what I heard, all of Class 1-A are impressive. There’s no way…”

“Hitoshi!” I got up and stopped him by the shoulders. “I can personally vouch that there are a couple that most of us would be happy if you replaced.” I shivered at the thought of the one. “Especially the grape.”


“Nevermind. Not important. What is important is that this isn’t like you. Where’s the Toshi I know? You can do it, I know you can.” I pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me.

“How do you know?” He asked. I pulled back.

“Because I… believe in you.” I poked his chest. He laughed but looked at me in thanks.

“Thanks sis. I needed that.” He sniffled a bit before shaking himself out. When he looked back up, I saw my brother back to normal.

“ You’re welcome. It’s what I’m here for.” I said before plopping back on my bed. He followed suit. He read over the papers again. I could tell he was deep in thought so I didn’t interrupt. Suddenly though, he lifted his head and spoke.

“Oh, what was the third thing?”

“Third thing?”

“Yeah. You said there were 3 things I could do to make it up to you. What was the third?” .

“Oh! Right.” I sat up and sat indian style. “Never and I repeat, NEVER change yourself for someone else.” I said earnestly. “Be who you are and nobody else. You are not a villain in the making, you are Hitoshi Shinsou. The soon to be hero in training. A total badass and the best brother in the world." 

"I, I… huh. I don’t know about that but…” He chuckled softly. He looked up at me before taking my hands. “I promise to not ignore you, to never give up, and to NEVER change myself and to always be who I am.”

“Good.” I said while squeezing his hands. “Now, you realize you’re going to need to start training to get ready for the sports festival.”

“Uhhh!” He groaned and threw himself back. “ You’re an asshole for bringing that up now. A straight up asshole.”

“Sorry.” I said unapologetically. He peeked at me with one eye and glared. I shrugged. He sighed and sat up slouched.

“You know your class has been the talk of the school the past couple days.” He told me. “It’s like you’re all celebrities. ‘The first year class that survived a villian attack.’ It’s annoying yet cool because I can say my sister is one of those students.”

“Shut up.” I hit him with my shoulder. “It’ll be old news soon.”

“I don’t know. It’s been a pretty big deal.” He insisted. I just laughed before a yawn forced its way out of my mouth. “Well I better let you get some sleep. Since your break ends tomorrow.”

“Yeah. I’m beat.” I stretched and went to grab my towel.

“I’ll take it back to the bathroom.” He said beating me to grabbing my towel. “Get some rest.”

“Okay.” I got under my covers. “Please try to sleep, Toshi.”

“I’ll try.” He said. He flipped my light off as he went out the door.

“Love you, Toshi.”

“Love you too, Sis.”

“Love you kids!!” We both jumped at Papa’s voice.

“Hizashi!” We heard Dad chide. We both laughed.

“Love you Dad. Love you too Papa.” We answered.

“Love you too. Now go to bed.”

*The Next Day*

Hitoshi and I walked together that morning, talking about what to do in prep for the sports festival until we had to part ways. The day went smoothly after the shock of Dad walking into the room. It was smooth until the end of the day and half of the first year class was outside our door.

“I heard Class 1-A was impressive but you just sound like an ass.” I covered my mouth trying not to laugh at my brother’s sass. He looked at me over Bakugou’s shoulder and gave me a ghost of a smirk. He mentioned the things I told him the night before and Bakuyou stormed off. The rest of the class was shook.

“Really?” I asked him as I met him outside. He cocked his head to the side. “Bakugou is already unbearable and you went and poked the Lion.”

“Sorry, not sorry.” He laughed as we walked home. “I meant what I said.”

“I know.” I said. “But not me right?” The question came out more meek than I meant for it too. I looked at me in worry and confusion for a second. It must have clicked in his head. He grabbed my arm to stop me.

“Of course not.” He assured me. “If they tried to replace you with me, I would say hell no. I wouldn’t do that to you.” He hugged me. “Plus, I don’t think Dad would let that happen. Since it’s his decision.”

“You have a very valid point there my dear brother.” I said jokingly. We laughed before a gasp caught our attention.

“He’s your brother?” A whiney voice made me groan. I turned to see Mineta standing behind us. “The asshole that threatened to take one of our spots?”

“Yes Mineta, this asshole is my brother.” I smirked. “Just wait till you find out who our Dad is.” We laughed as he paled. “Plus if he’s going to take anyone’s spot, it is going to be yours, grape.” I said the last word under my breath to where only Toshi could hear.

“You can’t do that!” He ran off crying.

“Watch me.” Toshi smirked.

“You know, you have a funny way of showing it.”

“Showing what?” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“That you’re not a total badass and the best brother in the world.” I grabbed his shoulders before jumping onto his back, He laughed, grabbing onto my legs as he walked us home.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

It was Cute - Tamaki

+Everyone knows that Tamaki is a shy one. So when he got into the relationship with you, it didn’t change all that much. He was more open with you and wasn’t afraid to be more boisterous. You knew in the back of your mind, you would have to be the one to make the first move. When you do, that result you got was not what you expected.

The day was a easy-going one. No training, no classes, and no other people to be around. That was a good thing because Tamaki could finally fully relax and not have to be shy. Or at least as say is he is when he’s out in the world. He had invited me over to his dorm so we could spend time together. So, now I was lounging, my tail swishing around behind me, on a bean bag chair he had gotten me.

“He had doubled down on me after that. That kid is going to be a great hero someday.” Tama said from his bed. He was laying with head hanging over the edge.

“That’s amazing. Midoriya is definitely something else.” I agreed. I watched as he messed with a small little toy.

“Almost all of the first years are going to be great.” He flipped over and let his arms over the edge. I nodded but then made a face of disgust. “What is it, Honey?”

“Oh, nothing but a bad image in my head.”

“What? Of a few questionable members of the first years?” He said with a small laugh. I nodded with a grimace. I shook the thoughts from my head and focused on him.

“So what do we want to do today? I’m surprised I haven’t seen Mirio already.”

“He had plans today. He’ll be back later. I don’t know. Is there anything you want to do?” He got up and went to his desk. He pulled his jacket off the chair and on. “You said you wanted to go to that Aquarium that opened recently. You want to go now?” He asked softly. I nodded and got up.

“Sure, sounds fun.”

“Just one request.” I hummed in response. “ No eating the fish, honey. They are not food.” My mouth dropped open in disbelief.

“Hey! Just because I have a Cat Quirk doesn’t mean I want to eat fish all the time! I can’t believe… Tamaki!!” He laughed as he retreated out the door. I chased him all the way down to the common room before I jumped over him and cornered him.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry but it was cute!”

“Whatever… You can’t say anything either with your quirk and all… ” I blushed and turned to go get my shoes. We left quickly, both excited. The aquarium was very nice and Tamaki was doing very well too.

“Hey look there!” Tamaki called me over. I walked over and he reached out for me but retracted his hard quickly. He pointed into the tank. “It’s Kirishima!”

“What? Oh!” A shark swan by the glass. I laughed at his joke and he giggled quietly. He watched the sealife tank and I watched him. He was beautiful. I looked down at his hand. The same one that reached for me earlier. I sighed inwardly. We have yet to hold hands and I am getting antsy. I wanted to show this boy how much I care for him in every way possible but he was so shy I didn’t want to overstep.

“Honey? Is everything alright?” I looked up in surprise.

“Yes of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked.

“You signed. I just thought maybe…you were bored.” He looked down, hands in his pockets. He was closing in on himself. Oh No.

“No, no, no! I’m not bored. I promise!” I said hurriedly. I bit my lip. “I was just thinking about something.” He perked up a bit.

“About what?” He asked with a bit of resistance.

“Oh just about where we should go next. There are so many options. So many different exhibits to see.” I looked at the map in his hand.

“ O-oh! You’re right!” He said loudly. He looked around for a moment. “How about the underwater tunnel? The one that goes under the big sealife tank?” He said with excitement.

“Yes, that sounds perfect!” I agreed. He smiled big before ushering me in. I giggled and sighed in relief at the dodge of a bad moment. I hate seeing him upset. I glanced down at his hand again. I was tempted to just reach out and grab it but I thought it would be too much of a shock for him in the moment.

“Hey are you getting hungry?” He asked suddenly. I looked at him. He was kind of fidgety. He was getting very hungry. I chuckled.

“No, I’m not but I can tell you are. Let’s go.” I said. He blushed before leading the way. We found something he would find enjoyable. We were standing off to one side of the room and he nearly gobbled it down. “Is that good?”

“Um…” He blushed majorly. “Yes it is. Really good.” He admitted. A sound made my ear twitch and I turned to see a kid barreling towards us.

“Watch out Tama!” I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me. He stumbled but caught himself. The kid ran past and I noticed how close we were. I looked down at my hand and where it was on his arm. I slid my fingers down a fraction of an inch before taking my hand away completely. I groaned out loud in annoyance. I realized what I did and looked at Tamaki quick. He looked uncomfortable and unsure.

“Is everything okay?” He took a step back.

“Um…” I looked around and then back at him. His eyes were filling with worry. “Come with me, please.”

“Okay” He followed me out to a little courtyard. I took a few steps away from him. I gathered my barings. “Did I do something?”

“No! No, you didn’t.” I looked at him. “It was me. I just am a bit impatient I guess. To put it simply.”

“Impatient? For What?” He asked, coming closer. I tried to think of a way to tell him. I came up with nothing.

“Tama, you trust me right?” I asked. His eyes went wide.

“Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I? Is there something wrong? Did I do something to make you think I don’t? Did you do something that I shouldn’t trust you? Did…”

“No, no, no! Tama!” I quickly shushed him. “Nothing like that. I promise.”

“Oh, right. Sorry. Then of course I trust you.”

“Okay. Then please close your eyes.” He looked shocked for a moment before nodding. He did what I said. I let my tense shoulders relax before taking a big breath. I reach forward and grab his hand before either of us could back out.

“Wha…” We both froze. Surprisingly, Tama made the first move and lifted our joined hands to his eye level. “We’re, we’re, we’re… Hold..” He stopped talking completely.

“Holding hands?” I finished his thought. He nodded slowly.

“Yeah. That.” He whispered before I saw his eyes roll back into his head.

“Tamaki!” His grip locked around my hand and wouldn’t let go as he inevitably fainted. I swiftly grabbed onto him and lowered him to the ground. “ Oh no. Oh no. Oh nooo…” I tried to get him to wake up but nothing worked. I also couldn’t get my hand free. His grip didn’t hurt but I was really worried. I could feel the panicked mewls trying to build up in my chest. In the end, I called Mirio to help.

“There you are.” I looked over at the ball of sunshine that was Mirio.

“Thank god you’re here.” I said. He smiled. “I know you had plans today and I’m sorry for interrupting.” He warned me off.

“You didn’t. Don’t worry. I had just finished when you called.” He looked down at his best friend. “What happened?”

“I held his hand for the first time.” He laughed out loud.

“Our cute little shy cupcake Suneater!” He grinned wide. “Only Tama would faint over holding hands.”

“And he has a vice grip on my hand.” I lifted my hand to show him. He chuckled.

“So he does.” He reached over and was able to pry my hand free before throwing the um conscience men over his shoulder. “How about we get him back to the dorms?”

“Yes please."I insisted. We made the trip quick so we could get Tama to bed. It was over an hour later when he woke up. I sat up with a groan and looked around the room.

"What happened?” He asked.

“You fainted.” He blushed when he seemed to remember what happened. He flopped back on the bed groaning.

“I can’t believe I did that!” He exclaimed. “Who helped you get me back?”


“Oh thank god. Thank you for getting him and not someone else.”

“ Of course. I know you would have preferred him over everyone.” He nodded. I got up and sat next to him on his bed. He wouldn’t look at me. “Tama?”

“I’m sorry. That was so embarrassing. I can’t believe I fainted over holding hands with you. I have been waiting for that forever!”

“Really? You have?” He looked up at me quickly and sighed.

“ Yes, yes I have. Why wouldn’t I? I have the most amazing person in my life and I want to do all those couply stuff and I blow it on the first try! Damn! All because I an to timid.” He buried his head in his knees.

“You didn’t blow it Tama. It was cute because it was you.” He peaked at me. “I will admit I was surprised when it happened but wasn’t surprised that it did. It was you.”

“So you’re not disappointed?” I shook my head. He smiled and unburied himself completely. We sat there together in a comfortable silence. He tentatively reached out and took my hand. I squeezed it and placed my other hand over his. He sighed in contentment.

“We can move at your pace Tama but know I’m ready for anything with you.” I cupped his cheek. He nuzzled into my palm.

“Thank you honey.” He whispered, nuzzling in deeper.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

Safe, No Matter What.- Toga Himiko

Anonymous Request

Y/N is quirkless. After something happens, you finally reveal that your Junior High experience to Toga and that it was somewhat like hers except worse because you were quirkless so you got picked on for that as well, leading to you experiencing severe trauma. She comforts you and reminds you that you’re safe with her and she’ll do anything to keep you safe.

The day had been particularly hard on my shoulders. Hell, the week had, the past months had. I groaned while nearly slamming my head down on the counter of the bar. The sound of slight wisps came close. I peeked up to look at Kurogiri. I sighed and waved him off before setting my chin on my crossed arms.

“Okay.” He moved off. I looked around the room. There wasn’t many people here but enough here to fill the room with soft chatter. The door swung open to reveal a skipping Toga. I rolled my eyes and readjusted to place one arm under my head and the other tracing lines in the wood.

“You good for nothing hot-head.” I heard Shiggy yell as he and Dabi came in after Toga. I flinched slightly but mostly ignored it. They argued all the time so this was nothing new. It wasn’t until a glass was thrown and shattered against the counter next to me.

“Shit.” I yelped as I was hit with a few shards. I flinched when felt them cut and the blood start to run. I grasped onto the worse one on my arm, trying to hold myself together at the spark of memory. The two stormed off. Shiggy to his room while Dabi back out the door.

“Well that was eventful.” I heard Toga say in a chipper voice. “What?” I heard Kurogiri pull her aside. Everything felt like it was fighting its way to the surface as the pain increased in my arm. The anxiety, the pain, the emotional distress. The tears tried to push through. “Y/N!”

“What?” I snapped, pushing everything down. She came over cartwheeling before standing straight in front of me. She clasped her hands behind her back before swaying in place.

“What wrong?” The simple question sent a pang through my chest. I took a big breath before looking away.

“Nothing everything’s okay.” I said.

“No it’s not. Kurogiri said you were acting down and have been for the past couple of days. So I know somethings wrong. What is it?” She stared at me. I glared at Kurogiri before scoffing and getting up to leave the room. I speed walk to my room before slamming my door. I leant against it for a moment.

“Shit!” I yelled wiping the tears away. The blood on my arm caught my attention again. I groaned looking around for something to patch it up with. A knock on my door made me stop. I closed my eyes to gather myself before opening the door. Toga stood there holding up bandages, antiseptic, tools, and rags.

“I saw the blood on bar and the ground. I figured you need a little cleaning up.” She said in a soft voice. I nodded after a minute, relenting. She came in and sat on the floor next to the bed. I closed the door and sat in front of her. “Letting me see.” She made grabby hands.

“Fine.” I chuckled at her nature. I held out my arm and went bug eyed at the gash that was nearly the length of my forearm. I hadn’t looked at the actual wound itself. “Projectile glass.”

“Looks like it.” She said. She got the tweezers and started to take the glass out of my arm. My mind wandered to the past while she did that, bring my knees up to my chest.

I sniveled and gasped as I tried to get the glass out of my leg. I flinched every time I got close to the pieces. I threw my head back against the wall. I could still hear the other kids laughing, their words ringing in my ears.


“Good for nothing but being the teacher’s pet.”

“Too bad their good student and person nature is overshadowed by the unfortunate reality of being quirkless. They would get so far in life if they just had a quirk.”

“Go away, we don’t want to be associated with a quirkless nobody.” I dug my fingernails into my palms, trying to shake their words from my head.

“How about we help you leave? Huh?” Rough hands shoved my shoulders hard. I stumbled back and hit the glass window. It gave way under the force of the hit. Luckily, we were only on the first floor. I cried as I tried to get up from the ground. I could hear the teachers yelling at my classmates and for me to stay put. I didn’t listen and got up and ran off with them yelling after me.

“Y/N?” I looked at Toga startled. She had a worried look on her face, something I don’t see very often. She reached up and went to cup my face but I flinched back. She paused but didn’t bring her hand down. ”What’s going on, baby?”

“It’s noth…” The glare she gave me made me stop and sigh. “Just a lot of flashbacks. Painful ones.”

“Flashbacks about what?” She asked. She moved all of the supplies since she seemed to finish while I was spaced out and moved up next to me.

“Middle school.” I said. I resituated and leant back against the bed. “Didn’t have a too good time back then.”

“What happened?” She asked, eyes focused on me.

“Well I was made fun of,…a lot, for being quirkless. Obviously, but…my classmates took it very far. It didn’t matter how much of a good student I was, a good person I was. They were terrible to me. I was nothing but kind to them and they threw it back at me just because I am quirkless.” I said while I felt her snuggle up to my side, placing her head on my shoulder. I glanced over at her and saw her lick a little of my blood off her fingers. “Really?”

“Feel honored.” She shoot back with an amused smile.

“Whatever. But they are the reason I turned out the way I have. One day at school, they were being harder they usual. Yelling at me that it would be best if I just disappeared, never came to school, those types of things. Well, one of my ‘classmates’ decided he would take a stab at helping me.” I took a big breath, setting my head back on the bed. A tear slipped out. “He pushed me so hard the window I hit broke behind me and I fell out.”


“We were on the first floor but it still hurt. It still caused scars. All kinds.” I said. Tears were running freely now. “My parents never did anything about the bullying. So that day that happened I ran away. I didn’t go home, I didn’t go to the police, I just ran. Stowed away on a train and came here. Shigaraki and Kurogiri took me in for some reason, never knew why. I’m not much help with no quirk.”

“You’re plenty help. You are amazing at fighting. Like really good. You’re really, really smart. Do you realize how many of the strategies we use are one’s you came up with? Hell, the plan on the USJ back before I was a part of the League was a good portion you. Shiggy even said so. You do some much for the league!”

“I guess…”

“No guessing.” She hopped up and perched herself in front of me. “You are amazing. Those idiots don’t know what they were talking about.” She reached up and actually cupped my cheek this time. She pulled me forward to peck my nose. I gasped and froze. “Come on.” She pulled me up.

“Wha…” She shushed me before hopping on my bed. She got herself into a comfy spot before reaching for me. She grabbed my hand and yanked me onto the bed. She pulled me to kneel between her legs. A blush came over me.

“Oh, stop it.” She giggled and pulled me down on top of her. She set my head on her chest and set one hand on my head and wrapped the other arm around my shoulders. She started to trail her fingers through my hair and give me light head scratches. I relaxed on top of her when it finally hit me she was just giving my comfort.

“Mmm.” I cuddled into her, wrapping my arms around her as much as I could. She settled back into my pillows and hummed. Once relaxed, the first sob escaped my throat. I felt her hold grow tighter.

“You’ve also just been having a hard time lately haven’t you?” I nodded, burying my face in her neck. “Go ahead, cry it out.” And I did. It wasn’t a full, blown out ugly cry but I cried. I basically cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up some time later, I was cuddled into a sleeping Toga’s side. I sighed in contentment and nuzzled into her neck before sitting up to see it was the middle of the night. I sighed before gently pulling her head into my lap. I carefully undid her buns, pulling out the pins and hairbands. I ran my fingers through her hair.

“Hmm-mmm.” She groaned and flipped over in my lap, wrapping her arms around my middle. I chuckled and ran my fingers through her hair. She nuzzled my stomach. She then pushed up on her hands and looked up at me.

“What?” She just smiled before leaning up and pressing her lips against mine. I gasped but fell into the kiss. I tentatively set my fingers on her cheek as her lips moved against mine. As she pulled back, she nipped my lip. My eyes fluttered as they opened. I looked at her in awe.

“You are enough, Y/N.” She reached up and cupped my cheek, running her thumb across the cheek bone. “You inspire me every day. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Don’t be afraid to come to me if you need too. I’ll cuddle you, patch you up, or whatever else you need.”

“Thank you.” I whispered. She smiled and kissed me again. I hummed in delight. She couldn’t help but giggle and pull away. She wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me.

“I understand what you’re going through. I really do. In middle school is where everything went downhill for me too.” She pulled back. “Being put down for my quirk and how I acted with it for as long as I can remember, it hurts. When it came to middle school, I stopped letting them get to me.”

“And I am glad. I wouldn’t have you any other way, you crazy little vampire.” She laughed but calmed down when I yawned. She wiped the area under my eyes with her thumb.

“Come on, let’s go back to sleep.” I nodded in agreement. We laid down and she wrapped her arms around me. We got comfortable with the blankets pulled up to our chins. “Oh and if Shiggy or Dabi throws another glass in your direction, I will cut them. I promise I will keep you safe no matter what.”

“Works for me.” I laughed. She smiled wickedly before pecking my lips. It wasn’t hard to fall back asleep in her arms.

From My Past Life - Shigaraki Tomura

Help and Hide Series. Shigaraki Edition

Bakugo Ed.Kirishima Ed.Denki Ed.Todoroki Ed.Deku Ed.Shinso Ed.Iida Ed.Aizawa Ed.Tamaki Ed.Hawks Ed.Dabi Ed.

+ You are a villain with a tattoo quirk. You can touch someone and infuse “tattoo ink” into the body and control them until the ink wears away or they are rid of the ink by you. The more ink you infuse, the more time the person is under your control. After doing a small little job and walking away with no one the wiser, you attract the attention of an old classmate. Ignoring them, you hurry away. You spot a familiar black hoodie in the crowd and get help from them.

Glass and plastic shattered on the pavement. Yells and curses joined the rest of the noise. People were standing back and off to the sides, curious of what was going on. I swung my hand from side to side, directing the ‘crazy man’ on where and what to destroy next. Sirens blared as they got closer. Cop cars skidded to a stop on the street.

“Freeze and put your hands up!” They screamed. I chuckled and made him stop. The cops advanced on the man. I held him steady just until the cops were a few feet from him. I snapped my fingers to release him. He blinked awake.

“Wha-what’s going on?” He asked right before he was grabbed. I laughed as I watched from my spot against the building. I saw the man I had infected grow confused when the cops and heroes surrounded him and it was majorly amusing. I had made him trash a small hero office across the street just in time for said hero to return from lunch.

“Just too easy.” I said out loud. I grew bored as he was pushed into the cop car. I pushed off the wall lazily and walked down the street. I popped the gum in my mouth and stuck my hands in my pocket. I pick pocketed along the way and counted the cash as I came to a crosswalk.

“L/N?” I froze as someone called my name. Maybe someone else has my name here, yeah there definitely calling to someone… “Y/N L/N?” Well there goes that idea. I peeked off to my right where I heard the voice. I saw someone waving and I glance at them before turning away.

“Who…” The blue hair was familiar. I did another glance when they called again. “Oh shit.” I finally recognized them. It was a girl from my past life. She was a part of the friend group I used to have in high school. As soon as we graduated, I dropped off the radar. I was tired of the world I was living in. It wasn’t long after that I found the LOV. Well they found me. I had been assaulted and they found me in the alley where it happened. Ink slowly disappearing from the unconscious bodies in front of me.

“Is that really you?” They were close now. As soon as the cross walk opened, I moved quickly. I weaved through people and sped walk onto the sidewalk. “Hey, why are running?”

“Because I don’t want to talk to you dipshit.” I mumbled. I looked over my shoulder discreetly every now and again. They were still following me. I shook my head in annoyance and yanked my hood up. I tapped a person and they jerked and gasped as my quirk took control. “Distract the girl with blue hair.”

“Yes ma’am.” They stepped in between us. I popped around a corner and watched. She did everything she could to get away but the person counteracted everything. I darted to leave and snapped to release when I thought I was home free.

I sighed and relaxed as I walked again. I ran my fingers through my hair and flinched when a baby next to me screamed. I rolled my eyes and walked on. I couldn’t stand the sound of babies, among many things. I pulled out my phone and saw missed calls from Toga and Shiggy. I was about to call them back when I heard my name again.

“For fucks sake.” I looked behind me to see them again. They saw I was looking and waved eagerly. “Damn, relentless little bitch.” I groaned turned, nearly bolting down the sidewalk. I bumped into a few people. I was trying to think of a way to get away. I suddenly saw a familiar black hoodie out of the corner of my eye. “Yes!” I banked to the left and ran straight for him. I latched onto the arm of his hoodie.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?!” His raspy voice came out angrily.

“Relax Shiggy, it’s me.” I sassed while dragging him into an alley. He stopped fighting my pull and followed me. I stopped, my back facing the wall. I ripped off my hoodie and threw it off to the side leaving me in a flowy crop top.

“What are you doing?” I waved him off and shook my hair out. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into me. I wrapped my leg around his waist and pulled his face really close to mine. His hands landed on the wall next to my shoulders, finger on each hand held out.

“Just bear with me, okay?” I whispered. He didn’t say anything but his breathing was wavering and hard.

I wrapped my arms loosely around his shoulders and look out of the alley. I saw her turning and looking around frantically. She even looked in the alley at us but looked on. She finally walked away, slumped.

“Okay, they’re gone. You can…” As soon as I turned completely towards him, his lips pressed against mine hard. I made a sound of surprise. He pulled back within a few seconds. I stared at him in shook.

“You can’t just pull me in like that and expect me not to kiss you.” He smirked before leaning forward again. I met him this time, wrapping my arms tighter around his neck. I felt his hands move as the kiss became more heated. One ended up on my thigh as the other landed on the bare skin of my waist.

“Ep, you’re hands are cold.” I giggled against his lips. He smiled and pulled away a bit.

“Then you better warm them up.” He said before diving in again. We stood there and made out until his phone rang out annoyingly. He pulled away and groaned. He took a step back and let my leg fall. I shook the daze out of my head and pushed my hair back. I paused as soon as it hit me what I just did.

“Shit.” I said under my breath. I just made out with my boss. I looked at him as he talked on the phone. I smiled after a minute, touching my fingertips to my lips. He hung up and looked at me. I pulled my hand away and looked anywhere but him before smiling innocently.

“What? Can’t handle it?”

“Nope. That’s not it.” I said sheepishly. He smirked before reaching out and wrapping a hand loosely around my neck.

“Care to share? Huh, little miss Ink.” I shook my head teasingly. His red eyes glared for a second before he let go. “Fine have it your way. I will get it out of you one way or another.”

“You can try.” I said before pecking his lips quickly. I walked over to grab my hoodie and threw it on. I turned back towards him. He crooked a finger for me to come to him. I walked over and he grabbed my chin. “Sooo, why did you call me earlier?”

“You went to long without checking in. Was starting to think you got caught.” He said while looking over my face. “Apparently not.” He let go of my chin. “Don’t let it happen again.”

“Yes sir.” He gave me a glare.

“Don’t call me that.” He scratched his neck. “Come on let’s get back to the bar.” We walked in silence back to the hideout. I was about to walk in when he pulled me back. “Why did you pull me into the alley?”

“Oh, a person I knew in high school was trying to follow me and talk to me. I had been trying to lose her for blocks but she was determined. So I pulled you in to help me hide.” I confessed. He nodded while looking down the street.

“Alright. Now come ‘hide’ in my room later. There are a few things we need to talk about.” He said simply before walking into the bar without me. I just stood in shock until I was hit in the back of the head. I glared at Dabi.

“Why are you just standing there?”

“None of your business, burnt bacon bits.” I sneered before walking inside, on pins and needles.


»»-———— ♔ ————-««

Anime: My Hero Academia

Pairing: Dabi x Reader
Word Count: 1800+ words.
Summary: You’re a hero, he’s a villain, and you’re dating in secret. You two spot each other at a villain event where you’re undercover, and things get steamy.
Warnings: Grinding, vaginal penetration, riding, choking.
Note: Dabi likes getting choked. Change my mind.

»»-———— ♔ ————-««

Was it a top-secret mission no one was supposed to know about? Yes. Were you meant to be taking it seriously? Absolutely. However, sometimes things don’t go as planned and sometimes, you’re hornier than you thought you were, and sometimes, just sometimes, your boyfriend could be more provoking than you could ever imagine.

You stood next to Twice and Himiko as they chatted. Villains were everywhere, mixing and mingling, but the one you were searching for, according to Himiko, had more important business. Hopes and spirits crushed? Sure, but you could work with that. If Dabi arrived, he’d only be a distraction.

“What’s taking him so long?” Himiko complained, referring to Tomura.

You took a sip from your glass of wine. “Maybe he’s applying some lip balm. We all know he needs it.”

The two snickered at your comments. Speaking of the devil, the lights dimmed, and, on the stage, he appeared. Everyone quieted and turned to Tomura when a hand slid up your lower back to your waist. You leaned into the body sidling up beside you.

“Thought you weren’t coming,” you said quietly.

Dabi glanced down at you. “…that was before I heard you were. Lonely without me?”

He looked good. Dabi adorned the appropriate clothes for an event like this—suit, tie, vest, and a coat hanging on his shoulders. You were expecting a hint of red, but it was black and gray down to his shoes. It didn’t matter. He was more dressed up than when you usually saw him, and you couldn’t help but lick your lips.

“What?” he asked, eyes on the stage though he pulled you closer to him.

You wanted to ruin him. The thought of stripping him of his so clean and well-refined look, unbuttoning his perfectly ironed shirt, watching him grow hard through his tailored pants…well, you always knew you were a horny sinner, but this was taking it to a whole new level.

You glanced over to the stage, having heard nothing, and weighed your options. On one hand, you could fuck Dabi, on the other hand, you could drag yourself through the event and write a report afterwards.

You were not an idiot. 

“So, you’re only here for me?” you asked, smirking.

Eyes on you. “Well, I thought you’d be bored.”

“Correct.” You turned into him, running a hand up his chest as you tiptoed and placed your lips to his ear. “Won’t you entertain me, darling?”

With that, you slipped out of his grip and made your way through the crowd, not once looking back, sure you had him wrapped around your finger. The event was held in an underground location underneath an abandoned building. There were several hallways branching around with dozens of rooms, and your footsteps echoed as you headed for the best one. You had scouted the area first for a different reason, and to think you’d use that effort for this.

Footsteps followed yours and when you turned the corner, you glanced over to see Dabi strolling nonchalantly after you. The two of you played this small game of chase for a few minutes until you found the room and slipped in. Nothing grand. Several chairs, couches, and tables.

You placed your glass of wine down on the table, sitting on top and waiting. Dabi came in a few seconds later, eyes hungry. He closed the door and you heard it click as he locked it. With one hand, Dabi loosened his tie as he strode over like a predator about to pounce on prey. You both knew if anyone were the predator here though, it would be you. 

“I’m wondering if you only see me to fuck,” he grumbled, arms coming up on either side of the table to cage you. His tie was loose, hanging around his neck. “I haven’t seen you in weeks. You could have told me you’d be here.”

You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck, batting your eyelashes as you took his tie. “You know it’s hard to get away from hero duties. I also can’t help it that every time I see you, I want to fuck you. What? Do you want to kiss a little and cuddle before I leave again?”

“Can’t we do both?” He bumped his head against yours affectionately. 

“Hm.” You picked up your glass of wine and tipped the rest of it back, aware you two might knock it over. Dabi grunted and pressed his lips to yours, surprising you. His tongue came out, pushing between your lips, and wine slipped from your mouth. 

He pulled away, slyly licking his lips. “The wine’s not bad. A little sweet.”

“I know.” You wiped your chin. “I have good taste. We probably have an hour or two. Clothes off, love.”

“Yes, ma’am.” 

He removed the coat and tossed the vest, hands fumbling to unbuckle his belt as if he couldn’t do it fast enough. You pulled him onto the table, and he scooched up to get comfortable while you straddled him. “Hands.” He held them out and you tied them with his tie before putting them over his head. “They stay there.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You’re so good for me, darling,” you praised and watched him shudder as you unbuttoned his shirt. Popping one open slowly, down to the next, ravenous. Your mouth was on him again, teeth clashing, and he grinded up against you, groaning. Breaths, small gasps and moans, and the rustle of clothing. Your hands were all over his chest and he was trying his best to keep his above his head. 

“Ma’am, please,” Dabi gasped, grinding harder against you to no avail. He was too hard for simple kissing and biting, and when your tongue flicked out against a new mark you made on his skin, Dabi hissed. “Ma’am.”

“What is it, love?” You sat back up, tracing the staples on his skin and making him tremble under your touch. Four love bites should be enough for now.

“I can’t—” he choked back a moan as you pinched his nipple. “I want you, I want you, I want you. Please, ma’am. I need to feel you.”

“But you are?” You grinded against him again, a little annoyed you couldn’t feel much with your dress. With a huff, you lifted it up, glad it was short enough for it not to go everywhere. Dabi whined at the sight of you, aware of how wet your panties were. 

“Please.” He squirmed, breathing heavily. “Please. I want to be inside you. I want to feel you around me. Please, ma’am. Please. Pleasepleasepleaseplease.”

You smirked. “Well, since you’re begging so well and you’ve been such a good boy, how can I deny you?”

“Thank you, thank you, ma’am,” he rushed breathlessly, eyes wide and blown open to see you as you slid his pants down and took his cock out. It was oozing with precum, hard and pink, and a simple touch of your hand had him gasping and writhing, head tossing and turning as gibberish spilled out of his mouth. 

“Eyes on us, my love,” you whispered as you slid your panties to the side. Dabi zeroed in on your actions, chest heaving up and down, hands in fists on top of his head. He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to be inside you or else he was going to burn the whole place down. 

You guided his head to your slit, rubbing on it, not yet in. Dabi whimpered and whined. “Please, please, ma’am. Fuck me, please! I just want—ohh, fuck! Fuck! Shit!”

You moaned, sliding down on him, clenching as he filled you up. Dabi gasped and groaned, squirming so much he was rubbing inside you, hot and throbbing. 

“Tight. You…can I—can I touch you?” Dabi asked desperately, hands fidgeting with the knot of the tie. 

“No.” You rolled your hips and he groaned, arching his back. At this point, both his shirt and pants were crumbled, and his hair was a dishevelled mess. Mission accomplished, but you weren’t done with him yet. “Don’t you want to be a good boy for me, sweetheart?”

“Nghh, hah, yes but…but I want to—”

You lifted yourself up and slammed back down on him. Dabi moaned so loud, you were a little wary if anyone could hear him from the party. Hopefully not. 

You kept bouncing on him, chasing your own pleasure, hands on his chest. Dabi met each of your thrust with his own, hips jerking forward. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room. Dabi’s arms were shaking above his head as he kept groaning and whining, “Please, can I touch you? Can I touch you, ma’am? I want to touch you. Please? Please, ma’am. I need to touch you. Want to feel you.”

The tie around his wrists was sparking with flame and you wanted to reprimand him, but fuck, he was thrusting so far in you, you couldn’t even speak. Instead, one hand reached up and wrapped around his throat. Dabi’s eyes all but rolled into the back of his head as you squeezed lightly, making him gasp. Yet still, groans escaped his lips. 

“Close,” he wheezed. “I’m—ma’am. Cum. I’m gonna cum.”

Your movements grew more erratic, the two of you making the table groan and creak. He was hitting you in all the right spots, and you were about to cum yourself. 

“Ah, take it out,” Dabi choked, aware you two hadn’t brought a condom. You smiled and kept on going. “No, ma’am, ma’am! I’m close!”

“It’s fine,” you managed to ground out, squeezing tighter down on his throat. “Cum inside me, Dabi. I want you to fill me up. Cum for me.”

“Fuck, fuck! Cumming!” The tie around Dabi’s wrists went up in flames and his arms shot out, grabbing your waist and pulling you down against him. Hard. You gasped at the pleasure shooting up your spine, adding more pressure on Dabi’s neck. He kept gasping and spluttering, hips moving as fast as he could. Cum shot inside you, wet and hot, and you moaned, tossing your head back as you orgasmed. Dabi cursed, feeling you tighten around him, losing his mind.

Panting. The two of you thrusted slowly, riding it out, coming down from your high. Both your cum and his was dripping down your thighs, but your head was clearing enough to take in Dabi’s fucked out look. Sweat was dripping down his skin, a button on his shirt had somehow popped off, and his hair stuck to his face. He lay gasping beneath you, but his eyes were on you, roaming along your body.

“Ha.” You glared down at him, hand still around his throat but not squeezing. He loved its comforting presence.  “Looks like someone couldn’t follow orders.”

Dabi shivered. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I couldn’t—”

“No excuses.” You glanced over at the clock on the wall. “Plenty of time. Naughty boys who don’t listen get punished, right, love?”

Dabi swallowed a sob, knowing he was equally going to love and hate this. 

“Yes, ma’am.”


Scenario: The title speaks for itself. Tomura falls in love with you at first sight and wants you.  Sorry this is pretty OOC but November and December have been pretty rough so I wanted some fluff.


Tomura couldn’t stop staring, his coffee could have spilled all over his lap and he wouldn’t have cared. He was staring at the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid his eyes on. Her soft (h/c) hair that was flowing from the fan, her bright (e/c) eyes that sparkled like a diamond and unlike his own skin, hers looked as soft as freshly clean bed sheets.

    She was in line waiting to order her coffee, a blissful smile was stretched on her face as she looked at the board for specials. Tomura felt his face begin to warm up and he had a slight urge to start scratching at his neck again. She looked like an angel, while he was a ghastly demon from the underworld. He’s never felt this way about any girl before and it was suddenly beginning to irritate him. Why was he feeling this way towards her? He’s never even had a conversation with her before. What was going on with him?

    He suddenly saw her up front and turned to the cashier. With a beaming smile you made your order.

“Can I please have a medium Mocha Coconut?” you asked.

However, the cashier looked down at her head to toe with a very intense gaze. He suddenly had a very cunning smirk on his face. 

“Sure, that’s going to be ¥400 and your phone number.” he winked.

    Tomura was starting to feel his irritation turn to rage at the cashier’s attempt to flirt with you. Why was this NPC trying to get with you? He’s not even in the same league as you. Tomura was starting to see red as you began to look uncomfortable at this man’s sudden request. You held out your card for him to take.

    “Um, no thank you.” you politely declined.

    “C’mon sweetcheeks, there ain’t no harm. Let me take you out sometime.” the man ignored the card and kept on trying to woo you.

    Tomura could feel his bloodlust rising at this prick’s insistence. He wanted to murder this man. No. That would be too kind. He wanted to rip off every limb from his body and leave him disabled for life. This disgusting scumbag didn’t deserve something as merciful as death. 

    “Please don’t call me that sir.” you shake your head.

    “Sir? I like it. You should call me that after I’m done with you.” he chuckled.

    Tomura stood up from his spot with feral eyes and ill-intent for the creepy cashier. He slammed some money on the counter top and looked at the man with a deadly gaze.

    “Give her the drink asshole. She’s not interested in you.” Tomura glared.

    The man looked intimidated by Tomura’s stare and quietly took the money while getting the young woman’s drink. The girl looked over at Tomura with admiration glistening in her eyes. Tomura suddenly felt bashful by her look and tried not to make direct eye contact with her. 

    “Thank you so much. You didn’t have to pay though, I can pay you back for the drink.” you offered.

“Don’t worry about it.” Tomura shrugged.

Internally, Tomura was jubilant about talking to the girl. She was looking at him with a very happy expression on her face. She received her drink from the creepy cashier and she turned to the man.

“If it’s not too much to ask, can I sit with you please?” she wondered.

Tomura felt his head spin from her request. She wanted to sit with him? Did she not notice the scars and dry skin on him? Or did she just not care? A part of him wanted to say no but one look at her hopeful express made him weak for her.

“Sure.” he nodded.

With a grin on her face, she sat herself at his table while Tomura glanced back at the  cashier from before. He looked at Tomura in envy that he was going to be sitting down with the girl he was creeping on earlier. Tomura shot him a wicked smirk which made the man flinch before Tomura sat down to talk to the girl.

“My name is (Y/N) by the way. Sorry I didn’t introduce myself sooner. But thank you for sticking up for me.” she introduced.

Tomura felt her name ring in his head repeatedly. (Y/N) became his new favorite word.


Tomura and (Y/N) exchanged numbers and the two met up often to hang out together. He loved spending time with her. She was very supportive and understanding to him. Giving him advice when he was frustrated or confused. Even though he never mentioned he was part of the League of Villains, she still respected his need for privacy in his life. She never questioned what he did for a living or what he does in his spare time.

The two often went to movies together, arcades and she even bought him some clothes that would fit him better. It didn’t seem to matter what the two were doing, he was having fun and enjoying his time being around her. 

She also used her regeneration quirk on his skin so that the scratched marks on his neck could heal. Tomura found out that day that she was a nurse who wanted to help heal those who needed help. Which ultimately brought up the topic of heroes.

“To be honest…I’m not the biggest fan of heroes….” she admitted.

Tomura’s eyes widened at this declaration. The two were eating ramen together when you brought up the topic. He almost choked on his noodles as he heard her statement. She didn’t like heroes? Most people would never admit to not liking heroes. But you did the opposite of that. He was intrigued.

“What do you mean?” he wondered.

She scratched the back of her head awkwardly. “Most of them are very…cliquey. I went to UA for the Support Course so I could use my healing abilities to help others. But the hero students were always stuck up. They saw me and others as lesser because we weren’t as ‘strong’ as they were. That didn’t change after graduation either. I’ve healed plenty of heroes as a nurse and most of them are brash. They demand you do things a certain way, when in reality, they don’t have a clue about what they’re saying. Lots of them use each other for popularity and money. So they’re not as heroic as the public receives them. Speak out about them and you’re ostracized from society. I wish that could change.”

(Y/N) realized that Tomura was staring at her with a strange gaze and with a flustered face she waved her hands sporadically.

“I-I mean, if y-you l-like heroes that’s fine! I’ll respect your opinion on the matter!” she exclaimed.

Tomura felt his heart beat rapidly as he saw her cute face turn pink from embarrassment. That’s when he realized he wanted to be with her forever. She wasn’t only the perfect girl for him but also, she was his player two. The person who would be by his side forever while he would break society down. She would be his pillar of support and his wonderful girlfriend.

“It’s fine…I actually agree with a lot of what you said.” Tomura softly said.

She looked taken aback. Like she was surprised that he agreed with her. Tomura figured that she’s been harassed because of her opinions on heroes. But he admired her resilience and how she thought for herself. As far as Tomura was concerned, she was amazing.

“R-Really?” she stammered.

“You’re not the only one who hates heroes or how society perceives them. I know change will one day happen. And then, things will be better.” Tomura declared.

(Y/N) saw a fiery passion in Tomura’s eyes that made her blush heavier. She had always liked his determination and passion about the things he wanted. Like when he wanted to beat high score record for the House of the Dead arcade game. And seeing it here only made it more obvious to her that she was falling for him. He wasn’t perfect, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way.

She leaned over to Tomura and kissed his cheek. His eyes widened as he stared at her in amazement. Her soft lips on his face caught his breath as he felt her right next to him. He was blushing red as she pulled away. In a small smile she said. 

“I think I’m falling for you Tomura.”


Tomura and (Y/N) had started dating for about two months now. She was his candle in the dark that kept everything bright for him. Even when he was miserable, she always found a way to make him feel better. He was growing more attached to her everyday. But he was also fearful that she would leave him if he told her the truth. He didn’t want her to think any less of him or even worse, leave him.

Her finding out about his position in the League of Villains was discovered in a way he never wanted it to happen. He left his phone on the counter after texting with (Y/N) a couple of times. Toga and Dabi were curious to know who their boss kept talking to. So Toga quickly snatched the phone and looked at the contact he was texting. When they both saw (Y/N) they were surprised.

“Oh wow! I didn’t know he was dating such a cutie!” Toga squealed.

“Hm, seems to me like she’s unaware that she’s dating a murderer.” Dabi observed as he looked through the messages.

“We could always tell her if Shigaraki’s too shy!” Toga encouraged.

A part of Dabi knew that revealing that Shigaraki was affiliated with the League of Villains might backfire on them. But he also knew the boss wasn’t too stupid to reveal anything too personal if it would effect the league. Plus, he did want to push the bastard’s buttons.

“Hurry! He could come back soon!” Toga reminded.

Dabi shrugged and called the contact known as (Y/N). She picked up pretty quickly and answered.

“Hi there Tomura! Is that one asshole with no manners bothering you again?” you greeted.

Dabi knew she was referring to him. Which made him want to do this even more.

“Hey there, this is the asshole with no manners. Are you aware that you’re dating the leader of the League of Villains?” Dabi wondered.

No sooner had those words came out of his mouth, Tomura slammed the door open. A vicious look was on his face as he looked at the two culprits who were toying around with his phone. Dabi figured he must have just heard what he had said to you. Because Shigaraki looked like he was about ready to kill these two again.

“What the hell do you two think you’re doing?!” Tomura questioned hotly.

Toga pumped her fist in the air. “We just wanted to get to know your girl boss! She looks super cute!”

“He’s what…?” you said in a perplexed tone.

“You heard me.” Dabi merely said.

Silence dreaded the air as they waited for either (Y/N) to say something or Shigaraki to lose his cool in a fit of rage. Meanwhile, Tomura was thinking simultaneously about how to kill these two idiots and how to play it off as a joke when he tries to cover himself. 

“Give the phone to Tomura please.” you requested.

Dabi casually handed the phone over to Shigaraki stating. “She wants to talk to you.”

Hesitantly, he took the phone carefully and answered. “Hello?”

“Tomura, are you really part of the League of Villains?” she wondered.

He could feel his heart beginning to sink. He didn’t want to admit it to you but he also couldn’t find it in himself to lie to you. He loved you too much to do that. You meant so much to him. He doesn’t want to lose you. 

“….I am.” he quietly said.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner Tomura? You know I care about you! I would have tried to support you! Are you guys doing okay over there?” you began rambling about how he should take care of himself.

Tomura however was stunned into silence. A slow smile began crawling on his face as he let out an elated laugh. She really was his Player Two. A wonderful, beautiful girl who cared and loved him more than anyone else has ever. He had no reason to worry about her finding out after all. She was loyal to him.

“I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to deceive you.” he chuckled.

Toga and Dabi were confused by the dastardly smile on his face. Dabi realized she probably was just as insane as him and realized this isn’t fun anymore. He walked off shrugging his shoulders. 

“Do you guys have a healer there? I wouldn’t trust underground doctors if I were you!” you pointed out.

Tomura sheepishly smiled at his beloved’s concern. “Now, that you mention it, we really could use a healer.”


It was past midnight as Tomura was in his room playing the Walking Dead when he paused the game to look at you. In his bed, you were sound asleep in your cute pajamas. It has been three months since you found out Tomura was the leader of the League of Villains. Since then, you had moved in with him to help him and his comrades. Today was quite an eventful day for you. Twice had accidentally dislocated his wrist, Toga had twisted her ankle and you helped Dabi with the burns from his quirk. 

Now you were resting after a hard day of work. Tomura could feel himself becoming drowsy from just looking at you. He really wanted to get under the blankets and cuddle you all to himself. So, he did just that. He shut off his game and got into bed and lay in right next to you. Even when you were asleep, you instinctively clutched onto him and nuzzled yourself into his chest. A tiny smile on your face as you slept in content. 

Tomura carefully pulled you closer to him and kept his arms wrapped around you carefully. You were still as beautiful as the day you two met. He placed soft kisses on your head as he too began to drift off. 

He’s loved you since the day you met and he’ll love you for much longer than that.

So that you and I can keep track of all the stories I’ve worked on. If you haven’t see some of them, please check them out down below! Thank you!

Keigo Takami/ Hawks:

Hawks X Reader: Damn Cat

Dabi X Reader X Bully Hawks

Hawks X Reader: Bad Dog (Werewolf AU) (LEMON)

Yagi Toshinori/ All Might:

BNHA Scenario: Your Villain Ex Tries To Get Back At You But You’re Saved by Your Boyfriend

BNHA Headcannon: You Go To A Haunted House And They End Up Losing You

Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead:

Aizawa Having A Neko Girlfriend (Headcannon)

BNHA Scenario: Your Villain Ex Tries To Get Back At You But You’re Saved by Your Boyfriend

BNHA Headcannon: You Go To A Haunted House And They End Up Losing You

Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic:

BNHA Scenario: Your Villain Ex Tries To Get Back At You But You’re Saved by Your Boyfriend

Izuku Midoriya:

BNHA Headcannon: You Go To A Haunted House And They End Up Losing You

Katsuki Bakugou:

Katsuki Bakugou X Reader: Pool Party (LEMON) (+18)

BNHA Headcannon: You Go To A Haunted House And They End Up Losing You


BNHA Headcannon: You Go To A Haunted House And They End Up Losing You

Tamaki Amajiki:

Tamaki Amajiki X Reader: You’re Not Weak

Shigaraki Tomura:

Tomura Shigaraki Turns Into A Child And His S/O Has To Take Care Of Him (Headcannon)

Dragon Tomura X Reader: Mine LEMON AU

Tomura Shigaraki X Reader: Recruiting (LEMON)

BNHA Headcannon: You Go To A Haunted House And They End Up Losing You

Tomura Shigaraki X Reader: Love At First Sight


Dabi X Reader X Bully Hawks

BNHA Headcannon: You Go To A Haunted House And They End Up Losing You


Happy Halloween!

Scenario: You encounter a strange but friendly werewolf named Keigo Takami.

Art Work Belong to Kadeart! Check Out Her Halloween Shop and Art! Links down below!


Tumblr: https://kadeart.tumblr.com/

Your week was an absolute nightmare. Nothing seemed to go the way you wanted it to. From your parents forcing you to take a different major in university, to your boss making you stay overtime while not paying you for that extra time and finally you dumped your now ex-boyfriend for always trying to control what you wear. He wanted you to be presentable in front of his friends. No sweatshirts, no sweatpants, no slides and most certainly no graphic t-shirts with your favorite band on them. Even your supposed friends thought you looked ugly in regular clothes.

Everything in your life lately was so….controlling. Like you couldn’t breathe without asking someone for permission or you had to walk on eggshells with what you said or else you will be harassed for the next few weeks about the thing you said. You just needed a break and that’s exactly what you did.

You packed a weekend’s worth of supplies for a camping trip. You used to take these kinds of trips with your grandfather before he passed away. It had been ages since you went camping and with all the stress threatening to give you a heart attack, it was for the best. Your cellphone would remain on silent mode, you would be all alone and you would just be surrounded by nature. It was going to be perfect.

The tent was all fixed up as you finished setting camp up. You were about eighty feet from the cliff where you could get a good view of both the sky and the trees below. Everything up here was so beautiful and lovely. You should just live up here forever. No nosey parents, no overbearing boss, no judgemental friends and no scummy ex-boyfriend who couldn’t even take no for an answer. From here, everything seemed perfect as the sun began to set. 

You began to grill the skewers for your Pineapple Habanero BBQ Chicken Kebabs when you heard a very distant howl. You could tell that it was a wolf but the howl could be ten miles away for all you know. Thankfully you had your knives, pepper spray and bear spray in case something like this were to happen. However, you weren’t going to let a lone wolf ruin your trip.

Eventually, night time came by as looked up at the stars. Mapping out the constellations in the sky and recounting their stories from what your grandfather used to tell you. It was times like this where you missed him deeply and wanted him right here. With a huff, you crawled into your tent to try to get some shut sleep. Snuggling against the soft wool blanket as you closed your eyes to sleep. 

About ten minutes later, you heard another howl but this one sounded much closer. It also sounded much more deeper than a normal wolf howl. You carefully grabbed a switchblade and pepper spray in your hands as you listened closely for any sounds. Then, a snort was heard from right beside your tent. You could feel yourself become petrified with fear. Something was right outside your tent and you could hear the crunching noise as it walked around your camp area. 

You then heard someone speak. “Damn it, I thought there was chicken nearby! Was I too late?”

That voice made you falter for a second. That was a person? Well what about the wolf howl you heard earlier? Were you hearing things? 

Carefully, you slowly zipped up the tent to get a peek at the stranger. He has feathery ash blond hair swept messily backwards with some of the front tufts sticking up in arcs above his head, notably thick eyelashes, and some faint stubble on his chin. His eyes are golden brown and rather triangular in shape, with two little black triangles just below his tear ducts, making his eyes somewhat resemble those of an animal. What really stood out however were the two fluffy ears on his head that matched his hair. And the big sweeping tail that resembled a wolf’s tail.

Suddenly, the man’s eyes darted to you and you quickly zipped the tent back up. Getting your pepper spray and switchblade up for defense. You could hear him coming closer and closer to the tent. Then, he was right in front of it. Then you heard a light tapping noise on the tent as if he was knocking on a door.

“Hellllloooooo? Anyone in here?” he mocked.

What did this strange man want with you? Why did he have animal like features on his body? 

“Look! Just go away! I don’t have anything!” you shouted.

“Sure you do. I can smell it clear as day. I want some chicken.” he responded casually.

You probably had the most dumbfounded expression on you right now. This….wolfman wanted the chicken you saved from earlier when you ate? Was he messing with you?

“I’m hungry. It’s not often I can eat some chicken. So how ‘bout it? I won’t bite.” he smirked mischievously.

You groaned at the lame joke but contemplated about what he said. Maybe if you gave him the chicken, he’ll leave you alone.But he could be doing this as a way to distract you before he eats you. Then again, if he wanted to eat you, wouldn’t he just do it now?

“Well?” he prodded.

“Hold on! I’ll get your chicken!” you sighed in aggravation.

“Thanks! You’re a real swell gal! By the way, I’m Keigo Takami! Friends call me Hawks sometimes! How ‘bout you?” he inquired.

Keigo was awfully chatty for someone who just showed up and demanded for chicken. You went through your cooler and brought out the tin foil chicken. Then opened the tent and shoved the chicken into his chest before zipping the tent back up. There was silence for a moment before he spoke again.

“It’s cold. Can you cook it up for me?” Keigo requested.

“You asked me for the chicken and I gave it to you!” you snapped.

“But cold chicken is gross! I want it to be hot and toasty! Please make some for me!” he whined.

You gritted your teeth. Now you weren’t scared of this man, you were annoyed that he was pestering you to make him some chicken. Whatever God existed, they were testing your patience. Unzipping the tent you poked your head out through it and grumbled.

“If I make you the chicken, will you leave me alone?” you questioned hotly.

“Sure! I haven’t had a home cooked meal in ages!” Keigo smiled.

Keigo’s eyes lit up at the prospect of you cooking him a meal and his tail wagged back and forth like an excited puppy. You cursed at yourself internally for thinking that he looked cute. All you wanted to do was sleep and here you were with his guy. 

You began to arrange the logs and wood shavings onto your fireplace to start with the cooking. Grabbing the kindling, you began gently pouring it on the wood as the man behind you watched carefully. Then with a fire stick, the camp fire began to spread as you grabbed some skewers for the chicken to start cooking up.

“Wow! You’re really handy! Say, I never did get your name!” Keigo reminded.

“It’s (Y/N).” you answered while putting the chicken on skewers.

“That’s a pretty name for beautiful girl like you!” he purred.

You blamed your red cheeks on the fire and not the compliment he just gave you.

“So whatcha doin’ out here? Not many humans come out here!” Keigo wondered.

You glanced at him as you saw his tail and ears once again. 

“And what exactly are you?” 

The question finally slipped.

“Oh! I’m a werewolf! I just couldn’t sleep! So I went for a walk and found you way out here by yourself.” Keigo explained.

Wait, he just admitted to you that he was a werewolf. He didn’t seem to be upset by this fact, he actually seemed quite happy.

“So you live out here by yourself?” you asked.

“Yup! I live about twenty miles away on the private property! Below the cliff is all my territory!” he beamed.

A part of you couldn’t believe what was happening. You were talking to a werewolf. A very talkative but handsome werewolf who didn’t seem to mind your presence at all. He looked quite delighted to actually have someone to talk to.

“So why are you out here?” he redirected the conversation back to his earlier question.

You looked at the fire and chicken while thinking about everything that’s happened so far. You didn’t know why you felt compelled to tell Keigo everything but venting your frustrations out wasn’t such a bad idea to you.

“Life sucks. People suck. I just want to escape from everyone. Even if it is for only two days.” you shrugged.

“Ah, people. Guessing they’ve all been a bunch of assholes to you?” he inquired.

“You have no idea! And it’s not just my parents, everyone’s been driving me crazy! My so called friends picking on me because of what I decide to wear!  Saying that I look like a slob who’s never going to get laid! My ex-boyfriend kept pressuring me to have sex with him but I kept turning him down! He couldn’t even kiss well! I can’t imagine how bad having sex with him would have been! He probably would have ended up putting it in the wrong hole! My boss would rather scold me for hours about what I did wrong, rather than try to give me hints on how to approve! And my parents keep wanting my life to work in favor of their life! I’m not even going to university for what I want to do! I’m doing what they want me to do! It’s just…so frustrating!” you ranted.

There was a moment of silence behind you before you heard chuckling. Keigo was trying to hold in his laughs as you glared at him. He waved his hands to try and appease you.

“N-N-No! I-It’s not you! I-It’s just…hahaha! You roasted them better than that fire on my chicken! You’re hilarious! Especially, that ex boyfriend of yours! When you said he would put it in the wrong hole! Hahahaha!” he laughed wildly.

You couldn’t help it, you laughed as well. His laugh was contagious and it’s been awhile since you had a real good genuine laugh. Eventually, though the meat was all cooked and you handed him the skewers to eat off of. His hands were pretty warm and they felt nice when you gave him the chicken. He began feasting on the chicken and his tail began wagging once more.

“This is really good! Like really damn good! I’m used to microwave meals! You really know your stuff (Y/N)!” he praised.

“Oh stop it!” you nudged him with your shoulder.

“Seriously! Wish I could do half as good as you! Where did you learn to cook like this?” Kego wondered.

“My…my grandfather. He passed away a few years ago and we used to go camping all the time. He loved it.” you admitted sadly.

Hawks ears dropped. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. I just miss those days when I had fun and was being restricted by everything and everyone.” you shake your head.

Keigo’s gaze then turned into a contemplative one. Like he was searching your eyes for a hidden answer you didn’t have. Then he spoke up.

“Okay….this might sound super crazy. But….would you like to stay with me?” he asked.

You stared at him in bewilderment and confusion. He offered for you stay with him? This had to be a prank. He was pulling your leg. 

“I know it’s crazy! But hey, I’m kind of lonely living out here in the forest by myself and you seem like you could use some better company! I know I’m a werewolf but I swear I’m not aggressive! I still have my human mind when I transform! It’s just I look different! I…I sound really insane! I get it! I really do! But…But if you want to get away from everything…there’s no where better to do it than here! I won’t charge you for rent or anything either! You’ll have an entire woodland area all to yourself!” Keigo offered.

You mulled over his words for a moment. You were planning on moving out from your “friends” apartment on Monday. Even though the last place you wanted to go was, back to your parents’ house. Besides, university hasn’t started yet for you and you could quit your job as well. Plus, you highly doubt your ex-boyfriend would try to keep begging for you to come back to him if you lived all the way out here. 

You knew you had just met Keigo. You knew it sounded crazy. But at this point you were tired of being chained in everyone’s restraints and trying to meet all their expectations. You wanted freedom. 

“Alright, Takami. You convinced me to be your roommate.” you nodded.

His tail wagged excitedly and he jumped up on you like a happy dog whose owner just came home. However, Keigo realized what he did and backed off.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to!” he apologized.

This was going to be interesting.


So about a month goes by and you can safely say that living with Keigo was the right call. Your parents threw a tantrum that you wouldn’t go to university so you can study for something they wanted you to study. Your boss flew into a rage over your resignation. You even got rid of your old phone so your ex-boyfriend couldn’t contact you anymore. It was great.

Keigo was a charming man who always knew how to make you laugh and in return, you made him laugh as well. He showed you around the forest. Spots that you should watch out for like some slippery slopes by the waterfall but also beautiful sights like a meadow full of flowers. Keigo enjoyed nature as much as you did, so the two of you quickly bonded over your little adventures together. You tried setting up a garden to grow strawberries and peppers as well. Something you always wanted to do but were never allowed to do so.

Keigo went hunting a lot and brought back some meat for you cook. His fridge used to be microwave dinners but now he’s eating like he’s visiting a free restaurant. There’s also times he likes to mess with you. Like tickle your nose with his soft fluffy tail and you would sneeze all over your dinner. There were times when he was sweet though, like that time you scraped your knee by the river and he bandaged it up right away.  

Safe to say, you were falling for the werewolf.

The two of you were outside viewing the stars. You kept explaining to him the story about the Greek Gods that the stars were based off of. 

“Andromeda was chained to a sea-cliff to be devoured by the sea monster. promised to rescue Andromeda if her parents would allow him to marry her. Cassiopeia and Cepheus accepted. Perseus killed the monster and freed Andromeda. Then they-.” you stopped when you noticed something.

Keigo was looking at you deeply. His eyes bore into you like he was hypnotised and he had a dreamy smile on his face. You lost your train of thought as you gazed at him. Your face was starting to flush red as he began stroking your cheek softly. A growl erupted from his body when he felt how soft your skin was.

“You’re so beautiful. I don’t know what I did to meet someone like you but I’m glad I did.” he whispered.

It was then that he rolled over on top of you. He began inhaling your scent, it smelt so lovely like you. He loved looking in your eyes and seeing your face. He couldn’t hold himself back.

“(Y/N), I’m crazy for you. I….I love you. I know I might sound kind of pathetic but I don’t care. I love you and I want you to be mine.” Keigo informed.

Your heart began to soar as you gazed into those beautiful eyes. The ones that made the world a better place by just looking into them. You could feel his tail wagging back and forth as you placed your hands on his chiseled jaw. Then you leaned in to softly place a kiss on them. He kissed you back as the two of you, interlocked your lips with one another. 

Everything was finally falling into place.

You two began passionately kissing each other. Your tongues dancing together as you lost yourself to Keigo. You two eventually pulled away with a trail of saliva dripping from your mouth. You sighed when Keigo all of a sudden grunted his nose down onto your shorts, making you squirm. You weren’t even certain what he was endeavoring to do, nor might you be able to force yourself to mind how great it was.

Everything appeared to go wild, one thing rapidly prompting another, your shirt was torn into shreds and gone some time in the past, your shorts tore and ate down, your knickers awry elsewhere, your heart throbbing a lot than the heat between your thighs. 

You feel everything except for dread, just need to feel the fill of a beast inside you.

Keigo began taking off his clothes until he was naked. He looked gorgeous. Absolutely stunning from his muscles to his dick. With both of his strong hands at either side of your head, his extended long nails almost connecting more than six inches, his sharp teeth having a huge number of columns before settling down to four on the rooftop and ground within its mouth.

They’re long, sharp and prepared to eat up you at any minute. He looked so feral and untamed. He was so handsome like this. His eyes never fall off your face as you let out a cry, neck extended out impeccably for him to jump down in, and head hurled out with exertion as your yell transmitted into the empty shadows of the night.

Keigo the werewolf was not quite the same as some other experience, not from his absence of being human, however his titanic size erect rooster, being frightfully profound and figuring out how to give you a climax that went past the normal.

Each push and snap of his teeth demonstrated it’s predominance, as though staying alert that you had the hankering to be constrained into accommodation, as though he knew your naughtiest musings that made you trickle. Your hips were lifted off of the ground, being completely upheld and held by Keigo’s pleasurable pole.

“Yes!” Your breathing was out of sync, the surge, the twist of feet, the warmth and peril of knowing how close it’s teeth were to really cutting your jugular, the exceptional happiness, your very own groans and the smell of excitement extending into the air and faltering you up into a casing. Abruptly, his thrusting turned into pounding, crashing into you for additional pleasure. Resolved to obey and stay silent, you angled your head back and drove your hips back, attempting to gather however much joy from it as could reasonably be expected. The man above you was growling deeply as his hips continued to bury into yours. 

“Damn it,” he snarled generally, his pushes getting more diligently, more profound, and progressively capricious. “You feel so…so fucking good! Fuck!”

“Cum for me,” he murmured, generally gnawing my neck. Ending our lovemaking, you let out a loud groan of joy and of fixing, feeling yourself come around him, your body giving up. The majority of my pressure was discharged in a solitary, orgasmic development. Your juices splashed his length, the outdoors smelling thickly of musk and desire. Delight emanating all through your body, he rode you through the consequential convulsions that pursued, the little climaxes and knocks of positive sentiments that he would hit until I turned out to be agonizingly oversensitive.

It felt so good, you could have sworn you had been split into two at that exact second, how quick and improvise had all of a sudden quit, leaving you both in quietness. The hot semen that stroked at your thighs, came into the split of your butt and even sputtered out the ground was put away for such a long time, you could feel the littlest consume.

“Nnngh…” You snarled, snapping your head to the side as you felt your nails become numb, a sensitive close to feeling beginning to shape out from your hands as you delved them into your palms, feeling your heart almost stop when you understood paws were scratching into your skin. 

Keigo was in his full werewolf form. He looked so feral yet beautiful like this. His fur shined like the moon and his eyes were like the glittering stars above you. 

Your ears consumed, going close to hard of hearing for a moment until your entire body started to shake, hearing your very own battered breathing as you clung to the beast above you, covering your hurting face into it’s chest as you completely changed.

The wolf above you limited its long neck down, appearing as though to accept you into its hold onto as you let out an amazing cry, an entire weight over coming you as tears gasped the canvas of your cheeks. You took a stab at battling back yet all endeavors wound up fruitless.

And afterwards, it was finished.

You didn’t fully understand that you were keeping down a full breath, however when you fell back and enabled your long tongue to gasp out of the sharp columns of teeth in your mouth, your delightful changed eyes shut, the gargle of your own tail and the natural fragrance of a soothing smell.

At the point when you moaned when the inclination washed over as help until you understood.

The sound of a doggish cry originating from your throat, you set out to squeak a dark looked at edge open, your vision more clear in obscurity and feeling increasingly alert.

You were now a werewolf just like Keigo. You were his mate.

Glaring at Keigo you snarled at him. Not necessarily angry but you weren’t over the moon about discovering this. However, your noises stopped when you noticed Keigo with his head down and his drooping tail. He probably didn’t know this was going to happen and was now worried you would despise him for it. A small whimper escaped him and you urged yourself to comfort the one you love.

You wanted to hug and console him but your instincts made you console your mate differently. Rubbing your long furry neck against his own and you nuzzled against him. You began noticing his tail slowly wag back and forth as he felt your comfort. You could smell him so much more now. He always smelled nice before but now his scent was that of heaven itself to you. 

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Author’s Note: So this actually happened to me. I went into a Haunted House with my younger brother and we were having a good time. Haunted Houses don’t scare me because I used to work at them. I’ve worked at this particular haunted house for five years. I’m used to making jokes when going through them. However, I ended up losing my brother during the Haunted House this year and started panicking. He was too freaked out by one of the chainsaws so he had to leave. Thankfully, we ended up finding each other when I exited the building. The scariest part of the whole thing wasn’t the Haunted House but me thinking I lost my brother or that he was hurt somewhere. Chainsaws were nothing compared to thinking that he was gone. So I decided to write this little BNHA head cannons of what would happen if you and your boyfriend were separated and lost each other during one. Now that the introduction is out of the way, let’s continue.

  • Didn’t really like the idea of going into a Haunted House.

  • But since you’re his precious girlfriend he went with you, despite all rational thoughts that he shouldn’t be here.

  • Admires the decorations up front and the makeup details all of the people were wearing.

  • Of course, you two dressed up as well. With him as a spooky ghost and you as a witch.

  • Took a few photos of you because gosh darn it he loves you and you’re so cute.

  • Was getting nervous when you two approached the entrance to the attraction and instinctively grabbed your hand. 

  • His heart exploded when he was told to go.

  • Creeped out the whole time and flinched every time there was a jump scare. 

  • Doesn’t like the clown horns. They get him every time.

  • Your kisses however called him down a lot and helped him get through the worst of it.

  • However, he got spooked out by a Leatherface looking at him eerily with an active chainsaw and he booked it.

  • Eventually, he stopped once he no longer heard the sound of a chainsaw after him. 

  • He however, starts to panic when he realizes you’re nowhere to be found. 

  • Asks a couple of people if they’ve seen you but they don’t.

  • Doesn’t want to overreact and knows you can take care of yourself.

  • Decides to get through the rest of this Haunted House quickly so he can find you.

  • Brave hero Deku blazes through the rest of the spooky stuff because he was too preoccupied to find you.

  • Eventually, gets back to the entrance and desperately starts searching for you. 

  • Finds you holding a poor kid in your arms. The kid is crying and wants his mommy.

  • You explain that you found the poor kid crying and refusing to go on further. 

  • Picking him up, you took one of the emergency exits and left telling the staff that there was a lost boy who was looking for his mom.

  • Is relieved you’re okay but begs you next time to let him know so that way he doesn’t have to worry.

  • He also admires your kindness to help this poor kid out.

  • The child reunites with his mom and Izuku explains the rest of what you missed while you were busy.

  • He was very adamant about not going to this but you tried every trick in the book until he accepted.

  • The only thing that convinced him to go was when you called him a chicken and that you would ask Deku to go since he’s brave.


  • And just like that you were here with your growling boyfriend who only came here because of your teasing.

  • He was dressed as a werewolf and you were little red riding hood. 

  • Takes a sneak photo of you when you were admiring the decorations and makes it his lockscreen.

  • Almost gets into a fight with one guy because Katsuki thought he was checking out your ass.

  • Eventually, the two of you made your way inside.

  • Had his arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you close into him.

  • Wasn’t all that bothered by the employees but the loud sound effects were kind of annoying.

  • Thought some of the gore was pretty cool though.

  • Eventually, the two of you had to climb up a ladder and he went first so he didn’t have to hear anymore of the loud horns.

  • Waited at the top for you even though he was impatient and started to wonder what the hell is taking so long.

  • Goes down and frowns when he realizes you’re not down there. Starts yelling for you and walking the opposite way despite the protests of the employees.

  • Internally starts worrying that you got too scared or some shitty villain kidnapped you while you two were out.

  • Hates himself for going up the ladder first rather than you going first or together.

  • Hears distant screams out on the exits and runs out it.

  • See’s you glaring down at the creep who was eyeing you earlier.

  • That’s when you explain when you climbed up the ladder, the pervert flipped up your skirt and made disgusting comments about your body.

  • You punched him in the face and went after the sicko when he ran off.

  • Katsuki’s eyes blazed with fury and he kicked the creep in the stomach.


  • You cheered him on in the back, which made Katsuki’s chest swell with pride.

  • Katsuki took you both back to his place for his own Halloween fun with you~

  • At first, he thought you meant like an actual haunted house like with pagan rituals and spirits.

  • “You want us to have a date at the Ancient Ram Inn?”

  • “Shoto, that’s not what I meant!”

  • You had to clarify what exactly you mean by a haunted house.

  • He decided to go, since you were very adamant about going yourself.

  • Of course you two dressed up as Dracula and his bride.

  • Took a selfie together because Shoto with his hair slicked to the side is something you love with all your heart. 

  • Shoto admired all the pumpkin carvings and you two promised to carve on some pumpkins together.

  • As the both of you were getting closer to the entrance, he noticed how stiff you had become. 

  • Asks if you were okay and you assured him nothing was wrong.

  • Didn’t think much of it and went into the Haunted House with you.

  • Wasn’t scared during the attraction and just focused on holding your hand and not tripping on any props.

  • Wonders how that person can see without their head and how they got some of the props to move.

  • He sees a man in a pig mask with a chainsaw and takes off running with you.

  • Didn’t like the chainsaw noise and he wasn’t sure why. It just made him uncomfortable.

  • However, he realizes that your hand slipped away from his and starts to fret over what happened to you. 

  • Heads back, calling your name and desperately trying to find out where you were.

  • Thinks he’s a terrible boyfriend for not realizing you were missing and he should have noticed sooner.

  • Is thinking about calling the police but he eventually finds you huddled in a dark corner whimpering.

  • Quickly scoops you into his arms and holds you closely to him.

  • Asks what happened and you explained that you got too scared and accidentally let go of his hand.

  • He feels like an idiot for not noticing that you were freaking out earlier before they even started the Haunted House.

  • Carries you the rest of the way through as your head is buried into his arms.

  • Shoots ice cold glares at anyone who gets to close.

  • The two of you exit the Haunted House and he kisses you on the cheek saying that you two could just stick to carving pumpkins instead.

  • Mentions how UA is throwing a Haunted House and invites you to join in on the fun.

  • Wanting to be the supporting wife, you agree.

  • He was dressed up as a skeleton, you called him handsome and he couldn’t stop blushing after that compliment.

  • You are dressed up as Morticia Addams and Toshi is living for it.

  • Call him mon cher in a sexy voice and he’ll cough out blood.

  • You two are going to be Gomez and Morticia Addams together next year.

  • Loves how you interact with some of the kids and compliment their costumes, thinks you’re so lovely. 

  • You kiss him under the black rose mistletoe and he almost fainted.

  • Midnight and Present Mic tease him about the red lipstick that’s on him and he rushes to the bathroom to wipe it off.

  • You two decide to participate in the Haunted House for fun and began your adventure together.

  • Toshi admires how creative the students got with their quirks when they did the attraction and compliments all of them.

  • Thought using Bakugou’s explosion as the sound effect was cool but very jarring to his poor ears.

  • Suddenly, he notices you aren’t behind him and begins nervously looking around for you.

  • Wonders when he lost you or if you got distracted along the way.

  • Starts getting more concerned when he doesn’t see anyone else around.

  • Thinks you might have gotten hurt and is ready to head to the exit to call in a search party for you when he was making no progress.

  • He then see’s a bloody Mina say in a creepy voice.

  • “The Devil King has the fair maiden….you must rescue her…”

  • Without fail, he continued on and ended up seeing you wrapped in tape courtesy of Sero while the Devil King Kirishima laughed wickedly.

  • “I have captured the lovely woman and she will become my bride! And not even you Skeleton King can stop me!”

  • Looks at you with a playful look in his eyes.

  • “You have nothing to worry about my love! For I AM HERE!”

  • With his best All Might voice he raced to you and scooped you into his arms.

  • “Haha! Very clever Skeleton King! But you’ll have to get passed my minions first!”

  • Sees more of Class 1-A in scary costumes but he continues playing the part of the hero and rescuing you away from these nefarious foes.

  • The two of you made it back to the entrance and ended up laughing at the ridiculous stunt the students pulled on you two.

  • Even though he retired as All Might, he was still the hero of your little adventure.

  • However, you did reward Toshi with an extra special treat for rescuing you that night~

  • Why of all the things did Nezu agree for the students to have a Haunted House attraction set up at UA?

  • He sees them enough as it is, why can’t he catch a break?

  • You come along for the ride to help and keep your husband company.

  • Forces him to be more festive and wear a Halloween costume.

  • He’s a mummy and you’re Cleopatra.

  • The kids snicker when they see his getup and he’s not amused in the slightest.

  • He does think you look beautiful in your costume though and is appreciative that you took the time out of your day to help him out.

  • Gets mad at Mic when he mentions how gorgeous you are in the dress and Aizawa gets back at him with a fake spider.

  • The students insist that he goes through the Haunted House as they were close to wrapping up ha and he’s reluctant to go until you offer to go with him as support.

  • The two of you walk through the Haunted House as he’s mostly aggravated by the loud sounds and people.

  • However, he does notice how the scares get to you and he puts an arm around your waist to ease you.

  • Gets distracted when Bakugou starts a fight with Denki and scolds the two of them harshly.

  • But he’s lost sight of you as you went on ahead.

  • Starts going through the corn maze and hears a distant roar up ahead.

  • Along with your screams of terror.

  • “Shit.”

  • Starts picking up the pace as he worries about what was going on or if one of the students possibly took it too far.

  • Is ready to kick ass to keep you safe.

  • Your curled up in a ball shaking and tearing up as Tokoyami looks ashamed.

  • “I’m sorry sir. Dark Shadow got out of control and really terrified her.”

  • Will talk to him about it later but wants to get you somewhere safe.

  • Picks you up and takes you out one of the exits and rubs your back smoothly as he whispers words of assurances to you.

  • Eventually, you become calm and apologize for ruining it.

  • “There’s nothing to apologize for. Now, let’s get this place cleaned up so we can go home and sleep.”

  • He held you very close to him that night.

  • Why are you insistent on going to a Haunted House? The League of Villains is full of actual evil people!

  • You want to go for fun and he starts wondering if you were Toga in disguise.

  • Agrees to go to keep you safe and to make sure no horny pigs try to flirt with you.

  • Doesn’t dress up because he’s not going to go looking like some clown.

  • Although you tried to convince him that him being dressed up as the Grim Reaper would be super hot.

  • He might dress up like one next year since you said that though.

  • You dressed up as Harley Quinn and he can’t stop staring at your legs and ass.

  • Wants to disintegrate that costume and have his way with you.

  • As you’re both standing in line waiting, a guy in creepy Halloween costume started flirting with you.

  • Tomura wanted to kill him but you turned down the man with your response.

  • “Sorry but I’m happily taken with my boyfriend.”

  • The guy looked miffed but walked away.

  • Avoids eye contact and just sticks to being close at your side while you do most of the chatting with the ticket person.

  • Keeps his arm wrapped around your shoulder with a pinky out.

  • Gives everyone his death glare and some are too afraid to even try and scare him. 

  • He did chuckle a few times when you got scared.

  • However, the two of you were stopped by some guy that had a mask and  butcher knife with him.

  • He mocked your boyfriend about his creepy appearance and how you would have a much better night with him.

  • Tomura had enough of the guy and began choking him one hand against the wall.

  • “(Y/N) is mine and mine alone!”

  • With that, he turned to man to ash and that’s when he noticed you weren’t with him.

  • With a groan of frustration he went on ahead looking for you. He was really starting to regret coming here now.

  • Was getting kind of worried because he couldn’t find you.

  • His hands start twitching and he’s about ready to crumble this place to pieces.

  • Eventually, he heard the sound of a door slamming shut and he went out it.

  • That’s when he saw his girlfriend holding the man in a headlock as he was gagging for air.

  • You had a knife that Toga gave you as a birthday gift, up to his throat and threatening to slice him.

  • Tomura noticed it was the same man that had flirted with you in line as you explained to him and his buddy from earlier were attempting to kidnap you.

  • The friend was supposed to distract your boyfriend while you were going to be taken away from behind.

  • Unfortunately, the two idiots didn’t know you were both members of the League of Villains so that backfired on them.

  • Tomura witnessed as you killed the man as he begged for mercy, the leader was extremely giddy seeing his woman take down that chump with ease and no witnesses.

  • The two of you went home to celebrate the rest of Halloween and for Tomura to show who you truly belonged to~

  • Dabi thought it sounded like a huge waste of time.

  • But when he hears up you’re going dressed up as a sexy nurse and want him to play the part of the Mad Doctor, he’s in.

  • Because he wants you to do some roleplaying with him when you’re both finished.

  • It takes everything he has in him to not peel off that outfit slowly when he first sees you in it.

  • He does feel flattered when you comment on how handsome he looks as a doctor.

  • Keeps you close to his side so no assholes try anything on you.

  • Had a few people who really enjoyed his “makeup” to which he just shrugged and thanked them.

  • Someone is dressed up as the flame hero Endeavour, which made Dabi very grumpy.

  • To make Dabi laugh you use your telekinesis quirk to pull down the guys pants.

  • It works, Dabi loses his shit and laughs like a maniac.

  • The two of you began going through the Haunted House while making jokes all the way through it.

  • One of the demons comes up to you.

  • “Leave…”

  • “Okay.”

  • Dabi likes it whenever one of the jumpscares gets to you and he teases you for it.

  • You both groaned when you realized you had to crawl through a wooden pathway and Dabi went in first to get it over with.

  • It was a real pain to get through with his long doctor coat but he finally managed to make it through.

  • He was waiting for you and called out your name but you didn’t respond.

  • With a furrowed brows he kept calling your name over and over again but he still got no response.

  • Starting to get worried, he was about to crawl in and see where you went when he heard your voice call his name.

  • You explained to him that your top got stuck on one of the splinters and your shirt ended up getting ripped in the process.

  • Dabi felt relieved that you were okay but brushed it off by whistling that you were planning on giving him a show early. 

  • You snapped at him that other people were beginning to crawl through as well and asked to borrow his doctor coat.

  • Being the best boyfriend he was, he gave you with white doctor trench coat to wear as you wrapped it around your torso.

  • You thanked him for the coat and Dabi said with a wink.

  • “You can thank me all you want to later babe.”



FEATURING! — izuku, bakugou, kirishima, sero, and mina

WARNINGS! — mild flirting and mature language

A/N! — yeah. idk.

DEKU becomes a stuttering mess. it’s honestly pretty obvious to tell he has a crush on you because his cheeks flush red when you talk to him, and he practically malfunctions if you touch him. it’s cute to see the effect you have on him, and sometimes you’ll go the extra mile just to see his reactions.

BAKUGOU gets quieter. his threats and exclamations to “die!” will decrease drastically. he sort of just avoids speaking to you because his goal is to become number one, not to get distracted by some moron with a pretty face and nice voice and nice skin—yeah no, fuck that and fuck you. and while his internal monologue wants you to leave him alone, he can never bring himself to leave your side.

KIRISHIMA is open about it. he’ll happily compliment your hair or your outfit whenever he deems fit. kirishima is extra motivating towards you and ready to offer a hand whenever you need it. oh, you need extra help with training? no problem! kirishima is almost like a puppy with the way his face lights up when you enter the room. everyone teases him about it, but he doesn’t care. he wants to make his interest clear, and he doesn’t want to give you any mixed signals, but he’ll leave it up to you to make the first move.

SERO is smooth. with a sly smile and curious eyes, sero shoots his shot through well aimed flirting. it throws you a bit off guard, but you ease into it. he’s well versed and knows how to get you to talk to him, and you admire the way he actually listens when you speak. sero pulls out all the tricks; stretching to reveal a peak of his stomach, running a hand through his hair, looking you up and down with a small smirk whenever you approach him. point is, this boy knows how to give you butterflies, and he does so in hopes that you’ll grow to like him back.

MINA is direct. this girl has absolutely no problem demonstrating her interest. she’ll always hype you up and she’ll constantly remind you how attractive she thinks you are. very confident in herself and her abilities, so please expect flirting, and good flirting at that. just like sero, she also some tricks up her sleeve: batting eyelashes, fleeting touches, plentiful eye contact, pretty much anything that could possibly make your cheeks heat up. she’d also probably be the first out of all of them to actually ask you out if she gets the impression you reciprocate her feelings.


FEATURING! — izuku midoriya, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, kirishima eiji

WARNINGS! — none!

A/N!— just my take on what their love languages are! yet ANOTHER draft. i’ve posted like three times this week because i’ve just been trying to clean out my drafts so i really hope you guys are enjoying

DEKU feels most loved through words of affirmation. growing up quirkless, deku never really received the proper words of encouragement that he needed to hear from inko. while things are different now, he still has moments where he feels as though he’s weaker than his classmates and it’s up to you to erase that doubt from his mind. deku grows to see you as another prominent figure in his life, and he’ll very gladly demonstrate just how grateful he is you through any and every mean of affection.

BAKUGOU feels most loved through quality time. we all know that bakugou isn’t very good with being vulnerable,,,or with words. it takes both time and effort to learn how to gently coax him out of his low moments without making him feel as though you’re pitying him. he’s a busy guy with a hectic schedule so whenever you guys spend together, it means a lot to him (even if he doesn’t verbally express it). once you guys get the hang of the timing, you’ll become a pillar of support for the blond; doing homework together, working out together, cooking together, napping together. it’s pretty much just the small moments you guys get throughout the week that makes bakugou’s smile towards you a bit softer.

TODOROKI feels most loved through physical touch. whenever you give him so much as a kiss on the cheek, this boy dies. growing up with endeavor’s harsh hand and words, your soft touch has him in a chokehold. especially whenever you chose to touch him in public (hand holding, hugging, kissing). like, the tips of his ears will turn all red because wow, he’s so happy that you’re his partner and he’ll get all warm inside at the fact that you’re letting everyone else know that you’re with him. todoroki will start turning to you whenever he’s angry, sad, stressed, or even perfectly fine. he doesn’t really need a reason in particular, he’ll just lay his head on your lap and expect your hand to start running through his hair.

KAMINARI feels most loved through words of affirmation. it’s known to everyone that kaminari isn’t exactly top of the class in terms of academics or strength and he grows to rely on you to remind him that he’s more than that. he’s still deserving of his spot in class A and you’re there to make sure to let him know that a test score shouldn’t convince him otherwise. he’ll act all nonchalant about it and it’ll take gentle coaxing to get him to admit what’s bothering him, but he’ll eventually snap and fall apart in your arms. it breaks your heart to see such a beautiful boy feel so negatively about himself so you always try your best to remind him of his worth.

KIRISHIMA feels most loved through acts of service. if you offer to dye his roots for him, or give him a massage after a tough day, his cheeks will turn the color of his hair. he loves having you in his corner and knowing you’re always there to offer a helping hand. and when you offer to help him study, he almost cries because holy shit thank you so much, bakugou is too mean! overall really appreciative of all the support you provide, you give him the motivation to be his best self all the time in order to be that same light for you.


contents: Yandere!Tetsutetsu fluff with prompt 33 from the event: Picking them up hugs (gn!reader)

reblogs + interactions are appreciated




more Tetsutetsu content here!!!!!!!!




Tetsutetsu has such a particular way of hugging you. He relies a lot on his brute force, and his way of giving affection is well… brute force. No matter where you are or who you are with, he’ll always have his way with you. It’s a pattern, he sees you, screams (loudly) your name so he won’t startle you with the sudden attack of affection. And then he runs towards you, picks you up in his arms and lifts you up. Spins you around if he’s particularly happy. 

At first, you found yourself weirded out or annoyed by it, since well, you didn’t really know him and you felt like he was overstepping a boundary. But lately, some feelings have been sprouting deep within your heart and stomach, and suddenly you can’t help but feel so happy whenever he picks you up to hug you. Butterflies in your stomach as he lifts you up and when you get oh so close to his face.

What would be your surprise when you figure out that he has been using someone’s quirk to slowly make you fall in love with him.

You’ll be his sooner or later. But, he would prefer it to be soon.


hope you enjoyed this!!!!!!

have a great day/night

Soul Lily Pt. 5

Pairing: Mafia!Tattoo!Soulmate! Dabi x reader

Warnings: Cursing

Word count: 3k

After a few hours, he finally finishes the woman’s tattoo and gestures for you to heal it.

“Go, do your job.” He’s taking off his gloves and you hold the bottle in the crook of your arm, hovering your hands over her chest.

“What are you doing?” She goes to slap your hands away but Dabi grabs her wrist.

“Relax, she’s healing your shit.” He lets go of her and you watch the redness of her skin disappear along with her discomfort.

“You still need to put on the ointment so it keeps healing, she’s just getting rid of the afterpain for now, you still need to take care of it.” He turns away as you step back to let her put on her shirt.

You rub at the bottle and look up at her face.

“Is it still uncomfortable?” You ask, she shakes her head.

“No, it’s fine. Thanks.” She awkwardly says and digs in her bag, pulling out a folded bill.

“Take it. I know you were using it on me the entire time.” She places the bill in your empty hand and you jump.

“You did?”

“I didn’t feel it as much as I did before, so thanks.” She walks out and you stare at the bill, unfolding it.

“She gave you a hundred?” Dabi leans over your shoulder and you elbow him away.

“Ow, I give you a job and you abuse me? Wow.” He crosses his arms and you play with the hook of the bottle.

“You can put that down now.” He says, watching as you rub it.

“Oh, right.” You set it down and he begins cleaning his room.

“Why did you want me to hold that, by the way?”

“So you would stop fucking around and staring at me.”

Your jaw drops.

“You made me hold the bottle for two hours so I could sit still?!”


“Well, that didn’t stop me from staring at you.” You cross your arms and he throws a towel at your face.

“Quit being gross and help me.”

You stay seated as he continues cleaning what he’s used, putting away some of his tools and throwing others away.

“Let’s go.” He walks towards the door and you grab his water bottle, following him.

“Where are we going?”

“To get the hell out of here, I’m tired of being here.” He puts on his hood and you follow him out the door, until the man with the white hair stops him.

“Where are you going?”

“I finished my appointment.”

You walk up to the white haired man and extend a hand.

“I don’t know your name.” You keep it held out and Dabi grabs your hand, squeezing it tightly.

“Don’t do that.” He whispers and drags you out of the shop, pulling you in the opposite direction of your house.

“Why not?”

“He doesn’t like handshakes.” He lets go of you and you pick at the hook of his water bottle.

“The fuck did you bring that for?”

“In case you got thirsty..” You hold it away from him when he tries taking it and he squints.

“Hand it over.”


“It’s not even yours!”

“Then why did you make me hold it for two hours?!”

You both stand on the sidewalk in silence and he huffs, looking around.

“I finished all my appointments for today, you can go back and help Shigaraki.”


“The fuckhead with the hands.”

“Oh, are you going to be there?” You ask, playing with the bottle again.

“No, I just told you I finished with all my appointments.”

“But it’s only three pm.” You squint in the sunlight as you look up at him and he leans his weight onto one leg, covering you from the sun, pretending to be tired so you don’t notice.

“Yeah, I do all my shit in the morning so I have the afternoon all to myself.”

“Then why did you drag me along out the store?”

“So he wouldn’t hurt-” He thinks over his words. “Your feelings.” You give him a doubtful stare.

“I don’t think you really care about my feelings enough like that, you don’t even like me.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“So, you like me?”

“Didn’t say that either.”

You pout, looking around.

“I should get going, then. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You smile at him and walk away, stopping halfway and turning back.

“Here.” You hand him his bottle and he awkwardly takes it, watching you walk away again.

“Have fun today, Dabi!” You wave at him and he scoffs, walking away.

Going back inside the shop, Toga glances at you, then looks up when she sees you’re alone.

“Where’s your Dabi?” She pokes fun and you walk up to her.

“He left, said I could help you guys.” You lean on the counter and she smiles, looking at Shigaraki who’s sitting on a couch in the main entrance, playing a game.

“Tomura-kun, she’s staying with us.” She jumps off the chair she was sitting in and runs over to him, snatching the switch out of his hands.


“Here, pass this for him, he’s been stuck on it all week.” She hands you the switch and you stare at it.

“But it’s not mine.”

“Just take it.” She wiggles it in front of you and you take it, walking over to him and handing it back to him.

“I don’t really play video games.” You explain, leaning back on the counter again.

The phone rings behind the counter and you all jump, looking at each other.

“Go to Dabi’s room.” Shigaraki stands up and you realize he’s talking to you, rushing away into Dabi’s room and shutting the door.

You sit on his couch and swing your legs back and forth, already unsure if you should have taken this job.

“Who are you and why are you here?” A man made out of purple mist swings the door open and you nearly hit the ceiling how high you jumped.


“Lay off, Kurogiri.” Dabi walks back into the room and you watch a lizard man walk in as well.

“Woah, you have a girl in here?”


“Alright, let me see the girl.” A tall woman with glasses comes out and you hide in your sweater.

“Look what you did, you made her uncomfortable.” Toga swats them out and Dabi shuts the door, leaving just the two of you inside.

“Hey, change of plans.” He walks over to you and crouches in front of you.

“Something came up so you can’t be here.” He tugs your sweater off your face and you look at his eyes.

“Take your ass home.”

“But, I don’t even know your favorite color..” You glance at your flowers on his skin and he frowns.

“My what? The fuck does that have to do with you getting out?”

“I want to get to know you.” You fix your hair and he rolls his eyes.

“Not an option.”

“Why not?”

“Because my shit is none of your business. Out.”

“Not until you tell me your favorite color.”

“I don’t have one, get out.”

“Now, I know that’s a lie.”

“It’s on your fucking skin, now get out.” He picks you up and you squeak, skin getting warm.

“Yellow and dark blue?”

“Yellow.” He carries you out and everyone stares as he does so.

He puts you down and you lose your balance, nearly falling over until he grabs your sweater, then your shirt.

“I just had to get stuck with the most clumsiest fuck on this planet, didn’t I?” He pulls you back on your feet and releases your clothing.

“It gives me character.” You cross your arms.

“And for a more interesting friendship.” You stick out your tongue and he slaps it, surprising you.

“Don’t stick your tongue at me or else I’m biting it.” He threatens.

“Oh? Does that mean we’ll kiss one day?” You ask, eyes full of hope.

“I’m leaving.” He turns back to go inside and you grab his jacket.

“Wait, seriously though, can we at least be friends first? I’ll show you I’m not so bad to be around.” You smile at him and he shakes you off his jacket, facing you.

“That last comment says otherwise.”

“You say that, but you’ve done worse.” You wag a condescending finger at him and he rolls his eyes.

“Deal? If I can get you to like me as a friend, I can surely get you to like me as your soulmate, even if you don’t believe in that. Although, our tattoos say other things.” You trace a flower on your neck and his eyes flutter closed, his breath hitching.

Your eyes widen when he grabs your wrists away from yourself, nose almost touching yours.


“You did that to me yesterday, so I get to do it to you today.” You whisper, feeling his breath on your lips.

His eyes trail down your face, stopping at your lips and going down to your neck where his flowers glow at his touch.

“You’re treading in dangerous territory, princess.” He leans back slightly to get a better view of your face, his eyes darkening.

“Lead the way.”

He traces your face for any sign of doubt, lie, or fear. But when he can’t find any, he loosens his grip on your wrists.

“Watch your mouth. You don’t know what you’re getting into.”

“Neither do you. But I chose to take the first step forward when you took the first step back.” You flip your hands out of his grasp, grabbing his and kicking his legs off balance. He slips backwards and you place your foot by his chest and another between his legs, holding him off the ground.

Everyone stares, mouth agape through the shop window.

“I could easily fold you in a fight.” You smile at him. He raises a brow.

“I’m gonna fold you over my chair if you don’t get the hell off me.” He tries to get back up but you immediately drop his wrists at his words, letting him land flat on the concrete.

“Not.. like that.” He groans as he gets up, rubbing and dusting off his back.

“Sorry..” You try helping but he shoves your hands away before you can touch him.

“No touching.”

You hold your hands together and look around him. He huffs and finishes dusting himself off.

“You get one question.”

“Can I see my flowers?”

“Except that.”

“You said one question!”

“Except that.”

“That’s not fair.” You kick at the ground, pushing away a few pebbles in his direction.

“Why can’t I see them?”

“Because I don’t feel like it.”

“But they’re mine!”

“Oh, poor thing.” He mocks and rolls his eyes, turning away from you.

“Do we have a deal?”

He stops and takes a deep breath.

“You’re not getting what you want, I’m only keeping you around so no one else touches my shit on you. I don’t need to be feeling that.” He walks back inside the shop and you squint, the flowers on your skin disappearing with him.

Walking home, you grumble the whole way.

“I don’t want to. Me, me, me.” You mock.

“We don’t need her here.” Shigaraki crosses his arms, his pinkes pointed away from himself.

“She’s the only healer we can get, you’re lucky she didn’t reject him.” Toga stands up from her seat and Dabi flops down on the couch away from everyone.

“She’s not even a healer.” Shigaraki glances at Dabi and Toga leans over to look at him as well.

“That doesn’t matter, Tomura, as long as she can get rid of some pain, that’s good enough for us.” Kurogiri tries to reason with him but he’s not having it.

“No, that’s not good enough. We don’t know the setbacks with her quirk, or how it works.”

“You should have done your research then! How are we gonna just let her in here without knowing how her quirk works?!” Toga throws her hands in the air and Shigaraki reaches to grab her, until Kurogiri throws a portal in the direction his hand is headed.

“We’re not doing this here. Control your temper. We don’t know how her quirk works because it’s vague. Her quirk is called numbing, but that isn’t what it does entirely. If she continues to use and improve it, we don’t know what else she could do with it.” He makes his portal disappear and Shigaraki walks up to Dabi.

“You’re the one who brought her here, and not by my orders. I told you to find out more about her and you gave her a job instead.”

“She’s not gonna stay around me if I don’t do that. I’m giving her an excuse to stay around me. The more she stays around, the more we find out about her.” He shrugs and Toga walks up to him as well.

“And if you fall for her?”

“The hell I will.” He stands up and gets in her face.

“The day I fall for her is the day I’ve given up on myself entirely.”

“You mean you haven’t done that already?” Spinner jumps in.

“Watch it, lizard.” He grits his teeth, moving away from Toga.


“I’m leaving now, don’t even know why you all needed me here in the first place.”

He takes his water bottle with him as he heads for the door.

“Figure out the rest of her information, I don’t wanna deal with her shit all by myself.” He leaves the shop and heads to where he’s staying, an old apartment with a somewhat decent living space.

He tosses his water bottle on the couch and drops himself next to it, rolling his neck around to release the tension.

“Fuck..” He rubs the front of his neck and his rabbit hops over next to him, a gift he got from Toga, that she stole, and almost ate.

“What.” He opens his eyes and lifts his head from the couch, staring at the black bunny’s big eyes.

He gets up from the couch and opens his fridge, taking out a few bell peppers and cucumbers and begins cutting them into smaller pieces. When it stomps, he puts down his knife.

“Don’t stomp at me, you already had spinach yesterday and you’re not getting that shit until next week.” He points at it and continues cutting the vegetables when he gets a message.

“Fucks sake.” He throws down his knife and digs his phone out of his pocket, tossing his phone down on the counter with a loud slam.

You: Can you at least send me a peek?

He raises a brow.

Dabi: I don’t send dick pics


He chuckles, liking the feeling of getting under your skin.

You: Give me my flower or else I’m holding your hand

Dabi: Ohh im so scared

You: You will be when you accept me as yours

Dabi: What

You: Nothing

Dabi: One of these days I’m gonna fucking rail the hell out of you


He finishes cutting the vegetables and puts them in the bunny’s bowl, taking his phone with him

You: You don’t even know how old I am and you’re already trying to ruin me-

Dabi: I know how old you are. I’m not trying to catch a case

You: With how aggressive you are, I’m sure you’ve caught other cases-

Dabi: You implying smth, princess?

You: You wouldn’t be talking yourself up so much if you didn’t have

You: Experience

He scoffs.

Dabi: You calling me a whore?



You: I’m saying you must watch a lot of..

You: Movies..

Dabi: I don’t watch porn if that’s what you’re implying



Dabi: you


He leaves you on delivered and tosses his phone on the couch, taking off his jacket and shoes, along with his shirt and leaving them on the ground.

He hisses when the coldness of the couch touches his scars and bare skin, sighing when he lowers himself back onto it slowly.

Placing his arm on his forehead, he touches his unharmed skin where your flowers would be.

Of all the people..

It had to be you.

"I’m heading out!” You run to the door and your mom watches you rush excitedly, bag in hand.

“Where are you going?”


“Oh, have fun. Wait-” She gets out of her seat in the kitchen and you pause.

“You’re never excited to go to work.” She raises a questioning brow and you roll your lips between your teeth.

“Why are you excited?”

“I..got a new job.” You close your eyes and she looks at what you’re wearing.

A tone darker than pastel yellow skirt and a black long sleeve, a heart hole right over your chest and black fishnets, black chunky heels to match.

“You never wear skirts.” She raises a suspicious brow and you look at her confused.

“I wear one everyday to school.”

“By your own volition.”

“I do wear them, you’re just never around to see them.” You open the door and head out, speed walking to the shop.

You calm your pace when you’re around the corner, peeking behind the wall of the building the shop is in.

A hand comes to your thighs and you swing your leg upward, missing their head as they duck. You grab their throat and kick their balance away, holding them down onto the ground, your left knee on their left arm and your right heel pressing down their right wrist.

When you see who it is, you watch him look away from your skirt.

“Dabi!” You jump off him and pull him up, taking his pain away and putting the energy in a little bottle.

“You need to quit attacking me like that or I’m firing you.”

“Don’t sneak up on me and we won’t have that issue.” You dust off your skirt and he looks you up and down.

“What’s the occasion?” He asks, walking past you and dragging his finger on the hem of your skirt.

“Work.” You follow after him, watching as he opens the door with his keys and lets you in.

“Don’t think that’s the only reason.” He side eyes you as he locks the door back up, watching as you bend over to fix your fishnets. He catches a glimpse of your underwear and looks away.

“No, I just like to dress up every now and then. And I want to match the vibe of this place.” You adjust your bag on your shoulder as you lean on the counter while he counts the register.

“Uh huh.” He doesn’t believe you.

“Thought it might be a good idea to get them out of your view, for a bit.” You mumble, playing with your necklace. He stops counting.


“Hm?” You ask, not understanding his confusion.

“You don’t want to see them.” He claims more than questions.

“No, I like seeing them. But you don’t.”

“I never said that.”

“I know, but since I can’t see mine, I think it’s only fair.” You smile at him, watching his scowl return as he goes back to counting the money.

“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?”

“So I’ve been told, not in those words.”

He finishes counting the register and sits back, going on his phone.

“Toga isn’t coming today, so you’ll be on register and front desk.” He yawns out.

Nodding, you walk over to his side to get a look of the new side of the register and he looks you up and down, unsure as to why you’re by his side. He looks up at the wall mirror opposite to the counter and stares at your body leaning over to look at the computer.

He watches your hair fall on your face and a sliver of his flowers peeking through the heart shaped hole on your shirt along with a bit over your collar.

His hair touches yours slightly and you look towards him, your eyes trailing down to your flowers on his chest.

“I can see you looking at me.” His voice comes out deep, the vibrations of his tone reaching your body.

You stand up straight and look at what has his attention.


You tilt your head and smile at him in your reflection. His eyes linger on your lips, then to your neck.

“I think we look nice together.” You whisper. He looks up at your eyes, searching for something he doesn’t know he’s looking for, and hoping he doesn’t find it.

Your noses are nearly touching as he drifts closer to you, feeling each other’s breath on your skin.


Soul Lily Pt. 4

Pairing: Mafia!Tattoo!Soulmate! Dabi x reader

Warnings: Cursing

Summary: Where quirks and soulmates exist, you’re lucky enough to not be wanted by your soulmate. Not knowing who he is, or what he does other than being a tattoo artist, you will try to convince him that you’re meant to be with him, only after convincing yourself first, of course. He doesn’t know you’re trying to become a hero, and you don’t know he’s a villain in a mafia group

Word count: 3k

You lay in your bed and stare at your ceiling, your alarm for the day having woken you up. You needed to go train, but you were exhausted.

“(Y/n) you old fuck, get out!” Katsuki bangs on your door and you turn your back to the door, ignoring him.

He knew not to open your door when you’re asleep or when you just woke up, he didn’t want to know how you slept.

“(Y/n)!” He bangs on the door again and you groan, sitting up and getting dressed for training.

“I’m coming!” You shout. Looking down at your digital clock on your bedside table, you read 4:00 am.

Rolling your eyes, you grab your phone and look at the note next to your clock.

You pick it up and read the number on the back of the note.

“Take this as an opportunity to get closer to him and get him to like you.” You thought.

Tapping your phone in thought, you open it and type in the number, sending a text.

You: Hello?

Unknown: Who the fuck is this

You: Nevermind I don’t want to work with you-

Unknown: Hey hey hey get your ass back over here

You: Tell me your name first

Unknown: The fuck I will

You: Okay bye


Unknown: Tell me yours first

You: you said you already knew mine, which is kinda creepy ngl

Unknown: You didn’t say that last night when I was touching you


You: Its (Y/n)

Unknown: Dabi

You: HUH

You: sounds familiar

Dabi: Yeah it sounds like what you’ll be screaming soon


Katsuki bangs on your door and you shoot up off the bed, ripping the door open. He jumps at how aggressively you opened the door and starts backing away when you lift your hands into claw form, jumping after him.

“(Y/N) NO!”

“YOU DIDN’T LET ME SLEEP IN AND YOU KEEP HITTING MY PRECIOUS DOOR!” You chase after him, grabbing your house keys on the way as he runs out the house and you slam the door on your way out, quickly locking it and running after him.

You both drop to the ground after finishing your training in a forest, taking deep breaths. You ran until you got to your usual training spot, which is 30 minutes away, but with your determination to kill your sibling, you got there in 10. And you continued to train for the next 9 hours since you had a day off. Both you and Katsuki didn’t like to let your body get away from its physique, and you both had a lot of bottled emotions so it helped.

“I..hate you..” You huff and he kicks you away, huffing as well.

You kick at his leg and push him away down a hill, to which he suddenly digs his fingers into the dirt to prevent from rolling away.

He pulls himself up and jumps on top of you but you kick your legs up in his direction.

Before you can kick him away, he uses his quirk to launch himself away from you.

“Ahh you’re lame.” You roll onto your stomach and get up, watching as he rubs his hands, a gesture he’d only do around you.

“Come here.” You walk over to him and he drops his hands.

“I’m fine.”

“I’m not asking.” You grab his wrists and heal his hands, rubbing his palms softly.

“You know we’re not supposed to use our quirks in this type of training.”

“And let you kick me?” He says in disbelief.

“I would win, so yes.” You say smugly and pat his hands away when you’re done.

He tries swinging at you but you dodge it, grabbing his wrist and upper arm and pivoting away. He lands on his back when you flip him over, huffing and him groaning.

“Like that.” You place your hands on your hips in victory and he grabs your ankles, pulling them down above his face and causing you to slip and fall on your back with a groan as well.

“The fuck you do.”

You hear slow clapping and you both look up, Katsuki pushing your legs away from his face and sitting up.

“Well, well, well.” Kaminari walks up with his friends and you sit up, planting your feet flat on the ground and bending your knees, your elbows resting on them.

“I didn’t think I’d be seeing the two of you here, alone.” He comments and you can already see Kirishima cringing.

“We’re sparring, fuck off.” Katsuki defends.

“How convenient, you’re both sweaty and out of breath and you’re here alone. Must be a different kind of sparring~”

Mina shoves his shoulder and he nearly falls down the hill.

“Didn’t think you’d be into older women, Bakugou.” Sero comments and you try not to throw up.

“Guys, he’s training. She’s a third year, so it’s good he’s getting more training in.” Kirishima tries to find an excuse and Sero shrugs.

“That’s right, Kirishima.” You stand and walk over to them.

“You should get some training in as well, maybe I could help?” You give them a warm smile and they glance at Katsuki, who’s just finished huffing a little while ago.

“How long have you been training, if I may ask?” Mina asks.

“Since four a.m. Why?” You tilt your head and you can see their souls leave their bodies, even Kirishima.

“Y-you’ve been training for 9 hours..?” Kaminari timidly asks and you nod happily.

“Since we have time, yes.”

“How long do you usually train for?” Kirishima questions.

“Hm, when we have school we wake up at the same time, and we have to be at school by 8:45, so around 4 hours. It really isn’t a lot compared to today.” You dust off your workout pants and the three of them already look exhausted just thinking about it.

“You want to join us tomorrow?” You ask and Katsuki jumps up.

“Absolutely not. I don’t need these fuckers getting in the way.” He complains and stands next to you, crossing his arms.

“Aw come on, you scared I’ll embarrass you in front of the pretty lady?” Kaminari teases and you walk up to him, startling him.

He looks down at you and you suddenly hook your leg behind his knees, grabbing his hand.

“Oh-” He starts but you pull his legs towards you, causing him to fall backwards. He nearly hits the ground until you pull his hand close to you, avoiding his impact.

Sero starts laughing and stops when you look at him.

Helping Kaminari up, you dust off his sweater.

“He would have let you hit the ground, just so you know.” You smile at him and he blinks as you begin to walk home, Katsuki following.

“Quit walking ahead of me!” He shouts, leaving his friends behind.

“Let’s follow them.” Kaminari starts but both Kirishima and Sero grab his shirt before he can start walking.

“Let it go man, or else Bakugou is gonna beat you up next.” Sero pulls him away and they start walking.

“And he’s not gonna be nice about it like (Y/n).”

“Mom still has leftover tempura from the other day, unless you wanted to get something else?” You follow after him and he doesn’t say anything.

“Alright, leftovers it is.” You look around your neighborhood and he digs in his pocket, shoving it into your arm.

“Take it.”

You look at it and see it’s the money from the other day.

“No.” You walk away and he catches it before it falls, angering him.


“No, I’m not having this conversation with you again, Katsuki. Keep it, or else I’m giving you more next time.” You continue your walk and he huffs, clearly upset.

You both don’t say anything for the remainder of the walk and you check your phone for new messages.

Dabi: Are you coming or not

Dabi: I’m not asking

Dabi: You want more of those stupid photocards or not

Dabi: I’m gonna go to your job and tell your manager you steal dogs for a living

Dabi: Answer the fucking question

Dabi: Your first day is today

Dabi:Nevermind your ass is too slow

Dabi: Also why the fuck were you awake at 4 am for

Dabi: loser

You smile at your phone and reply.

You: I should be asking you the same thing

Dabi: Took you long enough

Dabi: I don’t sleep

You: Do you have trouble sleeping?

He stared at his phone, reading over the question twice, then once more for good measure. That isn’t important information, so it won’t hurt anyone.

Dabi: Yeah, I do

You pause, surprised he actually answered when he was so hesitant to even tell you his name.

You: Ah, I do too

Dabi: For someone so happy go lucky as you, I highly doubt that

You: Well you shouldn’t be so assuming

Dabi: Did

Dabi: did you just clown me

You: Yes sir i did

Dabi: You’re fired

You: I was never hired in the first place

You: Aaah youre a clown

Dabi: I will come to your house and meet your parents






You stifle a laugh and walk in your house with Katsuki, getting ready for the day.

You don’t think you’ll have to dress up fancy, so you decide on black ripped jeans, a black sleeveless turtleneck and a zipper hoodie. If they complain about your outfit, you can just zip up the hoodie and call it a day.

Slipping on some ankle boots, you grab a few pieces of leftover tempura and head out, walking to the tattoo shop and eating them on the way.

It seems a lot farther than you remember, but you keep walking until you see a few stores along with the shop.

Grabbing the door handle, you swing it open and the little bell rings, the girl at the front desk looking up.

“Oh, you’re the girl from before.” She leans on the desk to get a better look at you and you walk up to her.

“Yeah, is Dabi here?” You ask, seeing your wrist blank.

“He just went out to get food, he’s doing a piece and they both went to take a break.” She explains and you nod, extending a hand.

“(Y/n).” You introduce and she takes it, shaking it awkwardly.


“Don’t hold her hand for too long or she’ll bite you.” The man with white hair comes out and she suddenly lets go.

“Don’t lie to her!”

“It’s not a lie if it’s true!” He counters, crossing his arms.

“What do you want?” He asks, not bothering to introduce himself.

“Dabi told me to come here, for work.” You shrug and he frowns. You think. He has a hand on his face but based on his body language, you can tell he’s not happy.

“I didn’t tell him to do that-” He says and the bell cuts him off, signalling Dabi’s arrival.

Your arm and neck go into full bloom and he stops when he sees you.

“You actually showed up.” Dabi mumbles, catching your attention away from your tattoos.

“Yeah, I did.” You play with your sleeves and he takes his food to his room.

“Come on.” He peeks his head out of his room and you jump, trailing after him.

“She’s pretty.” Toga comments and Shigaraki rolls his eyes.

“Not for you, though.” He walks away into his room and shuts the door behind him.

“This is where I do my tattoos,” He shows you around the room, a black leather chair in the center. A blue flame neon sign sits by the back wall, a neon white flower on the wall behind the chair.

His inks are all lined up nicely for the customer he was working on recently, all his current utensils on a small table next to the chair. He has a drawer in front of the chair on the right side to the door, some old ink spilled on it. A couch is sitting under the blue flame sign, a blue flower on a table next to it. His walls are painted black and there’s a bright white light on the ceiling, another small white light next to the chair to light up the person he works on.

“Don’t touch that.” He scolds when you walk close to the flower next to the couch.

“I wasn’t.” You cross your arms and your hoodie slips off your shoulders.

He stares at his flowers that so delicately decorate your soft skin, kissing every corner where his lips would be.

“You have this flower on your phone, too.” You stare at it and he looks up at your face that’s slightly worried.


“Am, I your second chance?” You ask and he sits up straight.


“I know those are rare but-”

“No, you’re not. I just like that flower.” He dismisses your worry and begins to eat, not taking off his jacket.

“Um..” You’re suddenly shy around him, which isn’t normal for you, since you’re usually confident to drive off creepy men.

“Look, I only have 15 minutes left before the fucker comes back to finish the last part of her piece and I wanna finish eating before she gets back, okay?” He stares as you nod slightly, timidly taking a seat on his couch and taking your eyes off him.

He watches as you keep glancing up at him and back at your tattoos, trying your best not to touch them as he eats.

You decide it’s best to go on your phone and distract yourself.

While he eats, he watches as your hand slowly inches up to your lips, playing with them. You smile at something on your phone and cover your smile with your hand, your tattoos glowing slightly.

You look at them and look up at him, to which he looks away immediately.

“Can I ask you something?” You ask, putting your phone down.

He side eyes you as he puts another spoonful of food in his mouth.

“Why didn’t you just get a healer?”

“If you weren’t stuck with me do you really think anyone would work here, seeing what we look like?”

“If people come here to get tattoos knowing what you look like, I don’t think they’d have an issue working with you based on your face.” You stare at his scars and he turns away.

“Do you think I’m pretty?” You suddenly ask and he turns back.

“No.” He responds and you frown.


“You asked.”

“Didn’t think that’d be your response.” You take out your phone again and scroll through your socials.

A knock comes to his door and he puts his food away in a mini fridge in the back of the room.

“Put this on.” He tosses you a black face mask and puts one on himself. You follow his orders and he opens the door, revealing a tall slim lady with shorts.

“Chair.” He orders her, shutting the door behind her once she enters.

He gives her a towel but she just sits on the chair.

“Take your shirt off and cover yourself with this.” He tosses the towel on her lap and your eyes widen.

“I won’t be needing that.” She says in a sultry tone and Dabi puts on gloves.

“Not asking. Cover yourself, my apprentice is here, have some modesty.” He gets his inks ready and she just barely glances at you, rolling her eyes.

“She can leave.”

You stare at her and Dabi raises a brow, pausing his actions.

“She’s staying. Now put on the towel or you’ll be the one leaving.” He adjusts his mask and she snatches the towel off her lap, standing and pulling her shirt off in front of his face.

You look away and he glances at you, smiling slightly under his mask as you look around the room.

“You plan on getting any tattoos?” He asks and you don’t respond, thinking he’s speaking to the lady.

“Well, as long as you’re the one doing them for me~” She slowly sits back on the chair, not bothering to put on the towel. He grabs the towel and tosses it on her lap again. She snatches it and covers her bare chest, leaving the part that has to be tattooed exposed.

“Not you.” He grabs his gun and you stare at a few things he has hung around the room.

“If you’re gonna be working here you have to pay attention when I’m talking to you.” He throws another towel at your face and you jump, holding it and looking at him.

“For what, aren’t you supposed to be paying attention?”

“I can multitask, you fuck.” He adjusts her seating and places a copy of the remaining piece of her stencil onto her skin, peeling it off after some time to leave the purple lining.

You stare at the female pain chart he has near the couch and your eyes widen, slowly turning to look at her.

He’s doing her piece on one of the most painful spots, under her breasts on her ribcage.

She squeezes her eyes shut as he starts using the gun on her, the ink being placed into her skin.

“Um..” You stand and he keeps his focus, wiping off the excess ink every now and then.

“Um, do- do you want me to help?” You ask, rubbing at the back of your hands. He stops inking and looks up at you.

“Me?” He asks and you shake your head.

He looks down at the woman who’s gripping the arm rest in pain and discomfort.

“What exactly are you going to do?” She snaps and he continues tattooing her regardless of her complaints. She’s made it this far.

“No, you can just watch.” He waves you off and you nod, standing in the same spot and looking over his hands.

Your eyes trail over his visible hand tendons that flex every time he lifts his hand away from the woman’s body to find a more comfortable spot. His shirt leans away from his body and you tilt your head slightly to get a better view.

Your flowers sit under his scars and glow softly when you look at them and he stops inking, looking up at you through his lashes. You jump and stand straight up, turning away as if you found what you were looking for.

“Come here.” He orders and you shake your head.

“Not asking, come here.” He stops inking and you shuffle over as he pulls a chair next to him, patting it for you.

You sit on the chair next to him and he hands you his water bottle.

“Hold this for me.” He continues inking and you stare at the metal bottle, holding it between your hands.

“For what?”

“I’ll tell you later.”


Soul Lily Pt.3

Pairing: Mafia!Tattoo!Soulmate! Dabi x reader✨

Warnings: Cursing

Summary: Where quirks and soulmates exist, you’re lucky enough to not be wanted by your soulmate. Not knowing who he is, or what he does other than being a tattoo artist, you will try to convince him that you’re meant to be with him, only after convincing yourself first, of course. He doesn’t know you’re trying to become a hero, and you don’t know he’s a villain in a mafia group

Word count: 3k

The next morning, you’re walking to the train station with Katsuki and Tamaki in silence. Tamaki continuously looks around your neighborhood and back at your neck. You raise a brow.

“Are you looking for something?” You ask.

“Your soulmate.” He replies and you nod, continuing your walk.

When you get to the train station, you find Nejire, Mirio, and Kirishima waiting for the train and the three of you.

Kirishima is the first to notice you all and waves.

“Hi (Y/n) Senpai, Tamaki Senpai.” He greets and you smile, greeting back.

“You slept over?” Mirio asks Tamaki, who’s hand is littered with flowers.

“Mm, I-I came by late..” He whispers and flushes when Mirio brushes his hand against Tamaki’s.

“(Y/n), I heard you left work early..” Nejire whispers and you glance at Katsuki, knowing he wouldn’t say anything. He doesn’t talk to your friends anyway.

“I did, I wasn’t feeling too well.” You rub your neck and she checks all around you.

“Are you sure? You look fine now. Do you think someone hit you with their quirk?” She holds your arms up and you let her mess around with you as you wait for the train.

“I don’t think so.” You respond, glancing at Katsuki.

He keeps his eyes to the ground and you frown.

“You want to come over today?” You hear Kirishima ask but Katsuki doesn’t respond.

“Bakugou?” He taps his shoulder and Katsuki finally looks up, as if he was in a daze.

“Yeah, whatever.” He walks into the train as soon as it arrives and the doors open, leaving all of you behind.

Following him, you all stay in one area and hold onto a pole or handle.

“Y-” Nejire begins and you shush her, reminding her of what happened the last time she started asking so many questions on the train. People already let your birthday greeting slide and you didn’t want to be known as thatperson.

The train stops again and a good amount of people walk in, filling up some of the space around you.

A tall man stands close to you and holds onto the handle next to yours, causing you to shiver when his hand brushes past your wrist.

Your eyes widen when you see a sliver of the lilies again on your wrist.

Slowly turning your head up, you see a pair of icy blue eyes staring down at you, startling you.

“Y-y” You start but he shushes you, his black mask covering most of his scars.

“Don’t wanna startle them, do we?” He whispers in your ear as he stares outside to look less suspicious. You feel your cheeks turn red at his closeness and how low his voice is in your ear.

He places a note in your bag without you noticing and he gets off at the next stop.

You watch your tattoos disappear and you can finally relax, slightly disappointed in his departure but also relieved it wasn’t pointed out by anyone around you.

When it’s your turn to get out, you walk out with the strap of your bag held tightly between your hands.

“Lot of people suddenly got on the train, are you okay? That guy was pretty close to you.” Kirishima checks up on you and you smile at him, appreciating his concern.

“I’m okay, thank you, though.” You rub his shoulder softly and he smiles proudly as you all walk into the building.

“You literally don’t even know his name, just WHO do you think you’re liking?” You think and sigh.

“But he’s so pretty.. But I only got like, two glimpses of the man and I’m already down bad.” You internally clench your first and shake it like an old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

“Let’s get this over with.” Your teacher says and you can already feel this day dragging on longer than you wanted it to.

Going into your bag to grab your notes, you pause when you see a note.

You glance at Nejire who’s only slightly paying attention to the lesson.

Taking out your notes only, you decide you’ll only read it when you’re alone so no one-the teacher- thinks you’re passing notes.

Mirio looks at your bag and sees the note, not thinking anything about it, until it opens slightly and he sees a little blue flame sticker on it with a heart.

He looks up at you as you toss your notebook on the table and the note falls out.

You quickly snatch it before anyone sees and look up to see Mirio was already reaching out to get it for you.

“Passing notes?” The teacher calls you out and you want the ground to swallow you.

“No, I dropped my stuff while taking out my notes.” You toss the note in your bag and the teacher raises a brow.

“Then, you wouldn’t mind if I saw what you tossed in your bag?” He starts walking over and you zip your bag closed.

“I would mind, actually. I said I dropped something while taking out my notes and I have no reason to lie about that.” You smile at him and your friends stare at you.

“Mirio was just being nice and wanted to get it for me, nothing else. No need to assume there’s anything going on, since you’re only talking about it to me but not him.” You keep an innocent smile and he suddenly looks uncomfortable, going back to the front of the class and continuing the lesson.

You open your notes and begin writing what the teacher had left on the board.

The day goes by quickly and you weren’t bothered by your teacher for the rest of it. You watch as Nejire talks happily with her soulmate and you three wait by the door until she’s done.

“What was that? Are you okay?” Mirio whispers to you.

“I’m okay, lots of things going on and I didn’t want my privacy to be invaded when we literally didn’t do anything. Some of these teachers cross the line with their authority and I wasn’t having it.” You slip on your bag and Tamaki looks up at Mirio worried.

“You guys can go ahead, I’m gonna stay over at her house today.” Nejire tells you. You blink and walk out.

The boys follow after you and you slow down for them to catch up.

“Should we get food today?” You ask and Mirio’s mood doesn’t seem to improve.

“(Y/n)?” He stops you in front of the gates and you turn to him, confused.


“You don’t seem to be okay. Do you want to talk about it?” He brings up again and you chuckle, shoving your hands into your pockets, a habit you got from your brother.

“No, not really.” You shrug and he sighs, walking up to you and bringing you in for a tight hug, startling you.

You hover your hands over his back and slowly lower them, returning the affection.

“You know we’re here for you, regardless of what it is.” He pets your hair and you nod slightly.

“I know.. I just.. I want to see what happens, before I decide to talk about it..” You place your cheek on his chest and he places his chin on your head, nodding a little.

“I understand, but you know it’s not healthy to keep it in for too long.”

“That’s my line..” You laugh slightly, Tamaki happy to see you relax a little.

“Not when you’re the one struggling. Come on, let’s go get takoyaki.” He leans back to get a good look at you and you smile at him.


Your friends haven’t learned the difference between your real and fake smile, you think. You’ve gotten so good at lying they don’t know when you’re being honest anymore, but they’ve never questioned it either. Of course, you would never lie to them about things you think they’ll get upset at, but sometimes it’s best to keep things to yourself.

Tamaki slips his hand in yours and you look down at it, intertwining your fingers with his, smiling.

Squeezing his hand slightly, he takes it as a silent thank you.

Mirio holds your hand as well and you bump your head into his shoulder affectionately as you all make your way to the train.

“I’ve never seen three soulmates before.” You hear someone comment near you at the station. You turn your ear in their direction.

“She isn’t their soulmate, she doesn’t have any flowers and they do.” Their friend says.

“Maybe it isn’t visible. Ask if she’s with them.”

“Maybe it isn’t any of your business.” They spit and you turn to the one who commented first, staring at him. He jumps and they pull their friend with them.

“She looks like a villain..” You hear him say and you suddenly let go of them, holding your arms.

“What happened?” Mirio checks on you and you shake your head.

“I got cold, the breeze in the shade is killing me.” You lie, laughing slightly.

He takes off his letterman jacket, draping it on your shoulders.

“No, no no. Take it back-”

“You’re cold, and I’m warm. Keep it.” He wraps his arm around your shoulders and you look down at it, holding it close to you.

Tamaki paws at the jacket and you open it for him, letting him in.

You three continue waiting and jump closer when you hear an explosion near the tracks, people running in the opposite direction and bumping into the three of you.

“Make sure no one is hurt!” Mirio directs as you all start running in the direction of the now burning area.

You tie his jacket around your waist as you run and pull out a little bottle from your bag, going into a slightly destroyed building that was affected by the blow.

“Hello?! Is anyone here?!” You shake out the ball of your power source and hold it up to illuminate the room, ready to throw it in case there’s a villain.

You hear groaning and you follow it, finding a woman stuck under some rubble.

You rush over to her and begin pushing off the stone and wood off her.

“Are you okay? Can you hear me?” You question as you try prying off the material from her.

“Yes..” She struggles to breathe and you nod, beginning to numb her from the pain, feeling it yourself instead.

“You’re going to be okay, we’re here to help you. Is there anyone else in this building?” You question as you finally manage to get her out, picking her up carefully.

She shakes her head and you get rid of the pain you took from her and put it in the bottle, relieving yourself of the discomfort.

“I’m going to get you out of here, just take deep breaths.” You show her how to breathe as you quickly do a search of the building. She follows your method as you continue to take her pain away, not reaching your limits yet.

“(Y/N)!!” You hear Mirio yell from outside and another explosion goes off, shaking the building and creating more destruction.

A piece of wood falls from the ceiling and you turn away to block it with your back, protecting the woman.

It cuts your shirt open and the lower half of your back.

You heal the woman’s smaller injuries like the few scrapes and cuts she received and ignore your own injuries as you run out of the building, climbing down a plank and rubble.

An EMT takes the woman from you and you try your best to start healing some of your cut on your back and Mirio runs over to you.

“Are you okay? Why did you run inside? The building was abandoned and no one was inside.”

“There was a woman inside, I couldn’t leave the building unchecked.”

“Was she the only one?” He looks around as the police take what you assume is the criminal into their car, driving away.

“(Y/n) your back!” Tamaki unties the jacket and covers your exposed back.

“It’ll be fine, she didn’t feel anything when I got there, thankfully.” You hold the jacket and Mirio leads you to the ambulance.


“You need to get checked, you can’t heal something that big and the building is old so you might get an infection.” He sits in the back with you along with Tamaki and you sigh as they close the doors and head to the hospital.

“You have a really high pain tolerance.” The woman tells you before she goes under her anesthesia.

“Are you feeling better?” You ask, watching as the EMTs do their best to not let her feel anything.

“I am now.. I barely felt anything.. You came as soon as the building started falling on me.” She smiles at you and you smile back, an EMT coming near you to check for any other injuries besides the giant cut on your back.

You all arrive at the hospital and they both help you out even though you had told them you’re fine.

“You say you’re fine, but you still felt everything she did and we don’t know how much that was.” Tamaki holds your arm and you smile at him.

“Okay, okay. I’ll let you watch over me for now.” You let the staff lead you all to a room and you sit on the bed, the boys standing around you.

“(Y/n), it’s nice to see you again.” Recovery Girl waddles into the room and you bow your head slightly, greeting her.

“It’s always nice seeing you so healthy, Recovery Girl.” You reply, receiving a dismissive wave, making you chuckle.

“Let me see.” She pats your leg and you stand, taking off the jacket and showing her your back.

She looks around it and picks out the few splinters stuck in your skin, to which you don’t flinch at, but Tamaki cringes every time she plucks out a new one and tosses it into a dish.

You jump when she gives you a kiss on your back, healing your injury.

“Alright, you’re good to go.” She begins to waddle away and both look away when you turn your back to them, facing her.

“Is she alright?” You ask, stopping her.

“She has a few broken ribs, but they’re getting her ready for surgery. She’ll be okay.” She reassures and waddles out, Mirio putting the jacket back on your shoulders. A nurse comes in and checks you again to make sure you’re okay and hands you all your bookbags.

You thank her when she does so and when she walks out. You pout.

“We can’t get our Takoyaki..” You kick at the ground and Mirio laughs, patting your shoulder.

“Alright, let’s go.” He leads the both of you out and you get into the police car waiting for you outside the hospital.

“I wonder how high your pain tolerance is.” Mirio whispers, leaning down to your height as you’re driven to your house.

“So do I, but I kinda don’t wanna know.”

“Why not?” Tamaki asks and you shrug.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle it, or if I’ll be able to stay stable during it.” You pick at your nails and Mirio stops you from the bad habit.

“But if I find out, I can build it up from there and get an even higher tolerance.” You smile up at him and he smiles back.

“That’s a good way to see it.” He rubs your hands and you place your head on his shoulder, holding Tamaki’s hand as well.

Your phone vibrates and you’re falling asleep, looking out at the sun setting.

It’s been a long day, and you didn’t even get to hang out with your friends like you had intended to.

“Your mom is calling you.” Tamaki points out and you look at your phone, seeing the word Mom in all caps on your screen. You frown.

“That’s not her.”

“What do you mean it’s not her?” Tamaki asks and Mirio looks over.

“She has her mom as Miss Ma’am and a white flower as her contact name.” He frowns as well and you pick it up, Tamaki looking horrified at the sight of you answering the phone, an unknown caller no less.

“What do you want, old bag of dusty dentures?” You answer, Mirio slapping a hand over his mouth to not laugh. Tamaki’s mouth drops and you wait.

“I didn’t think she’d say that..” You hear faintly from the other line and Mirio snorts, covering his face.

“Don’t fucking say that you dumbass she’s listening.” You hear them bicker and you cough loudly, startling everyone.

“Fuck she’s loud as hell-”

“Oh, my god give me that.” 

“Okay, so I see this is the wrong number.” You take the phone away from your ear.

“No, no wai-” Beep.

Mirio coughs out his laugh from holding it in for so long and you pat his back as the car stops at your house.

“I’ll see you guys later, okay?” You say as Tamaki gets out of the car and lets you scooch out, Mirio calming down to say goodbye.

You wait for Tamaki to get back in the car and watch it drive away with them inside.

“You read the note yet?” A voice next to you scares you and you swing your leg at them, hitting their shoulder and knocking them over.

“Fuck-” He coughs and you gasp seeing its your soulmate.

“Are you okay?!”

“Do I look okay to you? You just roundhouse kicked me in the shoulder.” He grabs his shoulder and you reach out a hand over him, taking the pain away from his shoulder and keeping it for yourself.

He stares as you rub your shoulder and heal the pain, outstretching a hand for him to hold. He stands up by himself and you put your hands in your jacket. He glowers at your jacket.

“That’s not your jacket.”


He rolls his eyes and goes for your bag until you swat him away, offending him.

“I don’t even know your name and you’re trying to touch my property.” You cross your arms and he rolls his eyes so hard you’re surprised they don’t get stuck.

“Read the note.” He demands and you look in your bag for it.

Taking it out, you unfold it and raise a brow at the heart and flame sticker, looking up at him.

“Now, I barely know you, but I know you did not put that heart or sticker there all by yourself.” You look back at the note.

“I changed my mind. I want you around, but work with us so I can keep an eye on you. You’re always in school so I wouldn’t be seeing you a lot anyway, so might as well.”

You fold the note back up and hand it to him.

“No thanks.”

“S’cuse me?”

“You didn’t want me when we first saw each other, you literally ran away.” You keep holding out the note and he looks away.

“I didn’t know how you’d react to seeing me, so I didn’t wanna risk it.” He mumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets. Your hand falters slightly.

“You didn’t run away because you thought I was ugly?” You put your hand down and he scoffs.

“I didn’t even see your face when we first met. All I saw was my stupid flowers on your wrist-”

“They’re not stupid.” You interrupt, lifting your sleeve to look at them.

“They’re really beautiful, I’m happy I got two as well..” You trace the black lily and he shivers, smacking your hand away.

“Quit touching that shit.”

“You felt that?”

“Course I fucking felt it, do you not know anything about that shit?” He looks upset and you shake your head. His angry face slips until he remembers what he was there for.

“You’d be good for our place, instead of that stupid cafe. And unlike that shitshow, we don’t let customers get their way when they’re being assholes.” He crosses his arms and you smile.

“That’s reassuring. But I don’t know how to do tattoos, so I wouldn’t be good for business.”

“Your quirk can heal, can’t it?”

“Only small injuries like cuts, scrapes and small burns.”

“Good enough. You can heal the tattoos and make them stop feeling the pain when they’re uncomfortable or it’s a big piece.”

“I never said anything about not letting them feel it.” You squint, suspicious of him now.

“Healing it wouldn’t stop them from feeling it?” He questions, understanding where you’re going with this.

“Hm, depends.”


“How much would I be getting paid?”

“I’m not answering that.”

“Then no thank you.” You go to walk to your gate but he grabs you, pushing your back against it. You look up at him and shiver when he slides his hand up your exposed back under your jacket, his other hand on the wall above your head.

“It’s way more than your little cafe job, I’ll tell you that.” His fluffy hair touches your hair and you lean your head away, touching the wall.

“You don’t even know my name, and you’re already trying to seduce me and give me a job.” You whisper, looking him in the eye.

His hand trails under your bra on your back and he rubs his thumb across your skin, his eyes trailing down your lips.

“I know your name, but you will surely know mine soon enough. Maybe you’ll even be screaming it soon.” He digs his nails into your back lightly and you suddenly grab onto his jacket, gasping.

“So sensitive..” He whispers in your ear and you feel your cheeks warm, swatting him away.

“Stop it!” You cover your cheeks and he chuckles, taking a strand of your hair and twirling it in his fingers.

“Think about it, my numbers on the back. I’ll be expecting a yes in a day, baby.” He drops your hair and walks away, his flowers disappearing with him.

You shiver when you feel the remainder of his lingering touches on your skin, awakening a new feeling in you that you didn’t know you could have.

