#bnha x reader


Reader: Gender Neutral
Character:Keigo Takami/Hawks
Rating: G
Summary:You get snowed in at his apartment.
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The snow came down in fluffy flakes, but they piled up quickly on the window sile. You were cuddled up on the couch with Keigo’s arm over your shoulders and a blanket over your laps. 

  “I heard it’s going be twenty-three centimetres of snow tonight.” 

You sighed, “Then I guess I should get going.” You tried to move but Keigo took a hold of your wrist.

  “No stay the night. Just you and I, it’ll be fun.” He smiled, “It’ll be like a sleepover.” 

  “Sleepover? What are we eleven?” You chuckled as you sat back down.

He wrapped his arm over your shoulders once more and kissed the side of your head, “I mean it’s like a grown up sleepover. Firstly, there’s no curfew.” He laughed. 

You laughed alongside him and kissed him gently on the lips. You and Keigo had been together for the last year, and you came over often. He made the best chicken dishes for you and enjoyed just being in your arms. 

But tonight you should’ve looked at the weather and known that it was going to snow that night.

  “But I don’t have clothes to wear to bed.” You remarked. 

  “Oh don’t worry about it, you can wear something of mine.” He beamed.

You got a bit flustered, “What if it doesn’t fit?”

  “Oh don’t worry they’re super baggy, you’ll fit no problem.” He replied with a smile.

  “Ah, okay. Will they be warm enough.” 

  “Of course, gotta keep my lovebird nice and warm during these cold nights.” He chuckled and planted another kiss on you. He tightened his arm around you and held you tightly against him.

You watched a couple of mindless action films while you chatted about things. You talked about work and life, what you were planning on cooking for the both of you that weekend. You complained a bit about your boring office job and per usual Keigo suggested that you work for him. 

  “Isn’t that a conflict of interest?” You asked.

  “Yeah, but I’m the boss so who cares.” He chuckled. 

He talked about hero work and this new restaurant he wanted to try out once the days got nicer. 

  “They’ve got chicken like nothing else.” He remarked.

  “You and the chicken.” You chuckled.

  “Yeah, but I’m your chicken man.” He winked. 

Once the second movie was over, you let out a loud yawn and snuggled closer to him. 

  “Tired?” He asked.

  “Yeah, a little. I can’t stay up all night like I used to.” You responded as you got closer to him. 

He helped you up off the couch and took your hand and led you to the bathroom. You two got ready together. He stuck close to you as his wings fluttered with excitement every time you looked his way. 

  “You know I never had a sleepover when I was growing up. So I’m a little excited.” He smiled.

You smiled back at him, “Well, it’s going to be a lot of sleeping tonight.”

  “Fine by me, I love a good sleep.”

  “I know, you sleep like the dead.” You nudged him playfully. 

You changed into a pair of track shorts and a tank top. It smelled like Keigo’s body spray, it was a comforting scent as you climbed into bed. 

You two laid there together, Keigo held your hand as you kept talking. He told you cheesy jokes and you laughed at them. You clutched his hand gently. 

You loved being beside him, in the tender quietness as the snow hit the ground outside. You laid a small kiss on the tip of his nose. 

He yawned loudly and shuffled his wings. 


  “Yeah. But I want to stay awake to talk to you.” He chuckled.

You kissed him again, “We can talk all you want tomorrow, I think the city might get shut down due to the snow.”

  “Then I’ll see you in the morning, lovebird. Goodnight.” He said as he wrapped a wing around you.

You leaned in for a kiss and got comfortable on his bed. He met your kiss and flutter his wings slightly. 

  “Goodnight, Keigo. Tomorrow we’re making pancakes.” You chuckled as you snuggled close to him. 

He threw an arm around you and exhaled happily. You looked so cute in his sleeping clothes, he felt at peace while the city got coated in white. 

Snow hit against the window and collected on the ground. Both warm and comfy in the apartment, letting the world go cold around you. 

Reader: F
Character: Inasa Yoarashi
Rating: E
Summary:Inasa is your gentle giant.
Warning:Size Kink, Smut, Pro Hero!Inasa
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He loved the way you rode him. How your pussy clenched around his hard cock. as you tried to take all of him. the way your breasts bounced and each facial expression you made. He thought you looked so adorable with your mouth slightly open and your eyes rolling back. You looked fucked out like nothing else, and you hadn’t even taken him all the way yet. 

  “Inasa.” You panted, “It’s too big.” You always said that and it never failed to make him thob inside of you.

He was more than happy to help you take more of him into your tight pussy. He placed his hands on your hips and pushed you further down onto his cock. 

You became a babbling mess, mindless with pleasure as he split you open on his length. And Inasa just thought it was the cutest thing ever. He pressed down on the small bulge that’s formed because of his cock. This only made you moan louder. 

You took him so beautifully. You were just so much smaller compared to him. His tiny little princess that he fucked in mindlessness. But he was your gentle giant. He liked that you were so much smaller than him, he could just eat you up with one bite. 

  “Inasa, please.” You moaned, “More!”

He smiled softly at your pleas and slowly he lifted your fucked out body up and down his cock. His lips attached themselves to your nipple, sucking on you while his hand massaged the other. He was filled with pride as your noises got louder and your pants became more ragged. 

He fucked up into you as he continued to play with your nipples, you felt so warm to the touch. He had spent the last few hours taking you apart with his tongue and now he wanted to do the same with his cock.

  “Inasa.” You moaned. You looked so wanton and fucked out, he was surprised that you hadn’t passed out for the sheer amount of pleasure coursing through your body.

  “I got you, princess. I got you.” He muttered against your breast. 

He wasn’t even too sure that he needed to cum, the way he saw how easily you fell apart. It was more than enough for him. 

Reader: F
Character:Toshinori Yagi/All Might
Rating: G
Summary:Toshinori convinces you to study.
Warning:Implied DDLG, Fluff, Daddy!Toshi, University Student!Reader, Sugar Daddy!Toshi
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Toshinori peeked into your shared room and saw you sitting there playing on your phone with your textbooks laid out around you. He left you alone after dinner so you could study on your finals. 

But instead he found you not studying. 

  “Princess.” He said, “What are you doing?”

You jumped a little at the sound of his voice and said, “Nothing!”

  “Nothing?” He asked, “Seems like you’re not studying. You know you have that big exam next week.” He reminded you. He had your schedule written down on the calendar in the kitchen. 

He knew exactly what was coming up and when. There was no fooling him. 

  “But I want to watch cartoons!” You whined. You hated studying and just wanted the semester to be done already, it sucked that it felt like it was never going to end. You were only in midterm season, university sucked sometimes. 

Toshinori wasn’t buying it. Instead he walked further into the room and sat on the edge of the bed and put a hand on your knee. 

  “Cartoons won’t get you a passing grade, but studying will. Have you even looked at your notes?” He asked as he rubbed your knee.

You pouted, “Not yet. But it’s so boring. Biology is so dry!” 

  “Yes, but you wanted to study it remember. Sometimes it’s going to be dry.” He sighed, “C’mon princess, let’s get to it.” 

  “Maybe I should become a hero, it would be so much less boring.” You groaned. 

Toshinori chuckled, “It’s not as much fun as you think it is. Plus, I don’t want my princess possibly getting hurt.” He leaned in and kissed you on the forehead. 

  “I know, daddy.” You sighed as you leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

  “I don’t want you to get stressed out or fail. So how about this, if you study for an hour, I’ll buy you a new hello kitty plush toy.” He said, “But that means no looking at your phone or getting distracted, a full two hours of studying.” 

You perked up at the offer, “Can it be My Melody?”

  “Any one of them you want.” He smiled. 

You sat up completely and grabbed your textbook and notes. You started to flip through the pages rapidly as Toshinori laughed. He knew that the offer would make you start studying. 

He got up and placed one more kiss on your forehead, “An hour starts now, sweetheart. I’ll check up on you in a little bit and I better see those notes in your hand.”

  “Yes, Toshi.” You smiled at him as you watched him leave the room. Once the door was closed you started to study your notes more closely. The thought of the large My Melody plush on your mind. 

Reader: F
Character:Tenya Iida
Rating: G
Summary:After a long day, you just want to dance.
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You swayed side to side with Iida, you were in his arms as he gently moved with you. You were both in your pajamas. It was late into the evening and only now you had gotten settled in for the night.

After a long afternoon of patrolling then going back out in the evening left you both feeling exhausted. But there was rarely any rest for heroes. 

You got comfortable in your sweatpants and turned on the radio. That was when Iida took you in his arms and started to sway with you. He loved the feeling of you in his arms. You were so comforting against him. 

The song played on the radio, you two continued to move together slowly. He leaned in and kissed you on the lips.

You two had been together for a few years now, but even after all that time he kisses still delighted you. They made you blush and you kissed him back. 

He took you by the hand and spin you around gently before he pulled you back in and in for another kiss. 

  “Saving the city is nothing compared to kissing you.” You said with a small chuckle.

He chuckled back and kissed you again, once he started kissing you he had a hard time stopping. He felt bruised and achy from fighting bad guys but the pain seemed to lessen when your lips connected with his. 

His sculpted arms went back around you as you two continued to move together. Your movements were in sync with one another, moving together as one unit. Just as you acted on the battlefield. 

One team, together. 

You spun him around and laughed, he pulled you close so your chests were touching. He went in for another kiss and you pulled away before he could plant it on you. 

  “Kiss me.” he said as he took hold of your hand, “I want you to kiss me.” 

  “Okay, fine.” You chuckled, “You’re addicted.”

  “Kisses are quite good for the body actually. They reduce stress.” He said matter of factly. 

You laughed and he pulled you in for another kiss. His lips were soft and warm. You spent some time kissing before you went back to dancing together. Your hips moved in time with the song. 

Eventually it ended and he rested his forehead against your shoulder, still holding onto your hands. 

  “I love you.” He said.

  “I love you too.” You replied with a smile. 

Reader: Gender Neutral
Character:Hitoshi Shinso
Rating: E
Summary:Waking up your boyfriend with a blow job. 
Warning:Smut, Blow Jobs, Morning Blow Jobs
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Your lips were on his cock when you woke up from the haze of sleep. In your sleep riddled mind you had the idea to suck Shinso’s cock to wake him up. 

His cock was hard against his thigh in his underwear. You crawled down under the covers and slowly pulled down his underwear. His cock twitched and he made a small noise in his sleep. 

  “Yum.” You chuckled to yourself. You softly kissed the tip.

You then slowly put your entire mouth on the tip and went down as far as you could go. HIs cock twitch again under the attention you were giving it.

Shinso muttered something but remained asleep as you moved your head further down his cock, deep throating him.

You started to move your head up and down as a sleepy Shinso snored a little bit. You swiped your tongue across the length of his cock as you moved your head up and down.

You continued with your movements, occasionally picking up the pace as you grasped his thighs and worked on him. His cock was hot and heavy against your tongue and throat. 

The thrusts of your mouth were at a moderate pace and you could feel Shinso start to wake up. He groaned a little bit and his eyes opened. He looked really tired per usual as he yawned loudly. 

He felt the course of pleasure in his body as you continued to suck him off.

You looked up at him, and studied his tired expression. He yawned again and let out a shaky yet deep exhale.

  “What are you doing, babe?” He asked sleepily. He rubbed his eyes with his hand and felt pleasure course through his body. 

  “I wanted to wake you the best way I knew how.” You beamed at him. His cock just barely touching your lips. 

He looked at you with a sleepy smile, “Well then, keep going sweetheart.” 

You put your mouth back on the head as you felt a sharp twitch inside of your mouth. You continued your mouth on his cock as you moved your head back and forth. 

Your spit coated his cock and the bottom of your chin. You moved at a feverish pace, feeling more awake as your movements progressed.

  “Shit, babe.” He groaned as he moved his hand down to your hair and yanked on your locks.

  “I got you Hitoshi.” You said with a smile as you went back down on him. Driving him wild with your movements. 

You felt his cock twitch in your mouth and his hands go into your hair. He loved the feeling of your mouth around his cock. You were a remarkable sight to behold. He could just keep you like this forever.

Please started to creep up his spine as he got closer to his orgasm, he asked slightly out of breath, “Can I cum in your mouth?”

  “Of course.” You said before you went back to sucking him off. You moved your head faster to get him closer to his orgasm. 

 “That’s it. Fuck.” He groaned as he felt himself on the tip of his orgasm.

A few more sloppy thrusts of your mouth and he came in your mouth with a moan. He gripped your hair as he thrusted up into your mouth as he came. You were just too good to be true. 

When he finished you moved your head from his cock and swallowed, you lazily opened your mouth to showcase that you swallowed it all. 

He groaned and laid his head back onto his pillow, “Fuck I love you.” He said.

You crawled back up to lie beside him.You took his hand in yours and kissed him on the cheek, “I love you too.” 

What a way to wake up. 

Reader: F
Character:Keigo Takami/Hawks
Summary: Prompt: “First second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.”
Warning:Manga Spoilers, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort
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The first thing you saw when you entered the hospital room was bandages. All along his body, especially across one side of his face. They said he got burned by Dabi but was rescued by Tokoyami. 

You owed that boy a great debt now. 

You sat beside him at his bedside, you watched his sleeping form with a careful gaze. You took in every inch of bandages skin. It felt like his entire body was burned. You cursed Dabi under your breath for hurting your husband. 

If you could get your hands on him, you’d show him what true fear felt like. But you couldn’t get to him, he was behind layers of metal, sitting in a cell until he went to trial. All you could do now was be there for Keigo.

  “Baby.” You said as you placed a hand carefully on his less injured side of his face. 

His eyes slowly fluttered open and he looked at you, “Oh, dove.” After a couple of moments of sleepily looking at you, he woke up a bit more. he realized that you were here, “Dove!”

 “Shh, shh, Keigo. Relax.” You said as you pulled away from him and placed your hands back in your lap. 

The nub remains of his feathers fluttered in excitement which caused him to wince. He couldn’t help it, he was so excited to see you.

You burst into tears at the sight of him. He looked to hurt under all that cloth. Your beloved husband was beaten in battle and almost died. You knew the risks he put himself under all the time, but to see the result of a loss broke your heart.

  “Don’t cry, my dove.” He said softly. 

  “I’m sorry.” You sniffled. 

“First second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.” He said weakly, “Still as beautiful as ever.” 

  “Keigo, shhh. Don’t push yourself too hard.” You hushed. 

He turned his head to look up at the ceiling, “I’ll live through this, just like I do every other time.”

  “Luck will run out at some point.” You remarked.

He reached out for you and touched your hand carefully, “But I’m still here, you’re safe. Dabi has been captured. I’ll heal baby.” 

You sniffled, “You’re so hurt.” 

Keigo looked back at you and said, “Don’t cry. Please my dove, don’t cry for me.” 

You wiped your eyes with the heel of your free hand and exhaled deeply, “I know. I know you’re alive and the injuries could be worse. But it still breaks my heart to see you like this. Your wings are gone.” 

  “They’ll grow back, they just need time.” He yawned,”Everything will be fine.” 

  “I hope so.” 

  “I know so.” He said cheekily with another yawn. He continued to hold your hand as he started to drift off to sleep again. 

You watched his hurt body. The stark white of the bandages across what felt like miles of burned skin. He was alive and you hoped his recovery would go smoothly. 

And all you could do was hope. 

feliz navidad

pairing:pro hero!todoroki shoto x reader

synopsis: after turning down every christmas party invitation out of habit (except for the obligatory one his agency put on every year) shoto realizes he is in fact alone on christmas. he managed to not throw out the invitation for his apartment building’s party, so he finds himself there for the evening, thinking he’ll just steal some complimentary cookies and call it a night. He finds himself spending the day much better than expected, despite being by himself this year.

content:mentions of christmas and all that it brings, lonely shoto, todoroki-family-issues, strangers to more, alcohol, sassy shoto, funny shoto bc he truly is, fluff, pro hero au, mention of sibling-like relationship between shoto and katsuki bc um yes, mainly me talking about shoto and christmas

word count:1.7k

a/n: merry christmas if you celebrate and happy holidays!! I hope you guys like this <3

In retrospect, his situation really was really his own fault.

Every single one of his friends had invited him to some sort of Christmas party. Well, any friends that were currently in the country. His closest three friends had all gone abroad and were spending Christmas there, flying their families in as surprises. It was incredibly sweet, but it did not keep Shoto from deadpanning to them that he had been “abandoned.” Thankfully, as the foundations of his humor, his friends all laughed at his lack of enthusiasm and saw through his bad pout and wished him happy holidays. Shoto had never been very good at sarcasm, even all these years later.

His other friends, bless them, had all invited him to holiday parties. “It’s fun to go to all of them,” Kirishima had explained when Shoto had asked how it was possible to RSVP to every single one of them, as he and Denki had been doing right in front of him during their get-together at the bar they all liked two weeks ago. “Last year Denki and I managed to go to all of them twice!”

As he listened to their stories he’d decided he would not be participating. It seemed way too overwhelming for him, even on a day where he’d had three cups of coffee. No one took any offense, which Shoto had been very concerned about. But everyone who invited him knew him enough to understand his reasoning, which led to him feeling excellent about turning down every invitation until he realized, as he was at his agency’s yearly Christmas Eve party, that he had no party to go to tomorrow.

Shoto thought about calling his siblings, but instantly shut that idea down. They all had their own families to be with, and he really didn’t feel like being the odd uncle on Christmas. Plus he was pretty sure they’d caught on to the fact that he’dbeen the one to give everyone the cold at Thanksgiving, and he really did not want to be harassed about that.

For now, he decided, scanning the agency with careful eyes. He’d hunt for leftovers to take home with him.

Which meant he’d have to be the last one standing. He eyed his coworkers, sizing them up as threats. Some of them were already tipsy. He took a class of whatever was being served for himself and chugged it quickly, knowing he’d need a little alcohol in his system in order to survive however long this social event chose to be.

An hour and a half later, after he’d helped clean up and offered to take the leftovers with him, he successfully made his way home, not able to keep the small smile off his face. The leftovers were some finger sandwiches he’d grown very fond of, a bottle of sparkling cider, and half of a cheesecake. No Christmas cookies, but that was excusable. He’d look for some tomorrow. Plus, his leftover hunt was more of an odd tradition Shoto had started at every party he went to. Sometimes he failed, but more often than not he was successful. People were always more than willing to get rid of leftover food that would just sit in their fridge for a week, untouched.

The doorman of his apartment building helped him open the doors for him, which he thanked him for gratefully.

Skillfully balancing his treasures on one arm as he pressed the elevator button for his floor, Shoto saw the flyer for the Holiday party to be held in the lobby tomorrow evening. The art of the cookies is what caught his eye the most, and as he scanned the flyer he saw the bolded words: “Cookies will be provided.

“Cookies?” he heard someone quietly say beside him. He jumped, almost dropping his things in shock before quickly regaining his composure.

“Sorry!” they cried, reaching forward as though to catch the things in his arms, dropping their arms to their side in relief when nothing fell. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s alright,” he replied. “I’m quite excited for the promise of cookies, too.”

Y/N—that was their name, Shoto wasn’t the type of hoodlum to forget the name of his own neighbor—smiled at him, almost nervously.

He resisted the urge to frown at himself. Most people thought he was too scary to approach, which was something he’d grown accustomed to over the years. Didn’t mean he liked it very much, though.

Thankfully, Y/N didn’t seem to be one of those people.

“Sorry, do you need help carrying that?” they asked, already moving to take the top two containers away from his pile, leaving him with the remaining two.

“Oh, thank you,” Shoto said, stepping into the newly arrived elevator with them and hitting the button for their floor.

“So, do you think you’ll be going to take advantage of the free cookies?” Y/N asked as the elevator made its journey upwards. And for once, Shoto wasn’t dreading the painstakingly slow speed the elevator went at. Y/N really was quite pleasant to be around, he quickly came to remember.

“Probably,” Shoto replied. “Will you?”

Y/N shrugged. “Most likely.”

If you go, I definitely will, was what Shoto wanted to say. But it sounded like something he’d tell his friends when he was younger when they both wanted to go do something but needed motivation to do so.

The elevator arrived at their floor, and Y/N patiently waited for Shoto to unlock his apartment and set down the things he was carrying on his table before handing what they were carrying over. Too late, he realized in horror his rude mistake.

“Oh I’m sorry, come in,” he hurriedly said, praying it wasn’t too late and that Y/N didn’t think he was the worst person in the world and that any chance of them sharing Christmas cookies was ruined all because he’d forgotten his manners. Fuyumi and Katsuki would be ashamed of him, being the siblings they were.

“Oh, no, that’s okay!” Y/N rushed. “I’ll see you tomorrow in the lobby!”

And with that they were gone, disappearing into their own apartment after giving Shoto another smile he had quickly grown to like.

Shoto went to sleep and arose the next morning feeling very excited for Christmas, a feeling he’d missed. He had his cup of hot chocolate in the morning while he watched the news and flipped through the channels before finding a cheesy holiday movie, and then settled in to open packages.

Some he’d ordered for himself, some had been shipped by family and friends. From Izuku he got a new pair of gloves (a running joke they had), from Ochaco a lovely keychain of a mini chibi version of himself, from Tenya a gorgeous planner for next year. Katsuki had gotten him a knife sharpener (Shoto laughed at that. He did have dull kitchen knives). Denki got him a delightfully horrible Christmas sweater, Kiri a new set of weights decorated to fit his quirk.

By the time he’d opened everything and put them in their respective places, it was only 10AM. He still had the whole day ahead of him. And Christmas cookies.

Since he’d worked on Christmas last year, this was the year he had the day off. So he spent the day in his apartment, called his siblings to wish them a Merry Christmas, watched cheesy holiday movies, and made himself his favorite foods.

When 6PM rolled around Shoto was already ready and heading towards the elevator, smiling to himself when he realized Y/N was already there, waiting for it.

They smiled and waved at him, grin growing when they noticed his new Christmas sweater. They were sporting one of their own.

“Apparently the apartment complex owners do this every year,” Y/N said as they entered the elevator, which was surprisingly full of other neighbors. They all nodded in greeting, offering smiles. Shoto loved Christmas, since it put people in good moods like these.

“Oh yes,” an upstairs neighbor said. A nice old lady Shoto usually helped with her groceries. “They do it so we won’t complain about small things they change, like the elevator music or the plants in the lobby. Keeps us happy.” He and Y/N shared a small smile as their neighbors chatted amongst themselves before they all arrived in the lobby.

The lobby was decked out, Christmas tree and all. There were even small gifts waiting for each of them (a hand towel, but a rather nice one, Shoto realized upon further inspection). He and Y/N mingled among the residents. Shoto was glad they stuck together. He was still a little drained from all the socializing he’d done yesterday—having a partner in it all helped his energy levels significantly.

It was like an unsaid agreement between the two of them, to be joined at the hip for the whole night. He found himself having a lot of fun, eating cookies and talking with the neighbors. A lot of them would shyly converse with him, a few little kids asked for autographs. It was hard not to feel the infectious spread of joy that was created with the Christmas lights all around him, with Feliz Navidad playing in the background, with Y/N, his newfound friend, smiling with him the whole evening.

As far as he was concerned, this was a great way to spend Christmas.

masterlist+navigation;requests are open!

yours to keep

pairing:pro hero!midoriya izuku x f!reader

synopsis:izuku goes abroad on a hero mission and it breaks his heart to leave y/n, but he comes to realizations about the two of them while he’s away.

content: pro hero au, fluff, relationship discussions, i throw in some marriage talk

word count:1.5k

a/n:this song makes me feel warm and fuzzy but sad at the same time and after listening to it on repeat for awhile it reminded me of izuku :,)

It was three in the morning. He was on another plane going on another mission abroad, and all Izuku could think about was the way Y/N had cried at the airport the first time he’d left for an overseas mission a year ago.

“I’m so excited for you!” she had screamed when she heard the news, immediately jumping into his arms and rambling about all of the food he’d get to try and the amazing people he’d meet. And his nerves had vanished right then and there, and they both spent the night making a list of things he’d take with him, neither of them pausing to think what six months away meant for their relationship.

They’d been dating for two years, having officially gotten together after graduating high school. Y/N was currently in college studying to be a teacher, and was doing her training at UA. She was almost positive she’d go back to UA to teach, and was thrilled at the prospect of being a mentor to so many young aspiring heroes while doing some hero work at the same time. She was happy, and seeing her happy made Izuku happy.

Since he was in the limelight a lot, the relationship was hard on Y/N, no matter how hard she tried to insist it wasn’t. Izuku was an expert at avoiding the media, but it was still irritating when Y/N was referred to as nothing more than his girlfriend, when she was a part time hero and student, something he thought was far more impressive than what he was doing. The first chance he got he bought them a house near UA and Y/N’s university with a great security system to scare away any paparazzi who would be smart enough to find out where they lived (something no one had done so far).

His trip was something they’d both known would happen eventually, but they’d never explicitly discussed it. Izuku was scared to bring it up, terrified Y/N would mistake his feelings of unease for wanting to end their relationship, which was the last thing he wanted. Whenever he brought it up she’d wave it away, assuring him everything was going to be fine, and that he must remember to bring back a souvenirer, both for her and for the apartment. And, in a team effort with his mom, she’d made him a new scarf to take with him, because it was cold in New York, especially in the wintertime. They didn’t talk about the risks of the mission—they’d stopped discussing dangers on the job after a few months of dating, because it was so normal in both of their jobs they both overlooked it more often than not.

Y/N drove him to the airport, ignoring his advice for her to stay home and rest before her class the next day. Izuku was recognized by the staff, and paired with Y/N’s determined stare, it was enough for her to be allowed to wait with him at his gate until his flight left.

She sat with him for almost an hour, holding his hand the entire time and talking about her classes and the kids she was mentoring, knowing any other topic would make them both remember why they were here.

He was the last one to board the flight. He couldn’t bring himself to get up, to let go of Y/N’s hand. They’d never been apart longer than three weeks for over six years now, and letting go of her hand was the last thing he wanted to do at that moment.

“C’mon,” she’d said, standing up and pulling him along with him. Izuku clutched his boarding pass much harder than necessary, something Y/N had to have noticed. But her gaze was straight ahead, focused on the flight attendant waiting to check his pass and allow him onto the plane.

She turned to hug him, squeezing him tightly and pressing kisses along the side of his face. “I love you so much, have a safe flight, and call me as soon as you land.”

And then she was letting go of him and pushing him forward gently, and Izuku handed over his boarding pass and turned to look back at her.

She was standing right where he’d left her, wrapped up in his favorite All Might scarf. Her cheeks were glistening with tears, and with a startled realization that his vision was blurring, he realized he was crying, too. She waved at him until he couldn’t see her anymore, and it took all of Izuku’s willpower not to jump out of the plane and rush back into her arms. He felt like his heart was breaking, knowing she was crying because of him, knowing her heart would ache just as his was aching now because of him.

He called her the second he landed, and didn’t hang up until she fell asleep and he did too, in a bed 6,000 miles away from the only person he wanted to be with.

“My students keep asking about you!” Y/N chirped, smiling widely at him. She was in the kitchen, eating a late lunch. It was almost midnight for Izuku, but he hadn’t felt this awake all week.

Between both of their busy schedules, they only managed to video call once a week, the rest of their communication being text messages and the occasional quick phone call. But when they did video call, they stayed on the line until one of them fell asleep. Izuku was determined not to nod off for at least another hour. Seeing Y/N, even through a screen, was his biggest motivation to keep moving forward on his mission.

It was going well, all things considering. Winter was hell in New York, but Izuku dutifully took his new scarf everywhere he went and bundled up whenever he went outside. It had already been three months, and he had heard whispers around the agency where he was working that the mission might wrap up within the next month if things continued to go smoothly.

He hadn’t told Y/N, not wanting to get her hopes up in case he did have to stay the full six months.

“Really? Do you tell them I’m kicking ass over here in the states? And that I’ll bring them souvenirs if they’re nice to you?” He asked her now, fighting back a yawn. It was only 1AM, how weak was he? Sure he’d chased down a lead today—literally—but that was no excuse.

“Oh, they’re always nice to me,” Y/N rolled her eyes at him as she took a bite of her lunch. “So they’re all expecting gifts.”

He smiled. Y/N told him more about how life was going back home. She visited his mom weekly, cooking with her and oftentimes calling Izuku with her while she was there. As she was telling him about her last visit, he remembered what his mom had told him before he’d left.

“Y/N doesn’t say it,” she told him, eyes already welling with tears as she spoke. “But I know she worries for you as much as I do. She loves you with her whole heart and more, Izuku. I know you love her just as much.That kind of love is too special to let go. Do you understand?”

He did.

They’d both talked about it—marriage. Y/N had told him she’d agree to marry him in a heartbeat, but she understood that they also didn’t need to formally get married and she was perfectly content with how they were now.

He remembered reading columns about them that the newspapers would sometimes put out whenever he got interviewed on big talk shows and he talked about Y/N. The reporters would go crazy with it for a couple of weeks: speculating when a ring would be spotted on Y/N’s finger, when Dynamight would come home after years abroad to attend the wedding, when All Might would emerge from his peaceful retirement to officiate.

Izuku had been sure he was going to spend the rest of his life with Y/N when they’d moved in together, and the first thing she insisted they both do was plant a flower in the backyard. He’d been in love with her for over two years now, but finally moving in with her, seeing her plant the first flower in their new home together—that had solidified everything for him.

“Y/N,” he said now, quietly, as he found himself being overcome with sleep.

She looked up from her lunch, smile softening. “Yeah?”

“Love you so much,” he said. “Be lost without you.”

“I love you too, Izuku,” she replied.

He fell asleep before he could tell her he was going to marry her the second he got back, that he’d buy her a bouquet of flowers to match the ones in their garden in the backyard.

But he had a feeling she already knew. And it made him love her even more.

masterlist+navigation;requests are open!

chicken bake

pairing:togata mirio x reader

synopsis: y/n is the designated grocery shopper in the y/n-tamaki-nejire apartment, and they do not mind one bit if it means seeing the cute costco worker every time they go and getting their favorite food every time.

content:costco worker mirio, swimmer mirio, college au, roomies nejire and tamaki, clueless y/n, y/n can drive yes they can!!, smiley mirio, me and my left up to interpretation endings

word count: 2.5k

a/n:this is entirely self indulgent and came to me in a grocery store parking lot as i was eating my costco chicken bake bc i get one almost every time i go to costco and im scared the cute worker will start to recognize me so here this is lsjfklasjdlkfjsdlkfj. is this a crack fic??? have i finally written one? who knows. this is so niche ong asdklfjsadlfss also this is my 100th post!!!!!

It’s been three months since Y/N accepted their role as the Costco card holder, and they had gone to said store a total of eight times. Eight.

Y/N blamed their roommates. Nejire has so much hair that she loves to take care of, and she sends Y/N on shampoo runs routinely. Tamaki likes the snacks they have, and Y/N finds it very hard to say no to him when he willingly does their share of the chores whenever Y/N goes on Costco runs.

And Nejire always makes breakfast for them, so Y/N feels obligated to do much of the shopping for the three of them. They don’t really mind—going on errands by themselves feels oddly therapeutic. They always go an hour before closing time, since that’s when their shift at the student center on campus ends.

Today’s trip is on a Friday, and Y/N feels almost embarrassed to push by people to get to the food court.

They’d ordered their usual chicken bake, plus ice creams for the kids (Nejire and Tamaki). They carefully glanced at each of the workers, fearing for the familiar friendly face that always seemed to be there whenever Y/N had a Costco run.

They didn’t know his name, because each time he wore a different one. They’d noticed all of the food court workers did that—interchanged name tags, sometimes right in front of customers. Y/N thought it was funny.

“Number 242! Number 242!”


Y/N plastered a smile onto their face (completely genuine, despite their previous thoughts). Today the blond guy’s name was “Oliver.” He smiled as he handed Y/N their chicken bake and pushed forward the ice creams. “Have a nice day!”

“Thanks, you too!” Y/N hurried away back to their cart and began to speed walk toward the exit. It was ridiculous, really. A crush on someone they rarely saw. But every interaction left them with their heart fluttering. And they hadn’t had a crush in a while. It was nice to feel like that again.

“Back already!” Nejire cheered when Y/N knocked on the apartment door, taking her ice cream out of Y/N’s hands and giving them a very wet kiss on the cheek, which both Y/N and Tamaki cringe at. Nejire just laughs, going back to her spot on the couch, where she has set up her study station and has multiple papers strewn all over the coffee table in front of her. She carefully set down her ice cream before heading out the door to help unload the groceries. Tamaki thanked Y/N for his ice cream and followed Nejire out the door.

They lived on the first floor of the building, so grocery shopping is never followed by the dread of hauling everything upstairs. Nejire’s green car is also the perfect size for Costco runs, and Y/N loves driving it—another reason they are not so mad about being the designated errand-person.

After everything is sorted away, Y/N sat down with Tamaki at the small kitchen table to eat their chicken bake as he carefully ate his ice cream. Nejire remained on the couch at her study station, occasionally sighing loudly.

“He was there again,” Y/N said through a mouthful of their chicken bake. Nejire had gotten up to stretch and sauntered over to the table to join them, halfway through her ice cream. She brightens at Y/N’s statement, and Tamaki pauses in his ice cream eating for a second.

“Ooh was he as cute as ever?” Nejire teased. Y/N almost choked on their chicken bake, Tamaki reaching over to pat them on the back, although more in a sympathetic way.

“I regret telling you that I thought he was cute,” Y/N groaned.

“We can ask Mirio to poke around and find out who he is!” Nejire chirped, eating another spoonful of ice cream. “Pretty sure he works at a different Costco, but he could still find out somehow!”

Y/N shook their head. “It’s just a crush.”

And that was that until their next Costco run, a few weeks later.

This time he was named “Haru.” And he struck up a conversation, since Y/N was the only one at the food court.

They’d gone early that day, since it was a Saturday and they wanted to beat the rush of other shoppers. They’d been the first on in the store, and apparently everyone else was still shopping, because they were also the first food court order.

“Busy day?” He asked, leaning on the counter in front of him, leaning his chin into his hand. Ridiculously pretty smile on his face. God Y/N was whipped.

“Not much after this,” Y/N replied, fiddling with their receipt. He hummed in acknowledgement, straightening when their coworker started placing the finished food on the appropriate racks.

“Here you go!” He handed them their chicken bake. “No ice cream today?”

“No, not today,” Y/N said, setting their chicken bake carefully onto their cart. They felt like they shouldn’t walk away just yet.

“Well, see you,” he said after a pause. Y/N waved goodbye before walking away, hearing the other food court worker shout something at the guy, who quickly shushed her. Y/N glanced curiously back to see him looking at them, and then quickly duck below the counter. The other worker gave Y/N a little wave, which Y/N slowly returned before rushing out of the store.

They thought about it the entire ride home, naturally. They unloaded the groceries with Tamaki, who was the only one at the apartment since Nejire was working. Since he was so quiet they unloaded in silence, although he did look as though he wanted to ask if something was wrong. He settled for offering to make them a smoothie to eat with their chicken bake, and Y/N brightened considerably.

“Yo, Mirio!”

“Hey Nejire!”

He hopped into her car with ease, buckling up as she sped out of the Costco parking lots. She’d offered him a ride back to his dorm, since she had told him she was studying at a nearby Starbucks after she’d gotten off her own shift at her job.

“How’s work?” Nejire asked as she drove, reaching over to take a sip of her drink while steering with the other hand expertly. Mirio had long stopped worrying about Nejire’s driving habits. She’d gotten a perfect score on her driver’s exams, and had successfully avoided three car crashes. Plus her car was ridiculously cute and well kept, and Mirio knew she’d never dare the risk of wrecking it.

“It’s good,” Mirio replied, shifting in his seat.

“That’s good! Roomie Y/N went grocery shopping there today,” Nejire said. “They always see this cute dude working there, but they’re too shy to say anything, bless their adorable little heart.”

Y/N. Nejire and Tamai often speak of them, and despite having mutual friends, he’s never met them. He knows they’d like them, by what he’s heard. Every time he hangs out with Nejire and Tamaki, Y/N is always busy working or has extra curriculars. Which he understands all too well.

“And how’s swimming going, Mirio? Got yourself a date yet? I’ve heard people thirst over swimmers all the time, how are you not dating anyone? Is it your hair? I can cut it for you!”

They fell into an easy conversation after that. Nejire was always easy to talk to, and Mirio felt terrible that he didn’t hang out with her and Tamaki as much as he used to. It was bad enough that he couldn’t room with them, since he had to live with the other athletes on campus. But swim and work took up all of the free time he had. The rest was filled with homework and classes.

“Bye Mirio! Hand out with us soon, you still have to meet Y/N!” Mirio thanked her for the ride and climbed out of the car, noticing a stray receipt that fell to the ground as he shut the door. He picked it up and turned around to give it back to Nejire only to see she was already driving down the street and rounding the corner.

On his walk over he glanced at the receipt, curious.

It was a Costco receipt, which Mirio figured Y/N must’ve left in Nejire’s car by accident after their trip to the store. As he made his way into his own dorm room, he was about to drop the receipt onto his dresser when he noticed the address.

It was his Costco.

He almost screamed in shock but refrained from doing so, afraid he’d scare the new freshman who lived on the same floor as him.

There was no way. Right? Yeah. No way. Right?

He collapsed onto his bed, trying to remember everything he knew about Y/N from Nejire and Tamaki. They worked at the student center, were a great roommate, and had an odd oddication to Costco food court items.


He refrained from calling Nejire. It could all just be a coincidence. No one besides his coworker, Yuyu, knew about his crush on the frequent customer. Mirio had learned Y/N’s name after their third visit, when he’d sneaked a peak at their name on the receipt they presented him. Yuyu had teased him about it, and continued to do so—including today. He’d been so embarrassed when Y/N caught him staring that he dropped to the ground, and Yuyu had laughed at him the rest of the day.

With horror, Mirio realized Yuyu was literally Nejire’s best friend. But she’d kept true to her word and hadn’t told anyone about his crush. Otherwise Nejire would’ve been teasing Mirio about it, too.

He has practice the rest of the weekend, and his free time is spent getting ahead on assignments, so he has little time to dwell on it. But the time he has had he has spent analyzing his entire situation.

Y/N, Nejire and Tamaki’s beloved roommate, famous for their costco food court addiction. Never met Mirio. Nejire and Tamaki had never mentioned the Costco they frequented had been the one he worked at, and he had concluded that they simply didn’t know about that particular detail. The more he thought of it, the more he was convinced that they were the same person.

So on Monday, after his classes, he rushed to the student center. He did have an essay to print, so he wasn’t just going to find out if this was all an odd coincidence. He normally borrowed Tenya’s printer, since they lived on the same floor, but he decided to leave his underclassmen alone for the day and use the printers in the student center.

He made it to the computers, glancing around every which way. There were a few students sitting at the reception desks on the other side of the room, near the printers. But no Y/N.

“Hello, Mirio-senpai!”

“Oh, Izuku!”

His teammate settled down into the chair beside him, logging onto the computer. “Is Tenya out of ink?”

Izuku nodded, smiling to himself. “He was very upset about it. He ran straight to the store to buy some more, so I’m using the student center printers today.”

Mirio momentarily forgot about his original intent to be here and talked with Izuku about how he was liking college. The kid was super enthusiastic about it, rambling about how cool his classes were and how he loved swimming with everyone on the team. They both printed their essays and were about to leave when Mirio heard someone say something behind him.

“Have a good night, Y/N!”


He whirled around wildly, startling Izuku, who was about to reach to open the door. But no matter where Mirio looked, he didn’t see anyone. He ushered Izuku out the door, deciding he was in the mood for some off campus food.

“Dinner is on me, Izuku!”

“Really? Thanks so much!”

Y/N loved their job. It was relatively easy, and they had a lot of time to do their own homework while on the clock. Plus, free access to the printers and occasional snacks the student center offered sometimes.

They were getting ready to clock out when they noticed a blond guy walk into the center, and their heart stopped.

It was Costco-man.

Y/N went into a panic, sitting back down heard at the front desk and sliding down so their face was hidden. A little while later, they heard someone greet someone else, and Y/N was almost sure they heard the name “Mirio.”

It took them two seconds to connect the dots.

They packed up, mind whirling with speculations and then confirmations of their now greatest fear. Nejire and Tamaki must’ve not known, assuming Y/N went to a different Costco or that Mirio worked at a different one. Nejire was busy all the time, and Tamaki was too, so the miscommunication was understandable.

They said goodbye to their coworkers and slipped out the back, sighing in relief at their close call.

“Ah, Y/N-san!”

Y/N turned toward the familiar voice, a smile already on their face. Izuku was a part time worker at the student center, too, and they thought they’d heard him earlier. He was a sweet kid, and Y/N had been tasked with showing him the ropes of the job and had basically taken him in under their wing.

And just their luck, he was standing next to Mirio. Costco-man.

Izuku’s bright smile was not enough to blind Y/N from Mirio’s bewildered look, which quickly switched to a growing smile that Y/N hesitantly returned.

“Hi, Izuku,” Y/N greeted, stopping just in front of the pair. “How’s it going?”

Izuku had a glint in his eye Y/N had seen once before, when he had been tasked with reorganizing the filing system and had ended up making it much better than it had been before.

“Actually, I’m quite busy!” he chirped, making Mirio quickly turn his head to look at him in barely concealed surprise. Izuku ignored him. “I’ve got to run, enjoy your dinner, Mirio-senpai! See you tomorrow, Y/N!” And he sprinted away, as though afraid they’d chase after him.

“So,” Mirio smiled, his cheeks tinted pink. “Y/N.”

“Mirio,” Y/N smiled back. “Nice to know your real name.”

He laughed, falling into step beside them as they continued walking idly with no particular destination in mind, rushing back to the apartment long forgotten.

“I was heading to dinner off campus, want to come with?”

Y/N didn’t hesitate. “Sure.”

“Eh? What is this?” Nejire motioned between the two of them, eyebrows furrowed. Tamaki peaked from behind her curiously.

“What do you mean?” Y/N asked, turning towards their roommates. They’d just greeted Mirio with a hug after the other two had invited him to their apartment for a get together so that he could “finally” meet Y/N.

“You know each other?” Nejire asked.

“Well, you see—”

“OH MY GOD!” she gasped in sudden understanding, her eyes glancing between the two of them quickly. Mirio had just finished a shift at work and had brought them all ice creams, which Nejire wordlessly was now pointing at on the table in shock.


“Oh my god.”


masterlist+navigation;requests are open!

found you

pairing:midoriya izuku x f!reader

synopsis: y/n, with a new spider-based quirk recently given to her, is determined to free a little girl she saw on the street. eri. after eri is rescued, y/n meets her again, in the safety of their new home of ua, alongside her rescuers. one of which helps reignites y/n’s dwindling dream, and reminds her of why she wanted to be a hero.

content: implied abuse, injuries, spider-man quirk, best senpai mirio, lovesick izuku

word count: 3.6k

a/n:thanks to the anon who sent in the request that inspired this!! I deviated from it a bit, hope that’s okay!! This is like the 4th spider-man related thing i’ve written, but i love the concept so idc >:)

The first time she sees her is on her second day of UA, on her way back home from school. She was just about to make it onto the street before a man grabbed her and snatched her back into the shadows, almost too quick for Y/N to see anything. Almost. She’d still seen the frantic look in the little girl’s eyes, the bandages wrapped around her arms.

On instinct Y/N follows after them, sprinting across the street to the alley, sure she didn’t imagine it. The little girl had white hair. Impossible to miss, even from a dark alley.

But when she makes it into the alley they’ve vanished. There’s doors leading to who knows where on either side of the alley’s walls, and Y/N desperately yanks at them, wishing the radioactive spider had given her lockpicking skills, too. None of them budge. Y/N calls the police, waiting impatiently for them to arrive. There isn’t a lot of foot traffic along near the alley—at least, not when she saw the little girl. She might be the only witness, and the police might not believe her.

She still stayed and gave her statement, describing the little girl with as much detail as possible. The police took down everything she said, and Y/N hoped they’d look into it. There wasn’t anything she could do. Her body hadn’t automatically reacted with her quirk, because she’d only received her spider abilities a month ago, and they were not second nature to her yet. If she’d swung across the alley with her webs, or at least grabbed the arm of the man with them, would she have been able to do something?

The next few weeks are a blur. UA was notorious for being a hero school, but the general studies course was jam packed with college preparatory courses. Y/N wasn’t able to apply for the hero course since her quirk arrived… late, so she stuck with general studies. After school, she’d walk the same route where she’d seen the little girl every day, sometimes circling back to walk a different route with more alleys. Y/N couldn’t swing from place to place like she wanted to, since a hero on patrol might scold her for it, or she’d get in the way of a mission in place, so she stuck to walking. She’d checked in with the police about the report she’d made, but they told her they hadn’t found anything. So it was up to her to find the little girl again, and save her from whatever was happening to her.

Y/N started training with her quirk at home, avoiding her parents by practicing on the roof or in the safety of her locked room, getting the hang of the sticky touch and the web shooting. The reflexes were a great added bonus—she dominated in PE class. But she needed to train herself to react instinctively with her quirk, especially if she wanted to follow through on her dream of becoming a hero. She didn’t want to fall behind, even though the odds were literally stacked against her.

The little girl found her the next week.

Y/N was walking along a route behind the alley where she’d first seen her when she felt someone bump into her, lightly enough where Y/N may have mistaken it for the wind. But she glanced down and there she was, big red eyes staring right back at her, as surprised as she was.

There’s no one else on the street—it’s mainly filled with warehouses to begin with, and people are still at work. It’s just Y/N and the little girl.

“Hi,” Y/N dropped to her knees quickly, eye level with the little girl. “I’m Y/N, I’m here to help you. What’s your name?”

She was trembling, and an arm’s length away from Y/N. Her bandages looked new, as though they had just been replaced.

Before she could reply, Y/N sees a shadow approaching from the alley, and she scoops the little girl up, ready to sling away with her webs. She turns to latch onto a building across the street and is met with a man standing in front of her, smiling cruelly down at both of them. “There you are, Eri.”

The man reaches up with lightning speed, before Y/N can even react, and touches his fingers to her temples. She vaguely felt the man take Eri from her before she blacked out, feeling her energy drain out of her as her vision faded to darkness.

She woke up to someone lightly shaking her shoulder. Y/N sat up with a gasp, wildly looking around her. “Where is she? Did he take her?”

The workday seems to be over, because the street looks busier than before. The lady who woke her up helps her to her feet, asking if she needs to go to a hospital. Y/N thanked her before stumbling away, still feeling a bit light headed. She knew there was a police station around here somewhere. The woman who helped her insisted on going with her, and Y/N let her help her walk the few blocks there.

The police took both of their statements, and Y/N goes home long after the sun has set, exhausted and fearing the wrath of her worried parents.

Y/N had plans to go back to the police station at least once a week to bother them into taking her seriously, but then the Heights Alliance dorms were built, and she found herself moving into the dorms.

When they were allowed to return home on breaks or odd weekends, Y/N was sure to take the same routes as before, searching every alley for Eri. A few times she thinks she’s seen her, and she calls out to her, slinging across streets to the alley, only to find it empty. Y/N was starting to think she imagined it, but every time it happened, she finds bandages on the alley’s floor. Eri’s had come looking for her, but either was too scared to ask for help or was dragged back to wherever they kept her.

The police tell Y/N to stop calling, assuring her they are on the case. And she believes them, because this is the first time they’ve told her that. She’s practically on a first name basis with the receptionist at the station, who was always very blunt on where they were in the investigation. The next time Y/N calls, she’s told Eri is safe, but they aren’t allowed to say anything more.

Y/N is pretty sure she scares her dorm neighbor with her loud cheers.

“Hey, Midoriya!”

Izuku screamed, almost dropping his notebooks. He was on his way to his dorm, and hadn’t even noticed Mirio. Even without his quirk he was surprisingly sneaky.

“Yes?” Izuku squeaked, still a bit startled.

“Eri-chan’s been asking for someone lately, and no one knows who it is.” Mirio falls into step beside him as Izuku leads him to a nearby bench where they can sit.

It’d been a while since Izuku saw Eri. She was getting acclimated to her new life living on campus, and was doing better than ever.

“Really? What’s their name?” Izuku adjusts his notebooks to set them on his lap. Mirio leans back into the bench, looking thoughtful.

“Y/N, Eri-chan says. She keeps asking for her. Aizawa can’t get much else out of her, I think she’s still a little shaky, especially when it comes to her memories.” Izuku nods.

“So, how’re your classes going?” They fall into an easy conversation after that, until eventually Mirio heads back to his own dorm for the night. Izuku gets his homework done for the day, the name Y/N in the back of his mind for the rest of the night.

A few weeks later, Izuku found himself wandering around the school during lunch. He was in the mood for a walk, but his allergies had been acting up lately, so he was stuck inside as much as possible. He didn’t even really know where he was—he’d never been in this part of the school before. After some vague snooping into classrooms he figured out it was the general studies branch of the school. He brightened, thinking maybe he’d see Shinso around somewhere.

“Y/N!” he heard someone call from down the hallway. He whirled around, almost activating his quirk in his haste. Someone was at the end of the hall, looking at someone else out of sight. “Wait up!”

Izuku bolted down the hallway, but when he rounded the corner there was no one else there. He kept searching nearby classrooms in vain, sure this couldn’t be a coincidence.

Aizawa had told him and Mirio not even a few days ago that Eri had finally shared who Y/N was, and why she wanted to find her. She’d been the first person to try and save her, but they’d both been caught every time. Eri wanted to thank her for all of her attempts. She’d even made her a card already, with a picture of the two of them. Aizawa had shown it to them, and although it was the drawing of a little kid, the UA uniform was unmistakable. Aizawa said he’d search for a Y/N in the school records that weekend. It was Friday today, which meant he hadn’t yet.


Izuku whirled around, mid inspection of an empty classroom.


He quickly explained he was searching for someone named Y/N, and if there was anyone with that name in the general studies program.

“Oh, Y/N. I was about to go borrow their notes. I can take you to them.”

But the bell rings just as Izuku begins to practically glow in thanks. He thanks Shinso for his help, telling him he’ll meet Y/N soon, and hurries back to class, suddenly desperate for the end of the day so he can find Aizawa and ask him about the Y/N search.

But Mirio found him first, right after classes are over for the week.

“Aizawa says he might’ve found Y/N! I’ll come get you tomorrow, he’s taking Eri to meet her in the staff room. She’s taken a liking to it, she’ll feel safe there.”

Izuku could barely sleep that night. He was so excited—both for Y/N, who’d feel so relieved at knowing Eri was safe, and for Eri, who was going to be able to thank Y/N. He finally fell asleep at around two in the morning, but not before going through at least five of his hero journals before he got sleepy.

Mirio kept his promise and showed up at the dorms just after breakfast, and Izuku hurried to clean off his dishes before leaving with him.

It felt odd to be on campus on a weekend, but every door Mirio opened for them was unlocked, probably thanks to Aizawa. Izuku unconsciously sped up, scared he’ll have missed the reunion. He’d become invested in this, determined to see Eri smile more as she learns how to be happy and interact more with others.

He found Eri sitting on the couch, looking nervous and staring intently down at the note in her lap. Izuku took the seat beside her after greeting her and Aizawa, starting a small conversation with her while Mirio and Aizawa conversed quietly before Mirio hurried out the door, probably to fetch Y/N. Aizawa sat himself down at the table and sipped his coffee quietly while Izuku talked with Eri. She relaxed after a few minutes, opening her note and sharing her drawing once more, her eyes shining with excitement.

“I’m back, and I’ve brought a friend!” Izuku whipped around at the same time Eri did.

Behind a grinning Mirio was a girl, who tentatively peeked around him, her eyes searching the room before landing briefly on Izuku, and then on Eri beside him.

He heard her sharp intake of breath and watched, transfixed for some reason, as she walked forward slowly toward Eri, who had got up from the couch and was walking toward Y/N slowly.

“For you,” Eri said, thrusting the note out in front of her. “To thank you.”

Y/N took it gently, as though scared Eri would suddenly bolt. She unfolded it and read it quietly, a smile growing on her face and tears starting to slide down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you sooner,” she said, barely loud enough for Izuku to hear from his seat on the couch. Eri offered her a tissue from her pocket, and Y/N took it with a quiet thanks, wiping away her tears as Aizawa started to explain how Eri had ended up at UA.

Eri led Y/N over to where Izuku sat on the couch and she sat down in between them, beaming at them both as Aizawa talked. Y/N glanced at Izuku when he was mentioned in the story, smiling, which he brightly mirrored back to her.

“I’m glad someone was looking out for her,” Y/N said, looking at Izuku with shining eyes he found very hard to meet the gaze of without blushing. He could practically feel Mirio’s knowing smile from across the room where he sat at the long table with Aizawa, talking again now that the long story was over. Eri was busy showing Y/N her outfit and matching bows, and Y/N was complimenting them. Izuku wandered over to his teacher and upperclassmen.

“I’ll take Eri back soon,” Aizawa murmured. “Mirio, walk these two back to the dorms for me.”

“I can walk Y/N back,” Izuku blurted, almost surprising himself. Mirio’s smile returned, and Izuku rushed to finish. “That way Mirio-senpai can head back with Eri-chan, I know he was supposed to spend the day playing with her.”

“Fine by me,” Aizawa sighed, moving to wash his empty coffee mug in the sink. “Straight back to your dorm, Midoriya.”

“Yes, sir,” Izuku replied quickly, knowing the meaning behind the tone and knowing glare Aizawa sent him. No more spontaneous meetings with villains on campus alone.

After a tearful goodbye with promises to visit often, Izuku and Y/N parted ways from Eri and co, walking the opposite way towards the dorms. He was bursting with questions. Eri had only mentioned Y/N had tried to save her multiple times, but often Eri had only caught a glimpse from her across the street before she was taken back inside. What was Y/N’s quirk like? How had she found Eri the first time? Had she had to fight against Chisaki’s men? Why had she filed two police reports, as she’d briefly mentioned—

“This is my stop.”

Izuku stopped in front of the dorm building, where a giant 1-C Alliance sign adorned the entrance above. Y/N smiled at him, moving to enter her dorm building. “Thanks for walking me. Shinso had mentioned you were looking for me, but we both had no idea why. I would’ve never imagined Eri was involved.”

Izuku could only nod, his voice caught in his throat. He hated the way he froze up around attractive people. He resisted the urge to sprint away from Y/N in the hopes of hiding his blush but fought against the instinct. “I heard someone call your name during lunch, and I remembered how Eri-chan had been asking for a Y/N. It’s very nice finally meeting you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, too.” Y/N had stopped moving towards the dorm entrance, turning to face Izuku again. “I watched you at the sports festival. Has… Has your quirk always been like that?” Izuku didn’t miss the hesitation in her voice, or the way she subconsciously moved to rub at her wrists, which were wrapped in bandages.

“It’s much better now, I’ve been getting the hang of it!” Izuku reassured her brightly. “It just took some getting used to.”

“I can understand that,” Y/N replied, laughing quietly. “Mine is a bit like that, lately. I think I’ve just been over exerting myself.”

“Ah, your wrists?” Izuku asked, pointing at her hands. “I can offer you pointers! If you’d like, that is. I’m not sure how helpful I’d be, but I love learning about different quirks, and I know about a lot, so I think I’d know something to help you out somehow!” He quickly shut himself up, realizing in horror he’d been rambling.

But Y/N is looking at him with that same look in their eye as before, after hearing how he’d been involved in Eri’s rescue. “Would you? I don’t want to be a bother.”

“You’re not a bother!” Izuku hurriedly said. “Does tomorrow work for you, in the afternoon? I know a spot behind the 1-A dorms that’s perfect for sparring and quirk usage.”

“Thank you,” Y/N said. “Seriously, Midoriya. Thanks.”

“No problem! I’ll come get you after lunch tomorrow!” He waved goodbye, waiting for Y/N to walk inside before jogging back to the 1-A dorms, feeling beyond giddy with himself.

Y/N’s quirk, Izuku quickly decides, is beyond cool. He’s already filled almost two pages with information about it, complete with a sketch of Y/N mid-swing with her webs.

Her main issue is her wrists, she tells him. At first she was fine, but after using her quirk more often, she’s started to feel the strain, and sometimes her skin would crack and bleed. Similar to Sero and his quirk repercussions, Izuku thought to himself.

Izuku does his best to help her, telling her all he can on how to treat her injuries after over exertion, something he is very knowledgeable in, and after seeing her in action for a while, he copies her moves (minus the webs). It’s similar to how he’s adjusted to flying through the air, but Y/N has the added momentum thanks to her webs, and thus uses more of her strength to change directions or stop.

Together, lying on the grass, they write out a workout routine for her while consulting online resources. Shoulder to shoulder on the grass, Izuku forgets about his nerves as he scribbles in his notebook, talking ambiably with an equally enthusiastic Y/N.

After they work out the plan, Y/N offered to show him her “spidey-senses.” Izuku is excited to see them in action and before he knows it they’re sparring. Y/N’s reactions are instantaneous, moving right as Izuku swings to tap her. He only landed a tap once, when she’s laughing at the determined set of his eyebrows and too distracted to doge properly.

They both tire themselves out and lay back down on the grass, panting.

“Hey, Midoriya.”

“Hm?” Izuku hums from his place beside her, still catching his breath.

“I wanted to be a hero. That’s why I applied to UA. But I wasn’t ready for the hero course, so I went with general studies.” Izuku turned his head to look at her. She was staring up at the sky, twiddling her fingers resting on her stomach. “But after meeting Eri, and you, I think I’m going to work for it. With all I’ve got. I’d be happy just working as a nobody in a hero agency if it means I get to help people.”

Izuku resisted the urge to start crying. “I believe in you, Y/N. And so does Eri-chan.”

He yelped when he felt her slap his arm gently. He turned to see her covering her face with her hands.

“Gonna make me cry again,” she mumbled from beneath her hands. Izuku laughed, rolling away from her when she reached out to smack him again.

Their training sessions become a weekly tradition. Every weekend they meet behind the 1-A dorms and stay there for an hour. Mainly they spar together, making a game out of how many times they manage to touch each other. After they get tired they lay in the grass, pointing clouds out to one another and talking about their weeks. Y/N’s been sticking to the workout routine Izuku helped her make, and she tells him it’s been a great help. He notices the difference in her moves, how she doesn’t hesitate as much anymore, trusts herself to listen to her instincts.

After a particularly tiring session, wherein Izuku won, Y/N plopped herself onto the ground, laughing to herself. Izuku sat beside her, stealing glances at her since her eyes were closed and there was no one around to tease him about it. She looked so at peace whenever they finished training, despite the sweat sticking to her forehead and the heavy breaths that escaped her lips.

“Hey, Midoriya.”

“Yeah?” He hurried to glance elsewhere, up at the clouds.

“I’ve never told anyone this,” she paused before continuing, “but I was born quirkless.”

He almost gave himself whiplash as he turned to face her. Her eyes were still closed, but he knows she could still feel his movements despite her sense of vision being obstructed.

“I got my quirk a month before school started, after a spider bit me. It was so scary to figure out alone. You’ve helped me alot.” She smiled at that, reaching over to pat his hand lightly. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, almost automatically. His brain was still processing what she’d said.

“You’re like me, aren’t you?” He froze, his body going rigid in shock.

“It’s okay if you can’t tell me,” Y/N said, eyes still closed. “It’s just nice to know I’m not alone.”

Izuku didn’t trust himself to say anything. He reached out to take her hand, intertwining their fingers. Y/N’s smile returned, and she squeezed his hand lightly.

“I’m glad I found you,” she said, opening her eyes to meet his gaze.

“I’m glad I found you,” he echoed, moving to lay down beside her to look up at the clouds. He was careful not to let go of her hand.

“Although, I did find you first.”

“Oh, so it’s a competition, is it?”

masterlist+navigation;requests are open!

Equal…pt. 1 - BakuKami x Reader

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

1355 words

Warnings: self doubt and worth, mild angst, unintentional hurtful comments.

+ Equality is majorly important in relationships. Bakugo and Kaminari always tried to make sure you felt equal even though you joined the relationship later and it makes you love them even more. Sometimes though you can’t help but think otherwise. Unintentionally, they raise the doubts in you. It isn’t until one catastrophic day that everything snowballs and you let those doubts win.

I joined the relationship late. Bakugo and Kaminari were already in a relationship for a while when I joined. Though their relationship was the last thing everyone and even themselves expected, they were a strong couple. Everyone was even more shocked when Kami revealed the news that the 3 of us were together.

So, I was still sometimes feeling like I’m gaining my footing or finding my place in the relationship. I feel like I don’t belong sometimes but the boys always seem to push those doubts away. Well most of those doubts away. I get to see a side to the boys that noone else does. A soft and sweetest Bakugo with the natural goofy Kaminari that isn’t afraid to show when he is feeling down.

“I am starving!” I yelled out as Tsu, Sato, Shoji, and I walked into the dorms.

“Agreed.” Tsu laughed and quickly slipped into the kitchen after changing out of her shoes. I chuckled and put on my slippers. I looked around and searched for my two boys.

“They disappeared a while ago.” Tokoyami said from the couch. I sat on the arm next to him while Shoji sat close on his otherside. “They were in the kitchen before slipping upstairs.”

“Thanks, Yami.” Tsu came back and handed me an orange before plopping on the floor in front of the boys. “Thanks Tsu. I’ll see you guys later.”

“Bye.” I trotted up the stairs and checked Kami’s room first. They weren’t there so I went to Bakugo’s.

I softly knocked but the sound of a movie or something told me they wouldn’t hear. I slipped in and saw a dark room illuminated by Bakugo’s laptop. I walked in but froze when I saw Kami and Bakugo deep in conversation. They were in each other’s arms and speaking softly to each other. It was times like these, where they were so close and soft with one another, did I feel like I was intruding on the relationship. I went to step back out.

“Baby?” I heard Bakugo call a little shocked and confused. I looked at them and smiled. “Shit, I forgot you were going to be back this early.” His statement sent a small ache through me. Were they talking about or doing something they didn’t want me to be a part of. “I would have made more food for all of us.”

“We’re sorry.” Kami apologized. My eyes caught sight of the empty bowls on Baku’s desk. Relief filled me a little.

“Oh that’s okay. I’ll get something a little bit later.”

“Are you sure? I can go make something real quick.” He went to get up but I shook my head.

“Yes I’m sure.” I walked to the bed and Kami quickly snatched me, pulling me down between them. “Eep!”

“Careful Spark plug.” Bakugo growled but wrapped his arms around us nonetheless.

“He he. Sorry!” He snuggled up against me, squishing me between the two.

*Time Skip *

Today had been a long one and I just wanted to lay down to nap. I trudged up the stairs to the front door. I silently made my way in, through the common room, and went to go to my room. I decided at the last second to go to Kami’s room. I didn’t even think to knock so when I walked in, I was met with screaming.

“What?! Hey!” Kami squealed. He quickly covered something up.

“Ever heard of knocking?” Bakugo snapped. I paused and looked at them shocked. I gulped and took a step back at the defensiveness.

“I, I, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize… I’m sorry.” I stuttered. They’re gazes softened as they looked me over. They shared a look and I went to leave. I just grab the door knob when Kami darted forward.

“Wait baby. Don’t go.” Kami gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. I went stiff before hugging back. “Just let us get this all put away and we can cuddle. I can tell you’re completely worn out.”

“Yeah.” I whispered. I heard Bakugo moving throughout the room as Kami held me. My thoughts were turning back to my doubts. Did they really see me as their equal in the relationship? Did they even really want me? I started to sniffle when Bakugo spoke up.

“Alright dumbasses. Get over here.” Kami guided me over and Bakugo pulled me into his lap and laid us down. I was out in no time flat.

*Another Time Skip*

It was a rare Saturday that Kami and I had gotten Bakugo to actually have a lazy day with us. I was lounging on a bean bag Kami had gotten while he was sprawled out on his bed. Bakugo was at the table complaining under his breath. It caused me to giggle.

“Come on, Blasty! You can’t complain all day.” I teased. He gave me a side eye.

“They’re right, Kacchan.” I got up and sat on Bakugo’s lap. His hands found my waist and I dipped my head to kiss him gently. He leant into me and I felt him loosen up.

“It’s okay to be lazy and take a break every now and again.” I whispered. He groaned and let his head fall back. I laughed out loud. I was surprised I didn’t hear Kami laughing or complaining where his kiss was. I looked over and saw him glued to his phone. “You’ve been glued to your phone for most of the day. What’s got you so distracted?”

“Oh nothing really. Hey Blasty, I need to talk to you real quick.” He got up from the bed.

“What is it, Spark Plug?” He looked at Kami.

“Privately.” Kami urged. A rock settled in my stomach Bakugo nodded and lifted me from his lap. He stood up and Kami came over to kiss me. It was a hungry kiss and I tried to chase him when he pulled away. “We’ll be right back.”

“Okay…” I watched as they left the room.

I stayed there kneeling before plopping down on my side on the floor. I sighed and looked around the room. I got up and poked around his desk. I remembered the thing that they were working on when I walked in the other day and they freaked. I looked at the closet and went to peek. I was just about to see inside when the door slammed shut.

“Hey!” Bakugo snapped. I stumbled back and saw him seething. “Stay out of there! You can’t just go around and poking through Kaminari’s Shit.”

“Bakugo…” Kami looked at him then me. I started trembling at Bakugo’s tone.

“Why can’t you stay out of anything. God, you’re so annoying.” I gasped at his words. I tried to find something to say when Bakugo proceeded to look in the closet. He could go through Kaminari’s things but not me? My fears were starting to plague my mind and I started to cry when I came to a realization. I wasn’t equal…

“Bakugo…” Kami spoke up. He was watching me with somber, panicked eyes.

“What!” He turned and glared at him before following his gaze to me. His face dropped. “Baby…”

“I knew it.” I sniffled, wrapping my arms around my stomach. “I should have known.” Clenching my teeth before I laughed humorlessly, refusing to look at them. “I’m not equal in this relationship. You guys don’t see me the same way you see each other. Damn, I’m so stupid.”

“Baby… no…”


“I'm…I’m gonna go.” I wiped at my face furiously. “You two can go back to the way you were before I came. Just forget… forget this ever happened.” I darted for the door, running past them.

“No! Wait!” Kami tried to grab me but I was too quick.

“Y/N!” Bakugo exclaimed. He almost sounded desperate but he was probably just relieved. I ran as fast as I could and ran from the building, needing to be away from everyone and everything for awhile. I didn’t get far before I ran into someone. “Umph!”

“Crap.” I was falling back until a black shadow wrapped around me. I looked through my tears and saw Dark Shadow. “Are you alright, L/N?” I looked at Tokoyami and just shook my head.

“No.” I collapsed into his chest and sobbed.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@l0vely-lee

Body Snatched - Kirishima Eijiro

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

1497 words

Warnings: unwanted touches, attempted assault, vague mention of wounds, language

Author’s note: This is a draft I had done. I am still working on requests, I just haven’t had much energy to write this week. Requests are still open. Look at guidelines post for the rules.

+One day, Kiri & Mineta get hit with a quirk that switches their bodies. You are in your dorm when it happens so you have no clue. Somehow, Mineta, in your boyfriend’s body, gets away from everyone. He ends up at your door. Since you have no Clue, you let him in. He immediately latches on to you.

I groaned, bored out of my mind. I was laying on my bed with my head hanging over the edge. I rolled over and grabbed my phone to play a game. I didn’t get that far because of a knock on my door. I set my phone on my head board.

“Coming!” I ran to the door and opened it to see Kiri. “Oh hey love. Surprise visit?”

“Yeah, something like that.” He stepped in and quickly wrapped his arms around me.

“Okay.” I giggled as he held me tight. He pulled back and looked down at me. His eyes raked up and down me. “What?”

“Nothing. Just admiring the view.” He smirked before kissing me. I groaned and kissed back. I thread my fingers into his hair. He then picked me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked to the bed and sat down, keeping me in his lap.

“Mmm.” I quietly moaned as he attached himself to my neck. I felt his hands roaming everywhere. The sound from my phone pulled my attention for a second. I finally grabbed it when it kept going off. I saw multiple texts from Mina.


Y/N Please!

Please Answer!

Dammit Y/N! Mineta & Kiri got hit with a quirk that switched their bodies! So if you see Kiri it is not him it is the Grape! Be careful!

I gasped at the text. I looked at the red head in front of me, mortified. I dropped my phone and pushed his shoulders back or tried to. He gripped onto my back and kept going on my neck. I kept trying before I decided to yell.

“Mineta!” I yelled with another push.

“What?” He asked, pulling back. Kiri’s ruby eyes widened at his mistake.

“You little pervert!” I screamed. I tried to get out of his lap but he grabbed my waist tightly. He used Kiri’s strength and pulled me back down.

“No, no, no! Please!” I flinched and fought against his grip. It was starting to hurt.

“Let me go, Mineta.” I said firmly.

We fought for a minute before I was able to get out of his grip. I turned away to run but he wrapped his arms around me from behind. He lifted me into the air and dropped me to the floor hard. He followed me to the floor and took my wrists to pin me down. As he did, Kiri’s quirk activated in his hands.

“Ah!” I screamed as my skin tore. I felt him reattach his lips to my neck. “Please stop!” I sobbed out and tears were quickly coming to my eyes. I struggled against him and he took one hardened hand and pushed me still by my chest.

“Enough squirming.” I whimpered at the pain on my chest and the tone I never heard my Kiri use. Before he did anything else, my door burst open. Kiri’s quirk was deactivated and was thrown off me.

“Y/N!” I heard Mina scream. I sat up and reached for the pink girl. I was immediately incased by hers and Ojirio’s arms. They blocked any view of Mineta but could hear Aizawa yelling.

“Just because you’re in their body doesn’t mean you get to take advantage of the situation! Especially not with their partner.”

“I want out. I want out.” I started to repeat over and over.

“Okay, okay. Come on, we’ll take you somewhere else.” Mina said softly. The two helped me up and guided me from the room.

“Take her to my actual room.” I heard the faint voice of Mineta but remembered that it was actually Kiri. I looked over my shoulder and saw the small frame. His eyes held nothing but pain and anger. I wanted to run to Kiri so badly but I didn’t.

“Here we are.” Ojiro said and set me down the bed. They got to work on cleaning my wrists and chest but I sat there numbly.

“I almost feel sorry for Mineta if Kiri gets ahold of him after they switch back. Almost.” Mina said. I laughed before setting my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and just held me. I saw one of Kiri’s hoodies and made a noise, reaching for it. Ojiro gave it to me gingerly. I slipped it on and cuddle into it on Mina’s lap.

Eventually, after I was all bandaged up, they both left. I was curled up under Kiri’s camo blanket, slowly falling asleep to his scent. At some point, I was aroused by the sound of someone entering the room. I pushed up and rubbed my eyes before turning to see Bakugo & Kirishima’s body. I froze.

“Uh…” My eyes darted between Bakugo and him.

“Relax. It’s really him.” Bakugo said. I was still unconvinced.

“You sure?” Bakugo sighed before looking at “Kiri” for help. “Kiri” was rubbing the back of his neck. He met my eyes.

“It’s okay, Sundrop. It’s me.” I immediately relaxed and reached for him at the private nickname he had for me. He had given it to me after he found out my childhood obsession with the drink. He ran to me and wrapped me in his arms.

“I’ve never been happier to hear that silly nickname.” I mumbled into his chest. He quickly sat down next to me and moved me into his lap. I felt tears hit my shoulders and I squeezed him tight. I heard a cough and looked at the door.

“You okay if I…” Bakugo trailed off and jabbed his thumb towards the door. I nodded. “I’m right next door if you dumbass… dummies need anything.”

“Okay.” I croaked before burying my face in red hair.

“Thanks Bakugo.” Kiri said as he pulled up from my neck. I closed my eyes as he walked out. I felt Kiri tap my shoulder. I looked at him. “Get up for a second.”

“Okay.” I stood up from the bed. He pulled the covers back and leant against the headboard. He looked at me with sad eyes and a smile.

“Come here. Please?” He opened his arms and gave me the option to say no. I knelt on the bed and grabbed his hands. He guided me to straddle his lap. He gently took my wrists and stared at the bandages. I saw tears welling up.

“Hey, it’s alright. It wasn’t you.”

“But it was my fucking body! My Quirk! I’m the one that shielded Mineta from the hit and then we switched.” He kept going on and on, getting himself worked up until I placed my lips on his. I kissed him softly and he returned with eagerness, holding my face firmly but gently.

“It wasn’t you.” I whispered. I pulled away slightly. His hands moved back to my hands. “You were being the hero you always wanted to be while trying to protect him. You can’t control him even in your own body.”


“It may have been your quirk but it was not you.” I laced my fingers through his and set my forehead on his. “I will never be afraid of you or your quirk as long as it’s you in here.” I pecked his nose.

“Alright.” He nodded and grip on my hands tightened before wrapping his arms around my hips. “I will always protect you in one way or another. I promise.” He pulled the blanket up and over us. We both fell asleep wrapped in each other.

Muttering and mumbling shook me from my sleep state. I felt a warm hand on my forehead but it was gone in the next second. We must have switched places while asleep because I was on my back for a weight on my chest. I opened my eyes and saw Kiri still asleep on my chest, snoring slightly. I looked towards the door. There stood the silhouette of Aizawa and Principle Nezu.

“Are they alright at least?” Nezu said softly.

“Yes. Just some injuries on their wrists and chest. They are going to be emotionally troubled for a while but they have plenty of support.” Aizawa said. I saw him pause and look at us. “I know it is unorthodox but I know these kids. It would be best if they stay here with Kirishima for a while.” His statement gave me a little hope and relaxation.

“I agree with you.” Nezu agreed and I completely relaxed, nuzzling into Kiri’s hair. “Mr. Mineta will not be returning to UA. They don’t have to worry about seeing them again.” I heard retreating footsteps. I felt a hand on my head again.

“Get some sleep, L/N. Everything will be alright.” I looked at him and nodded.

“Goodnight, Aizawa-sensei.” I snuggled back in and held onto Kiri tight. I felt him squirm before getting comfortable again with a kiss to my collarbone. The combined comfort of his body against mine and the rhythmic sound of his breathing lulled me to sleep.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@charliesdaze

Misjudged His Teasing - Kirishima

+You and Kiri have been pining after each other for a long time. Kiri had figured out you return his feelings and has been trying to figure out a way to confess to you. His attempt goes terribly wrong and you avoid him at all costs. This tears Kiri apart until the rest of the Bakusquad steps in and forces you two to talk things out.

I sighed as I watched Kiri joking around with the rest of the Bakusquad. I admired the smile that crossed his face and nearly swooned at the sparkle in his eyes. As he looked my way, I snapped out of it and looked away, looking around the room with wandering eyes. I looked back and met his eyes. He smiled and gave a small wave. I waved back. He chuckled before Kaminari ran into him from a push by Bakugo. He caught the yellow haired boy before putting himself between the two.

“Calm down, Bakubro!” He tried to calm the angry blonde. Kaminari slinked away and I turned away from the red head to watch the electric boy slink up behind me.

“I am not going to protect you.” I said looking over my shoulder as he placed himself right behind my back.

“No, I know. Kiri’s already doing that.” He placed his hands on my shoulders before peeking over my shoulder. I looked back as Kiri held Bakugo back from running at Kami. My eyes darted down to his exposed bicep. I watched as his arm flexed from the strain of holding the strong boy back. I tilted my head to the side while staring. “You keep staring like that and he is bound to notice.”

“What!” I nearly screeched, looking back at him. He just smiled, letting go of my shoulders and setting his chin on my shoulder. I felt him cross his arms over his chest before he gave me a smug look. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You literally stare at him all the time and I am seriously surprised you have not been caught. Especially by the man in question.” He mused. I looked between him and the red head who now was laughing and roughhousing with the loud blonde. I sighed and looked down. Kami hummed in smug question.

“Fine. Maybe I do.” I admitted. “But! You say absolutely nothing! Nothing!” I turned around quick. Kami stumbled as he was thrown off balance by my movement away from him. “Promise me, Kami!”

“Well, I mean maybe it would hel…” He smiled while wiggling his eyebrows.

“Kaminari!” I exclaimed. He flinched and threw up his hands in surrender.

“I promise.” He squeaked.

“Hey, you two alright over there?” Kiri called. We turned to see him holding Bakugo in a headlock. He was smiling and had one eyebrow lifted in question. My eyes darted to Kiri’s arm where his bicep was rippling from the strain of holding Bakugo. I gulped and nodded.

“We’re fine!” I threw a glare at the electric blonde. He smirked. I turned back and smiled at the red head.

“Well, actually…” Kami started but I threw my arm out and hit him in the stomach. He gave out a gurgled yelp before falling back and toppling over the back of the couch.

“Like I said, we’re fine.” I chirped as a loud groan echoed behind me. Bakugo burst out laughing as Kiri let him go. I walked past the two as Kami yelled at me. I went to go into the kitchen but turned before entering. I looked back at Kirishima and watched as he helps Kami get up.


Right after Kiri helped the blonde up, his eyes darted to see Y/N’s disappearing figure. He sighed and placed an arm on Kami’s shoulder. He stared off into the distance, thinking about the solar & lunar manipulator. Kaminari groaned out loud.

“Oh My God! I just had this conversation with Y/N! You keep this up and they are going to notice.” He exclaimed.

“And that’s a bad thing?” Kiri looked at his friend with a smirk.

“Right, you know about their feelings.” He muttered before turning back to the red head. “That is not fair on their part, Kiri. They don’t know about your feelings for them yet you’re here knowing about theirs and not doing a thing about it.”

“I know, I know.” He said before he was hit on the back of his head. Kiri groaned as he lurched forward. He turned to see Bakugo standing there with his arm raised, drinking from a water bottle.

“Just tell them you dipshit.” Was all he said before he walked off towards his room. Kiri stood there in shock.

“He’s right Bro. You just need to tell Y/N.” Kami said with a smile before walking to the stairs. In the same moment, Y/N walked out of the kitchen.

“Hey Kiri, you alright? You look kind of, well, you have that look of constipation on your face kind of.” They giggled. The sound made Kiri smile instantly.

“Yeah. I’m alright.” He walked over. “Just a few things on my mind.”

“Anything I can help with?” They offered. Kiri was nearly entranced by their gorgeous (e/c) eyes that were filled with worry and care for him.

“Maybe but not right now. It’s getting late.” He said, reaching up and brushing hair back over their shoulder. Y/N’s eyes darted to his hand before looking up at him with bright yet slightly shy eyes. A slight glaze of red went over their cheeks.

“Yeah.” Y/N bit the inside of their cheek. Kiri was all giddy inside and was reeling from their reaction.

“But how about we train together tomorrow after school?” Kiri offered.

“Yes, for sure.” Y/N took a step back. “Night Kiri.”

“Night Y/N.” They disappeared upstairs and Kiri’s legs gave out on him. He fell back over the arm of one of the couches. He smiled uncontrollably. He punched the air in excitement.

“You alright there Kirishima?” He jumped in surprise before rolling off the couch. He stood up and saw Uraraka standing there with as questioning look.

“Yeah, totally fine.” He said little nervously, scratching the back of his neck. She looked at him in worry. He relaxed and gave her a smile. “Really I am. I am just excited.”

“If you’re sure.” She shook her head before going upstairs. Kiri went up to his room and barely was able to go to sleep that night.

The next day was an easy on for once. Aizawa wasn’t as hard on them today, normal classes weren’t too hard, and no villain attacks. Both Kiri and Y/N nearly bolted for the training area they agreed on. They trained quirks on both offense and defense for a few hours before switching off to hand to hand.


“You seem like you’re running down there, L/N. You doing alright?” Kiri gave me a teasing smile. He then ran his tongue out and over his lip. I got distracted by it for a second before shaking my head.

“I’m doing fine. Not running down at all. I think you need your eyes checked.” He laughed before lunging at me. I took a small step back before timing my jump just right. I launched myself over Kiri’s back and used his shoulder as launch pad.

What is didn’t expect was for him to stop short enough to swivel around and shoulder chuck my side on my landing. I went somersaulting before landing on my knees. I looked up at him in surprise.

“What? I’ve been working on it.” He said. “Can’t handle it?”

“You wish.” I crossed my arms. He smirked and held his arms out, waiting. I rolled back in quick and came up with my feet against his chest. I heard him groan before stumbling back. We danced around the mat until Kiri got me slammed up against the padded wall. “Umph!”

“Gotcha.” He said in my ear. I groaned before looking at him. I froze when I realized how close we were. I’m pretty sure my face was already red from the exertion but I felt the blush burn. I met his eyes and he smile wide. I glanced down at his pearly white sharp teeth.

“Um…” I didn’t realize I was staring until his chuckled. I dropped my head and looked away. I mentally kicked myself but froze when he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. He was still smiling and booped my nose.

“Damn you’re cute.” The blushed intensified. I stuttered.

“I am.”

“Mm hmm.” He nodded. He moved in even closer. I had to look up to keep eye contact with him. “You know, I have notices you’re stares and looks on me.

“You have?” I was starting to panic a little bit but also get a little excited. I mean he was standing this close with a smile on his face, had to be good thing right?

“Yep. I have also seen how you act around me. You are laid back, cool minded, and confident around everyone else but around me you get flustered, shy, and sometimes even panicky sometimes. I mean it’s absolutely adorable.” His last statements threw me off. He sounded almost mocking.

“Wait what?” I snapped. I pushed him back. He stumbled and looked at me confused. He went to say something but I held up my hand. “Are you making fun of me?” His confused look changed to panic in a second.

“W-what? No of course not!” He stuttered.

“Yes you are!” I pushed him again and he fell on his ass. He looked up at me in panic. “What? Hate that I’m not playing along? It’s not nice or, or, or manly to play with someone’s feelings! It’s not right to tease me.” Tears were streaming down my face. “You’re not who I thought you were.” I said in a hushed tone before running out of the training area crying.

“Y/N!” I ignored him and kept going.

3rd POV

Kiri watched as they ran away, too shocked and ashamed to fully comprehend what just happened. Once he finally got his ass in gear, he was up and out the door but he was too late.

“Y/N!” He called out in desperation. He ran down the side of the building a bit before stopping altogether. He was breathing heavy and pacing in place, anger at himself growing. He became so pissed off and before he could stop himself he punch the wall, quirk activated. He looked at the cracks and crater. “You are an idiot.” He muttered to himself as the picture of you crying. Just the sight brought tears to his eyes.

Kiri went and gather his and Y/N’s things before making his way back to the dorms. He gathered himself enough to not have anyone ask him questions right now. He wouldn’t be able to handle it. He asks your dorm neighbor to bring your stuff to you before trudging to clean up and hide in his room.

A couple of weeks went by with by with Y/N avoiding Kiri like the plague. He would try to go up to them and explain what he had done, what he really meant but you wouldn’t have any of it. The only time you let him near you was during class training or internship.

He would try to catch you to explain but you would just walk away. There times where he almost broke down in tears watching you walk away. There were times where he actually did. He would go hide in an empty stairwell or a janitor’s closet or where ever he could hide from prying eyes. It tore him up knowing he made you this upset. The rest of the class was starting to catch on to the rift that had fell between you.

They grow especially concerned when Kiri becomes a shell of his former else. He isn’t as cheerful or smilely like normal. He just walks around like a zombie. He doesn’t talk about being manly anymore and even he started to lack in training. What got everyone really, really worried was his eyes grew dull and he got paler.

Everyone else has had enough when he stopped spiking his hair and his black roots started to show and he didn’t even try to hide it. They had tried not to get involved in what ever happened between you two but enough was enough.

“Put me down Bakugo!” I beat on his back as he carried me over his shoulder. I looked at Mina and Kami with narrowed eyes. “What is the meaning of this?”

“We’re worried about Kiri. Whatever happened between you two has really affected him.” Mina said.

“He isn’t himself and we’re even starting to get scared for him. He’s just not our Kirishima anymore.” Kami said with a sad smile and fear in his eyes. I stopped squirming at their words.

“Woah!” I yelped as Bakugo threw me off his shoulder and to my feet.

“Enough is enough! Get in there and fix Shitty hair.” He growled. I could see the worry even in his eyes. Mina opened the door and Bakugo shoved me in. I tumbled to the floor as they slammed the door.

“Real nice guys!” I yelled but whirled around when I heard a surprised whimper. I saw Kiri sitting up in his bed, face riddled with shock.

“Y/N?” He asked in disbelief. I finally actually looked at him for the first time in weeks. I could see why everyone was worried. He was pale, his normal lively eyes were dull, and so much more. I had noticed he was acting different but didn’t realize how much.

“Hi.” I stood up. He jumped up in an energy I haven’t heard from in him in so long. The next thing I knew he was on his knees in front of me, face buried in my stomach. He was holding my legs while crying his eyes out.

“I’m so so sorry. That’s not what I meant at all.” His shaky voice came through muffled. I somehow understood him as he explain what happened, what he really meant by his behavior. I covered my mouth and started crying too at my misjudgment of him. “I was only trying to show my feelings for you.”

“Shit.” I whispered to myself. I started crying harder, my whole body shaking. I felt him still before looking up at me.

“No, no, no!” He cried before pulling me down in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his shoulder. “Shit! I’m sorry! Why do I keep screwing up?! I can’t even apologize right. I’m such a…”

“No, Kiri, no!” I stopped him before he could down talk himself anymore. “I’m just upset at myself for jumping to conclusions. I should have known better and not yelled at you like that.”

“Really?” I nodded and cupped his face. I gave him a watery smile. He let out a big breath of relief. He set his forehead on mine.

“I’m sorry for avoiding you. I should have let you explain.”

“It’s alright. I don’t blame you entirely. I should have just been plain honest with you, not try to be…well, be like Kami and flirt my way through. It wasn’t manly of me.” I chuckled with a big smile.

“There’s my Eijiro Kirishima. The manlest out there.” He smiled before burying his head in my neck, holding my tight. I ran my fingers through his hair and frowned at the sight of his roots. “Hey Ei?”

“Hmm?” He lifted his head to look at me.

“How about we both get cleaned up and then I help you with your hair?” I ask. “Sound good for our first activity as a couple?”

“A couple?” His eyes lit up at the word. I nodded. He shot up with me in his arms. I clung to him as he nodded profusely. I laughed as he held me tight. “Come on, let’s go.”

A little while later we made our way down to the common room hand and hand. Kiri kept nuzzling or kissing my hand, kissing my cheek, and giving me surprise hugs all the way down the four flights of stairs. We finally got to the common room and were greeted by loud hollers and cheers.

“Yes! Finally!” I heard Kaminari scream. We chuckled and made over to the couch where Sero, Kami, Jiro, and Mina sat.

“Hey guys.” Kiri said softly.

“Finally, our shark boy back to normal. Even the red spikey hair.” Mina teased.

“Yeah and I have the red hands to prove it.” I held up my stained red blotched hands. They all laughed.

“Hey shitty hair.” We both looked at the kitchen. Bakugo stood there with a smirk on his face. “Get your ass in the kitchen and eat. You need the energy.”

“Coming Bakugo.” Kiri laughed as Bakugo went back in the kitchen. Kiri brought my hand to his lips. “Caring in his own way.”

“Yeah, he’s a hard one to read but he definitely cares for his friends. Trust me, I got the hint quite well.” I looked at Mina and Kami with raised eyebrows. Kiri looked between me, them, and the kitchen.

“Wait, what did you guys do?” Kiri asked suspiciously. I bit my lip, trying to keep quiet.

“Nothing that wasn’t helpful to the situation.” Kami rushed his words out before sharing a look with Mina.

“Bye!” She exclaimed and they both darted for their respective stairs.


Tag list: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@princ3rae@iris-shihabi@charliesdaze

Don’t Wanna Go -Tamaki

Main MasterlistMHA Masterlist

+You and the Big Three are invited to a party. Mirio and Nejiere were going and so were you. You were still trying to convince Tamaki though. Eventually you relent and go to leave. You didn’t mean for him to hear it but he heard you mutter, “I don’t wanna go without you.” He grows guilty before Mustering up the courage to show up.

I finished adjusting my (skirt/dress parts) and walked over to my boyfriend. He looked up from his tablet and Smiled at me. I twirled for him before holding out my hands in silent question.

“You look very cute, bunny.” He said sweetly. I bounced in glee before going over to him. He set his hand on my waist as I leant down to peck his lips. His fingers played with the accent pieces on my waist. “I hope you have fun tonight.”

“Thank you.” I said. I went to brush my hair out one last time. “Are you sure you won’t Come?” I sat down next to him. He poked down the sleeves of his sweater over his hands.

“No.” He shook his head. My shoulders slumped and a pout came across my face.

“Please?” I asked cutely. I saw the ghost of a smile but he shook his head again. I pouted more before laying my head in his lap. His fingers immediately found purchase in my hair.

“Sorry.” He said.

“No, don’t be.” I looked up at him. I cupped his cheek and rubbed my thumb over his cheek. “I know you don’t like big crowds. I won’t make you do something you don’t like.”

“Thank you bunny.” He pecked my forehead. He looked back at his tablet, pushing his hair behind his ear. “It’s getting close to time. You better get moving.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later. ” I got up and turned to kiss him. I went to pull away but he kept me in place. “Tama…” I giggled against his lips. He pulled away finally with a blush. I walked towards the door grabbing my shoes on the way.

“I’m sure you’ll have fun. Mirio and Nejire Will be there so you’ll still have company.”

“You’re right. I’ll see you afterwards.” I said waving. I turned to the door and silently sighed. “But I don’t want to go without you.” I mumbled.

3rd POV

Tamaki’s shoulders slumped as he heard the wards leave their lips. He knew they didn’t mean for him to hear it but he had. He sat there for a while feeling bad about this situation. He was taken out of his bubble by a text from Mirio.

They’re so cute but they’re missing you. Attached was a pic of you. You were talking with someone but he could see the small pout still present on your lips. Tamaki sighed before locking his phone. He didn’t text back but ran to his room to get changed.

He took in a shaky breath as he approached the party. He grip the Sleeves of his shirt as he walked in. Tamaki’s eyes darted around the crowded room searching for you and your other friends. He finally saw your (h/c) hair and slipped through the crowd.


I laughed at the joke before holding my nose when the feeling of liquid coming out hit. Mirio laughed at me, nearly falling to the floor. I hit him in the chest to help before feeling arms wrap around me.

“Hey! What do you…” I stopped when I felt the person bury their head in between my shoulder blades. A smile came across my face and leant my head back against his. “Hi, baby.”

“Hi, bu-bunny.” He muttered into my shirt. I set my hands over his. He lifted his head and reburied his face in my hair. Mirio finally stood up straight and looked back at me. His eyes widened in glee as he saw his best friend hiding behind me.

“Hey there Tama! Glad you could make it.” He said before turning back to the conversation. I could feel Tama relax a bit behind me at Mirio not making a big deal of his arrival. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Hey there.” I whispered to him. He smiled and tightened his grip.

“Hi.” He stayed in close. I pecked his lips.

“I thought you didn’t want to come. What changed your mind?” I asked before my stomach dropped. I held his face. “Is something wrong?”

“No, no.” He smiled. “I just felt too bad. You really wanted me to come and…” He paused. “I heard you when you left the room. How you didn’t want to go without me…”

“Awe, Tama.” I smiled, relaxing. “That didn’t mom you had to come. I would have been fine.” I ran a hand through his hair. He hummed and leant into my hand.

“I know.” He opened his eyes. “Mirio also sent me a picture of you and I could see you were a little lonely.”

“He did, did he?” I shook my head in disbelief but sniced none the less. I kiss his nose. “Well I’m glad you’re here. Now let’s go get something to drink.”

We got drinks and came quickly. Tama seemed to be having a decent time. While still attached to me, he was talking to Nejiere. Mirio was on my other side. I waited for him to have a break in conversation before I smacked him in the back of the head.

“Ow! What was that for?” He rubbed the sore spot, looking at me in betrayal.

“You know what that was for. I told you to leave him alone!” I chided. His expression morphed from betrayal to to cheeky shock.

“Well…” I hit him again. “Ow!” He yelped and covered his head to protect himself. “Sorry! But you have to admit he is enjoying himself. So, not sorry really.” He then disappeared through the wall.

“Seriously.” I groaned. Tama turned to me.

“What up bunny?” He asked.

“Just your ridiculous best friend. Drives me nuts.” He chuckled. He nuzzled his nose into my hair. I relaxed into him. He tucked my head under his chin. We just stood there for a while before I heard his stomach rumble. “Wanna bail and go get some food?”

“Please.” He said immediately. I laughed and grabbed his hand. We walked out and I shot a text to the blonde idiot letting him know.

“Hey Tama?” I spoke up after a bit of quiet walking.

“Yes bunny?”

“How about next time there’s a party, you try and convince me to stay instead of me trying to convince you to go?” He laughed and pulled me into his side more.

“I think I can do that, love.” He said. I smiled and joined in on laughing.


Don’t Hate It. - Shiggy

Main MasterlistMHA Masterlist

First time trying to hold their hand. Does it go right or wrong?

+Neither you nor Shigaraki were the type to hold hands. For some of the same reasons and some different. For one of Shiggy’s, well obviously his quirk and for you, you were not the type to be all touchy feely in cutesy stuff. Neither of you were really the affectionate types. That is until a day comes that You need a little physical touch.

The day couldn’t go by and end fast enough. Nothing was going right, I was nearly caught by some heroes, and to top it off, it started to storm. As soon as I walked in the door, I threw my soaked coat in some random direction. I shook my hair out, ignoring the displeased yell towards me.

“Ugh!” I threw myself into a booth completely annoyed with the world. My fingers aggressively rapped against the table top. I had been on edge all day, from the moment I woke up.

“Well some one’s in a bad mood.” A deep voice said from across the bar. I glanced toward the bar and saw the black hair male next to our leader. It surprised me to see him out of his room and away from his video games.

“Not now Dabi.” I growled under my breath. A drink was placed in front of me and I saw the black purple Wisps out of the corner of my eye. I took a long drink before leaning back into my seat.

“Awe, is someone also a bit touchy? Oh, everyone! Look out!” He laughed. I rubbed my eyes before burying my face in my hands. I just felt like I really needed a hug, a loving touch, or something.

“Dadi just leave them alone.” Kurogiri said.

“What? I’m not doing anything.” He grumbled. I rolled my eyes and just took another drink. I heard an argument between multiple people ensue. I was left alone for a little while but I could feel eyes on me. Frustration was quickly growing in me. I looked up and around the room. Across the bar, there was a recruit that had been around for a few weeks with his eyes glued on me.

“Great. Him.” I groaned and looked away. It was not even a minute and he was standing next to the table. “Can I help you with something?”

“Nooo… but I think I could help. Get those frustrations out I mean.” He gave me a big smile which I’m sure he meant to be sexy but failed miserably.

“Really?” I asked sarcastically, unimpressed. He nodded, ignoring my sarcasm. He leant down so his face was close with mine.

“Really, really.” He smirked. He reached to touch me. “I have so many ideas.”

“Haha. Careful there, recruit.” I warned, pushing his hand away. His touch was revolting. The frustration was about to snap.

“Oh come on, sweetie. Just come with me and…” He reached out again. I snapped. I shoved him back and shot out of my seat. He stumbled and I grabbed his neck tight. Black webbed out on his skin.

“Walk for a mile and then walk into traffic you pathetic nitwit.” I growled. I shoved him away and he walked out the door. I sighed. That was the first time my quirk worked right allday. I finally noticed the room was silent. “Anyone else?” Gazes immediately moved away from me. Tears fought their way to the surface. I felt like I was going to fall apart, that there is nothing to hold me together.

“Y/N.” A presence came up behind me.

“What!” I turned to see Shiggy next to me. His eyes went from me to the door. “I don’t want to hear it! Can’t you all just leave me alone for one goddamn minute!” I yelled, throwing my hands up and stomping off. I walked to an unused back hall and leant against a wall. There was a big window in front of me, showing me the storm outside.

“Y/N..” I jumped and yelled out. The tears finally broke though.

“What Tomura!?” I yelled. “I know I messed up so what could it be you are here for?” I slammed back into and slid down the wall. “Because it only seems that people come to me when they want something, want to tease on me, or make me their punching bag! So what possibly could you be here for! Huh?”


“What?” I looked up and saw he was sitting next to me on my left. He reached up and pried my hand from my hair. I gasped because I didn’t ever know I was doing it, the ache setting in. His next action shocked me more. He took my right hand in his left and began to rub circles. “Shigaraki?”

“Just take it.” He slowly wrapped his right arm around my shoulders. I set my head on his shoulder cautiously. When he didn’t react beyond pulling me in more, I let my full weight on him. I noticed he had on his two finger gloves and a small smile came to my face.

I gripped his hand and placed my other hand over his and traced random shapes. Underneath, I was soaking in all the soft attention and touches. Shiggy normally hated to wear the gloves so he never really did this soft stuff. Sure we’ve done some more spicy touching but never this.

“Thank you.” I whispered. “I know you hate wearing the gloves.”

“I don’t hate wearing them. I just had no reason too.” His raspy voice said softly into my ear. He moved his arm off my shoulder and brought it forward to set his other hand with the others. “Now I do.”

“Huh?” I lifted my head to look at him.

“I am not a very… touchy person but with you I want to be. I just didn’t know how to ask you.” He said. “With anyone else, I’m not interested. But with you, I want to have everything.So I don’t hate it.”

“I feel the same.” I admitted after a minute of silence. “I had to admit it to myself as well. I haven’t been close enough to anyone in such a long time that I didn’t know what to do.”

“So we are meant for each other.” He laughed and so did I.

“You know, if you hadn’t sent that shit head on his way, I would have dusted him.” I laughed hard, leaning into him more.

“I am just happy my quirk worked. It’s been acting up all day.” I held up my free hand. Black swirled on my fingertips. Tomura let go of my one hand and placed his finger tips against mine, all five. He tapped them before gently lacing his fingers with mine.

“Things happen and I will be… Will be here for you the best I can.” He said. “I know I am far from a great man but…”

“If I wanted a great man, I would not be here.” I said a matter of factly. He laughed. “The dark, brooding, crazy type that has a side obsession of video games myself. They’re more fun.”

“Damn. That specific, huh?” He asked.

“Actually, now that you mention it, I like them to have light blueish hair with a hand problem.”

“Watch it.” He warned with no threat behind it. “You know, now that I’ve gotter a taste of this I won’t go back.”

“Same.” I tightened my grip on his hand.“I hate to admit it but I need a little physical touch every now and then.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He whispered. I nearly fell asleep when a loud clash of thunder and lightning spooked us both. “Ugh! Can we, maybe move somewhere more comfortable than the floor?”

“Oh, fine you big baby.” I got up and looked down at him expectedly. He got up and took my hand. I yawned as I’ve walked through the halls, hand in hand.

Tag list: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @princ3rae @iris-shihabi

Why Did You Hide This? Pt.2 - Hawks

Main MasterlistMHA Masterlist

  • 2152 Words
  • Warnings: Mental Abuse/manipulation, name calling, injury
  • I don’t know if I am going to continue the pictures throughout the imagine. I just have trouble finding pictures to use sometimes. Leave a comment or something of what you guys think.

+ After Hawks breaks the down, he takes you to the hospital. At one point, your mother tries to come into the room but Hawks won’t let her in. You are confused why he is being so nice to you. He explains his feelings you and more. Eventually, you have to speak up to your mother but you don’t back down this time.

I groaned as I woke up to my head throbbing. I tried to move but the little bit I did sent pain across my abdomen. I cried out and tensed as the pain persisted on staying. I felt something soft on my arm and finally caught on to a voice speaking.

“Hey, it’s okay. Sh. Just stay still for me.” I choked on a sob. “Hey, hey. Can I get a doctor in here?!” The person yelled. I was finally able to open my eyes and saw a blur of red. I blinked to clear my eyes and my gaze locked on gold irises. My gaze then moved to the red wings.

“Hawks?” I stuttered.

“Yeah, it’s me kid.” He looked behind him. I saw another figure round the bed as Hawks tried to calm me down.

“Miss L/N. Where is the pain?”

“My side and head.” I saw as another flare came through. I cried softly and heard another comfort from Hawks.

“Okay Miss L/N, we’re going to give you some pain medication and it should kick in very quickly.” I nodded. I just kept my eyes closed. “Alright, I will be back to check upon you in a little bit.”

“Okay.” I laid there making a sound of discomfort and pain every now and again. Hawks kept cooing comforts at me while rubbing circles into my arm and hand. “What happened?”

“Well, I came to check on you after my patrol and heard you fall inside your apartment. I had to break the door down to get to you.” He explained. “You’re wound got so much worse. Enough that it made you pass out and get sick.”

“Oh.” I looked away.

“Where was your mother?”

“Out. She took the advice of rest and relaxation from the doctor as a free pass to have a night out with her boyfriend.” I said.

“Damn. Did she know about your wound?”

“No.” I said. “Even if she did, it would be nothing but an inconvenience to her.”

“What do you mean by that?” He asked.

“She’s a very busy woman and it would just be something to disrupt her day. Throw off the schedule.” I said. “It’s nothing new. Her work is very important to her. So…” I shrugged.

“Really? That’s bullshit.” He said in disbelief. “You are her child. You should be her priority even if you are an adult! I bet you haven’t left home because she won’t let you basically.”

“That’s not true!” I exclaimed.

“It isn’t? Alright. How about this? Every time you brought up leaving home, she would say something about missing you too much or how the house would be too empty or the nice house would go to ‘waste’? Then after so many times of her saying this, you never brought it up again. She was guilt tripping you kid!”

“I um, uh…” I didn’t know what to say. He was right.

“Am I right?”

“I um,…Yes. You are.” I whispered.

“See?” He softened and reached up to cop my face. “I got all of that from meeting her once and your reactions to her. You need to…”

“That’s my child in there!” Both our heads whipped to the door. It was my mother. I gulped, immediately thinking of how mad she was going to be. Hawks must have noticed my apprehension.

“Hey, hey. It’s alright.” He brought my hand up to his lips. “Do you want to see her? Honestly?” He looked at me in question. I took a breath and shook my head. “Okay, I’ll get rid of her.”

“O-okay.” He got up and walked to the door. He walked out.

“Oh Hawks! You’re here? How are they?”

“They are okay. No thanks to you.” He said.

“W-what?” She stuttered.

“You knew they were hurt and you made them act like they weren’t.”

“I did not…”

“I’m not done!” I saw his wings puff up. “You made them feel like they couldn’t speak up about themselves and their well being. They have a major wound on their side and then you made them clean house. Not to mention, at the accident site you made a point to make sure the attention stayed on you.”

“This is ridiculous. Let me see them.” I saw her try and push her way past him. He spread his wings out so she couldn’t get in. “Hey!”

“They do not want you to come in. I won’t get in.” He said.

“I’m their mother.”

“Then you should have acted like it!” He snapped. “You should have been more concerned by then instead of treating them like a personal assistant. Now I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” He backed up into the room and She began to yell.

“I cannot believe this! This is my child! You are being ungrateful and I am very disappointed!” She screamed. “You’re the hero! You’re supposed to be protecting people.”

“I am.” He said before slamming the door. He stood there for a moment. I saw his shoulders rise and fall before he came back over and sat next to me. He finally looked up at me. “Hey, hey. Don’t cry. It’ll be alright.”

“I’m sorry.” I covered my face.

“No, don’t be. You have every right to be Upset.” He said, retaking my hand. This time he laid his wing over me almost automatically giving me comfort. I uncover my face and look at him.

“She is going to have a cow.” I said in a hoarse voice.

“She already is.” He glanced back at the door before tucking his wing in closer. I set a hand on it. We sat in a comfortable silence. He kept his wing over me and continued to hold my hand. I even began to gently run my fingers through his feathers.

“Why are you doing this? Why one you helping me so…personally?” He lifted his head from where he laid it to look at me. “Why did you show up at my home? I didn’t think heroes usually did after accident check ins.” He took a moment to gather his words.

“I don’t know how to explain it. When I first met you, I felt something spark inside of me. I felt this immediate need to get to know you, to be close to you. That’s why I showed up to your apartment. I knew you were hurt so it bothered me as soon as you ran. I couldn’t stop thinking about you for the rest of my shift.”

“Really?” I looked up at him in disbelief.

“Yeah.” He brought my hand up and Kissed it. Before he could say anything else, the door opened up. I jumped and looked Over. It was just a doctor.

“You are awake.” He smiled. “How are you feeling?”

“Alright.” I said before squirming. “I’m a little sore in my side and arm.”

“I would imagine.” He chuckled. He went through a few tests and did a check up before administering a dose of pain meds. “Now, you should eat and then get some rest. You shouldn’t have to be in here long. Hawks?”

“Of course.” He got up and they walked to the door after the doctor handed me a Menu.

“The mother was escorted out by security.” I barely heard the doctor say.

“I’m sorry for the disturbance.” Hawks said. The doctor waved him off.

“It’s alright.” He said. “We see the type all the time.” He looked back at me. “I just don’t recommend…” I couldn’t hear the rest. Hawks nodded before the doctor left. His phone went off and he groaned after looking it

“I’m sorry kid but I’ve got to fly. I’m needed across town.” He walked over. “You eat and sleep. I’ll be back later.” He went to walk away but I grabbed his sleeve.

“Promise?” My voice shook. He looked at me shocked before his gaze softened. He cupped my cheek and leant down. He gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

“I promise.” He whispered in my ear. He pulled back and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. “Bye.” I nodded and he went to turn away but stopped again. He reached for his wing.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving you a feather.” He held out the feather. “I can feel what my feather feels and can control it. So if you need me, give it a hard squeeze, okay?”

“Okay.” I gently took the feather.

“See you in a while, baby.” He walked out the door.

I ate and got some more rest after he left. I laid the feather next to my head on the pillow. I woke up the next morning and Hawks had yet to come back. From What heard, he got pulled into a major villain heist. I finally took notice that my phone was on the table. I turned it on and a crap ton of messages came through. Most from my mother.

“Great.” I muttered. I went through them, rolling my eyes. Just as I went to play one of my games , a call came through from her. “Hello?”

“It’s about time you answered you ungrateful little brat.” She Spat.

“Hello mother.” She mocked me before going on.

“I cannot believe you have done this. You were barely ever hurt and you have milked this. You have got the #2 hero wrapped around your finger and you are wasting his time. My god!” I gripped onto the red feather as she went on. “You have gone way too far to get attention. Do you know how this makes me look? You over dramatic Child. You…”

“Over-dramatic?!” I exclaimed, interrupting her. I am the one being over-dramatic?“ The rushed sound of my door being opened stole my attention long enough to see Hawks coming in alarmed. "I was majorly wounded mom! Bad enough that I should have gone to the hospital immediately! But because of YOU, I hid it and ran away from someone who was just trying to help me! You have me so messed up that I put everything else, especially you before myself.”

“How dare…”

“I’m not done! You knew I was hurt but you didn’t care enough or at all to even be the slightest bit concerned. I’m not even a child to you but more of a, a, an indentured servant. I have had enough of it.” Hawks sat down next to me.

“Is that so?”

“Yes it is. I am moving out.” I said with no hesitation. It was silent on the other line. I looked at Hawks and he was smiling. He took my hand that was holding his feather. He kissed it. I brought the phone down and put it on speaker.

“N-now my baby. there’s no need to go that far. We can work this out.” Hawks raised an eyebrow, both of us knowing what she was doing.

“No, you had 21 years to 'work’ on this. I am your child, not someone for you to order around.” I said calmly. “I am moving out and that’s the end of it.”

“Well don’t expect your…”

“And if any of their belongings are missing or damaged, I will hold you personally responsible, Mrs. L/N.” Hawks chipped in. I heard her gasping, trying to find something to say. “I will be coming to collect their stuff so be prepared.” He took the phone and hung it up. I let out a shaky breath.

“I just snapped.” I said. “She called me over-dramatic and I snapped.” He laughed.

“And I’m so proud of you! You stood up for yourself.” He said. “You can be your own person now.”

“Now to find out who that is.” I bit at my nails. He gently grabbed that hand and brought it down. “And to find a place to live.”

“You’ll stay with me.” He said gently. He wasn’t looking at me but I knew he was serious. “I meant what I said. I want to be close to you. I have more room then I know what to do with and you can have your privacy but I want you near.”

“Alright.” I said. His head shot up in shock.

“Wait, seriously? No arguments? I mean you are essentially moving in with a Stranger.”

“Yeah. You’ve already done so much and I feel I can trust you. Like a…Spark of something” I said. He chuckled before nodding. “Thank you, Hawks.”


“Huh?” I wondered why he gave me the random name.

“You can call me Keigo. My name’s Keigo Takami. I think it’s okay for you to know.”

“Oh, well… It’s a pleasure Keigo.” I said. I reached up and cupped his face. His winging puffed a little before relaxing, one coming Up and laying over me again. He nuzzled into my hand. “I look forward to the future I have with you.”

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@princ3rae@iris-shihabi



NOTE: this is literally just dabi x reader eating fruit. idk why it’s so long. yuna mentioned the vague concept to me one (1) time and i couldn’t stop myself from running w it ^v^


“i am citrus—

peel back my skin

open me and expose the soft wet inside”

- peel my orange every morning, ezra furman


When you’d returned home from work, you weren’t empty-handed. 

Dabi had noticed your playful smirk and box in hand as you wordlessly beckoned him to join you at the small kitchen table for two. A bit skeptical but intrigued nonetheless, he slowly rises from his place sprawled across your couch and makes his way over to the kitchen stools.  

As you’re humming to yourself and grabbing two plates from the cupboard, he takes the opportunity to peek inside the white box. However, his eyebrows furrow in confusion at what sits inside. 

It’s a fruit platter—one of those fancy ones with expensive varieties where they cut the fruit into little shapes like stars and crescents. They’re stacked in a decorative manner, and Dabi thinks it’s a bit stupidandpretentious to arrange fruit like this when it’s going to end up digesting in someone’s stomach all the same.

You knew Dabi was picky—he’s always been particular about his likes and dislikes, no matter how important the topic. Fruit was no different. 

Keep reading

— taking me back

everyone knew ground zero was one of the strongest heroes in the business, but little did they know how weak he really was for you.

pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader

content: a bit mature, but not nsfw. characters are aged up in this btw! also fluff because yes

forgot to put this the first time, but if you want to ~feel~ the imagine more, you can listen to taking me back by lany ((yes like the title)) !!

warnings: some strong language, very mildangst


A knock on your door startled your Saturday night Netflix binging. You set your popcorn on the table rather loudly, annoyed at whoever had the guts to interrupt the only free time you could get at 11PM. Your hand hurried to the doorknob to stop the vigorous knocking, and you were met by a tired-looking Ground Zero, looking big with his grenades and hero costume intact.

You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the sight. “Work got you again?”

“Let’s not talk about it,” was the only thing he muttered before you let him in, taking off his large weapons and placing them on the side of the door along with everything else that was bothersome to him. He was left in a black tank top and baggy jeans.

“You know, you need to come home sometimes,” you tell him, setting your hands on his sturdy biceps. “Your mom’s probably thinking you’re dead by now.”

His eyes closed in pleasure as your hands started to knead, hitting him in all the right places. “Please, the old woman’s enjoying the house to herself.”

“What about Masaru?” you asked, taking a better look at his attire. You had no idea he looked this good without the extravagant hero accessories on.

“Left for a business trip. I don’t know where.” He groaned, leaning into your other hand that raised to caress his cheek. “You’re seriously a martyr for taking me in after everything I’ve done to you.”

“Past is past, I suppose,” was all you could say.

Bakugou—or as you called him, Katsuki—was your ex-boyfriend. Unknown to others, and most of Class 1-A, since you decided that keeping it a secret would be best, given the constant danger your lives were put in. Any kind of secret that would reveal a rising hero’s weak spot can and will probably be used against them. And unfortunately, Bakugou’s weakness was you.

It ended when the both of you decided it wouldn’t work out with the way things started to change pace. He was completely set on becoming the best hero in Japan that he barely went home to your shared apartment. He found an agency that would take him in—much to his dismay, working with Half and Half Bastard under Endeavor’s Hero Agency.

You, however, had different plans. You were working to become a minor hero in your prefecture, as you didn’t want to be under the constant stress of fearing for your life at the top. Bakugou constantly tried to coax you out of that mindset, saying that he knew you could do way more, but you just weren’t having it. The lack of time and different outlooks caused a major fallout that eventually resulted in a mutual break-up.

However, despite moving out and getting rid of everything you shared, Bakugou always found his thoughts drifting back to you. He shrugged it off the first months, thinking it was part of the shitty moving on process. Until he couldn’t take it one fateful Thursday night and found himself crying on your doorstep, practically begging you to take him back.

It struck a heart string to see him like that. He never ever begged anyone for anything, and to hell with showing his emotions to people. The fact that he was completely sober, had the right state of mind to rethink his decisions, and still came back to you—it was too much. You, too, were having trouble with the moving on process, but nothing was going to be fixed with this set-up. If you took him back, you’d argue over the same things all over and over again.

So it ended up with you letting him sleep over, and making the pro hero promise to leave the next morning. A part of you still cared deeply for him, and didn’t want to see your Katsuki cry, staying in his embrace the entire night and having to fight back your own tears. As expected, the promise was broken, and he stayed over for another night, and another,—maybe just one more?—until coming back to you became an unspoken habit of his whenever he “needed support after all his missions”. You knew it was just because he missed you.

And you missed him, too, deeply.

“Do you mind if I…” he suddenly started, snapping you out of your thoughts as the both of you sat down on your couch.

“Go ahead. It doesn’t matter anymore,” you replied. Katsuki rested his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes and basking in the sweet smell of your perfume.

A comfortable silence wrapped you both, only the television volume giving light to the ambiance that settled.

“You should shower,” you mentioned. He didn’t necessarily smell bad, you just wanted him to move away and stop your thoughts.

“Do I smell?” he asked, a genuine tone laced in his voice.

“No.” You couldn’t hold back the hand that made it to his spiky hair, patting gently. “I’m just worried you might be tired.”

“I think I’m good here,” Katsuki insisted, leaning further into you.

His left hand started to wonder places, landing on your right. His thumb rubbed mini circles on yours, matching the pace of his calm breathing. After a few more circles, his arm moved behind the small of your back, switching your positions quickly and letting you lean on his stern chest. You adjusted yourself to sit in between his lap, faces dangerouslyclose.

You could kiss him then and there, and you knew he wouldn’t be opposed to that.

Or would he?

You could test your hypothesis, but your brain was telling you otherwise. It was impractical to let your heart rule over you again. The way that he was coming back to you even though you were supposed to move on was dumb enough. A kiss would just cross the line.

You sighed in defeat.


“Nothing,” you brushed off. But you knew he wasn’t going to let that slide.

“If I’m bothering you—“ he started, but you were quick to interrupt.

“No, you’re not, Katsuki.”

He lifted his head, looking straight into your eyes. “Then why do you look like that?”

You raised an eyebrow. “Like what?”

“Like you can’t wait for me to fucking leave.”

Apparently, your facial expression gave it away. It’s not that you wanted him to leave, though.

“I probably should,” he retorted, getting up from his seat. “None of us is going to move the fuck on with this, right?”

Bakugou rose and made his way to the door, carefully gathering his stuff. The sight made the pain in your heart worsen—every step was a dagger to your already tainted heart. He was hesitant, too, slowly moving as he took jagged breaths.

None of you was willing to break the awkward tension in the room, until you choked out the only words you could make out from the flurry in your head.

“What if I don’t want to move on?”

He turned around. “What the fuck do you mean?”

“I don’t want to fucking move on,” you repeated, harder and angrier this time. The lump in your throat seemed to let go of its grip when the tears came out, blurring your vision completely. “I don’t want to fucking lose you anymore.”

It seemed like you cried for an hour with how unexpectedly painful it felt. Not once in your solo crying sessions did you feel something quite like this, and seeing him make his way to the door was reliving it all over and over again.

You wanted to remind yourself why you hated him—why you hated that everything he did was a reason for you to love him even more.

You hated how he always managed to disrupt your thoughts without him even being there. You hated the way he used to tease you about the way you cooked, but held you safely in his arms as he taught you how to do it better. You hated the way he would talk to you in your sleep, sweet nothings that would never come out in broad daylight. You hated how he comforted you when you needed it most, telling you he’ll be your shield when the world’s out to get you. You hated the way he looked at you on dates, like you were the only woman on earth, and nothing and nobody else mattered. You hated how the two of you used to dance to the same Arctic Monkeys song on the radio, and pointed to every sappy love song that came on and told him it was your song. You hated that he stayed up with you on the nights you had to study, and took you to new midnight diners downtown if he decided you needed a break. You hated waking up next to his stupid face staring back at you, waiting for you to wake up so he could finally be with the love of his life.

But most of all, you hated how your heart still belonged to him after all this fuckingtime.

Warm hands made their way to the back of your head, pulling you closer and rubbing your back.

“I don’t want to fucking move on, too.”

You looked up at him. His face mirrored the same expression as yours, tears in his eyes and lips trembling as his crimson eyes found yours.

For once in his life, he was completely sure of taking a risk for something—no, someone—he was completely, head over heels weak for.

But if you were there, none of that mattered anymore.

“I still love you, Katsuki,” you whispered, leaning closer into him and feeling the warmth of his shaking body radiate onto you. “I don’t want you to slip out of my grasp anymore. I know you might not feel the same, but please—please—let me kiss you one last time before you go.”

Katsuki pulled you up, his arms resting steady on your back. “I’m not leaving, you idiot.”

Leaning in, his lips touched yours, and slowly, the sparks, the cliche sparks you once felt with your teenage love came back. He was still the same red-faced boy who accidentally cursed you as he confessed his attraction, stray flowers from UA’s grass fields in hand. In another held a tiny teddy bear that was wrapped in an orange box with a note attached in rather messy handwriting—I like you, dumbass.

“I was hoping you’d take the hint after all this time, but I still love you, idiot.” Katsuki moved your messy hair out of your face, wiping the tears that kept coming down, not minding his own. “I’m not leaving you ever again. And I’m not letting some other extra take away what’s mine.”

“You’re such an asshole.” You laugh at your own teasing, and he does too. “We’ve got to do a thing about our problems, though.”

“About that,” he responded, a little smile forming on his face. “After shitting on myself for months on end, I realized how much of an asshole I was to you. You should never have to compromise your dreams just because of my shitty opinions. Be the hero you want to be, love. I’ll always support you if that meant your happiness.”

In shock at the Bakugou that was in front of you at that moment, you were at a loss for words. You hugged him with all your might. That was the only thing you wanted to do as you realized he finally changed, and was willing to make your relationship work the second time.

“Stop crying, dumbass! You’re going to make me cry, too,” Katsuki teased.

“Idiot, you’ve literally been crying for the past ten minutes. Let it slip for today.”

He chuckled. You rested into his embrace, feeling contentment fill up your heart.


note: hullo humans !! this was very self-indulgent and the result of my 1am brain rot™️ again. anyway,,, i’d like to thank u all for 300 notes on the past two imagines like whUT. u guys,,, i ams o Grateful nd i wanna cry and hug u all individually but i cnanot so pls have a virtual cookie each instead. i love u all

when bakugou tutors you and you don’t understand a concept and tilt your head like a puppy and pout in frustration he simultaneously feels the rush of soft adoration making his head fuzzy…. and the rush of blood down to his dick. he wants to squish your plump cheeks together to make you pout even more while he kisses the breath out of your lungs.


2k follower event: yan!Bakugou’s confession

Dear ______,

Listen, I’m no good at this romance shit or being patient, so I’m gonna say it how it is: I need you to be mine. I need you by my side forever. And if you’re smart, you’ll realize I’m all that you need too. Meet me outside my dorm building after I finish training to accept my confession. The future #1 hero needs his lover, and you need me to protect your weak ass. I’ll treat you better than any damn extra could ever hope to, so you’d better make the right decision tonight.

-Bakugou Katsuki

(p.s. You will call me Katsuki once we’re dating)
