

Kokonoi Hajime as deadly sin GREED

It was easy to define the character for this sin. Koko = money ))

Ch 2

Characters: Nyoko Kokonoi; Sanzu Haruchiyo; Draken; Seishu Inui

Warnings for Series: Drug use, Semi-Dark content, Guns, Gang related activities, murder, general warning for Bonten being Bonten.

♥ Timeline: Bonten

♥ OC summary: The 15 year old daughter of Hajime Kokonoi has a luxurious life, having never wanted for anything in her whole life. She seeks to be recognized by her father, and in doing so, becomes more involved in Bonten’s dark world.

♥ wc: 1.7k

♥ a.n: Chapter 2 is out! Somehow Kokonoi ended up with a second daughter, Hisui. She may eventually get her own story.

An absolute coward.

Himekawa hadn’t returned to school in days, and Nyoko had only gained popularity due to the viral video of her breaking his nose. Many girls approached her, showering her with praise. Deservedly so, but she grew bored with the constant chattering. It might be better if he had beenthere, to hear all the ridicule.

The bell tinkled, announcing her arrival. Motor oil and rusty metal hung in the air, burning her nose with each breath. Honestly, being inside the bike shop made her skin crawl with dirtiness. Nyoko brushed her manicured fingers through her raven hair, frowning as she moved forward.

“Well, if it ain’t the Princess herself. That violent side of yours is gonna land you in trouble.”

Her crimson eyes narrowed at the other owner of the bike shop. She never liked Draken, only tolerating his presence to visit her father’s best friend. Even though their lives had taken different paths, Nyoko admired that they had remained friends.

“I do not have a violent side.” She turned her head away as if he weren’t even worth her gaze. If he couldn’t have more tact, then she certainly wasn’t going to waste any time on him.

But as she passed to go to the back garage, his call only made her angrier.

“A scowl ruins a pretty face, princess." 

Nyoko bit her tongue, choosing to move on instead of responding. He’d probably twist her words to suit him anyways. It was warm in the shop, making her feel sticky. She found Inui sitting on the floor, tinkering with a bike. "Hisui sent me to pick up her game.”

The things she did as a big sister. Her hermit baby sister, Hisui, never left the penthouse unless she had to. She went to school online, even. Not a social bone in her body. This bike shop, however, she came to from time to time. Inui had a calming presence, and next door was the gaming shop that Hisui frequented.

But since Hisui was sick, she’d requested for Nyoko to pick up the latest game she’d purchased.

“It’s on the table.” Inui nodded his head toward the small table with an ashtray of half smoked cigarettes and scattered beer bottles. It looked like they’d just had some visitors before she came.

But he wasn’t about to let her go without saying anything.

“You aren’t a part of Bonten.”

Nyoko tucked the game into her school bag but straightened at his words. Of course, she knewthat. At least, she wasn’t a part yet. “I’m aware. Why is everyone so concerned about me defending myself from a boy who tried to assault me?” He had put his hands on her.

Inui tightened a bolt before setting the wrench down with a clang. “You’re pushing too much. Someone is going to take you as a threat, and as much as you think that you’re safe being Koko’s daughter, you’re making yourself a target.” His friend had voiced his concern for Nyoko more than once. A few self-defense moves were not going to help her in an actual fight.

She was much too stubborn to listen to him.

“I’m not as weak as everyone seems to believe.”

That is not what he said… Inui sighed, giving up on his poor attempt to get through to her. She was far too strong headed. “Just be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt." 

Nyoko promised that she would be, because she was always careful. It was the fact that she was cockier than she was careful that tended to put her in unsavory situations.

On her way home, she stopped for a cup of coffee to revive her energy. All these opinions were draining her.

It wasn’t until she moved away from the stand that she caught a glimpse of someone in the alley. Of all fucking people… Nyoko let out a haughty breath. He had some nerve.

"Skulking in the shadows like a common criminal, too scared to show your face at school. It would be truly hard to make you any more pathetic.”

Himekawa shrugged his shoulders, taking a step further back into the alley. “I’m hurt that you’d take such pleasure from hurting me, but I’m willing to forgive you. That’s how deep my affection is for you, Nyoko.”

He could hit all the buttons that made her angry. Nyoko fell right into his trap, forgetting a very important lesson that her father had taught her.

Never forget your surroundings.

If she had been paying a little attention. She’d have seen the man looming nearby. She’d have noticed that he didn’t match the rest of the scenery. Hat covering his eyes, gaze down. Hiding his identity.

The man slipped up behind her, grabbing her arm tightly and pressing the barrel of his gun to the middle of her back. “Scream and I shoot.”

The grin on Himekawa’s face made her nauseous. But she wouldn’t show it on her features. Forced down the alleyway, far enough away that anyone on the street wouldn’t notice their presence.

“Don’t be afraid. I would never let him kill you. And this should prove that I do have a significant amount of money to hire muscle. He’s the best hitman in the country.” Himekawa was incredibly proud of himself, boasting without restraint.

His wording left her with the impression that he would let the man shoot her. Somewhere not fatal. And she should choose her next words wisely.


Did she just laugh out loud?


“I’m sorry, did you just say the best?” Her sides hurt from how much laughter she couldn’t contain. He truly was a lowlife idiot. Nyoko tilted her head, swallowing down the rest of her giggles. “If he was anywhere close to the top, he wouldn’t have a gun pressed into myback.”

What a fool.

“He knows.”


“He knows that you’re princess Nyoko Kokonoi. Multi-billionaire Hajime Kokonoi’s oldest daughter-”

“And he was stupid enough to still show up?” Himekawa was only partially right. He didn’t have resources to dig up the information that her father was an executive in Bonten. If he did, then he’d be holding that information over her. Threatening to cause problems.

In which, he’d likely end up dead.

Nyoko glanced back at the hitman, wanting to get a decent look at his face. She let out a yelp when his fingers entangled in her hair, keeping her head forward.

“I’m sorry he hurt you.” Himekawa stepped close, caressing her cheek. Even with her palm slamming against his chest, he managed to dip down and press his lips against hers.

He tasted like stale beer and poor people. Disgusting. She couldn’t turn her head or pull away. Nyoko bit down hard on his bottom lip, drawing blood and making Himekawa reel back. She spit out the blood, not wanting to ingest his nasty germs.

“You-” He stopped short of name calling. Shaking his head, he waved his hand at the hitman. “I’m sorry for this, but I’ll simply have to teach you a lesson. Do it.”

Hitting the brick wall knocked the air out of her. She surely had some scrapes on her pretty, smooth skin. The grit of pavement dug into her knees as she struggled to catch her breath. This worm had the audacity to harm her perfect body.

“That is no way to treat our princess.”

Nyoko looked up to see Sanzu throw his arm around the hitman’s shoulder like they were old buddies. He gave her a little wink, to reassure her that he would protect her.

“Now,someone has to pay for this. It’s only fair.” Sanzu grinned, the silencer on his gun resting against the man’s temple. It was terrifying how easily he’d slipped into the group without being noticed, and completely taking control.

And then his body slumped, and Sanzu let the corpse crumple to the floor. He scratched his head with his gun, turning his attention to the teenager trembling with shock. “You must be the little prick who thinks he’s good enough for our Nyoko.”

Her nose crinkled at a rancid smell as she stood. Nyoko brushed the debris from her knees and looked to Himekawa.

The boy had pissed himself out of fear.

“Disgusting worm.”

Sanzu let out a dramatic sigh. “Boss said not to kill ya, so scram kid. Before I decide to break a few bones.” He wanted to torture the boy who dared harm his Nyoko. But he had his orders. The kid’s family had something that Mikey wanted.

It wasn’t until he escorted her to the car that Nyoko even registered what had really happened. Sitting on the seat, she watched Sanzu wrap her knees with careful movements. “How did you know where I was?”

“I can sense when you need me, my princess.”

Bullshit. Nyoko chewed on her lip until the only explanation came to mind. Her fist hit his shoulder with a soft punch. “You were following me?”

He laughed softly, caught. “He was worried about you, and he ordered me to keep an eye on you.”

You didn’t have to listen!” She hit him a second time. There was no force behind it. “Haru you’re the second in command!” A higher rank in the organization. The highest rank outside of Mikey.

“Not when it comes to you! I had no choice. I was forced.” Sanzu hugged her legs, resting his cheek against her knees. He didn’t like when she was angry with him. “But you have to admit, you were in a bad situation. I couldn’t stand by and watch him hurt you.”

His blood boiled just thinking about what their intentions were. Kokonoi would have killed him if she’d been beaten or shot. He stepped in because he loved her. “Please forgive me.”

Nyoko sighed. “I guess I should be angry with my father, not you.” She patted his head. “I forgive you, Haru. And thank you for helping me.”

“Your palace awaits! I think you deserve a nice bubble bath and some champagne. I’ll make sure your wounds are properly wrapped after too-” He was a complete softie for her. She was basically Bonten’s daughter, belonging to everyone. He’d been there for her first steps and was the first name she said after daddy.


Sanzu had nearly shut the door when she spoke. “No?”

“Take me to the office. I want to see daddy.” She needed him to explain why he’d sent Sanzu after her. It was frustrating and there would be no relaxing until she gets to say her piece.

The entire drive to the office was in complete silence, and Sanzu decided to skip his afternoon duties to avoid the wrath of the princess.

[Tokyo Revengers OC]


Japanese Name: 修二 ロビン

Romanji Name: Shūji Robin

Age: 26

Relatives: Shuji Hanma (Brother)

Haitani Ran (Boyfriend)

Affiliation: Bonten

Position: Secretary

Japanese Voice Actress: Yuriko Yamaguchi

English Voice Dubbed: Veronica Taylor

This is made just for fun.

09:41 PM ️ various!bonten

— themes. fluff, crack, very short

— note. i havent been writing these days so its very rusty :(( i just really wanted to post this short thing i’ve had in my head dince last night

“you slapped me with a baton twelve years ago. don’t you remember?” sanzu palms the back of his head with a frown, one finger pointing at the odler haitani accusingly. ran merely rolls his eyes, the corner of his lips turning up to form a proud smirk that revealed his pearly whites.

“that i did, yes.” somewhere in the back, one could hear the muffled voice of his younger brother, trying his best to hide his laughter behind a pillow at sanzu’s poor choice of words. slapped, he wheezed, almost choking in the process

sanzu frowns, rubbing the back of his skull in a soothing motion as if he could still feel the imapct of his baton on his head. “you were rude,” he huffs, crossing his arms childishly before looking away. his actions earned a snicker from the older haitani who had no intention of ever apologising.

“you’re not one to talk, sanzu. you hit me with a metal pipe. that’s ten times more worse than ran’s plastic baton.” kakucho sends the pink-haired executive a glare, pointing at the spot where he was hit. “that one was different!” sanzu exclaims, sweat building up his forehead when he feels the burning glares of kakucho drilling holes on his form. kakucho folded his arms as he leans further into the couch, “how so?”

sanzu does not hesitate, “i did it out of love!”

“love! he did it out of love!” rindou breaks down laughing wildly, slapping his knee harshly at his friend’s proud answer. his older brother follows soon after, holding on to the wall for support as he holds his stomach with one hand.

kokonoi, who had been watching silently from afar along with takeomi, merely shook his head and walked away. i don’t know them, he thought. he was hit with a realizion that, without him, bonten wouldn’t last a day with these fools running the organisation.

“love? while yelling ’die, kakucho!’ like a madman?” kakucho raised na eyebrow at sanzu who only puffed his chest as if he was being wrongly accused for something. his fingers began drumming on the skin of his arm, rpetending to be losing patience when in reality, he was amused.

“have you not heard of the phrase kill them with love?”

rindou wiped a stray tear off of his cheek, “it’s kindness. kill them with kindness, sanzu.”

the pinknette waved his hand, “same thing. the point is!” he drmatically pauses, staring straight at kakucho’s eyes with a blank expression, making kakucho shiver at the duality. “my metal pipe is made out of love, kaku.”

the said man sighs.

“it’s not. your metal pipe is made of metal.”

making a video like this but your boyfriend is bonten ran haitani and as soon as he sees it he just texts you “alright bet.”

(if u can’t see the video or it gets deleted: it’s a girl making a video titled “gift ideas for my bf” and while the text lists different things like sweaters or flowers u see engagement rings and babies in the background)

☆ [22:58 PM] — RAN HAITANI ☆

pairing: bonten!ran x female reader

tags: no pronouns used but reader is called a girl/woman, established relationship, teasing, swear words, implied suggestive content?, based on a tiktok prank

“hey ran i have a question? just don’t think too hard about it,” you said out of nowhere to the man lying next to you in bed at this late hour. you were bored so you felt like messing with him a little.

said man just hummed at you, signaling that you have his attention but not taking his eyes away from his phone screen where he was texting one of his co-workers.

you turned your head to him so you could observe his reactions. “imagine you walk past a field of strawberries. you’re really hungry so you wanna get some but there’s a fence surrounding the field. how big is the fence?”

confused by the weird context-less question you see him stop typing mid-sentence. it seems you have his full attention now as his head turns towards you as well. all you receive as an answer is a “what?”

“don’t question it. just answer, how big is the fence?”

still looking at you with a suspicious look he thought for a second before replying, “I don’t know, probably one of those small white fences that you can just step right over if you’re not as short as mikey,” he let out a small laugh at his own answer.

you, however, didn’t laugh but squint your eyes at him. “okay…how many strawberries do you eat?” you word out your next question.

he stared at the ceiling in thought before answering “if i’m really hungry maybe like 10.”

you let out a short gasp, “ten? really?”

he turned his head back towards you with a confused look. “yeah? I mean if i’m already stealing those strawberries might as well take enough to get my fill.”

you mouth opened in shock for a second before you continued. “the farmer comes by and asks ‘what are you doing eating my strawberries?’ what’s your response?” you stare at his face intently for his reaction.

“I’d probably say something like 'oops sorry they just looked really good’ i guess,” he said without much thought.

you furrowed your eyebrows again but moved on without any comment. “okay you’re walking away, how do you feel about the experience? do you feel guilty?”

now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow at you. “I’ve done worse than steal some fruit. I don’t think I’ll care,” he tells you as if you didn’t just ask a criminal if a minor theft would plague his mind in any way.

irritated by his casual response you voiced out your last question. “well rate the strawberries from 1 to 10,” staring at his face while he just looked at the ceiling again.

ran closed his eyes for a second pretending to taste the fictional strawberries on his tongue. he hummed for a second. “they were delicious. 10 out of 10,” he settled with a satisfied expression.

scoffing you finally turned away and looked at the ceiling, crossing your arms over your chest. “wow I didn’t know i was dating an unloyal whore.”

shocked at your sudden change of attitude your boyfriend turned to you, this time using his right arm as support to look down at your face. “what the hell?” he said obviously confused.

“that was a test of infidelity. you definitely didn’t pass,” you said not looking into his eyes.

“what? how does that even make sense?” ran’s confusion doesn’t seem to end.

you frowned at him finally meeting his eyes. “it’s psychology. the fence represents the boundaries and your willingness to cheat in a relationship,” you squinted your eyes at him, “you said you’d walk right through that shit and it was small!”

he stared at you in disbelief and speechless.

“the strawberries represent the women. TEN women. TEN!” you continued accusingly, “and the farmer? I’M THE FARMER!” you glared at him, “and you told me there was nothing holding you back to satiate yourself!”

ran had to hold back a laugh at how riled up you got in your speech but let you continue ranting about his disloyalty.

“you didn’t even regret doing it! I’ve done worse’ OH BECAUSE THAT EXCUSES IT you asshole,” you exclaimed dramatically, “and you said the girls were great too….10 out of 10 even,” you put a hand over your eyes to support your theatrics.

at this point ran could not hold his laugh in and fell onto his back again while his shoulders shook. “why would I even need anyone else if I already have your crazy ass. I don’t think there’s any girl out there who would compare to your insanity,” he said jokingly but you know he fully means it.

“that’s right. from here on you’ll only get a downgrade, so honestly if you cheat on me that’s your own fault,” you teased him while leaning over his face. to tip him over the edge you added one last remark. “I’m sure I’d have no problem finding myself a new ran haitani.”

he raised his brows at you. both of you staring into the others eyes, you with a daring glare and he with an amused one. you and him both fully aware that after all this time together there’s no way either of you could ever replace the other.

“maybe I just have to remind you of how great and unique I am after all, huh?” he almost whispered considering your close proximity at this point.

you smirked back at him. “I mean you can try, I guess.” and with that he finally closed the distance between you both, reminding you just why you can’t get enough of each other.


sanzu haruchiyo chooses violence every day

(ps. i wanted to see how he’d look like if i went with his pink hair)

Happy Birthday, baby!~

Haitani Ran is one of the few who can pull off cocky and arrogant~

If Ran has a million number of fans i am one of them‍♀️ . if Ran has ten fans i am one of them. if Ran has only one fan and that is me . if the world is against Ran, i am against the world. i love #Ran forever . Number one fan of Ran Haitani . Hit Like If you Think Ran prettiest and coolest In the world.

❌ Incorrect Tokyo Manji~

Last battle be like:

Takemichi: Okay Mikey, just repeat with me.

Mikey:Okay, Takemicchi.



Takemichi: still can turn back.

Mikey: still can turn back.

Takemichi:the way they were before…

Mikey: the way they were before…

Takemichi:we started killing each other.

Mikey: we started killing each other.

Takemichi: Yes, exactly. You got it!

Mikey: I get it.

Takemichi: So, if we put everything together, what do we have?

Mikey entering his demonic Kanto state: The thing is… we… have to kill each other.

Takemichi: WHAT?? NO!! OH C'MON!!!
