#book rec


Rating: ★★★★

Evvie Drake Starts Over is a very enjoyable read! The characters are real characters with real, human problems and personalities. The plot was interesting and the writing keeps you engaged the whole time, there wasn’t a part that I was trudging through because I was bored with it.

I just think overall the characters reacted and communicated in very real-life ways rather than dramatic, stereotypical novel ways. The ending gave the book and their character growth justice. It was the perfect young “trashy romance” novel that wasn’t actually trashy.

Edit: I came back because I wanted to add something. This book said something that has stuck with me for days after reading. It brings up the topic of “mourning the first call” or mourning being the first call, which I have to say resonated deeply within me. It’s one of those, probably universal, feelings that’s painful when you’re growing in and out of friendships. I thought the fact that this book said something that got to me like that was something I should share, not all books do that to a person and I think this is something everyone should give a shot at reading for that reason.

Saylor Rains

Find me on Goodreads.


Another Brooklyn was a stunning narration of the life of a young girl and her friends, growing through the years in Brooklyn. Different lives, different tragedies, but they still all came together to be practically one being as ephemeral as it may have been.

I think the author’s writing was amazing; it was interesting, unique, and engaging. This was a quick read when I actually had the time to sit and read it, but I think it was a great read.

Saylor Rains

Find me on Goodreads.

Inktober day 2 - Suit

Phew, I’m only doing day 2 and it’s already hard to keep up! For this day’s prompt - I feel like Lockwood would rather lose a ghost-hunting case to a rival than get caught in a bad suit.

FromLockwood and Co by Jonathan Stroud - if you’re looking for a fun well-written read for Halloween season, can’t recommend this enough.

Medium - digital

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Night of the Grizzlies

By Jack Olsen

Rating: 4 out of 5 habituated brown bears

This books tells the tale of the night where the first two deaths by grizzly bears occurred in Glacier National Park. The events that lead up to this horrific night are described in great detail, showing the great importance of being “bear aware” and the importance of respecting wildlife.

I highly enjoyed reading this book. As a zoo educator, teaching safe camping practices and respecting wildlife is a big part of my job (especially at the grizzly bear habitat). This book really put into perspective why this message is so important for everyone to understand. There are portions of the book that drag, as the in-depth research can lead to lengthy details and descriptions that can lose the readers focus. However these lulls were more than made up for in compelling information showing the negligence that lead to such a terrible (for both humans and bears) event.


Since gay pirates are apparently no.1 tumblr obsession might I present to you my fav of the time I was into those as a teenager

Hi everyone! So, I was fortunate enough to get the chance to read the Advanced Reader Copy of Radio Apocalypse by Kayleigh Gallagher, also known as @so_many_ocs on Instagram. This book was a super interesting and well-written read and I’m so excited to share my thoughts on it. But first I’ll give you a brief, spoiler-free synopsis and then my spoiler-free review. 

Radio Apocalypse is a novel about two girls living across the world from one another in the aftermath of an apocalypse. Lota hosts a radio show where she speaks her minds to anyone who’s still alive (which, to her knowledge, is nobody else). But Rachel hears Lota’s broadcast across the ocean, and realizes she isn’t alone either. The two girls forge a strong relationship while braving a terrifying post-apocalyptic world.

There are some really interesting components of Radio Apocalypse that make it a unique read. The take on the apocalypse, which has its origins left relatively vague, leads to a bunch of cool and fearsome creatures and environments that really enhance the worldbuilding and setting. The use of perspective is also something that stands out: Rachel mostly communicates her perspective through the typical 1st-person prose, but the reader can only hear Lota’s point-of-view through her radio broadcast, which still manages to get a lot out of her personality in terms of what she says (and what she doesn’t say). This book also has good diversity (about as much as you can have when there’s not a lot of human characters left) and a WLW relationship.

So, now that the general idea of the story is covered, here are my thoughts on it:

Firstly, I want to commend Gallagher on her use of these two different perspectives. I never found myself mixing up the characters, and they had distinct voices and personalities that complemented each other. However, I think the relationship featured in the novel, while having good chemistry, went a little too fast for my liking. This might just be a personal thing, but I wished the relationship was a slower burn and included more personal setbacks or complications that blocked the characters from just instantly falling in love.

I found the setting to be really well written and the descriptions were short but moving. The entire story, actually, is very well-written and impressive. If there was one thing I’d alter, though, it would be to better clarify some of the mystical beings and their purpose/role. It’s kind of implied that some of them are angels or demons or something else divine, but they don’t really have any logic or consistency in a lot of the story. I think their concept is very strong but a little bit more fleshing out would go a long way.

This story is certainly a character-based story, not a plot-based story. This is mostly a good thing, as it strengthens the characters and makes them more well-rounded and interesting. However, it sometimes leads to troubles with pacing, especially around the middle. At the end, however, the plot rocketed ahead and it was thrilling up until the end, which—I won’t spoil—but it left me with more questions than answers. I think there could definitely be a sequel to this story, but at the same time, if it was left as a standalone, that would definitely work too.

Some other thoughts that are more personal and not really a judgment of the story or the writing:

  • I liked Rachel more than Lota. Sometimes Lota was really funny, but otherwise, she was a bit blander than Rachel. Both characters were still great though.
  • The saddest part of the story is a spoiler, but all I’ll say is that page 357 broke my heart.
  • I thought it would end up in a “two characters, one bed” type story—in some ways, I’m glad it didn’t, but on the other hand, I wouldn’t have been mad if it did.
  • Don’t let the length fool you. 500-something pages seems like a lot, but it goes by fast and also the font is larger for the radio broadcasts.
  • The cover, title, and design are all excellent

I’d definitely recommend this book, especially if you are a fan of fantastical sci-fi, apocalyptic fiction, or WLW relationships. If you are a fan of slow-burn romance, sci-fi where all the science is explained/detailed, or stories with a large cast, this might not be perfect for you (though I still recommend you give it a shot). 

Overall, I rate it a strong 8 to light nine/10. You should check it out on @so_many_ocs’s page or @radio.apocalypse.novel on Instagram. Thanks again for letting me be an ARC reader, I really appreciated being able to enjoy this story. It’s out March 5, 2022 and I think pre-orders are open now!

I need to ask an IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!

Are@pools-of-venetianblue and I the only people who’ve read The Charismatics Series?!

Because we need, nay, REQUIRE, people to join us in this fandom.

Book One:

* cover and description taken from Amazon listing *

I read this on a whim, because I thought the cover was gorgeous (I mean look at it!!!) and I was so, RIDICULOUSLY, pleased with the story that I did not want to put it down.

Book two is already out…and look at this cover!!!

And book 3 comes out in mere days.

And yet…I have not seen ANYONE obsessing over this series and it DESERVES TO BE OBSESSED OVER. Please, my mutual, my friends, my loves…read this series and join my obsession so that we can add it to AO3 and we can write you some stories.


It’s all I want for Christmas.

If you liked the idea of Veronica Speedwell but got aggravated with her as a character, I guarantee, YOU. WILL. LOVE. THIS.


Oh they’re just a malewife and his girlboss



Costume design for Jude DuartefromThe Folk of the Air Series

I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to create these costumes based on Baroque, Renaissance, or Victorian fashion so I’m going to try them all using that dress from TCP as a sample.

Here we have the Baroque versions and costume thumbnails (• ◡•)

SHE is the moment


The King and Queen of Elfhame (pt. 2)

Part 1 here

no no bc u don’t understand…..it’s been years and i’m still a wreck like i could go on about how the ending of tqon subverts tropes in popular ya novels and how it was even more successful bc of it..anyway i love this art and it’s bringing back the feels


going back to the traditional. Jude Duarte from The Cruel Prince by @blackholly

mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? s—

…while the meaning of life remains the same always — just to live and be with other people?

(beautiful world, where are you? - sally rooney)

this book makes me very very very happy i just had to draw the characters and (im sorry a bit of spoiler) their future based on alice and eileen’s last emails.

(anyway if anyone love this book too, please gush about it with me hahaha)

my favorite parts of this book (SPOILER)

  1. eileen’s theory about how in the midst of progress, human’s meaning of life remains the same, to live and be with other people.
  2. felix telling alice about how he thought alice wont be happy when he sliced his hand and how nice it is to have someone who would care about something like that and if alice isnt feeling well he would want to know and he’ll look after her if she wanted him to.
  3. alice crying while listening to felix singing
  4. simon’s come to my apartement there’s ice cream and no roommates message to eileen
  5. “im never good at being looked after” simon and “watch and learn” eileen
  6. simon’s “but if you think there’s any chance that i could make you happy, i wish you would let me try”
  7. felix’s “i dont think you like me more. i think we like each other the same. i know i dont show it in my actions all the time, but i can try to be better on that. and i will try. i love you, alright?”
  8. ‘Alice Kelleher: my boyfriend has never read my books’ headline
  9. alice’s email about simon crying of happiness when she told him she’s pregnant and she’s keeping it.
  10. everything else in the book lol
  11. forgot to mention it’s an 18+ novel so kiddos dont read this book but anyway the SWEETEST smut ive read on a published book!!!

okay done, this book is just pure serotonin for me

here are some books by trans authors I’ve loved and some coming in 2021 that I cannot WAIT for (covehere are some books by trans authors I’ve loved and some coming in 2021 that I cannot WAIT for (covehere are some books by trans authors I’ve loved and some coming in 2021 that I cannot WAIT for (cove

here are some books by trans authors I’ve loved and some coming in 2021 that I cannot WAIT for (covers edited in! I don’t have copies!!)

Also I’ve made some graphics of more trans authors’ books coming in 2021. The way they are so beautiful and I want to read them all feel free to share!! It’s trans week and these authors deserve love and hype for their stories. Not just now, but always.

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“I’m one hundred percent aware of how much I need you,” Tennal said, low and focused. “So will you just suspend your scruples for onceand let me give you something to lie for.”

Rich socialite, inveterate flirt, and walking disaster Tennalhin Halkana can read minds. Conscripted into the military under dubious circumstances, Tennal is placed into the care of Lieutenant Surit Yeni, a duty-bound soldier, principled leader, and the son of a notorious traitor general. Whereas Tennal can read people, Surit can influence them. Like all other neuromodified “architects,” he can impose his will onto others, and he’s under orders to control Tennal by merging their minds.

Surit accepted a suspicious promotion-track request out of desperation, but he refuses to go through with his illegal orders to sync and control an unconsenting Tennal. They can both let themselves be arrested and court-martialed–or they can lie.

How long they can keep faking a mental bond is another matter.

Ocean’s Echo is out 1 November 2022, if it sounds like your thing and you felt like preordering that would be awesome; preorders are up at most retailers!

Snippet link: https://avoliot.tumblr.com/post/682530429888282624/psychic-soldiers-snippet

Fence Series by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the MadNicholas Cox is a sixteen-year-old and an outsider in Fence Series by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the MadNicholas Cox is a sixteen-year-old and an outsider in Fence Series by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the MadNicholas Cox is a sixteen-year-old and an outsider in Fence Series by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the MadNicholas Cox is a sixteen-year-old and an outsider in

Fence Series by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the Mad

Nicholas Cox is a sixteen-year-old and an outsider in the fencing world but miraculously he ends up at Kings Row after losing a match to the prodigy fencer Seiji Katayama. What lies ahead of him is a challenging quest to fix his bad technique while learning to be friends with other fencers.

I really loved the drawing style of Johanna the Mad and the straightforward writing style of Pacat let the story flow. I didn’t even realize I was at the end because I kept losing myself in the story. Seiji’s horrible friendship skills and Nicholas’s obsession with trying to beat the best player in the fencing world created a sort of hilarious moments as well as irritating arguments. But that all made the story even better. The other characters in the school were too colourful and from different backgrounds, so there was a sense of mesmerising diversity.

If you’re feeling like reading an lgbtq+ graphic novel after Heartstopper, this one’s worth checking out. I’m madly waiting for the next volume.

Taking a mini break from my thesis to review a few books but this one’s first. After rereading and rewatching Heartstopper, I felt like I was in need of a new graphic novels and this was the perfect choice. Looking forward to reading a few more lgbtq+ books this spring! 

insta: @merueiledreams

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