#boy love


Love stage one of my favorite BL/Yaoi Anime ……….the Manga is also amazing.

If you enjoy the anime you should seek the mange.

Random Izumi-kun cosplay by me. ˇ-ˇRandom Izumi-kun cosplay by me. ˇ-ˇ

Random Izumi-kun cosplay by me. ˇ-ˇ

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Look at this baby. Okay. Have a nice day now.


how to join

  1. First, you must have a livejournal account. (the link will take you to the create page)
  2. Go to this entry and read through it. Once you’ve read it, copy and paste the questions asked in the entry into a comment, posting your answers. Make sure to post your answers on the introduction post and NOT the rules.
  3. After you have filled out the questions and posted your comment, go to the community profile, and hit the “join” button.

  4. Once you click the join button, you’ll have to wait until your membership is approved by a MOD. 
  5. After you get the approval (you should receive an email), then you may view the entries that have download links.

If you have any other questions just message us in the ask box. Just for extra information, BLHQ is a community for all kinds of BL. So that includes tons more of asian porn, BL movies, dramas, tv shows, manga, fanfiction, anime, and more.


I’m looking for a new series to bring to the channel! In the meantime, check out my FINALEforThe Symbiant Demo if you haven’t already and show some support for @heartcoredev


Posted the final episode of The Symbiant Demo to the channel
Check it out and sub for more

“Do you like me?”

“I do. A lot.”

Please read “Hikaru Ga Shinda Natsu” for gays, angst, and eldritch horrors : D


Un príncipe maldito por una bruja, en un internado para chicos se enamora de su mejor amigo.

El viaje de Orfeo.

Un cuento de hadas con más de cien páginas ilustradas que narra las aventuras del príncipe Orfeo en un mundo mágico. Este libro trata temas como la fraternidad, la diversidad y la libre decisión de elegir a quién amar.


A la venta en todas las librerías

El viaje de Orfeo

Aventuras, romance lgbti y muchísima magia a todo color, con más de cien páginas ilustradas

Me han borrado esta ilustración de Redbubble y Teepublic porque creen que no me pertenece y que es original de Studio Ghibli

Desde hace un tiempo me gusta adaptar a los personajes de mi libro “El viaje de Orfeo” a otros estilos y, evidentemente, este era la ilustración al estilo de Studio Ghibli y Studio Ponoc.

Es un halago que crean que mi dibu es una ilustración oficial de dichas casas :p

El viaje de Orfeo es un libro escrito e ilustrado al más puro cuento de hadas. Su temática es LGTBIQ+ . Aventuras, romance y mucha magia.

A la venta en todas las librerías de España. Puedes comprarlo en Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos en distintas páginas webs

Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)Artist-おーもとPg 1-10FINALLY ANOTHER TRUTEN DOJIN AFTER

Name-This Warmth To You(Trunks x Goten FanBook)

Pg 1-10


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boy love