

So, I posted these pictures on Facebook last month. I used it as a sort of means to compare the protests for Black Lives Matter and the Prince of Peace losing his shit.

The comparison being the riots. Burning businesses as a result of Black individuals being murdered unjustified. Jesus, out of disgust for the profits being made in his Father’s house, destroyed shops and dumped their monies everywhere. He also made a whip and chased people around.

Anyhow. I was surprised to find how much resistance I got from the comparison. I felt it was a decent comparison. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, violent and destructive over the profits made on holy grounds. And the violence and destruction as a result of the alarming number of Black individuals being publicly executed, found chopped up, lynched, missing, etc.

I dunno. Maybe I am a shitty person for making the comparison. It just took me by surprise (not really) how aggressive/defensive/closed off some Christians can be. Honestly don’t mind being educated or constructive criticism, but the attacks were a bit ridiculous.

Kabal’s Mk11 and Mk3 Scream Brutality is scaring opponent’s soul out and soul run away…


But I am confused why Shang only scared 1 soul out

Anyway…poor little girl…

#mortalkombat #kabal #Brutality #mk3 #mk11 #Shangtsung #Mileena #netherrealmstudios #games #chibi

This is what Greek Democracy looks like‼️

Riot cops attack students protesting against the creation of university police

⭕ Tuesday 10 May 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece: Asphyxiating gas, deafening flash-bangs grenades inside buildings, attacks with batons, arrests, the torture of a student with blows to the head, fire extinguisher blows to the face, not letting him walk but dragging him on the pavement, as if he were a thing and not a person, 10 men in armour against one who does not resist. Armed cops with guns, dressed like soldiers in khaki inside a university campus, attacking students on a rampage.

There has been so much violence almost every day, for the past 3 weeks, by the rectorial authorities of the university and the greek riot police against the university community, that the only thing that is certain is the necessity of having a university asylum, where the police cannot enter.

The situation with the paroxysmal violence of the riot police inside the AUT, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) has gone out of control. The images from Thessaloniki are both an experiment and an insight into the future of higher education institutions in Greece. The ideal of the free movement of ideas in universities - although never implemented - has been replaced by the violent movement of the police, along with all their lethal equipment, guns and bullets, flash –bang grenades, batons and asphyxiation gas. In essence, the Golden Dawn neonazi party and the rest of the fascist flock in Greece, (more than 50% of cops are voters of fascist parties in Greece), armed and free to commit acts of grave violence, entered the universities through the “back door”.

Anyone who sacrifices a piece of freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety and will eventually lose both.

[Video footage by Alexandros Litsardakis in Thessaloniki, Greece, Instagram: @alex.litsardakis]

This is what Greek Democracy looks like‼️

Riot cops attack students protesting against the creation of university police

⭕ Tuesday 10 May 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece: Asphyxiating gas, deafening flash-bangs grenades inside buildings, attacks with batons, arrests, the torture of a student with blows to the head, fire extinguisher blows to the face, not letting him walk but dragging him on the pavement, as if he were a thing and not a person, 10 men in armour against one who does not resist. Armed cops with guns, dressed like soldiers in khaki inside a university campus, attacking students on a rampage.

There has been so much violence almost every day, for the past 3 weeks, by the rectorial authorities of the university and the greek riot police against the university community, that the only thing that is certain is the necessity of having a university asylum, where the police cannot enter.

The situation with the paroxysmal violence of the riot police inside the AUT, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) has gone out of control. The images from Thessaloniki are both an experiment and an insight into the future of higher education institutions in Greece. The ideal of the free movement of ideas in universities - although never implemented - has been replaced by the violent movement of the police, along with all their lethal equipment, guns and bullets, flash –bang grenades, batons and asphyxiation gas. In essence, the Golden Dawn neonazi party and the rest of the fascist flock in Greece, (more than 50% of cops are voters of fascist parties in Greece), armed and free to commit acts of grave violence, entered the universities through the “back door”.

Anyone who sacrifices a piece of freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety and will eventually lose both.

ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.ultra-being: fuehrerbefehl: Black on White crimes part 1 no national outcry is black privilege.



Black on White crimes part 1

no national outcry is black privilege.

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#baptist #law #thelaw #government #french #economics #economist #truth #morality #moral #edication #

#baptist #law #thelaw #government #french #economics #economist #truth #morality #moral #edication #read #quote #contradiction #contradict #respect #quotes #quoting #Frederic #fredericbastiat #wakeup #police #ericgarner #mikebrown #brutality #plunder #theft #money #ronpaul #libertarian #liberty #randpaul #freemarkets #regulation #mises #rothbard #hayek

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Το πάντα επίκαιρο

Με αφορμή post που είδα στο twitter, καθώς και την κουβέντα που σε άλλα μέσα (it’s not cool enough for Tumblr I guess) για τη βία κατά των θηλυκοτήτων, μία υπενθύμιση για αριθμούς πρώτης επικοινωνίας και βοήθειας.

Σημείωση: ΔΕΝ έχω εγώ ή κάποια θηλυκότητα που γνωρίζω χρησιμοποιήσει τους συγκεκριμένους αριθμούς. ΔΕΝ γνωρίζω εάν όντως βοηθούν. Συνεχίζω να υποστηρίζω πώς βάσει νομικού πλαισίου η καταγγελία πρέπει να γίνεται στην αστυνομία, η οποία όμως ξέρουμε όλ@ το πώς αντιμετωπίζει τα άτομα που προσφεύγουν σε αυτή. ΔΕΝ λέω λοιπόν ότι οι μπάτσοι ή τα παρακάτω είναι λύση. Το συγκεκριμένο ποστ είναι μόνο ενημερωτικό και please comment αν έχετε άλλους αριθμούς ή αν έχετε κάποιο λόγο που θεωρείτε ότι κάποιος από τους αριθμούς αυτούς δε θα έπρεπε καν να διαμοιράζεται.

Long story short, keep these close, και τ@ σύντροφ@ σας closer.

15900 / Γραμμή SOS - 24ωρη γραμμή άμεσης βοήθειας που στελεχώνουν ψυχολόγοι και κοινωνιολόγοι που παρέχουν άμεση βοήθεια σε έκτακτα και επείγοντα περιστατικά βίας

1440 / Γραμμή βοήθειας - 24ωρη γραμμή στήριξης και συμβουλευτικής για θέματα οικογενειακής βίας

2108996636 / WIN Hellas - Παρέχει ψυχολογική στήριξη μέσω εξειδικευμένων ψυχο-εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων για την ενδυνάμωση των γυναικών, νομική συμβουλευτική και διασύνδεση με αρμόδιες υποστηρικτικές δομές και φορείς μέσω της γραμμής υποστήριξης γυναικών - θυμάτων βίας

197 / Γραμμή άμεσης κοινωνικής βοήθειας - δωρεάν 24ωρη γραμμή βοήθειας, στελεχωμένη από κοινωνικούς λειτουργούς και ψυχολόγους

Protestors stand at the intersection of Mountain and College Ave. in Old Town Ft. Collins to fight against Rape Culture. Photograph taken by Megan Fischer

Protestors stand at the intersection of Mountain and College Ave. in Old Town Ft. Collins to fight against Rape Culture.
Photograph taken by Megan Fischer

Today –Monday December 8th – in Ft. Collins, the decision on the Andre Alders case was made, allowing an alleged rapist to walk free. In response to the decision, an immediate protest took place organized by a few people who had been following…

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