
I helped buy .000667% of the US/Mexican border! For those of you curious what was in @cardsagainsthu

I helped buy .000667% of the US/Mexican border! For those of you curious what was in @cardsagainsthumanity’s holiday special… I have 14 more surprises coming! It also includes a letter from the law firm set up to protect and delay all attempts of acquisition of this property #cah #cardsagainsthumanity #Trump #haha #BuildTheWall

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The Masterful Mounted Border PatrolAmerica’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to saThe Masterful Mounted Border PatrolAmerica’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to saThe Masterful Mounted Border PatrolAmerica’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to saThe Masterful Mounted Border PatrolAmerica’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to saThe Masterful Mounted Border PatrolAmerica’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to saThe Masterful Mounted Border PatrolAmerica’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to saThe Masterful Mounted Border PatrolAmerica’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to saThe Masterful Mounted Border PatrolAmerica’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to sa

The Masterful Mounted Border Patrol

America’s elite guardian angel cowboys doing the dirty work to safeguard the southern border from the scoundrels beyond.

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3 concepts to understand the Mexican/American Border

Jesús Malverde - The literal patron saint of NARCO. Cartel culture is so ingrained in Mexican life that it is religious/spiritual. That mindset doesn’t just go away once crossing the border.

Reconquista- A political view believing in an inherent right to territory that was formerly belonging to Mexico in the U.S. Illegal aliens deliberately cross the border out of ideological entitlement.

Cuerpomatico - A crude and cruel colloquial joke referring to Cartel coyote’s and human traffickers who have migrants pay their way across the border with sex like a “body” (cuerpo) “ATM” (automatico, the word for an ATM in Mexico). The power vacuum of “open borders” ideology quite literally created the worst most systemic form of “rape culture” on earth, covered up by the very leftists who profess to advocate against it.

The only way to consistently control crime that is so ideologically indoctrinated is with infrastructure. Which is why the BORDER PATROL endorsed President Donald Trump for his Wall in 2016, and continue to do so now.

The cringey bAtMAn Is dA fAsH hot take has been done before, of course anything that doesn’t reek marxist overtones must be so, but one would be remiss for not noticing the parallels of rudimentary nationalism.

Even though Batman is seemingly the most “reality based” comic book character because of not having overt powers, the truth is Gotham City is a world unto its own where there is a power people can tap into … the triumph of the will.

Determination is a kind of realm that up until Batman was only really being exploited by the criminal element. Thomas Wayne technically made the attempt, but was literally shot down by the reigning influence of power being crime.

This is also where it is clear that Gotham IS a “paranormal” or “supernatural” place where characters like Penguin, Ra’s Al Ghul, and Clayface can exist. Once you accept that Gotham really is not “normal” and “reality based” as portrayed by the Nolan Trilogy, you can accept that nobody in Gotham is either, and tapping into that other worldliness can be done through hatred and insanity like Joker or passion and strength like Bruce Wayne.

To be “based” is about accepting the reality of the world and reflecting ones personal ideology in a way that is best suited for the preservation of ones people. Hence nationalism, and Gotham is Bruce Wayne’s “nation”. By “Court of Owl’s” lure, it is quite literally a city state. His “reactionary” nature hearkens back to a time when Gotham wasn’t corrupted by degeneracy. He seeks to drain the swamp.

He understands that the situation Gotham finds itself in is beyond the mainstream of simply “arresting criminals” because Gotham doesn’t just have a crime problem, it is in a state of war, where crime is an insurgency, and the custodial effort of the judicial process doesn’t work, because it doesn’t deal with the source of the issue.

If Gotham is a microcosm for society then “crime” is a metaphor for everything trying to tear it apart. The greedy, the degenerate, the bigoted, the zealots of opposing ideologies, and Batman is the symbol of fighting where the conflict stems from instead of attempting to regulate it, prosper from it, or cater to it.

Be a BatNat. Accept the world for its reality, and be unafraid to take on what is destroying your country.
