#national security

[ 香港人 ]到達不一樣的時代,有人說我們已二次回歸,亦有人說已是2047 - 香港正式成為中國的一個省市。 不同人、不同政見有自己的解讀,我是一個普通中間溫和的市民,即是人說的和理非,本身已經不喜歡[ 香港人 ]到達不一樣的時代,有人說我們已二次回歸,亦有人說已是2047 - 香港正式成為中國的一個省市。 不同人、不同政見有自己的解讀,我是一個普通中間溫和的市民,即是人說的和理非,本身已經不喜歡[ 香港人 ]到達不一樣的時代,有人說我們已二次回歸,亦有人說已是2047 - 香港正式成為中國的一個省市。 不同人、不同政見有自己的解讀,我是一個普通中間溫和的市民,即是人說的和理非,本身已經不喜歡[ 香港人 ]到達不一樣的時代,有人說我們已二次回歸,亦有人說已是2047 - 香港正式成為中國的一個省市。 不同人、不同政見有自己的解讀,我是一個普通中間溫和的市民,即是人說的和理非,本身已經不喜歡[ 香港人 ]到達不一樣的時代,有人說我們已二次回歸,亦有人說已是2047 - 香港正式成為中國的一個省市。 不同人、不同政見有自己的解讀,我是一個普通中間溫和的市民,即是人說的和理非,本身已經不喜歡

[ 香港人 ]

到達不一樣的時代,有人說我們已二次回歸,亦有人說已是2047 - 香港正式成為中國的一個省市。 

不同人、不同政見有自己的解讀,我是一個普通中間溫和的市民,即是人說的和理非,本身已經不喜歡理太多政治上的問題,這一年來看見香港的最緊張時刻,不得不關心政府領首的一舉一動。 回憶上年六月的時候,當這麼多人上街抗議的時候我其實在大嶼山、南丫島郊遊,隨後再關心一下才知道港府很明顯是讓中央慢慢加入少少又少少的權力,為什麼反對是錯的呢? 我們有權反對的,正如香港人屈服於地產領導、自由行旅遊經濟的社會,有人受得很苦,只是視而不想見才拖下去。 

國安法的原意我理解,但錯誤的是,反對的人原來永遠是在錯的一邊,也政府不必再去理會這一眾人。 更錯的是今年七月一日遊行不獲批,這個迅息讓所有和理非覺得也經已被打壓。 你可能說,你太誇張這樣的說法,不如去想像一下若國安法只是一個開始、一個破口,日後中央其實大可想加想改什麼都可以,政府和盲目支持的黨只會去同意,不是再高度自治之下,日後香港人慢慢被調較、什至被取代。 一堆疑問之下,我很迷惘,太突然了。

有人說,離開香港,算吧。  這個做法跟移民一樣,你放棄你是一個真正香港人的一個身份,你愛香港就更應該在2047之前跟所有香港人一齊行下去。 結果怎樣你亦是做過香港人。

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Not only is the NSA listening to private American phone calls and reading private American emails, but they’re actively lying about it.

Written by Glenn Greenwald for the Intercept:

Paul explained how the NSA routinely and deliberately spies on Americans’ communications — listens to their calls and reads their emails — without a judicial warrant of any kind:

The way it works is, the FISA court, through Section 702, wiretaps foreigners and then [NSA] listens to Americans. It is a backdoor search of Americans. And because they have so much data, they can tap — type Donald Trump into their vast resources of people they are tapping overseas, and they get all of his phone calls.

And so they did this to President Obama. They — 1,227 times eavesdrops on President Obama’s phone calls. Then they mask him. But here is the problem. And General Hayden said this the other day. He said even low-level employees can unmask the caller. That is probably what happened to Flynn.

They are not targeting Americans. They are targeting foreigners. But they are doing it purposefully to get to Americans.

Paul’s explanation is absolutely correct. That the NSA is empowered to spy on Americans’ communications without a warrant — in direct contravention of the core Fourth Amendment guarantee that “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause” — is the dirty little secret of the U.S. Surveillance State.

As I documented at the height of the controversy over the Snowden reporting, top government officials — including President Obama — constantly deceived (and still deceive) the public by falsely telling them that their communications cannot be monitored without a warrant. Responding to the furor created over the first set of Snowden reports about domestic spying, Obama sought to reassure Americans by telling Charlie Rose: “What I can say unequivocally is that if you are a U.S. person, the NSA cannot listen to your telephone calls … by law and by rule, and unless they … go to a court, and obtain a warrant, and seek probable cause.”

Read the entire article here.

3 concepts to understand the Mexican/American Border

Jesús Malverde - The literal patron saint of NARCO. Cartel culture is so ingrained in Mexican life that it is religious/spiritual. That mindset doesn’t just go away once crossing the border.

Reconquista- A political view believing in an inherent right to territory that was formerly belonging to Mexico in the U.S. Illegal aliens deliberately cross the border out of ideological entitlement.

Cuerpomatico - A crude and cruel colloquial joke referring to Cartel coyote’s and human traffickers who have migrants pay their way across the border with sex like a “body” (cuerpo) “ATM” (automatico, the word for an ATM in Mexico). The power vacuum of “open borders” ideology quite literally created the worst most systemic form of “rape culture” on earth, covered up by the very leftists who profess to advocate against it.

The only way to consistently control crime that is so ideologically indoctrinated is with infrastructure. Which is why the BORDER PATROL endorsed President Donald Trump for his Wall in 2016, and continue to do so now.

73 years ago today, America completely changed.President Truman signed the NATIONAL SECURITY ACT of

73 years ago today, America completely changed.

President Truman signed the NATIONAL SECURITY ACT of 1947 fundamentally reimagining, for better or worse, how the U.S. would carry out domestic and foreign policy in the wake of the second World War and the dawn of the Cold War (1).

Although ultimately a strategic necessity for the country’s new global status, this massive executive upheaval would also result in being an originating aspect to many contemporary issues in governance such as the “military industrial complex”, the “Deep State” and even “Fake news” (2) (3).


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It is the Federal Governments duty to restore and preserve law and order when state and municipal go

It is the Federal Governments duty to restore and preserve law and order when state and municipal governments fail to do so. 

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